JEWS SECTION WEATHER FORECAST. - For Nebraska- Knlr. , Fop lowa-l-'al- r. PAGES 1 TO S he Omaha unday Bee. For weather report or rasa VOL. XL XO 10. OMAIIA, SUNDAY MOJINING, OCTOBKK '23. 1J10 SLVKX SECTIONS I)irmtK PAULS. SLVOLi: COPY FIVE CENTS. 1IITCIIC0CK WILL Statements DR. II. II. CRL1TEN Coming and Goincj in Omaha Not on Bollt BAKER TO STAY ON TICKET SENTENCED TO DIE rv-- 1 is the Ruling r. Democratic Party i'oned to Line Up American Dentist Found Guilty Chom!4' S' HITCHCOCK for a Beneficiary of the Hartley Secretary of State Junkin Holdi Murder of Belle Elmore, if) S' Shortage. Oregon Law Recently Enacted Ap-pli- ei Girl Wife. to Primary Election. ytj, Chairman of Douglas County Repub- TIME FOR WITHDRAWAL PASSES JURY OUT ONLY THIRTY MINUTES (From a Staff Correspondent! lican Committee Calls Down LINCOLN, Oct. K. (Special.) Who Builded Candidate Prisoner' Protests Innocenee After Editor of World-Heral- Senatorial Candidate fo rtho legislature whose names appear on Mmm Fortune on ?tate Money. the official bHllot In November will not Verdict is Brouyht In. have any Statement No. 1 on the ballot names. '. REPLIES TO MALICIOUS ATTACH after their NOW ASKING PEOPLE FOR VOTES Secretary of State Junkin held today that IDENTIFICATION FORMS ISSUE the Oregon law which Mr. Bryan had en- acted by the . legislature applied only to Record in Baker's Case in Connection Worker! Bring in ReporU that Even the primary election. So, In making up Lack of Evidence by Defense is Com-ment- ed copy PANDORA with Judgeship. Deserting". hla for the nam pie ballots today he Upon. Democrat Are did not Include any statement- signed by candidates retarding their pledgee to vote ORGANIZATION WORRIED fore the candidate for aenator who received EXECUTION SET FOR NOVEMBER 15 HITCHCOCK IS NOW BEING TRIED PARTY the highest number of votee at the fall TMKlrC IT OVER elocllon. of to leaders Will Hefo The law plainly seta out that the primary thief Jastlee ays Hear Would Be His Case the One Mur ballot only shall pledges Before the Public Try Ooiaba Maa contain the made Hemarkstble Colarldewrr mn Body Bo the under the terms of that act. The title of Just at Present. from th Wao ( Opt-Hlo- a. the act la aa follows: or Another, In Ceejvnrllow "An act to secure a more certa.n selec- with Other Rvldenc. - tion of the pcople'e I choice for In ted i s sSSfcs MIGHT HAVE GONE TO PRISON States senator, to provide for a of form LONDON'. Oct. Hwley Hatvey (From a Hlaff Correspondent.) statement In regard to election of I'nited Ti.i.ir. rtemo-rr- o t'rippen, the American practitioner and LINCOLN. Oct. 22. lHpclal)-T- h States aenator to be made In their nomi- er medical agent, waa today found guilty of party must line up tor battle nating petitions by candidates for legisla- Penitentiary Instead of Congress Had S, the murder of his wife, the American s. headed by a benefloiary of the tive nominations at the primaries and to n Belle Elmore, and sentenced to Hurtley ahnrtaa-- aa It a general. prescribe the form of ballot and statements Judje But Known. Mr. Hitchcock, democratlo nominee for death. He. will be hanged November IS. thereon to be used at the primaries for the The jury wa out thirty When United State senator, ha failed to with- selection of minute. lapsed ( o'clock leirtslatlve candidates." it returned and announced It had found the draw, and the time at The only way the voter will know BARTLEY'S PARTNERS GUILTY hi that defendant guilty Lord Chief Justice" Alver-Hton- e tonight when he could locally t the Such la the ruling candidate he desires to vote for as asked the physician if he had any- name off tha ticket. a legislator has pledged on Sscrota ry State Junktn. who said himself the thing to say. Crlppen replied In a low ef of senatorial question will bo to keep a copy he would refuse any withdrawal received voice: Crime Not the Less Because it is of the primary ballot with him when he "I still protest my Innocence." after that hour. goes to polls. Tr.ua doea Gilbert M. Hitcheock, editor the The chief justice then donned the black Kept Secret. of the Omaha, World-Heral- d, who builded cap that had rested near 1,1m throughout LINCOLN AD a fortune upon a foundation fumlahed by tliw trial and pronounced the sentence of Joaeph . Hartley. Jeopardls the entire Kenyon May Get death. Addressing the condemned man. OUGHT TO MEET ISSUE FAIRLY demeemtio ticket. Lord Alverstone said: fa Ui la lateet dlply of aelf-lor- e CHlbert Doiltver's Seat "You have been convicted on evidence M. Hltchoock Uvea up to the true blue which car. leave no doubt