If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. -----.--- -- --- - . -, {I'- " ';;'-~~'~~~~"".---- I.'T ~morilimalmosf ··always in­ l/olvesYiolence. ~ .' But the urban gu~rdlfa can .ti~e almost any ac:tiv­ ity ... thaUS' desIgned to disrupt __.... .....:fheJunctioningof government or By he I~stablishmeht/o'" . THOMAS J.DEAKIN Spaded Agent .. F~derl\ll BUl'ea~.· of InvestigCltfon .' .' Washington, Pi.C. T he influence of urban guerrilla of this genre of revolutionary activity day's political world, urban guerrilla theories developed in other countries as it is practiced here and illuminates warfare can be defined as criminal during the past several decades on some of the dilemmas encountered by conduct for revolutionary purposes. would-be terrorists in the United the urban guerrilla in the United Terrorism, on the other hand, is usu­ States is consiclelclble. To understand States. ally violent criminal activity designed to intimidate for political purposeiJ. the development of urban guerrilla Such an examination requires, first, The distinction is in goals sought, and activity in this country, it is neces­ a definition of terms, although the only sometimes in methods used. The sary to examine its historical and media uses "terrorist," "urban guer- guerrilla is working toward revolu­ geographic antecedents. This examina­ rilla," and "revolutionary" almost tion. The terrorist acts to focus att.en­ tion helps focus on the peculiar nature interchangeably. In the context of to- tion on a particular grievance. r-~~~~~~"~~""~"~"" ____ iL-. October 1974 MICROFICHE A word on the distinction between urban and rural guerrillas: While the difference would appear to be simply geographic, there exists an argument /THE URBAN GUERRILLA between proponents of the two types of guerrilla warfare. Part of this dispute THEORY OF REVOLUTION lies rooted in interpretations oJ Marx­ ist theory and it has not affected ad­ vocates of guerrilla warfare in this country nearly so much as have the praetical considerations that (1) power of all types-governmental, political, economic-lies primarily in ';:URBAN America's urban centers, and (2) most of those who have become guer­ '(;UERRILLA rillas in the United States are indi­ viduals with urban backgrounds. They FOCO' would be "fish out of the sea" operat­ ing in a rural area. Rural communes have been usp-d as guerrilla hideouts in this country, particularly by New Left-type revolutionaries, but these rural commune dwellers Itave not guerrilla has a strategy for revolu· enous assistance, for funds. The politi· mounted their guerrilla operations in tion ...." 1 The matter of violence is cal terrorist is often involved in third rural areas. sometimes of assistance in delineating country operations, is not physically While the primary difference be­ terrorism and urban guerrilla warfare. present in his ultimate target country, tween the terrorist and the guerrilla is Terrorism almost always involves and often receives support from still in the accomplishment sought-over­ violence; bombings, assassinations, other countries or individuals sym· throw of the government in the case kidnapings, and airplane hijackings pathetic to his aims. of the guerrilla or a more limited poli­ all involve force or the threat of force. Dr. Stefan T. Possony, however, tical goal, such as discouraging sup­ But the urban guerrilla can use almost would include urban guerrilla warfare port for Israel by aLtacking targets be­ any activity, violent or not, that is as defined here within an overall con· lieved supportive of Israel on the part designed to disrupt the functioning of cept of "strategic terrorism" on the of the Arab terrorist-the distinction government or the "establi1"hment." part of revolutionaries aiming to de­ is sometimes confuscd when urban The tactic of supporting revolutionary feat a hostile state. Private terrorism guerrillas use indiscriminate terror as activity through expropriation has is then differentiated as criminality.2 a tactic. Bombings are historically the heen used as justification by some Dr. Possony later notes that there are most common instrument of the ter­ Weatherman types in this country for distinct forms of strategic terrorism­ rorist, as the unsuspected bomb, various frauds involving traveler's described in this article as urban guer­ especially when used agdnst civilians, checks and stolen credit cards. With­ rilla warfare and political terrorism­ is well calculated to instiil fear. Wit. out violence, the "establishment" is and that the planner needs a typology ness the worldwide letter bomh still disrupted-through "ripoffs." of the distinct forms in order to coun­ campaign against Israeli olIicials and The expropriation tactic itself may ter them. sympathizers that followed the XX serve to indicate whether terrorism or Olympiad, and then the letler homb urban guerrilla activity is involved. Urban Guerrilla Activity in the campaign directed against British The urban guerrilla must be indig­ United States establishments, part of the Northern enous to create a