Archaeologia Cantiana Vol. 130 - 2010 GENERAL INDEX Illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italics AS Anglo-Saxon Anderson, Trevor see Moody, Gerald BA Bronze Age Andrews, Dury and Herbert, map (1769) EIA Early Iron Age 231, 232 IA Iron Age Andrus, Francis Sedley, obituary 436 LBA Late Bronze Age Anglicus, Johannes 73 LIA Late Iron Age Anglo-Saxon/Saxon period MBA Middle Bronze Age Ashford 377, 378 RB Romano-British barrows and ring ditches 279, 283-4, WWI World War I 296, 303, 309 WWII World War II Canterbury, pit 356 Deptford area, inhumations 261 Ackolte, Thomas de 195 feasting utensil 356 Acol, barrows 290, 307, 311 Holmesdale, settlements 40 Addington Long Barrow 339, 341, 342, Minster, settlements 86 343, 344, 346, 347 Monkton 358 Adisham, barrows 307 Ringlemere, inhumations 363 Adye, Peter 130 settlement evidence 386-7 adze, Mesolithic 362 Shrubsoles Hill, settlement 85 agriculture (farming) see also Kingsborough Manor; Ash 381 pottery; sunken-featured buildings Canterbury 355, 356 animal bone Downs 36 cattle horn cores 382 Kingsborough, LBA/EIA 93, 100 horse 355 Monkton 358 sheep/goat 177, 336 Ramsgate, BA 336-7 sites Sevenoaks area 36-7, 42-3, 45, 47 Ashford 376, 378 aircraft debris, WWII 186 Canterbury 69, 70, 356 air defence, 20th-century 9-11, 13-14, Dover 198, 199, 203 19, 20 Greenwich 366 air raid shelters 16-17, 17, 25-6 Headcorn 176, 179 air raid warden posts 15, 16, 29 Kingsborough 88, 89 Albrincis, William de 195 Medway megaliths 348 Alchin, Thomas, miller 230 Ramsgate 164 Aldridge, Neil, ‘Investigations at a pre- Tonbridge 376 historic, Romano-British and early Appledore, on Gough map 388, 389, medieval site at Little New House 390, 391, 392 Farm, Headcorn’ 173-90 aqueduct, Leybourne Stream watermill Alford, Fanny (Frances) 248, 249 225, 229, 236, 239-43, 244 Alford, Henry, Dean of Canterbury Archaeology South-East 86, 382 247-58 archbishop’s palaces, on Gough map Allhallows, Shakespeare Pit 354 392, 393, 394 amber see beads Ash Amherst, Jeffrey 37, 46 Puma Power Plant 379-82 Anderida 293 workhouse 381 455 GENERAL INDEX Ashbee, Andrew, Snodland and District non-funerary mounds 281-2, 283, through Time, reviewed 419-20 303-5 Ashbee, Paul, obituary 433-6 pond- 279 Ashenbank Wood, Cobham 19, 29 population 294-6, 297 Ashford radiocarbon dating 283, 284, 298 cattle market 47 Shrubsoles Hill 85 Foster Road 376-9 skeletal material 295 on Gough map 388, 389, 390, 391, types of enclosures 281-3 392 Bayle, John 120 Willesborough 372-3 beads Atlas Wharf, BA wooden structures BA, amber spacer 90, 100 261 AS 363 Aubry, Bruce, William Cuffay Medway’s Beaker period 293, 296, 358, 359; see Black Chartist, reviewed 410-12 also pottery Austin, Rupert, and Sheila Sweetinburgh, Bean 22 ‘“My painted chamber” and other Bekesbourne, barrows 307, 312 rooms: Stephen Hulkes and the Belgic tribes 187 history of Calico House, Newnham’ Benenden 174 105-45 Berg, Mary, and Howard Jones, Norman axes, BA 261, 271 Churches in the Canterbury Dio- Ayleswade 187 cese, reviewed 403-4 Betsham 9, 10 Bacchus, David, ‘The medieval origins Betteshanger, barrows 309 of Phelip’s Lodge, Rochester, and Beult river 174, 385-7, 389 its later development’ 207-24 Bewl river 385-7 Barber, M.J., A Man of Many Parts. Birchington, barrows 288, 306, 307, Professor or Bishop? The Life of 310, 