MIT's The Weather Oldest and Largest Today: Sunny, windy, 82°F (28°C) Tonight: Partly cloudy, 60°F (16°C) Newspaper Tomorrow: Sunny, 77°F (25°C) Details, Page 2 Volume 122, Number 39 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Friday, September 13, 2002 Pre-Rush Festivities Underway By Tania D. Das The MIT Panhellenic Associa- tion; the Interfraternity Council and the Living Group Council held Greek Week from Sept. 6 through 12, after several years of its absence. "This is a great start to bring all the Greek organizations closer together consideririg the less than impressive interaction between them in previous years," said IFC member Bruce Au '04. Through the week, all MIT stu- dents were able to learn more about fraternities, sororities, and indepen- dent living groups at MIT through competitive group events. Greek Week separate from Rush According to the MIT Rush Web site, Greek Week is a time for the community FSILGs at MIT to come together to learn about other mem- bers of the Greek community as well as pique the interest of non- affiliated students. However, Greek Week is not be confused with Rush. Joshua S. Yardley '04, the IFC Recruitment Chair, said that "[Greek Week's] primary purpose is to allow for opportunities for the FSILG com- Greek Week, Page 12 Coffeehouse ReduresOperating Hours Wilczek, Guth Win Awards By Dan Cho p.m. to 4:00 a.m. on Saturday and Back then, however, the Coffee- STAFF REPORTER Sunday. house was one of the only food ve~- For Physics Achievements Declining sales have forced the The reduction in hours marks the dors in the Student Center. In recent Student Center Coffeehouse, for- end of a long tradition of round-the- years, new stores and restaurants By Beckett W. Sterner MIT since 2000, before which he merly open 24 hours, to reduce its clock service for the Coffeehouse. have increasingly hurt the student- worked at both Princeton and Har- hours of operation. Victoria Davis '04, general manager run establishment's business. "The Professors of Physics Frank vard Universities. The Coffeehouse reopened for of the Coffeehouse, said that the admins were definitely notidng," Wilczek and Alan Guth '68 recently Notification of the award is sent the year this Monday on its new Coffeehouse has been open 24 Davis said. won awards marking them as lead- by mail to the winners, so the letter schedule, 4:00 p.m. to 4:00 a~m. hours since it first opened its doors ers in theoretical physics. Wilczek "sat on my desk" for a while, Mond~y through Fr,iday and 2:00 in the 1970s. Coffeehouse, Page 18 won the Lorentz Medal for his work Wilczek said, "since I was away for in particle physics, and Guth won the summer. My secretary didn't the Dirac Medal for his research think it was important." into the expansion of the early uni- The statement from the Royal verse. Netherlands Academy cites The Lorentz Medal in physics is Wilczek's pioneering work in quan- awarded every four years by the tum chromodynamics (QCD) and Royal Netherlands Acade~y of Arts study in two-dimensional gases in and Sciences. The prize has a presti- semiconductors as Wilczek's most gious history with past winners important research. QCD concerns including Max Planck and Wolf- the dynamics of the strong nuclear gang Pauli, both of whom later won force, and Wilczek's work in specif- the Nobel Prize in Physics. The ic developed the idea of "asymptotic award is in honor of Hendrik freedom," where the attractive force Antoon Lorentz who won the Nobel between nearby quarks begins at Prize in 1902 along with Pieter Zee- zero and increases rapidly as they man. move farther apart. Also in the field of physics, the He used this idea to explore cir- Dirac Medal, named after the physi- cumstances at high temperatures or cist Paul Dirac, is awarded each densities where one might actually year on Aug. 8. This year the award detect individual quarks not in a • is shared by three people: Professor nucleus. One application at high Guth, Andre Linde at Stanford Uni- densities is the behavior of matter versity, and Paul Steinhardt at within massive neutron stars, once Princeton University. again putting particle physics in exotic places. NINA KSHETRY Wilczek wins for particle research Echoing the Academy, Director The Coffeehouse reopened Monday after roiling back Its 24-hour service because of a lack of customers Wilczek has been the Herman during daytime hours. It may return to Its original schedule If business is successful this year. Feshbach Professor of Physics at Physics Prizes, Page 10 Communi- Comics OPINION World & Nation 2 ties rem em- J.n. Zamfirescu asks readers to Opinion 4 ber Sept. 11, look ,at prejudice from the other Events Calendar 7 2001. side of the table. On the Town 8 Sports 20 Page 11 Page 6 , Page 5 Page 2 THE TECH September 