revolution. But his Ireland situation. tactics are not those of the orthodox While this country has not seen Rohert Moss, who has written ex­ Marxist revolutionary, thus he does sustained or unified urban guerrilla tensively on the topin of urban guer· not receive financial support from activity on the scale of the Tupamaros rilla warfare, put it succi nctly: "The Marxist countries and must rely on of Uruguay, nonetheless there have terrorist has a political tool; the urban expropriation, or other usually in dig- been a significant number of attacks 20 FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin on police, bombings, and expropria­ claimed bombings directed against guish itself from the Cleaver fol­ tions by revolutionaries of this type in the "establishment." In 1974, the lowers, emphasized political activity the past 3 years. Two primary move­ Weatherman group claimed bombings rather than revolution now, while, in ments have been involved in these in San Francisco and Los Angeles. the Panther publication Babylon (No­ .... activities-the Weatherman-type rev­ But this half of the guerrilla move- vember 1-l'1, 1971), Eldridge Cleaver olutionary of the New Left and the ment in this country remained: asserted: Panther-type black extremist. "structurally fragmented, decen­ "the absolute right of the Afro­ The Weatherman group grew out of tralized, loosely organized, with American people to take up arms the Students for a Democratic Society little direct leadership. Among and wage war against their op­ (SDS) , itself reorganized in 1962 at its components (were) the orig­ pressor . by taking the ini· the heighto£ student civil rights ac­ in i! Weatherman elements, bol­ tiative and actually attacking the tivity in the South. Involved in the stered by occasional recruits. pigs (police) with guns, and early stages of the antiwar movement, Then there (were) Weather­ killing them." the organization began moving to­ man-type individuals and groups ward a violent revolutionary posture The primary vehicle for Panther not organically linked with the urban guerrilla activity has been the in 1967. An SDS member was con-: Weatherman but allied in mood vic-ted of attempting to bomb ROTC Mro-American Liberation Army, bet­ and motivation." 4 fae ilities and another was charged ter known as the Black Liberation with sabotage in dynamiting power New Left-type guerrilla warfan. in Army. The public activities of this transmission lines. An SDS faction, the United States is seen as part of a group began on May 19, 1971, when calling itself the Weatherman ("You "clearly discernible trend" in the two New York City police offi<:ers, don't need a weatherman to know world. Edmund Demaitre described pursuing an apparent traffic violator, which way the wind blows" was a line the phenomenon of: were wounded in a hail of machine­ in a then-popular song), split {rom gun bullets. Two days later, another "highly educated, occasionally I the parent group in 1969 over the two New Yor , policemen were shot highly gifted, middle class and and killed by black assailants. Letters advocacy of revolutionary violence. upper-middle.c1ass intellectuals In February 1970, the Weatherman to the news media, signed "Black slowly succumbing to a revo­ Liberation Army," claimed credit for group closed its national office in Chi­ lutionary mystique that indtes cago, discontinued its newspaper, and these attacks. them not only to condone vio­ Since then, the Black Liberation went underground into collectives and lence as a means of political communes. The group's strategy was Army has been linked to a continuing struggle but also to participate series of attacks on police-2 officers proclaimed in a letter to the press, personally in terrorist ac­ received on May 21, 1970: were killed and. 17 were wounded in tions ...." 5 1973 shoot-outs alone-in addition "Now we are adapting the classic Indeed, the first Tupamaro manifesto, to other urban guerrilla actions, par­ guerrilla strategy of the Vietcong issued in 1965, justified a Montevideo ticularly armed expropriations. Scores and the urban guerrilla strategy bombing as a protest against U.S. of weapons, including machineguns of the Tupamaros to our own involvement in Vietnam. and hand grenades, have been seized situation. " 3 The other half of the urban guer­ from Black Liberation Army arsenals. A series of bombings followed, rilla movement in this country is the The organization was described in claimed by the Weatherman group Panther-type black l'evolutionary­ the February 29, 1972, issue of the in letters or calls to the news media, also a fragmented and loosely orga­ newspaper Right On! : including the March 1, 1971, bombing nized movement. In February 1971, "The purpose of the Black of the U.S. Capitol Building and the the Black Panther Party split into two Liberation Army is the same as May 19, 1972, bombing of the Penta­ factions, one headed by Minister of that of the Tupamaros in Uru­ gon. Other groups with revolutionary Defense Huey P.
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