B NDINGS Vol. 31, No. 3 A Publication of New Ways Ministry Summer-Fall 2011 Bishops condemn NY marriage law, other Catholics celebrate By Joshua J. McElwee and justice.‖ riage, Family and Youth. Zoe Ryan In a sec- Advocates say the success of the law ond letter on in New York may show that the bishops, Ncronline.org the issue re- and other opponents of gay marriage, July 5, 2011 leased June will be fighting an uphill battle. 25, the New Attey noted that the vote in New For the U.S. bishops‘ conference, York bishops York, whose population of more than 19 it‘s a ―profoundly unjust law.‖ disputed the million is estimated to be 40 percent But Catholic gay and lesbian cou- argument that Catholic, ―shows that in a heavily Catho- ples say New York‘s passage of legisla- gay marriage lic state you can move forward with tion to allow same-sex marriage is recog- is a civil rights LGBT measures.‖ nition that their families are ―just like issue. ―As the song goes, if it can happen other families‖ across the country. ―Today‘s there, it can happen anywhere,‖ DeBer- The legislation, passed by a narrow debate focuses nardo said. 33-29 margin in the State Senate June on a small It would be one thing if the bill had 24, was signed into law that night by group of per- been passed by legislators only from New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a sons, whose New York City or only from upstate Catholic. Unless delayed by legal chal- human rights New York, DeBernardo said, but the fact lenges, it will take effect in late July. must always that it was passed by legislators from all New York would then become the be respected A couple joins thousands of marchers and spectators during over the state shows that there is support sixth state to permit same-sex marriage, and defended the 42nd annual Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender among different Americans. following Connecticut, Iowa, Massachu- by us all, but Pride Parade on Fifth Avenue in New York June 26. , 2011. For Casey Lopata, the focus is to setts, New Hampshire and Vermont, in who claim a have church officials understand the addition to the District of Columbia. civil right to redefine marriage for all of against such religious corporation, be- struggles — and successes — of gay Passage of the law sparked immedi- society based on a private and personal nevolent order, a not-for-profit corpora- families. Lopata and his wife, Mary ate disapproval from bishops across the preference,‖ the bishops wrote. tion operated, supervised or controlled Ellen, are cofounders of a Catholic sup- country. Phil Attey, executive director of by a religious corporation.‖ port group for parents of gay and lesbian The New York bishops released a Catholics for Equality, however, said The spokeswoman for the U.S. bish- children called Fortunate Families, which statement June 24 saying they were laws like the one passed in New York ops‘ conference told NCR that opposition offers counseling, retreats and days of ―deeply disappointed and troubled‖ at strengthen all fami- to gay marriage will reflection for parents of LGBT children. remain a ―high prior- approval of a bill that will ―alter radically lies, because deny- They started the group in 2004 after their ity‖ for the bishops. and forever humanity‘s historic under- ing rights to les- son came out as a gay man. standing of marriage.‖ bian, gay, bisexual ―The defense of the ―I think the best thing the bishops Writing on behalf of the U.S. bish- and transgender Special Issue: traditional under- could do, if they‘re willing to do it, is ops‘ conference in a press release June people rips families standing of marriage have listening sessions with parents of 28, Bishop Salvatore Cordileone of Oak- apart. Catholics is key to our under- LGBT daughters and sons, and gay and land, Calif., said the law would create Catholics for standing of a major lesbian people who are parents them- ―an institutional and cultural crisis with Equality identifies unit of society,‖ selves,‖ Lopata said. generational ramifications yet to be itself as a political and Mercy Sr. Mary Ann ―The bishops would see that these seen.‖ group and only Walsh said. ―[The are everyday people just like other ―As demonstrated in other states advocates for same- Marriage New York vote] just Catholics,‖ he said. ―They have to ex- where a marriage redefinition has oc- sex marriage in the makes it more impor- perience that these are true families, and curred, officials [in New York] will be in civil sector. Equality tant.‖ as much family as my wife and I and our a position to retaliate against those who A last-minute Referring to the fact family.