311, 312 Edward Nares 1762-1841, reviewed bird bone 356 420 Bishopsbourne, barrows 308 Barham, barrows 308 Black Charles manor 41 Barker-Benfield, B.C. (ed.), St August- Blackhall manor 41 ine’s Abbey, Canterbury, Corpus blacksmithing waste 200, 203 of British Medieval Library Cat- Blue Bell Hill, megaliths 339, 340, alogues 13, reviewed 401-2 342, 347 barrow cemeteries 284-6, 287, 288, Boclande, Robert de 196 291-2, 294, 297 Bodiam (Sussex) 174 super cemeteries 286, 289, 289 Borstal 10 barrow groups 284-6, 287, 288, 291-2 Bough Beech reservoir 57 barrows Bourne, Henry 121 Anglo-Saxon/Saxon 279, 283-4, 296, Bourne, John/James 122 309 Boys Hall, Sevington 378 disc- or saucer- 279 Brad tributary 39, 40 disposal of the dead 168-9 Bradbourne 42, 51, 53, 56, 58 distribution patterns of round barrows Brasted 53 277-313 Brasted Chart 45 henge- (henge-type monuments) Breeze, Andrew, note on the Celts and 281, 283, 297, 299-301 the River Beult 385-7 labour involved in cutting ring ditches The Brent 9 297-8 brewing and breweries Monkton, Neolithic/BA 358 Ash, brewery 381-2 Neolithic 279, 283, 358 Minster in Thanet 331 456 GENERAL INDEX brewing and breweries (cont.) burials Newnham, brew house 130, 137 beaker 281, 358 Sevenoaks 47, 50, 52 crouched 281, 283, 358 brickearth 38 Roman 261, 355 bricks and brickmaking AS/Saxon 261 carved panels 124, 125 Monkton 358 Greenwich 366 Ringlemere 363 Rochester, inscribed 215, 217, 221 Dartford, 7th-8th century 382 Roman 326, 330 Maidstone 370 Sevenoaks area 38-9, 42, 47, 48, 57 see also cemeteries; cremation burials Bridge, cremation urns 161, 162, 303 burnt flint mound, MBA 261, 263, 271-2 Brigges, Christopher 131 charcoal 269-71 Brindley, James 244, 245 radiocarbon dating 263, 265, 268-9, Broadstairs, barrows 169, 280, 288, 272 301, 303, 304, 305, 306-7 struck flint 261, 263, 267, 271 Brompton Bushel, John 381 Mid Kent College and Lower Lines Bynnee 393 363 Sally port, Royal School of Military Caen stone, cresset lamps 197, 198, Engineering 364 200-1 Bronze Age (Early, Middle, Late) Camden, Lord (Marquess) 43 Ash 380 Canterbury Ashford 376, 377, 378 prehistoric 355, 356 axes 261, 271 Roman 68-9 Brompton 364 shrine/mausoleum 355 Dartford 382 town wall 357 Deptford, Deals Gateway site 259- Anglo-Saxon 69, 356 75 medieval 69-71, 355, 356, 357 distribution patterns of round barrows post-medieval 71-2, 356, 357 277-313 animal bone 69, 70, 356 Dover 371 Augustine House, Rhodaus Town Greenwich Wharf, peat deposits 366 355-6 Lynsted, settlement 363 Barton Mill 230 Minster 86 Becket’s shrine 389 Monkton 358, 359 Cathedral Otford, burial ground 40 music 251-3 palstaves, MBA 85, 183, 358 restoration 255-6 population 293-6, 297 Christ Church Priory 355-6 Shrubsoles Hill 85 Christ Church University Sports Sutton, single farmsteads 293 Centre 356 trackways 261, 337 Church Lane 357 Willesborough 372 on Gough map 388, 389, 390, 391, see also barrows; burnt flint mound; 392, 393 cremation burials; Deptford; flint; Kings School, St Augustine’s Abbey Kingsborough Manor; pottery 356-7 brooches, AS 363 Longport conduit 356 Brooke, Francis 231 Old Dover Road 355 Brooksend, barrows 290, 306 quadrans novus 65-82 Bucklands, Dover, barrow 280, 303 St Mary’s Church, Northgate 357 building materials, Sevenoaks area 36, No.1 Westgate Grove 357 37-9, 42, 45 Wymer archive 