IndianThe Eufaula Journal OKLAHOMA’S OLDEST NEWSPAPER, EST. 1876 EUFAULAINDIANJOURNAL.COM VOL 142, ISSUE 13 (usPs 261-620) – TWo secTions, 20 Pages – APRIL 1, 2021 $1.00 Council candidates field questions Slate of candidates in advance of April 6 election in city election City Council At-Large Long-time Eufaula resi- Incumbent: Jeffrey dent. Husband Randy Three no-shows Todd Warren, 52. Raised Gulley. Five children, 10 in Eufaula. Son of I.E. grandchildren, two great- JERRY FINK ning in your ward? answer is no. You can running for the council MANAGING EDITOR Warren of Eufaula and grandchildren. Director “Several people have vote for candidates in election, to be held April Vicki Schaff of Broken One question not asked me that,” Mayor other wards.” 6, attended the forum, of Strategic Initiatives at asked at the political fo- Arrow. Three children Post Acute Medical Spe- James Duty said a few Voters are not limited the purpose of which was and four grandchildren, rum held at the March days after the forum, to only voting for those to give the public the op- cialty Hospital of Tulsa. 23 at the Eufaula High three of whom attend Eu- Former business owner. which was sponsored by who are running for of- portunity to hear what faula schools. Construc- School was, can you only the Eufaula Area Cham- fice in their ward. the candidates had to say Jamie Upton, 44. Long- vote for candidates run- tion Supervisor of Turley time Eufaula resident. ber of Commerce. “The Not all six candidates about issues facing the Construction Co., McAl- city and to see how they Wife Arlinda Dowling ester. Upton, two children and performed under pres- Challenger: Brandon sure. two nephews. Employed F. Linstead, 39. Eufaula. at Muscogee (Creek) Na- Those who attended Hometown is Eufaula. included Duty, who is the tion Eufaula Dormitory Family - Charlotta Hef- as the Operations Coor- incumbent Ward 4 coun- ner, and two daughters. cil member; Evelyn Gul- dinator. A volunteer fire- Self-employed in Real man with Eufaula Fire ley, running for the Ward Estate Development, Real 3 currently held by Nick Department. Estate Management and City Council, Ward 4 Pendley who chose not owner of Gentle Giant to seek re-election; and Incumbent, Mayor Home Solutions retail James Duty. Raised in Brandon Linstead, who is store. running for the Council Henryetta, moved to Eu- STAFF | INDIAN JOURNAL City Council, Ward 3 faula in 1970. Wife Lin- Candidates, left to right, Evelyn Gulley, James Duty and Brandon Linstead answer questions at a politi- Evelyn Gulley, 61. cal forum sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. See FORUM, page A3 See CANDIDATES, page A2 Proposed law U.S. Attorney working hard endangers rural to prosecute stream schools of McGirt decision cases MUSKOGEE – The slaughters and six sexual Smith asks Senator United States Attorney’s abuse offenses involving to vote no Office for the Eastern minor victims. District of Oklahoma The Supreme Court Eufaula Public Schools announced Friday it has decision in McGirt v. Superintendent Jeanette filed 40 violent crime Oklahoma and the re- Smith has come out in Indian Country cas- cent Oklahoma Court of strongly against House es since the March 11, Criminal Appeals rul- Bill 2078. 2021, Oklahoma Court of ings in Bosse and Hogner The bill has passed the Criminal Appeals opin- held that Congress never House and is currently ions in Bosse v. Oklaho- disestablished the reser- under consideration by ma and Hogner v. Okla- vations of the Muscogee the State Senate. homa. (Creek) Nation, Chick- Smith said if the bill The cases include asaw Nation and the becomes law it could cost 22 murders, four man- See MCGIRT, page A9 the Eufaula school dis- trict hundreds of thou- sands of dollars, reduce the number of teachers Man who pled guilty to threatening parents and increase class sizes. “I have asked Sen. pleads guilty to violating parole (Roger) Thompson to vote no,” Smith said. A former Tiger Moun- dent, reportedly broke She agrees with the po- tain area resident who parole in January after sition taken by the Rural was arrested in June, 2019 pleading guilty in Sep- and Small-Town Round after allegedly threaten- tember, 2020 to a charge Table of Common Inter- ing to kill his mother and of feloniously pointing a ests, a recently formed father landed in trouble firearm and being given a advocacy group focusing again earlier this year. seven-year deferred sen- KAREN KIMMEL | COURTESY Charles Darin John- tence. See SCHOOLS, page A7 Another gorgeous sunset over Lake Eufaula. Taken Wednesday, March 24. son, 44, now a Tulsa resi- See JOHNSON, page A2 Hollywood re-discovers former Eufaula mayor Film industry bringing jobs to Oklahoma Former Mayor Selina- tually