INDEX Baker, Harlow, 230–31, 239 A Baker University: effects of World War I, 136; German Club, AAA. See Agricultural Adjustment Agency 135, 136, photo, 135; German language instruction, 132, 133, Abilene (Dickinson Co.): cowboy culture, 154–55, 156; male 135–38, 139–41, 147; Quayle’s speeches, 132, 136, 138–39; identity in, article on, 148–63; photo, 150; town marshal, 156 yearbook illustrations, 136–37, reproduced, 136, 137 Abilene Chronicle, 155 Baldridge, B. L., 231 Abilene Daily Reflector, 156–57, 162 Baldwin City (Douglas Co.): anti-German sentiment, 141; Abilene High School: baseball team, 161; football team, 161–62, naturalization ceremony, 138. See also Baker University photo, 161; sex ratio of students, 156 Ball, Steadman, 39 Abzug, Bella, 46 Baptist Indian missions, 215, 216, 218 African Americans: businesses, 235; Confederate prisoner, 107, Barker & Summerfield: city directory listing, 10 112; farmers, 246n; in Union Army, 88; voting rights, 236. See Barnes, Henry: photo, 199 also Slaves Baseball, 161, 171–72, 173, 174–75. See also Major League Agricultural Adjustment Act, 246 Baseball; Torrez, Mike Agricultural Adjustment Agency (AAA), 248, 249–50 Bederman, Gail, 152 Agriculture: recovery from Depression, 244–45; surplus Bell, Annie, 234, 239 production, 246–47 Bell, George W., 234 Aguirre, Hank, 174 Bennett, Lyn Ellen: “Child Custody, Custodial Arrangements Albach, George, 231 and Financial Support in Late Nineteenth-Century Kansas,” Albach, Henry, 231 article by, 20–33; note on, 21 Albach, Phillip, 231, 239 Bennett, Robert F., 42, 46 Albach, Wilhelmina, 231 Benson, Vernon, 174 Alexander, Shawn Leigh: book reviewed by, 123 Benteen, Frederick W., 90, 90n, 92, 93–94, 95 Aley, Ginette: book coedited by, reviewed, 50 Beougher, Vivian, 254 Allendorf, Thelma, 243 Bethel College: effects of World War I, 141–47; German club, Ambrose, Stephen, 161–62 143; German language instruction, 132, 141, 143–45, 146–47; American Debenture Company, 5, 12 Mennonite identity, 141 American Fur Company, 213, 214–15, 216, 217, 218, 222 Big Blue, Battle of, 88, 101, 104–5, map, 103, Reader watercolor, American Girls, Beer, and Glenn Miller: GI Morale in World War II: 192 reviewed, 54 Bird City (Cheyenne Co.): cotton mattress program, photo, 247 American Legion baseball teams, 173 Birk, Megan: book reviewed by, 50 Anderson, J. L.: book coedited by, reviewed, 50; book edited by, Blackman, Jon S.: book by, reviewed, 125 reviewed, 259 Blair, C. W., 85, 87, 88 Anderson, William “Bloody Bill,” 84 Bleeding Kansas, Bleeding Missouri: The Long Civil War on the Anthony, Daniel R., Jr., 38 Border: reviewed, 52 Anthony, Susan B.: Kansas visit, 36–37; photo, 37 Blunt, James G.: Big Blue battle, 88; criticism of, 99; at Fort Arming Mother Nature: The Birth of Catastrophic Scott, 94; Kansas State Militia and, 87; Lexington battle, Environmentalism: reviewed, 55 86, 87, 185; Newtonia battle, 95, 99; photos, 85, 186; Price’s Armitage, Katie H.: note on, 227; “‘Out of the Ashes’: The raid and, 82, 85–86, 89, 182, 186, 190; in western Kansas, 82; Rebuilding of Lawrence and the Quest for Quantrill Raid Westport battle, 88–89, 191 Claims,” article by, 226–41 Bold, Christine: book by, reviewed, 60 Arthur, T. S., 152 Book notes, 62, 127, 207, 261 Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad, 