In the mind of manhood he exhibited when he refued to any reaaonable man that you cruelly mur- If Accused Falsely Should Demand' pay 8. Bartley the financial debt n dered your wife and to Joeenn Waahing-to- Speculates Over then mutilated her Full Inquiry. ba owed, bocau It had become outlawed, New body. while bla botiefaotor waa behind steel barn from Des Moines that Got. Car- "I advise you to entertain no hope that with Upa aeaJed. shielding the Hitchcock you will escape th consequences of your aurte. roll Has Made Decision. criilie. I implore jou to make your peao QUESTION FOR PEOPLE TO DECIDE lasuoVo Foaalbl fey, Hartley. tilth Almighty God." As th Chief Had Joseph 8. Bartley spoken,' even on (PYom a Staff Correspondent. t - Ixrd Justice .concluded a policeman stepped Assault on Do the road to prisons had be whispered that WASHINGTON. Oct. Tele- forward and led Crlppen Other .tot Chaaare money from the dock. Oil ban. it. Hltohcock had borrowed gram.) The information In press dis- Fort that It la Hlteheoek Who I the editor of patches from hln aa atate trirr, this morning from Dee Moines Case Goea to the Jnry. Is ow Itannlosjr for Office World-Heral- now the Omaha d would not that Governor Carroll is sertouly consid- ann- Th case given be a candidate for the Unlteid Btatea ering the apolntment of W. S. Kenyon, as- ws to the Jury at Z:17 on Bait Itecord. ate. By hla atlenoe mhlle In prison Bart- sistant attorney general, to vacancy thl afternoon and tt deliberation were the brief. ley made It possible for Hitchcock to make caused by the death of the late Senator J. newspaper on a When court convened For several days the Omaha World-Heral- a fortune .and place hi , V. Dolllver, created exoeeding this morning Local Events as Viewed by The Bee's Interest Artist. driven to desperation hy paying baala; he made It possible for Gi- among the Iowa colony In this city and It Richard Mulr made th closing speech for the plight hia dis- t prosecution. He of Its editor, haa been .t- lbert M. Hitchcock to reproaent was thought that there mlg-h- be grounds the declared the crown Indiscriminately - even trict In congre; Joaeph 8. Bartley for Die suggestions enutniuatlno; the Iowa had proved beyond a reasonable doubt that SPURIOOS NOTES ARESEIZEI) WALKOUT WILL BE CONTINUED tacking republican right and left. Among of tha fam- body In Crip-- , made .It poealble for membera oapitol. Mr. Kenyou, seen this morning, the found the cellar of the Afton Bank Head other who have fallen under It displeas- M. Hitchcock to hold up pen home wa ily of 'Gilbert very naturally had nothing to say aa to that of the' doctor's wlft. ure 1 eoclety; he saved former Judae Ben a. Baker, who their jieads in reepectabla tli rumors in circulation hi suc- No one . elee, he said, had a cbano to .i dis about Secret Service Men 'Arrest Three for" Found in Lincoln Pacifio at present chairman of (he.tepublloan com Gilbert - M. Hitchcock from eternal cession to Dolllver's seat. He did say. how- mutilate the woman and boxy the body as No Settlement of the Missouri grace. ever, "I am ao It wss found to have been burled , Sight. ndttee for Douglas county. exposed shocked and depressed over Counterfeiting. Strike in , These are the sentiment being Senator Do liver's danth that i have no Lord Chief Justice Alverstone at one Becauae Judge Baker did not favor the hey today. .diat-us- L. W. ' heart to in any way th question brgsn his summing up of the Th McLinnan Gives Hirtself Up to use of voting machines, wlilcb. demo- w ' repay vr-lAt!- ' cs. the Mow : this did Kitcheock of hi successor." It I believed by many Justine' described Crlppen a an ex- TOTAL OF $300,000 IS . FOUND v s SWITCHMEN GET INTO THE GAME hoped - Offioers Lincoln When They crats would rive them an undue biltmtlaBt - - - here appointment Kenyon traordinary man-- , it full, but that the of Mr. whether gullfy or inno- advantage In th coming , Ha refused to pay his note In would b satisfactory to cent.. If guilty, Discover Whereabouts. election, althougt own confesalon. President Teft, he had covered np'vk Monday They the Judge rep.idta.ted ,it by hla a he Is said to look upon Mr. Kenyon as ghastly crime in a ghastly way, und tt was Xste Are Inillattos of Issae of the Serve otlee that After action wa based on the law It had become1 outlawed ITo-nio- ter , Car- as aa, a progressive and a man similar In type believed, In a moat- brutal and callous man- (orersmcst Will Refuse to Haadle t ar understood and Interpreted by the at- e Joseph , 8.
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