1933 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 67 Virginia [Mr. HATFIELD], the Senator from Rhode Island The motion was agreed to; and the Senate {at 7 o'clock [Mr. METCALF], and the Senator from Minnesota [Mr. and 52 minutes p.m.) took a recess, under the order pre­ ScHALL]. I am not advised how these Senators would vote, viously entered, until tomorrow, Friday, March 10, 1933, at if present. 12 o'clock meridian. The result was announced-yeas 73, nays 7, as follows: YEAS-73 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Adams Copeland Keyes Russell Ashurst Couzens King Sheppard THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1933 Bachman Davis Lonergan Smith Bailey Dickinson Long Steiwer This day, in compliance with the proclamation of the Bankhead Dill McAdoo Stephens President for the assembling of the first session of the Sev- · Barbour Duffy McCarran Thomas, Okla. Barkley Fess McGill Thomas, Utah enty-third Congress, the Members-elect of the House of Black Fletcher McKellar Townsend Representatives assembled in their Hall, and at 12 o'clock Bone George McNary Trammell noon were called to order by Hon. South Trimble, Clerk of Bratton Glass Murphy Tydings Brown Goldsborough Neely Vandenberg the last House. Bulkley Gore Norris VanNuys The CLERK. Representatives-elect, this being the day and Bulow Hale Overton Wagner Byrd Harrison Patterson Walcott hour proclaimed by the President of the United States for Byrnes­ Hastings Pittman Walsh the convening of the Seventy-third Congress in extraordi­ Caraway Hayden Pope White nary session. the Clerk of the House of Representatives of Clark Hebert Reed Connally Johnson Robinson, Ark. the Seventy..-second Congress will now read the following Coolidge Kean Robinson, Ind. proclamation: NAYS-7 BY THE PREsiDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Borah Costigan La Follette Shipstea.d Carey Dale Nye A PROCLAMATION NOT VOTING-15 Whereas public interests require that the Congress of Austin Frazier Lewis Reynolds the United States should be convened in extra session at Capper Hatfield Logan Schall 12 o'clock noon, on the 9th day of March, 1933, to receive Cutting Howell Metcalf Wheeler Dieterich Kendrick Norbeck such communication as may be made by the Executive; Now, therefore, I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the So the bill was passed. United States of America, do hereby proclaim and declare Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas. I ask unanimous consent that an extraordinary occasion requires the Congress of the that when the Senate completes its labors today it take a United States to convene in extra session at the Capitol in recess until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. the City of Washington on the 9th day of March, 1933, at The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is there objection? The 12 o'clock noon, of which all persons who shall at. that time Chair hears none, and it is so ordered. be entitled to act as .Members thereof are hereby required Mr. FLETCHER. Mr. Presiden,t, may I ask the Senator to take notice. from Arkansas to yield to me? In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas. I yield. caused to be affixed the great seal of the United States. Mr. FLETCHER. I move that the bill (S. 1) to provide Done at the city of Washington this 5th day of March. relief in the existing nationa-l emergency in banking, and in the Year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty-three, for other purposes, be indefinitely postponed. and of the independence of the United States the one hun­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Florida dred and fifty-seventh. asks unanimous consent that Senate bill 1 be indefinitely FRANKLIN D. RoosEVELT. postponed. Is there objection? The Chair hears none, and By the President: it is so ordered. [SEAL] CORDELL HULL, Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas. Mr. President, 1n order Secretary of State. that the Presiding Officer may have the opportunity of sign­ ing the bill, it is deemed necessary to take a recess. I do The Chaplain of the last House, the Reverend James not expect any other business to be transacted, and I now Shera Montgomery, D.D., offered the following: request that the Senate be in recess for 20 minutes. PRAYER The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Unanimous consent is Almighty God, Thou hast been our dwelling place in all asked that the Senate be in recess for 20 minutes. Is there generations, before the mountains were brought forth or ever objection? The Chair hears none, and it is so ordered. Thou.hadst formed the earth and the world; even from ever­ The Senate (at 7 o'clock and · 30 minutes p.m.), took a lasting Thou art God. Here, at the footstool of prayer, we recess until 7:50 o'clock, when it reassembled and the Vice would fortify the life of our souls as we face the sacred President resumed the chair. duties that await us. In these solemn hours mercifully RES~INDING OF SENATE RESOLUTIONS AFFECTING DESIGNATED direct our minds and hearts. With unyielding fidelity may POSITIONS we be absolutely true to the trust which a great people have Mr. HAYDEN submitted a resolution {S.Res. 13), which imposed in us. Amid toil with its unsolved problems, may was ordered to lie on the table, as follows: we approach them with the deepest seriousness. Show us that the very joy of existence is in renouncing ourselves Resolved, That all resolutions authorizing payment from the contingent fund of the Senate to persons borne upon the resolu­ that we may help others. 