224 Book reviews, 50–61, 122–26, 200–206, 258–60 Atkinson, Erastus, 28, 33 Boothe, Henry: photo, 199 Atkinson, Mary E., 28, 33 Boston Red Sox, 165, 179 Atkinson, Ti-Grace, 44 Bourassa, Joseph Napoleon, 216, 216n, 217, photo, 217 Avery, Ethel: photo, 246 Bourassa, Jude W., 216, 220 Bourbonnaise, Frank, 220 Bowersock, Justin D., 5, 12, 238 B Bradley, E. L., 235 Bader, Robert Smith, 35 Brandon, John, 25 Bailey, Luther C., 67–69; “The Celestial Tryst,” 69; home, Brandon, Mary Ann, 25 photos, 66, 76; photo, 68 Brechtelsbauer, Barbette, 230 262 Kansas History Brenner, Rachel, 29, 33 Clinton (Douglas Co.): stores, 7 Brenner, William, 29, 33 Cold War Kids: Politics and Childhood in Postwar America, Brewer, David, 18 1945–1960: reviewed, 206 Brotherton, C. P., 12 Collins, Caspar, 199 Brown, E. B., 83, 84, 90 Columbus (Cherokee Co.): county fairgrounds, photo, 253 Bullene, Lathrop, 227, 229, 234, 239, photo, 231 Confederate Army: in Arkansas, 95–96; in Kansas, 89–94, 97, Bullene, Susan Read, 227 107–13, 196–97; Missouri raids, 80; Quantrill and, 84. See also Burke, Diane Mutti: book coedited by, reviewed, 52 Price’s raid Burnett, Abram, 216 Confederate sympathizers: in Kansas, 197–98; in Missouri, 81, Burnett, John, 216 82, 182 Connelley, William E., 96, 218 C Conservatism: Equal Rights Amendment and, article on, 34–49 Constitution, state. See Kansas Constitution Callister, Marion, 41 Cooke, James J.: book by, reviewed, 54 Campbell, Neil: book by, reviewed, 58 Coquillard, Alexis, 217 Capper, Arthur, 68, 133 Cordley, Richard C., 228–29, 239 Carbondale (Osage Co.): railroad, 12; stores, 7 Corrales, Pat, 175 Carney, Thomas, 82, 84, 86–87, 89 Cott, Nancy F., 24 Carpenter, Mary, 236, photo, 235 Cotton: surplus production, 246–47, 255. See also County Carr, Charles “Pappy”: article on, 66–77; photo, 66 Cotton Mattress Program Carson, Benjamin, 32 County Cotton Mattress Program: article on, 242–55; counties Carson, Mary Ann, 32 participating, 248, 250–52, 251n, map, 245; photos, 242, 246, Castel, Albert, 79, 228, 229 247, 249, 250, 254 Catholic missions, 216–17, 218, 223 Crawford, Pauline, 248, 255 Chalkley, Marcella, No. 1 inside front cover Crawford, Samuel J., 94, 98, photo, 92 Chamberlain, Mary, 28n Crook Furniture, Hutchinson, 252; advertisement, 251 Cherokee County: cotton mattress program, photos, 253, 254; “Crossing the Kansas”: watercolor by Alfred Jacob Miller, No. county fairgrounds, photo, 253; divorce and child custody 4 front cover cases, 22, 24, 26–27, 30–31, 33, tables, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31; home Cummins, Richard W., 215, 218, 219–20 demonstration agent, photo, 246 Curtis, Charles, 38 Chicano movement, 177–79. See also Mexican Americans Curtis, Samuel R.: campaign maps, 88, 90; criticism of, 98; Child custody: article on, 20–33; court decisions, 22–25, 26–33, defense of Kansas City, 182; at Fort Scott, 94, 99; Kansas tables, 26; divided by children’s gender, 28–29, 33; financial command, 82, 84, 85, 89, 94, 99; photo, 82; Price’s raid and, support, 22, 30–33, tables, 31, 33; laws, 24–26, 28, 31; by 82–83, 86, 87, 89, 90, 94, 95–96, 98, 186; Westport battle, 191 parent’s gender, 26–28, 33; prevention of interference, 29, 33, table, 29; requests, 26–27, 28, table, 26; visitation orders, D 29–30, 