Tuesday, March 31, 1953 i'v-.■.-'■■L A">«: Bkw;': ■ Acc. ’ THE parliamentary d e b a t h s (P art I— Questions and Answers) OFFICIAL REPORT 1590 11589 Shri B. K. Das: Is it a fact that in HOUSE OF THE PEOPLE one of the camps near Naini Tal, the Tuesday, 31st March, 1953 Mohanpur Tarai Camp, the area is barren and unfit for cultivation and that drinking water is available only at a distance of 6 miles? The House met at Tico of the Clock. Shri A, P. Jain: Allegations to that ;[Mr. Deputy-Speaker in the Chair] effect have been made but I could not verify them. On the whole i the land MEMBER SWORN in Tarai is very fertile. Thakur Jugal Kishore Sinha (Muzaffer- Shri B. K. Das: Is it a fact that pifr North-West). families are given, irrespective of the number of the members, a maxunum amount of Rs. 25 each family. ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Shri A. P. Jain: No. That is not so. The maximum allowance and doles Settlem ent of East Bengal Displaced go \ip to Rs. 60 per familj'. Persons in ]arai Land (U. P.) Shri B. K. Das: Are they given the *1090. Shri B. K. Das: (a) W ill the usual doles of Rs. 12 and Rs. 8 which Minister of Rehabilitation be pleased are fixed for adults and non-adults? to state how many East Bengal dis­ placed families have so far been settled Shri A. P. Jain: That is so, but sub­ in the Tarai land in U P . under the ject to a maximum of Rs. 60. jute-growing scheme? Shrimati Renu Chakravartty: May I (b) How many of them were sent know if the reclamation assistance has -there during the year 1952? also been given to these people? (c) What rehabilitation benefits Shri A. P. Jain: Yes. Rs. 440 are liave been given to them? spent on the reclamation. The Minister of Rehabilitation Shri T. K. Chaudhuri: M ^ I know -<Shri A. P. Jain): (a) 500 families. how many jute crop sowing seasons have elapsed since these famiues went (b) 283 families. there and what is the success so far achieved in the matter of lute cultiva­ (c) 7 to 8 acres of land and a loan tion by these refugee families? o f Rs. 2,240 to a family. ^ Shri A, P, Jain: These families went Shri B. K, Das: Out of the 500 ' in 1951, and they have been there^nce, families that were sent there, how partly sowing jute and partly paoay. T^many families have come away from that place? Lx)a n b y W orld Bank to the I n d ia n Shri A. P. Jatn: 83. ^ I ron an d Steel C o m pa ny Shri B. K. Das: What were the difft- ■culties on account of which they have •1091. Dr. Ram Subhag Singh: Win the Minister of Finance be pleased to •come away? state whether it is a fact that the Shri A. P. Jain: It is difficult to say World Bank, which has granted a loan usAat were the particular difficulties. to the Indian Iron and Steel Company 417 families continue to remain there; has also asked them to issue bonds to probably these people did not like the the extent they drew on the Bank to place or they' could not put in suffi­ meet their requirements of foreiga ciently hard work. exchange from time to time? 128 PSD. 1591 Oral Answers 31 MARCH 1953 Oral Answers 1592 The Parliamentary Secretary to the Dr. Ram Subhag Singh: May I know Blinister of Finance (Shri B. R. whether the loan granted by the World Bhagat): Yes, Sir. Under the terms Bank to the Indian Iron and Steel of the Loan Agreement between the Company would meet the total capital World Bank and the Indian Iron and expenditure of that company or not? Steel Company, the Comoanv has to cxecute and deliver, if the Bank so Shri B. R. Bhagat: It is not rele­ desires. Bonds to the extent of the vant to the question. The question amount it withdraws from the loan relates only to the bond. ; account. Dr. Ram Subhag Singh: What parti­ N a t io n a l A r t T reasure F und cular feature of this Iron and Steel Company has led the World Bank to authorize the Company to issue bonds *1092. Shri S. C. Samanta: (a) W ill to meet their foreign exchange require­ the Minister of Education be pleased ments? to state whether the sum sanctioned to National Art Treasure Fund for the Shri B. R. Bhagat: The provision for acquisition of Art Objects in 1951-52 bonds is a normal feature of all World has been fully spent? Bank loans. Similar provision exists in other agreements for loans taken (b) How much was allotted for this from the World