0 blessed Lord God, this day let tion roll for services rendered in designated positions be, and are us see the victor's star. Do Thou graciously abide with hereby, discontinued and abolished effective March 15, 1933. our Speaker, the Members, the officers, and the pages of MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE-ENROLLED BILL SIGNED this Congress; in all our ways may we acknowledge Thee. Heavenly Father, harken, read our hearts, for words fail A message from the House of Representatives by Mr. as we pray for our President; 0 hear us as we bear him Haltigan, one of its clerks, announced that the Speaker had to the throne of grace; day by day dwell with him; may affixed his signature to the enrolled bill <H.R. 1491) to pro­ he have the unswerving loyalty and the cooperation of a vide relief in the existing national emergency in banking, true, loyal, united citizenship; thus may our Republic spring and for other purposes, and it was thereupon signed by the Vice President. anew in the sunlight of God. 0 flood the arteries of our whole land with truth, knowledge, good will, and a devout RECESS patriotism. In love and mercy remember all our citizens Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas. Mr. President, pursuant to and institutions, and let the benedictions of peace and plenty the order heretofore entered, I move that the Senate take a rest upon all our hearthstones. Through Jesus Christ our recess until noon tomorrow. Lord. Amen. 68 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MARCH 9 CALL OF THE STATES :MONTANA The CLERK. The Clerk will call the roll, alphabetically by Ayers States, of Representatives-elect of the Seventy-third Con- NEBRASKA Morehead Howard Shallenberger Carpenter gress whose credentials have been filed according to law, to Burke determine whether a quorum is present. NEVADA The Clerk proceeded to call· the roll, and the following Scrugham Members-elect answered to their names: NEW HAMPSHIRE Rogers Tobey [Roll No. 1] NEW JERSEY ALABAMA Wolverton Eaton Kenney Norton McDuffie Jeffers Oliver Almon Bacharach McLean Hartley Auf der Heide Hlll Allgood Bankhead Huddleston Sutphin Perkins Cavicchia Steagall Powers Seger Lehlbach ARKANSAS NEW MEXICO Driver Fuller Glover Parks Chavez MUler Ragon NEW YORK CALIFORNIA Bacon Sullivan Lea Carter Evans Dockweller Millard Stalker Englebright Hoeppel Colden Brunner Sirovich Fish Whitley Eltse Lindsay Boylan Goodwin Wadsworth Buck McGrath Kramer Burke Cullen O'Connor Corning Kahn Church Ford Burnham Andrews Traeger Black Peyser Parker Beiter Welch Stubbs Somers Kennedy Crowther Mead COI.ORADO Delaney Bloom Snell Reed Cummings Lewis Martin Taylor Carley Lanzetta Culkin Fitzgibbons CONNECTICUT Rudd Gavagan Sisson Studley Celler Griffin Clarke Kopplemann Maloney Goss Bakewell Prall Oliver Hancock Higgins Dickstein Fitzpatrick Taber DELAWARE NORTH CAROLINA Adams Warren Pou Clark Bulwinkle FLORIDA Kerr Hancock Lambeth Weaver Peterson Caldwell Wilcox Sears Abernethy Umstead Doughton Green NORTH DAKOTA GEORGIA Sinclair Lemke Parker Owen Vinson Deen omo Ramspeck Tarver Wood Cox Hollister Marshall Fiesinger Cooper Castellow Hess Fletcher Harter Sweeney mAHO Harlan Duffey Secrest Crosser White Coffin Kloeb Jenkins Thom Bolton ILLINOIS Kniffin Underwood West Young Polk Lamneck Imhoff Truax De Priest Kocialkowsk1 Dirksen Arnold Moynihan Britten Gillespie Parsons OKLAHOMA Kelly ·simpson Meeks Keller Disney McKeown Johnson Marland Beam Reid Dobbins Nesbit Hastings Swank McClintic Rogers Sa bath Allen Rainey OREGON O'Brien Thompson Major Schuetz Adair Schaefer Mott Pierce Martin PENNSYLVANIA INDIANA Gray Ransley Kinzer Focht Strong Schulte Farley Greenwood Beck Boland Doutrich Berlin Durgan Griswold Boehne Larrabee Crosby Ludlow Waldron Turpin Cochran Pettengill .Jenckes Crowe Edmonds Brumm Haines Brooks IOWA Connolly Richardson Kurtz Kelly Eicher Biermann Dowell Gilchrist Darrow McFadden Snyder Muldowney Jacobsen Thurston Wearin Gillette Wolfenden Rich Faddis Dunn Wlllford Watson Ditter Swick KANSAS RHODE ISLAND Lambertson McGugln Ayres Hope Condon O'Connell Guyer Carpenter McCarthy SOUTH CAROLINA KENTUCKY McMlllan Taylor Richards Gasque Vinson Gregory Spence Brown Fulmer McSwain May Cary Carden Hamilton SOUTH DAKOTA Chapman Werner LOUISIANA Hildebrandt TENNESSEE Fernandez Montet Wilson DeRouen
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