33, table, 30 “Child Custody, Custodial Arrangements and Financial Daily Times (Leavenworth, Kans.), 230 Support in Late Nineteenth-Century Kansas”: article by Lyn Danbom, David B.: book reviewed by, 200 Ellen Bennett, 20–33 Darkest Period, The: The Kanza Indians and Their Last Homeland, “Children of Abraham and Hannah, The: Grocer, Doctor, 1846–1873: reviewed, 204 Entrepreneur: The Summerfields of Lawrence, Kansas”: Darling, Lucius, 219, 220 article by David M. Katzman, 2–19 Darling Ferry, 213, 219, 220 Child’s Anti-Slavery Book, The: engraving, 71 Davis, James P., 39 Chouteau, Frederick, 214, 215, 222 Day, Helen, 30 Chouteau, Pierre, 216 Day, Wade, 30 Chudacoff, Howard P., 152 Dean, Virgil W.: book reviewed by, 124; “‘I was a prisoner of Citizen Explorer: The Life of Zebulon Pike: reviewed, 61 war.’ The Autobiography of SAMUEL J. READER,” article Civil War. See Confederate Army; Price’s raid; Quantrill’s raid; edited by, 100–121; note on, 101, 243; “‘In No Way a Relief Union Army Set Up’: The County Cotton Mattress Program in Kansas, Clancy, James J., 197 1940–1941,” article co-written by, 242–55 Clark, M. G., 215 Deitzler, George W., 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 233 Clay, Laura: photo, 40 Delaware Indians: relocations, 234 Clay County: cotton mattress program, 243; divorce and child Delgadillo, Charles: book reviewed by, 57 custody cases, 22, 24, 26–29, 30–31, 32–33, tables, 25, 26, 29, Dent, Bucky, 165 30, 31 De Soto (Johnson Co.): grocery store, 5 Clendenon, Donn, 175 Detroit Tigers, 174 Index 263 Devine, Bing, 177 Ellis, Tom: note on, 211; “Uniontown and Plowboy— Dickens, Charles: “Pistol-Practice in America,” 19 Potawatomi Ghost Towns: Enigmas of the Oregon– Dickinson County: herding law, 154. See also Abilene California Trail,” article by, 210–25 Diener, Charles, 141 Ellis County: Volga German population, 145n Dierdorff, Arden, 41 Emancipation Proclamation, 76, illustration, 74 Divorces: alimony and maintenance, 30–31; cases including Emporia Daily Gazette, 251–52 children, table, 24, 25; laws, 24–26; in nineteenth century, Entz, Gary R.: book by, reviewed, 57 article on, 20–33; plaintiff gender, 26–27, 28. See also Child Epps, Kristen K.: book reviewed by, 201 custody Equal Rights Amendment (ERA): article on, 34–49; Dix, Jetta, 234, 239 congressional passage, 38–39; opposition, 35–36, 39–42, Dix, Ralph C., 234 43–49; state ratifications, 39, 41, 46; supporters, 36, 39, 42–44, Docking, Robert, 39, 42, photo, 45 46–48, 49; text, 38–39 Dole, Robert J.: Equal Rights Amendment and, 42 “Equal Rights Amendment and the Persistence of Kansas Domestic law. See Child custody; Divorces Conservatism, The”: article by Kristi Lowenthal, 34–49 Douglas County: anti-German sentiment in World War I, 134; ERA. See Equal Rights Amendment coroner, 4, 6, 8; divorce and child custody cases, 21–22, 24, Erb, Jacob, 8, 19 26–27, 28, 29, 30–31, 33, tables, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31; officials, 4, Erb, Louis, 11 8. See also Eudora; Lawrence Erb, Newman, 4, 8–9, 11, 12 Douglas County Equal Suffrage League, No. 1 inside front Erby, Kelly: book reviewed by, 51 cover Eudora (Douglas Co.): city council, 6; German speakers, 14; Douglas County Fair: automobile day, No.
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