Bank by the Govern­ purpose in 1952-53 and how much out ment of India. of this has been spent so far? Dr. Ram Subhag Singh: May I know (c) How many paintings and whether these bonds would be taken sketches have been acquired in 1952? up by Indian investors only or by foreign .investors also? The Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Scientific Research Shri B. R. Bhagat: As I said it is a (Shri K. D. Malaviya): (a) No, Sir. normal feature of all loans granted by the World Bank. (b) A sum of Rs. 18,600 has been Mr. Depuly-Speaker: The hon. contributed by the Government of Member wants to know whether the India to the National Art Treasures bonds are to be delivered by Indian Fund but nothing has been ir-pent Investors only or by foreign investors far out of this amount also. (c) None. Shri B. R. Bhagat: It will be issued to the World Bank. ^ W ^ T5C ^ H'sf) ^ ^ p 1% ^ ? ^ rrfw ^ f + % fV/iJ I ^ ‘ ^ ^0 vft I ^0 ^ ^ I- ^ ^ WT t ? ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I ^ ^ ^ ^ iT<s|rfcl fip T T ^ «ft «fto gnro ^ I I 3 fk t I ^ ^ ^ ^3fmr I Dr. Jaisoorya: What happens if ^ n+)i|T 'SncTT ^ ^ «!'>»<<i' these bonds are not redeemed? Shri B. R. Bhagat: So far no bond has been asked for and no bond has been delivered. Hence the yuestion Prof. D. C. Sharma: May I know if does not arise. some of the rare paintings of the Kangra School will be purchased? Dr. Jaisoorya: Supposing they are not redeemed, what happens? Sfiiri K. D. ’ Malaviya: That is suggestion and I would request the- Shri B. R. Bhagat: It is a hypotheti­ hon. Member to pass on the suggestiom cal question. to me. *59 3 Oral Answers 31 MARCH 1953 Oral Answers 1594- Shri S. N. Das: May I know the ^ ^ ^ extent of the contributions made to this fund by the various State Gjvern- # qr ^ ^ ? roents? sft %o ^ ^ Shri K. D. Malaviya: Various States have contributed to the fund duiing ^ ^ H+df ^ ^ 3TT^ the last 2 or 3 years. ^ ^ 3fk ^ In 1950-51 the contribution fnDm the States was Rs, 16.000 and the Govern­ ^ I ment of India’s contribution was Rs. 25.000. In 1951-52 the States contri­ buted Rs, 12,500 and the Government f5WT of India’s contribution was Rs. 11,500. In 1952-53, the States contribution ^ qwo TT^O : was Rs. 17.000 and the Government of India’s contribution was Rs. 18,600. Shri Ragrhuramaiah: May I 'know (ep) what is the machinery contemplated by the Government for the purpose of f%qr T O fe r r ^ spending the fund and for the purpose of getting the objects of Art? ^ Shri K. D. Malaviya: It is the Pur­ chase Committee under the Govern­ ( ^ ) ^ ^ ment of India which considers aU the proposals that come and make pur­ ^ ^ f k m ^FPhFT ? chases. The Deputy Minister of Natural Shri V. P. Nayar: May I know whe­ Resources and Scientific' Research ther out of this fund any money has (Shri K. D. Malaviya): (a) Attention b»^en spent for getting back oar Pea­ of the hon. Member is invited to tne cock throne? Chapter on Education in the final re­ port of the Planning Commission. Shri K. D. Malaviya: As I said noth­ ing has been spent so far from this (b) One of the schemes under the fund. There is a seoarate Budget Five Year Educational Plan, is meant provision and from that provision pur­ to work out the whole idea of Basic chases are made of objects of art. Education from the Primary to Post­ Graduate (training) level,' to develop suitable methods and techhiques of ^ ^ work experimentally and, by associat­ ing with it a programme of Social Education, to study its total impact • ^ W TT ^ fe lT ^ % on the life of the local community. Grants have also been given to th'e aAr f e u w t ^ ^ ^vhwai State Governments for the improve­ ment of primary and basic schools. I ? The question of giving financial as­ sistance to States for their pro­ grammes Of the expansion of Basic Education is under consideration. ^ ^ I O' ^ ^ ^ «ft tJHo q5?yo f g ^ : ^ # I i ¥To ’BiyjT: irn r^ ^ ^ anrnr % ^ w % Rl^*1 ^ I I ^ 3 ]^ ^PTT ^ ^ ^ ^ sq^fTT pn I |3TT t ^ fSTT t ? . fO T w t ^ jt o ^ f I ^ ^ ^TPT ^ i w r 1595 Oral Answers 31 MARCH 1953 Oral Answers I59« ? ^ 3fh: % in© 2ftlRT t ezTR f e w 11 strW? ^ ^ ? n ^ \ 9ik ^ f ^ 3nft ^ ^ ^ ' f^M I =^7^^f^^2T^cnTT*T ^V.HR ^ wr ^qr | ? ^TTfw 1 31^ # ^ WK^Ri ^ qr^ ^ t I ^ 13flT w ^ Shri T.
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