became involved in “It was a kind of random She was also worried Jayne Dornan, a 1975 politics. phone call out of the blue about having been out of graduate of Eufaula High In 2011 she was elected that threw me for a loop. the business for 15 years. School, spent 15 years in the first woman mayor of Michelle and I worked “I was afraid of not be- Hollywood as a makeup Eufaula. on films together in LA. ing up with new things artist in the motion pic- Ten years later, Holly- She said she was having in the business, but I fell ture industry, working wood called. trouble finding someone right back into it and had on such films as “Mulhol- In January she was (in Oklahoma City) to do a great time. I did beards land Drive” (2001) and contacted by make-up beards and she asked if I and other things.” “Air Force One” (1997). artist Michelle Garbin, a was interested.” In the movie business, In 2003 the Eufaula close associate from her She was. one thing often leads to native returned to her years in California. For three weeks she another. hometown, occasionally A film was being shot did makeup for Ameri- In this case, it led to a returning to the movie in Oklahoma City called can Underdog, which is TV series. capital for film work “American Underdog: the scheduled to be released “Michelle said a show but decided to make the Kurt Warner Story.” in December. called ‘Reservation Dogs’ move home permanent Garbin said they need- “It was something dif- was about to begin in in 2004. ed a make-up artist with ferent. I worried about Oklahoma and she asked Dornan opened the experience to work on the pandemic, but we me to be the Key Makeup COURTESY Merle Norman Cosmetic the film. were tested every Mon- Artist,” Dornan said. Selina Jayne-Dornan, center right, is among the crew applyng Studio, which she owned “And I came out of re- day, Wednesday and Fri- makeup to actor Chris Rhodes for the film “American Underdog: for nine years, and even- tirement,” Dornan said. day,” she said. See HOLLYWOOD, page A2 The Kurt Warner Story.” PAGE A2 • THE INDIAN JOURNAL • April 1, 2021 HOLLYWOOD JOHNSON from page 1 from page 1 U.S. Dramatic Audience recording scene in the Mary Sue Johnson, and Award. It also earned six production. District Judge Mike said “he would blow her nominations for the 2021 “Productions can save Hogan ordered Johnson head off.” Academy Awards for Best a lot of money if they to stay out of McIntosh On the same day he Picture, Best Director, come here,” Dornana and Okmulgee counties allegedly demanded to Best Original Screenplay, said. during his probation, but know where his father, Best Actor and Best sup- Another factor, she be- in January he reportedly Billy Johnson, was and porting Actress and Best lieves, is the COVID-19 entered McIntosh Coun- stated he was going to Original Score. pandemic. ty and caused damage at kill him. Academy Award win- “There are a lot of re- the home of a relative. The defendant report- ning director Martin strictions in California, Johnson was arrested edly lived across the road Scorsese is soon to start from what I understand,” on Jan. 15 and released from his parents in the filming “Killers of the she said. on a $1,000 bond. McIntosh County area of Flower Moon: The Osage Yet another inspiration On March 18 he pled Tiger Mountain. Murders and the Birth of to come to Oklahoma and guilty to violation of his Their postal address is the FBI” featuring Rob- film may be attributed to parole and his earlier Henryetta in Okmulgee ert De Niro, Leonardo the Oklahoma Film & TV sentence was accelerated. County. COURTESY DiCaprio and Jesse Ple- Academy (OFTA), which Associate District In a probable cause Selina Jayne-Dornan applies makeup to actor Skeet Ulrich for the mons. was formed in 2019 to de- Judge Brendon Bridges affidavit filed by investi- 1997 film “Touch,” featuring Christopher Walken and Bridget Fonda. With a budget of more velop a production ready sentenced Johnson to gating officer, McIntosh than $200 million, this workforce for the Okla- three non-consecutive County Deputy Sheriff Garbin won’t be in- who also directed the pi- could be the most ex- homa film and television weekends in the county Gregory Pelley, Mary volved in the show. lot episode, and Oscar- pensive films ever shot in industry. jail from Friday at 6 p.m. Johnson called the sher- Filming a production winning New Zealand Oklahoma. OFTA is located at the to Sunday at 6 p.m. on iff ’s office at about 6:30 that is a Native American filmmaker Taika Waititi “I submitted my re- Cox Convention Center the dates p.m. on June 3 and re- project and being shot (“JoJo Rabbit,” “What We sume to ‘Killers of the in Oklahoma City.
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