EntErtainmEnt Wednesday, January 6, 2021 • The State Journal www.state-journal.com GARFIELD DEAR ABBY Wife grapples with family’s history of sexual dysfunction DEAR ABBY: When my husband If your husband wants to talk to and I were first married, I had no his relatives, he’s going to do it re- idea why his mother gardless of whether or not you find BEETLE BAILEY and sisters were so it threatening. My question to you hostile. When they would be, are you willing to toler- started treating our ate it? children the same way, my husband DEAR ABBY: My girlfriend suf- finally addressed fers from depression. She says she the issue. We moved loves me, but there are times she out of town, and he Jeanne won’t contact me for days because finally told me that Phillips of it. During this most recent bout when he was in his Advice of depression, she hasn’t talked to teens and early 20s, columnist me for a month. he had had sex with I finally got fed up. I told her the FOR BETTER OR WORSE all of them, which next time she talks to me it should was why they didn’t like me. either be a breakup call or to give After an estrangement of many me an apology. Was I right to say years, he has now started talking that? I don’t know what to do. to his mother and sisters again. His — Unsure in the East mother is now in her 70s. It breaks my heart that he is talking to people DEAR UNSURE: You say your he had sex with, but he says it is OK girlfriend suffers from depression. because they are “family.” In my Is she under the care of a doctor and opinion, he should have nothing to receiving treatment for it? Is her do with them. Please tell me how I family aware of the fact that when BLONDIE need to handle things. she cycles down she is incommu- — “All in the family” nicado? If she’s so incapacitated that she can’t communicate, they DEAR “ALL IN”: You cannot should be notified so she can get control what another adult does. the professional help she needs, in- I sympathize with your feelings, cluding an adjustment in her medi- and I agree your husband’s family cations if necessary. situation was beyond unhealthy. I agree she owes you an apology, However, from what you wrote, I and I can’t fault you for telling her. get the impression that you would But I would not recommend men- be equally upset if he were talking tioning breaking up while she’s in a with ex-girlfriends. vulnerable mental state. MALLARD FILLMORE HOROSCOPE HAPPY BIRTHDAY for into writing, studies or teaching. Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021: VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) HHH Responsibility, managing Explorative, educational and time wisely and traditional values brutally truthful, you help lighten guide you today. Be early if meeting up the world. Because you see light, HI AND LOIS a deadline. Investigate financial you see darkness, and this is your decisions and commitments care- next project, resulting in a very fully. Learning a new skill will as- successful in 2021. If single, you’re sure success and security. Tonight: searching for your mate. When you Becoming aware of the latest devel- accept someone’s flaws, that is the opments in your field. one. If attached, you’ve found your LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) direction. You’re lonely no more. It HHHHH Today marks the start is heavenly. Be in wonder. But don’t of great hope. You are on the brink sacrifice yourself. CANCER adores of great progress. You’re observant you completely. and alert, and it’s easy to learn any- BUCKLES thing you set your mind to. Jour- The Stars Show the Kind of Day neys are quite productive, exceed- You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Posi- ing your expectations. Tonight: tive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult Feeling a huge sense of abundance. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ARIES (March 21-April 19) HHHHH You will understand HHHHH Today adds new sub- today how past events have helped stance to important friendships. your growth. Confusion clears. You Others make plans for the future realize you have conquered an old that happily include you. Compan- phobia or inhibition. You discover ions can be insecure about their so much more about yourself. To- SHOE jobs and talents. Bolster a friend night: Old memories and the mo- with encouraging comments and mentum of past habits. tell a few jokes. Tonight: Date night. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) TAURUS (April 20-May 20) HHHH Today the mood is al- HHHH You will find your work- truistic. Friendships are a blessing. load easier and more enjoyable to- Involvement in community life day. Team spirit is a must at work. or organizations brings rewards. You will reach your goals by fitting You rethink commitments and al- in with the crowd. Natural heal- liances. New types of associates ing techniques and alternative are included in your social circle. therapies rejuvenate you. Tonight: Tonight: You will explore options DUSTIN Health is a focus. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) concerning your goals. HHHH The expression of cre- CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) HHH ative ideas enriches your life in a The winter has a solemn serendipitous way. Share a favor- quality. You will long for greater ite pastime with one you admire. success and status. You might feel A business trip would be produc- dedicated to high profile projects tive. Information shared by an ac- that are a challenge but also have quaintance offers fresh and useful the potential to bring great re- perspectives. Tonight: True love is wards. Tonight: Fulfill promises to going through a transformation. acquire long-term security. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ThE FAMILY CIRCUS TINKERSONS CANCER (June 21-July 22) HHHH Valuable information HHHH It is a wonderful time surfaces, and you find your di- to enroll in a study program. You rection. You realize how patterns would enjoy learning experiences, guide your life. It’s a good time to particularly those involving phi- examine your roots and origins. losophy or foreign languages. A Complete projects that have been broader and more expansive out- dragging on for too long. Tonight: look develops. An in-law or grand- Add decorative lights, includ- child brightens celebrations. To- ing unusual candles around your night: In wonderment. home. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) HHHH Strategy helps resolve HHHH You are eager to com- any monetary glitches. New long- municate today. Controversy and term financial strategies are worth debate will thrill you. There is a considering. An inheritance or in- need to crusade for causes you be- surance settlement could come lieve in. Humor and patience ease a your way. It is a good time to attend situation with a difficult neighbor. a seance or consult a Ouija board. Tonight: Direct your mental energy Tonight: Feeling the mystery..
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