354 457 GENERAL INDEX Canterbury Archaeological Trust 105, Coffin Stone 339, 341, 342, 346, 346, 191, 225, 355-6 347 Castle Hill see Folkestone coin hoards, Roman 85 castles, on Gough map 392-3 coins causewayed enclosures, Neolithic see Roman 173, 175, 176, 178, 185, 186, Kingsborough Manor 315, 329, 355 cemeteries medieval 363 BA burial ground 40 Coldrum Long Barrow 339, 341, 342, IA, inhumations 358 343, 343, 346, 347, 348 RB, cremations 337 Coldswood Farm, RB site 335, 337 AS Cold War, military and civil defences Cliffs End 96 3, 5, 26-8, 29 Minster 86 Connaught Barracks, Dover 371 medieval, Maidstone 370 corn driers (corn-drying ovens), Roman post-medieval, Canterbury 357 330, 373 see also barrow cemeteries countermine galleries 363 Chadborne, William, vicar 119 Crampton, Thomas 50 Charing, on Gough map 388, 390, 391, Crayford 10, 20, 354 392, 393 Cray river 25 charters, Dover 194-5 cremation burials Chartland 36, 40, 41, 42-3, 45 Neolithic, Medway megaliths 343 Chatham Dockyard 45, 363 BA Chaucer, Geoffrey 78 Deptford, LBA 262, 263-4, 265, Cheney, Sir Thomas 121 267-71, 273 Chestnuts chamber 339, 341, 342-3, Kingsborough 85, 90, 92, 99, 100 343, 344, 346, 347, 348 Monkton 358 Chevening 36, 42 Ramsgate, LBA 147-72 Chevening Park (Place) 43, 46 ring ditches 281, 283 Chiddingstone, Stonewall Park 354 IA and RB Chipstead 51, 53 Deptford area 261 bridge 39, 41 Headcorn cemeteries 175, 179, Chipstead Lake 56, 57 180, 181 Christian, Ewan, architect 255-6 Kingsborough 85, 93, 96 Church of England, Victorian 247-58 Monkton 358 churches and chapels cresset lamps, Caen stone 197, 198, Canterbury 356, 357 200-1 Maidstone, chapel 370 Crow, Edward, Faversham, A New Sevenoaks area 40, 52 History. Historical gleanings relat- civil defences, Thameside 1-33 ive to the town of Faversham and Claxfield Farm, Lynsted 363 parishes adjoining, reviewed 412- clay tobacco pipes 197 14 Cliffe, decoy site 19 currency bar, LIA 85 Cliffe Fort 6, 7, 10 Cliffs End Farm, nr Ramsgate 96 Dane Valley, barrows 290 ‘clunch’ 37, 362, 370 Darent river 24, 25, 36, 39, 40, 41, 43, Coalhouse Fort (Essex) 6, 7, 11, 21 57 Cobham crossings 39, 40, 41, 389, 391 Ashenbank Wood 19, 29 Darenth 15, 25 20th-century defences 9, 10, 13, 16, Dartford 18, 19, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29 air-raid shelters 14 Cobham Park, Cobham 368 East and West Hills 7, 9, 17 458 GENERAL INDEX Dartford (cont.) Douces Manor 231 on Gough map 388, 389, 390, 391, Dour valley 293 392 Dover Holy Trinity School, excavation 382- Castle 191, 192, 193, 194, 202, 203 3 Castle Hill Road 193-4 Lowfield Street drill hall 8 charters 194-5 military and civil defences 1-33 Connaught Barracks 371 Overy Street 15 20th-century defences 2 Vickers Factory 12, 19 on Gough map 388, 390, 391, 392 Wymer’s notebook 354 Laureston Place, Castle Hill 191-205 Dartford Heath 12, 19, 20, 27, 29 animal bone 198, 199, 203 Davington, church 118 blacksmithing waste 200, 203 Davington Priory, Benedictine nunnery boundary ditch (undated) 197, 202 118, 119-20, 121, 122 Caen stone cresset lamps 197, decontamination facilities 15, 16, 29 198, 200-1 deer park 42 clay pipes 197 Defence of Kent Project 1 fish bone 198, 203 Dekker, Elly see Linklater, Andrew iron key, medieval 198, 199, 200 Delaune, Col.
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