CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE U.S. 1475 WASHINGTON (WDC) Norton Rd., Potomac, 20854. Tel: 301-299-0806; Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring, 20903. Tel: 301- [1200]—Society of the Divine Savior (Milwaukee, WI)— Fax: 301-299-0809. 445-7970; Fax: 301-422-5400. S.D.S. ROCKVILLE,MD. Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Saint Luke Institute, Inc., 8901 New Hampshire [0420]—Society of the Divine Word—S.V.D. Women, 520 Veirs Mill Rd., Rockville, 20852. Tel: Ave., Silver Spring, 20903. Tel: 301-445-7970; Fax: [1290]—Society of the Priests of Saint Sulpice—S.S. 301-424-5550; Fax: 301-424-5579. Rev. Msgr. Rob- 301-422-5400; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. [0640]—Sons of the Holy Family—S.F. ert G. Amey, V.F., Moderator & Spiritual Dir.; sli.org. Rev. David Songy, O.F.M.Cap., S.T.D., Psy. [0700]—St. Joseph Society of the Sacred Heart—S.S.J. Ellen-Jane Pairo, Pres. D., Pres.; Taryn Millar, Psy.D., COO. The Institute [0560]—Third Order Regular of Saint Francis (Prov. of Avondale Park Apartments, Inc. (1997) c/o Victory provides education and research and is an accred- the Immaculate Conception)—T.O.R. Housing, 11400 Rockville Pike, Ste. 505, Rockville, ited treatment center for clergy and religious. Bed RELIGIOUS INSTITUTES OF WOMEN 20852. Tel: 301-493-6000; Fax: 301-493-9788; Capacity 54; Tot Asst. Annually 547; Total Staff REPRESENTED IN THE ARCHDIOCESE Email: [email protected]; Web: www. 64. [0100]—Adorers of the Blood of Christ—A.S.C. victoryhousing.org. Lumen Catechetical Consultants, Inc. (1982) P.O. [0340]—Carmelite Sisters of Charity—C.C.V. National Christ Child Society, Inc. (1887) 6110 Box 1761, Silver Spring, 20915. Tel: 301-593-1066; []—Congregation of the Daughters of Mary Executive Blvd., Ste. 504, Rockville, 20852. Tel: Tel: 800-473-7980; Fax: 301-593-1689; Email: Immaculate—D.M.I. 800-814-2149; Email: office@nationalchristchild. [email protected]; Web: lifeaftersunday. [3832]—Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph org; Web: www.nationalchristchild.org. Mrs. Caro- com. Mr. John M. Capobianco, Pres. Provides Con- (Baden, PA)—C.S.J. lyn Pumphrey, Exec. Dir. A national nonprofit or- sulting & Production Services to Catholic Organi- [1920]—Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Cross— ganization with 44 affiliate chapters consisting of zations; Assist in Development and Production of C.S.C. nearly 6,000 member volunteers serving under- Catechetical Materials in Various Media. Pub- [0760]—Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul— resourced children across the United States lishes "Life After Sunday.". D.C. through educational and clothing programs. MIA-USA Fundraising Inc., 8380 Colesville Rd., Ste. []—Daughters of Divine Love—D.D.L. Rosaria Communities Foundation, Inc., 15400 300, Silver Spring, 20910-6264. []—Daughters of Mary (India)—D.M. Calhoun Dr., Ste. 125, Rockville, 20855. Sisters of Mercy of the Americas CCASA Community, []—Daughters of Mary Mother of Mercy—D.M.M.M. Victory Court, Inc., 11400 Rockville Pike, Ste. 505, Inc., 8380 Colesville Rd., Ste. 300, Silver Spring, []—Daughters of St. Anne—F.S.A. Rockville, 20852. Tel: 301-493-6000; Fax: 301-493- 20910. Tel: 301-587-0423; Fax: 301-587-0533. [0420]—Discalced Carmelite Nuns—O.C.D. 9788. U.S. Good Shepherd Conference, a Corporation [1070-03]—Dominican Sisters (Sinsinawa, WI)—O.P. Victory Crest, Inc., c/o Victory Housing, Inc., 11400 National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the [1100]—Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Rockville Pike, Ste. 505, Rockville, 20852. Tel: 301- Good Shepherd.504 Hexton Hill Rd., Silver Spring, Presentation of the Blessed Virgin—O.P. 493-6000; Fax: 301-493-9788; Email: 20904. Tel: 301-622-6838; Fax: 301-384-1025; []—Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the [email protected]; Web: www. Email: [email protected]; Web: www. Eucharist—O.P. victoryhousing.org. Mr. James A. Brown Jr., Pres. gsadvocacy.org. Lawrence Couch, Dir. []—Dominican Sisters of Our Lady of the Rosary of & CEO; John D. Spencer, Senior Vice Pres. SPRINGFIELD,VA. St. Francis de Sales Association, Fatima—O.P. Victory Lakeside, Inc., 11400 Rockville Pike, Ste. 8002 Gosport Ln., Springfield, VA 22151-2007. Tel: [1470]—Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph—H.F.S.J. 505, Rockville, 20852. Tel: 301-493-6000; Fax: 301- 703-321-7856; Fax: 703-321-3032. Brenda Soares, [1190]—Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement—S.A. 493-9788. Directress of the Washington Group, 8002 Gosport [0793]—Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus—H.H.C.J. Victory Oaks, Inc., 11400 Rockville Pike, Ste. 505, Ln., Springfield, VA 22151-2007. Tel: 703-321- [0410]—Institute of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mt. Rockville, 20852. Tel: 301-493-6000; Fax: 301-493- 7856; Email: [email protected]. Carmel—O.Carm. 9788. WEST HYATTSVILLE,MD. Catholic Apostolate Center, []—Institute Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of SILVER SPRING, MD. The Blue Army, Archdiocese of Inc., 2009 Van Buren St., West Hyattsville, 20782. Matara—S.S.V.M. Washington Division World Apostolate of Tel: 301-448-1880; Fax: 301-448-1890. [2340]—Little Sisters of the Poor—L.S.P. FatimaP.O. Box 4934, Silver Spring, 20914. Tel: RELIGIOUS INSTITUTES OF MEN REPRESENTED [2345]—Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus 301-589-7829. Mrs. Jane Baily, Pres.; Rev. Msgr. IN THE ARCHDIOCESE and Mary—P.O.S.C. Charles E. Pope, V.F., Spiritual Dir. For further details refer to the corresponding [2490]—Medical Mission Sisters—M.M.S. Camp St. Charles, Inc. (1952) Corporate Office bracketed number in the Religious Institutes for [2720]—Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart— Winter, 1700 Briggs Chaney Rd., Silver Spring, Men or Women section. M.H.S.H. 20905-5527. Tel: 240-372-9437; Tel: 301-259-2645 For further details refer to the corresponding [2710]—Missionaries of Charity—M.C. (Summer); Fax: 240-523-9437; Email: bracketed number in the Religious Institutes of [1475]—Missionary Catechists of St. Therese— [email protected]; Web: www.campstcharles. Men or Women section. M.C.S.T. org; Tel: 301-370-2471 (Father Willis). Summer [0140]—The Augustinians—O.S.A. [2820]—Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa— Camp Address: Camp St. Charles, 15375 Stella [0200]—Benedictine Monks—O.S.B. M.S.O.L.A. Maris Dr., Rock Point, 20664. Tel: 301-934-8799; []—Brothers of Charity—F.C. [2900]—Missionary Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo— Fax: 240-523-9437. Rev. Glen Willis, S.D.S., Exec. [1350]—Brothers of St. Francis Xavier—C.F.X. Dir.; Ms. Laura Hall, Dir.; Bro. Roger Nelson, M.S.C.S. [0330]—Brothers of the Christian Schools (Baltimore [2865]—Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus S.D.S., M.A., Asst. Dir. Brothers 1; Lay Staff 40; Prov.)—F.S.C. and Our Lady of Guadalupe—M.S.C.Gpe. Priests 1; Children Served 450. [0600]—Brothers of the Congregation of Holy Cross— []—Oblate Sisters of the Most Holy Eucharist—O.S.S.E. Conference for Mercy Higher Education (2002) 8380 C.S.C. Colesville Rd., Ste. 300, Silver Spring, 20910. Tel: [3210]—Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration—P.C.P.A. [0470]—The Capuchin Friars (Prov. of St. [3450]—Religious of Jesus and Mary—R.J.M. 301-587-0423, Ext. 2237; Fax: 301-587-0533; Web: Augustine)—O.F.M.Cap. www.mercyhighered.org. Moya K. Dittmeier, Ed. [3460]—Religious of Mary Immaculate—R.M.I. [0270]—Carmelite Fathers & Brothers—O.Carm. [2519]—Religious Sisters of Mercy (Alma, MI)—R.S.M. D., Exec. Dir.; Rita Waters, Asst. The Conference []—Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and for Mercy Higher Education is separately incorpo- [2970]—School Sisters of Notre Dame—S.S.N.D. Mary—SS.CC. [3620]—Sister Servants of Mary Immaculate—S.S.M.I. rated for the preservation and development of the [0480]—Conventual Franciscans—O.F.M.Conv. []—Sisters of Charity of St. Charles Borromeo—S.C.B. Catholic identity and mission of Mercy higher edu- [0260]—Discalced Carmelite Fathers (Prov. of the []—Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary— cation in accord with the spirit, mission, and herit- Immaculate Heart of Mary)—O.C.D. B.V.M. age of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas. Each of [0520]—Franciscan Friars (Commissariat of the Holy the 15 active member institutions of the Confer- [0660]—Sisters of Christian Charity—S.C.C. Land)—O.F.M. [1000]—Sisters of Divine Providence (Melbourne, ence is separately chartered and is legally incorpo- [0530]—Franciscan Friars of the Atonement—S.A. KY)—C.D.P. rated with its own board of trustees. [0685]—Institute of the Incarnate Word—IVE. []—Sisters of Life—S.V. The Daughters of Mary Immaculate, Inc., 13004 [0690]—Jesuit Fathers and Brothers (Prov. of []—Sisters of Loretto—S.L. Marlow Farm Dr., Silver Spring, 20904. Tel: 301- Maryland)—S.J. [2575]—Sisters of Mercy of the Americas—R.S.M. 288-7663. [0730]—Legionaries of Christ—L.C. [2630]—Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross—S.C.S.C. *Friends in Solidarity, Inc., 8808 Cameron St., Silver [0740]—Marian Fathers—M.I.C. [2990]—Sisters of Notre Dame—S.N.D. Spring, 20910. [0780]—Marist Fathers and Brothers—S.M. [3000]—Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur (Maryland, Friends of John Paul II Foundation (1985) 9700 [0800]—Maryknoll—M.M. Rosensteel Ave., Silver Spring, 20910. Tel: 301- [0850]—Missionaries of Africa—M.Afr. Chesapeake & Base Communities, Prov.; Boston 495-3377; Email: [email protected]; Web: [0720]—The Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette— and Connecticut)—S.N.D.deN. jp2friends.org. Rev. Jerzy Frydrych, S.Chr.; M.S.
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