ira PORTLAND DAILY P I PRICK^ THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 39. PORTLAND, MAINE. FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 7 1900. jf.\ V du- MISCKI.I.AXKOVS. cheers. Sir Henry Campbell-Banner- —.... • man shook bla notes in Mr. Chamber- COMER’S 11EMIE5TS. stcart SOT A SHRED. lain ■ face and daolared that a man who \ WHEN YOU ORDER published private letter* for polltloal pur- him with pose* (referring to the Clark-KIlls corre- would be exolnded from the LAST mlnsterlcg spondence) HOPE GONE. mttted to jail. society of all honorable men and ostra- Acceptance By Powers Chocolate « \ Baker’s ao- cised for life, bad be resorted to snob THREE MEN KILLED. tlon as a private Individual. Confirmed. Onoe Mr. Chamberlain Interrupted aod Cocoa ran A Boiler In Vermont Attend- or Baker’s \otliing Like Independence leaped to bis feet. A thrill pbrough Kiplo.lon EXAMINE THE PACK- the bouee. ed by Fatal Itr.ulte. "It Is not eo," he declared and pro- AGE YOU RECEIVE For Boers ceeded to deny tbe allegation* that be bad Cora of Province- fi Chinese Give Russia Credit For MAKE SURE Schooner S. South December AND ■aid that seat lust to the McKay Londonderry, Vt., any government —Three men were Instantly killed this THAT IT BEARS OUR dnrlng the roeent election was one sold Confessions. forenoon by the exploelon of a boiler at TRADE-MARK. to thi Boers. It war nearly eleven o’olook' the steam saw mill of U. W, Harris In before he rose to reply to the avalunoh* of town Given For Lost. Up the town of Fern seven miles from this attack launched against him. How great The killed are: *■ In place. » “La Belle a strain he bad undergone was evident _ Lord Tells William Parker. So Salisbury tbe soaroely suppressed excitement of Vernle Doll. Proposal Came From Ciiocolatiere” tone on the part ot one rarsly known to of Lords. A. U. Miner. House ebow feeling In the house. William Parker, who was engineer of Japan Originally. ulder ihe decision* of the U. S. Court* He denied ^bat be bad ever accused Mr. or Cocoa is entitled to the was terribly mangled, while no flier Chocolate Kills of being a traitor. He denied al- plant, be Belled or sold as “Baker’s Chocolate” who was a fellow died that he aneusatlons Her Crew of She Ball, omploye, or “liakcr’s Cocoa.’* so, bad deoreel any With Thirty as a resnlt of Injuries sustained In hav- against bis own personal Integrity. He his breast torn by the remnants declared that tbe speolal purpose of the ing open Limited Went Down on Grand Banks. of the boiler were thrown oaneld- Chinese Court To Walter Baker & Go. meeting ot parliament hod been forgotten .which Preparing evable dletanoe. A, C. the third Established 1780 So Deviation From an be- Miner, Policy Already In attack upon blmaelf. Irritated Leave iiian Pa. man killed, was not employed on the yond control by frequent Interruptions DORCHESTER, MASS. had visited the mill on bus- Outlined. and disturbances, be called one of the premise*,but I 0OO iness. Uls head was terribly mangled COLD MEDAL, PARIS, liberals, amid the exottement a “Cad.” and os in the case of the other two men Tbe Speaker called him to order and bis death followed the ex- — Mr. Cbamberlaln withdrew tbe epltbet, Immediately London, December 7.—Dr. Morrison, apologising for its use. After defending plosion. in the Terrible Gulf wiring the 'ITmen from i'ekln, December the publication ot tbe Kills correspond- Was Caught KRUUEK’S CHARGES. 5, con Unit6 the reported uoceptance of Mr. ence he was out off by tbe mlnlgbt ad- or World Conger b amendments to the joint note Library Transvaal and lonrnmant. of and Gale Ilia Are eayss At a late hoar the government laid on September. Safi Country«vomrn firing Know This. "The names or the gulity are not speci- Parlor. Should tbu table ot tbe Houee of Common* tbe Unity Outraged. fied, the stipulation only providing that war estimate, 'l'he utmost supplementary those princes and ofll clal* must be I seoiecy Is maintained regarding It, but The December 0.