13,2002 WORLD & NATION Greenspan Urges Congress President Bush Orders Quick To Adopt Discipline HIE WASmNGTON POST WASHINGTON Action from United Nations Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan on Thursday urged Congress to take steps to restore discipline in dealing with the federal By Ken Fireman honored and enforced, or cast aside State Colin Powell would begin the budget as it drops deeply into the red, but he said he opposes post- NEWSDAY without consequence? Will the process of crafting such an approach UNITED NA llONS poning or eliminating the parts of last year's $1.35 trillion tax cut that United Nations serve the purpose of Friday in meetings with diplomats haven't yet become effective. Saddam Hussein poses a "grave its founding, or will it be irrele- from France, Britain, Russia and "Returning to a fiscal climate of continuous large deficits would and gathering danger" to world vant?" China. Those countries, along with risk returning to an era of high interest rates, low levels of investment peace, and the United Nations must The president indicated a will- the United States, are the permanent and slower growth of productivity," Greenspan told the House Bud- act quickly to blunt the threat or risk ingness to work with other members members of the Security Council get Committee. receding into irrelevance, President of the U.N. Security Council on a and can veto any resolution. After several years of large surpluses, the budget deficit for the Bush told the world body Thursday. new approach to Iraq but did not Thus far, only the British have fiscal year ending this month is projected to be about $157 billion, In a speech that amounted to an offer a specific proposal. A senior expressed unqualified support for according to the Congressional Budget Office. The office said the ultimatum to both the Iraqi leader administration official said after- the U.S. position on Iraq, and many swing to deficit is the result of several factors, including last year's and the United Nations, Bush ward that Bush refrained from doing countries have voiced concern about tax cut, the plunge in stock prices that reduced tax payments tied to demanded that Hussein immediately so in order to give U.S. diplomats a the administration's not-so-veiled capital gains and stock option profits, last year's recession, and give up his quest for nuclear clear field for negotiating with other threats to topple Hussein through spending increases linked to the war on terrorism. weapons, end all support for terror- Security Council members in the military means. Shortly before Bush The major drop in stock prices, the terrorist attacks of last Sep- ism, and cease mistreating his ethnic days ahead. spoke, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi tember and "a sharp retrenchment in investment spending" have all minorities. However, another administration Annan SM '72 delivered a pointed hurt the U.S. economy over the past year, the Fed chairman said. In addition, the president warned official said any new Security Coun- warning to Washington not to act "To date, the economy appears to have withstood this set of blows the United Nations that it must now cil action must contain three key unilaterally, saying that "even the well, although the depressing effects still linger and continue to influ- back up its long-unfulfilled demands elements to win u.S. support: a most powerful states" must work ence, in particular, the federal budget outlook," Greenspan said. for Iraqi disarmament with firm highly specific list of demands that with others to achieve their aims. enforcement mechanisms - or get Iraq must meet, a timetable for com- "There is no substitute for the out of the way and let the United pliance consisting of "days and unique legitimacy provided by the Captured al-Qaida Operative States call Hussein to account by weeks but not months," and a clear United Nations," he said. itself, presumably through military statement of the consequences After Bush spoke, there were Details Bomb Plots means. should Hussein fail to comply. signs that his address may have 1.05 ANGELES TIMES "The conduct of the Iraqi regime The administration is willing to shifted opinion in Washington's JAKARTA is a threat to the authority of the discuss reinserting U.N. weapons direction. Denmark, which currently A key al-Qaida operative in Southeast Asia arrested here three United Nations and a threat to monitors in Iraq - but only under holds the rotating presidency of the months ago has provided detailed information about bomb plots peace," Bush told the U.N. General rigorous rules that would prevent European Union, expressed praise against U.S. embassies in Asia, prompting heightened security this Assembly.
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