‖ that New York‘s new continue to uphold … basic truths,‖ amendment to the The New York bishops noted in wrote Cordileone, who is the head of the New York law ex- law was passed their June 24 statement that they bishops‘ subcommittee for the promotion empts any clergy through the legisla- ―strongly uphold the Catholic church‘s and the defense of marriage. ―This is a members who decline to perform same- ture, and not voted on in a referendum, clear teaching that we always treat our mark of a profoundly unjust law.‖ sex weddings and any employee ―being Walsh also said passage of the law homosexual brothers and sisters with Francis DeBernardo, executive di- managed, directed or supervised by or in ―strengthens the resolve of the bishops‖ respect, dignity and love. rector of New Ways Ministry, a national conjunction with a religious corporation, to oppose gay marriage initiatives else- ―But we just as strongly affirm that gay Catholic organization, disagreed benevolent order or a not-for-profit cor- where. marriage is the joining of one man and with that sentiment. poration.‖ The bishops demonstrated that re- one woman in a lifelong, loving union New York‘s decision will not rede- It also says failure to provide same- solve at their June semiannual meeting in that is open to children, ordered for the fine the ―cornerstones of civilization,‖ sex ceremonies would not ―result in any Washington state, Walsh said, when they good of those children and the spouses DeBernardo said. ―It‘s very much in line state or local government action to penal- promoted Cordileone‘s committee from themselves.‖ with our civilization‘s recognition of ize, withhold benefits, or discriminate ad hoc committee to a subcommittee inside the bishops‘ Office of Laity, Mar- O’Malley, archbishop at odds over same-sex marriage, letters show By John Wagner low your role as the their religious faith supporters urged O‘Malley to play a Washingtonpost.com leader of our state to with the policy po- more visible role, and those calls grew August 8, 2011 be used in allowing sitions that they louder after Cuomo signed New York‘s the debate surround- advocate. bill. Two days before Maryland Gov. ing the definition of O‘Brien‘s letter At the July 22 news conference at Martin O‘Malley (D) announced plans to marriage to be de- also signals that the which O‘Malley announced his plans to sponsor a same-sex marriage bill, a termined by mere Catholic Church is sponsor a bill, he passed on several op- Catholic archbishop strongly urged that political expedi- gearing up for an- portunities to explain how his personal he reconsider the move, suggesting the ency. The people of other fight on the thinking has evolved on the issue. In- governor was acting out of ―mere politi- Maryland deserve issue in a state stead, he couched his support for same- cal expediency.‖ no less.‖ where the governor sex marriage largely in legal terms, as he Edwin F. O‘Brien, the archbishop of O‘Malley re- Governor Martin O’Malley and and both presiding did in his response to O‘Brien. Baltimore, said in a letter late last month sponded to O‘Brien Archbishop Edwin O’ Brien officers of the legis- ―I have concluded that discriminat- that sponsoring the bill would ―deeply on Thursday, citing a lature are Catholics. ing against individuals based on their conflict‖ with O‘Malley‘s Catholic faith litany of issues on which he shares the O‘Malley, who often attends week- sexual orientation in the context of civil and that he should resist pressure to do church‘s views. But, O‘Malley wrote, day Masses and has sent his four children marital rights is unjust,‖ O‘Malley wrote so after New York‘s recent legalization ―when shortcomings in our laws bring to Catholic schools, until recently advo- to the archbishop. ―I have also concluded of same-sex marriage. about a result that is unjust, I have a pub- cated civil unions as an alternative to that treating the children of families New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, lic obligation to try to change that injus- same-sex marriages. headed by same-sex couples with lesser another Democrat with a rising national tice.‖ During this year‘s legislative ses- protections under the law than the chil- profile, was widely credited with pushing Both letters were released Monday sion, he said he would sign a same-sex dren of families headed by heterosexual a gay-marriage bill through a divided by O‘Malley‘s office in response to me- marriage bill if it reached his desk, but parents, is also unjust.‖ state legislature. dia requests. The exchange lends fresh his advocacy for the measure was largely O‘Brien‘s appeal to O‘Malley was ―Maryland is not New York,‖ insight into the pressures that public offi- limited to private conversations.
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