—Mr. Kruger Hague, punished who are recognized as guilty Fash- reports say that It asks for 13,UOO,OjO met with wonderful receptions every- by the Chinese government with the add- pounds for South Africa and 3,000,100 where since the frontier at FICKLEion keeps tlio reaching ition of others, to be hereafter designated pounds tor China. Sir Charles Ullke, It That Time Zeveuaur. Immense crowds gathered at world moving Against Hope Since by the mlnlstsrs. Is said, will propose an amendm ent Hoping all the stations whlcn were decorated at a rapid pace : Lord Itoseborry Makes Spirited "The practical result of this compro- throwing a part of tbe oo«t of the South with Hags, the burgomasters mads these days, and Friends Have Given Her mise Is that the form of punishment Is African war on the Netherlands railway Her Up. and the scholars Mr. alt womankind Attack on Gov’t. speeches sang. ot and the underground mining rights Kroger made many replies, In most of are to acknowledge tl'.o quick the late Transvaal government. which be represented the Transvaal as a of the modeller or vogue garment little ohlld whom a bad man wished to the milliner. / kill. Iu one oase, be Illustrated his point Furniture fashions are In view of tbe debate on tbe address in pushing by drawing attention to a fair-haired Wait! & Bond’s to the speech, a large num- to the loro, and homo interiors re- reply Queen’s In the andlence. "If that ohlld was ran well be understood when girl ber of In the galleries December 0.—'The the storm flect this advancement. Round London, Ee^omber 7.—The 15th parlia- peeresses gathered Provlnoetown, Maia., said would | the Willie A. McKay only a few tons outragel," he, "everybody of the House [of Lords. Xh9 United of Provlnoetown Urand Hanks Tables are a welcome in ment of the of Queen Victoria Queen the run to her resoue, hut In finding reign Choate smaller than the Cora, was literally bat- my oountry Stutes ambassador, Mr. Joseph H. the Uora 8. MoKay, has been the and They are opened yeiterday. Before the lights went tlshlng fleet children and women are teeing dally out- parlor library. were tered to yet It Is singular that and other foreign representatives for lost with all her crew of pieces, handsome in finished out In the ancient chamber*, aim oet given up by an enemy ten times very richly The Lari of the small schooner Dido of this port, raged stronger had Huoh In the dlplomatlo gallery. souls, by the people of this Ashing oak and true every leading politician spoken. i thirty lived It on the same stretch of thun the Transvaal." golden mahogany. Latham movol tbe address, after walt- through animosity and suoh bit- I town. Hoping against hope, Blackstone Tho aro from favorites of ileica, personal the ooean. designs llaron Monk Ilretton, Liberal Unionist, for weeks, for a mee- RECEIVED BY PRESIDENT. detail ter invective had soaroely ever cefnre j ing and watching centuries, with every tbe address. Lord Kimberley, the When the Provlnoetown fleet began to past at Westminster. seconded from the sea that might tell of Djoember 6 —The Presi- marked proceedings gage the disaster Washington, worked out by expert Liberal leader House of Lords, | sad retnrn and reported probable carefully of tbe tn^the disaster whlob befell'the oraft, the dent and Mrs. McKinley gave a reception CiCAR, Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, s»crHtary I a. the whole town hands. tbe oouree of bis remarks, anlm- now to the Cora McKay, j-fite for the was the centre of during hearted kindred of the llshermen aay to the 1U00 delegates to the W C. I colonies, of death a visi- today the sudden disso- cir- felt onoe again the hand Tlic Leading the storm. The of the re- adaverted strongly upon the vesael will nerer return. Kvery T. U convention. The receiving party polloy empire j tor who has called in home lution of Parliament. nar destruction in uearly every garding South Atrloa and China, the ac- cumstance points to consisted of the President and. Mrs. Mo- lO-C'ent Londro Lord Salisbury paid a tribute to tbe Id to here. | tlon of th« government in causing a dis- ! the terrible storm of September Klnley, Seoretary und Mrs. Gage, Secre- of Lord Roberts and Hen Kitchener, Yesterday there'were few who did not In the Frank P. Tibbetts & solution of when It did, the skill known on lan.t as the Ualveston tary and Mrs bong, Attorney General World. Co., parliament 14th, and mourn for their and to the of the officers and both land and give up all hops conduct or the war against the Boers, bravery hurricane, whloh swept and Mrs. Griggs and Secretary and Miss soldiers. dead, and today the crow list was public- 4 and G Free in ail tne son and rolled up a death list greater Wllso n. and, fact, questions vitally out. The names ot the lost and Quality St.^ In to South Africa, tbe this land ly given the were dis- roganl premier than eyer before waa In affecting empire, gravely counted families follow: Counts. with solemnity. He said < their surviving HAX CHETT SURRENDERED. cussed and *iued: spoke great from a similar o»us*v It wes In this ter- expl leiit, dominating Marti, the Transvaalera the Free Staters and tbe Proylncetown ltoaerlok W.
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