: ( ! M0' 15,000 People Read the HERALD. Published Every Tuesday "Justice to at!; and Friday. nens." SUMMIT RECORD FIFTY-SECOND YEAR. NO. 32 SUMMIT, N. J., FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13, 1940 $3.50 PER YEAR KHMINhKH TO (HAMBKK Give for Summit's To Plan Farewells to >'. I>. O.'HOLIDAY Tentative City OF COMMERCE MEMBERS IRAIMNW I'IMKiKA.H Former Willkie Christmas Dinner F**d Selective Service Men Christmas Programs To Call Twenty l"-ami|lf Lest the members of the Drills for N. D. O.'s Lilth- Budget Figures Chamber of" Commerce should Among the many appatte for The N*. D. O., the Local Defense In Public Schools 'I'liittsburi;' have been discon- forget, they arfe reminded to Club Reorganizing funds at this season, w« hop* Sum- Council, American Legion Sum- tiiiucd as) of this date until Per Cent, of Draft exercise their privilege to vote mit's under-privileged will not bemit I'ost No. 138, the V. F. \V.. the Thursday, January 2, 1941. Out For Study ^ior the five members of the overlooked. Red Cross and Mrs. William A. School Board Also Hears' Hi'gintiiiiK January 2. assem- Board of Directors of the On Permanent Basis There are three hundred families Becker, past president general of blies will be held at the VA\- January to June Chamber of Commerce. The in this classification In Summit— the p. A. R. have lieeu asked to be Of New Parking Rules i soir Junior IHKII SCIICHJI on' Ir.ii Wlllllil Council Awaits Changes voting closes on Monday, the some on relief and some In th« represented tonight at the office of sit j Tuosday and Thursday night 16th. Cast your ballot before Organization Without low income bracket. To cite a Selective Service Board No. 1 in December public school events! instead of at Suniin" High Local Board Gives To Be Suggested By School. The N«>w I'rovldence Monday! Name Pending National ticular example: A family ol Old City Hall to consider organi- are very much pointiiiK to the mar- i Quota Required—1200 with an income of |52,5O per month, zation of a unit to have charge of group will carry on as usual Various Civic Groups ness of Christmas, the Hoard of Ktl- utter January 2 in the New Body's Action out of which must come all tnsl^ civic ceremonies in'- connection ueation learned Tuesday night ;il Questionnaires Mailed Summit Man On needs, rent, heat, clothtnj, and food. with sending men to Camp. Tin* I'loviihiiic School. On Monday night at the home of It does not require tBiiCB imagina- Idea waa suggested by Chairman its December meeting. The mo.st N. I). U. pistol prai-tiie wilh Twenty pel- etfnt. of Summit's se- !)(> held Monday nisht as usual Walter L. Schnaring preliminary tion to see how little of thto can A. C. Bernard of the board who re-important of these events will bo le.ctivo ..service quota of l'SH man •'tentative 1941 expense figures of be used for Christmas. encouragement in tht' annual elementary school carol ; in St,. Teresa's raiifii? and at will be inducted Into service each Thomas Roy Jones, president of steps were taken to place the for- tho Masonic Hall ami on De- the various City Departments, to American Type Founders, Inc., amer "Willkie for President Club" It is for these families, a« well as the matter he decided to .call to-program which will. l>«> held Tues- \ I month, January to June, it wan an- the several ciylc groups which will cember 18 at St. Teresa's. nounced this week by Chairman A. resident of Summit at 130 Mobart of Summit on a more permanent the families on relief who are only night's meeting. i day at 2 p. m. in .the Wednesday night will ho the participate in the round-table con- avenue, and Robert D. Stuart, first supplied with the necessities alms. "We do not care to see the boy:*'auditorium'. Some tlOO children un- Clifford Bernard, of the Selective [. fereuce on December 23rd. last pistol shooting until Jan- Service Hoard. It will he recalled vice-president of tho Quaker Oats go away to the accompaniment ofjder the direction Of Miss Margaret uary titli at which time activity I. HE In several departments small ad- Company, were elected Tuesday to K2 a brass band," said Bernard, "but; Thorp will take part in thin Christ- Hix -trainees'were inducted an/1 ac- . _.,._.. „„ j company, were elected Tuesday to will be resumed 1K>UI, at St. cepted into service .last month. I justments In salary have been siig-th.e board" of trustees of Industrial it would be an excellent thing to; mas program. The Central .Junior Teresa's and at the Masonic Rested by the Committee members. Relations Counselor*. Inc., a non-nation a statement of purpose and BpgttoJ ChrWjJJ. acknowledge their patriotism. The| inRh School will present a Christ- Hall. An of yesterday about l,2"ii) (juf.s- No formal or informal action will organization established ln by-laws were adopted. i pgttJ jJl J boys could 1>e supplied with kits, mas'play and musltal program for tionnaires have been mailed, Her- proflt containing useful articles. Wei jt assembly on Thursday, Deeem- be taken by the Council on these | I G "to advance the knowledge Temporary officers were elected S. Gross Chltmas Fluid, Public B nurd said, and most of them have 92 waat to keep In touch with thcnijber 19th, at 11.15 a. in. The annual changes or on the other Items ofjan(1 practice of human relationships to hold office until the time set forWelfare Department, 7 Union place, been "irturneuVOf the l">o who have the annual meeting to be held on after they leave." Christmas carols will constitute Republican Club been classified, about U5 per cent, expense until after the recommen-1 in industry, commerce, education Summit, N. J. datlons of tlie various civic groups and government." January 14th at a place to be an- the program of the Senior High have qualified for Class 1, and of have been received and considered. The new members of the board nounced at which time it is expect- School on Friday, December L'Oth. these, about two thirds have parsed The Board of Recreation budget succeed Owen D. Young and Cyrus ed that permanent officers will be Citizens Trust at 11.15 a. m. To these two latterElects New the physical examinations conduct- does not appear below, as the Coun- McCormick, who resigned. Other elected for the ensuing year. The] Holiday Lights programs the public and friends of ed Monday .flights in the Hoard of cil and the members of the Board members of the board are Clarence temporary slate is as follows: Hor-I the Bch6ol are cordially invited. Health offices. are to have a budget conference on J. Hicks, chairman; John D. Rocke- ace W. Moody, president; Earll Mayor Forster on Parking ' Board of Trustees Continuing at this ratio mean* December 16th, after which the feller 3d, Walter C. Teagle, Harold Blackburn, Mrs. William A. Beck- Prove Popular It was stated that a letter from that between 10 and 17 per cent, of. figures* will be released. W. Dodds and^Louls E. Klrsteln. er, Mrs. Samuel A. Smith, Jr., and I Mayor Guldo F... Forster regarding Members at Annual all registrants qualify for induc- The sum total of all tentative Leon.Cross, vice-presidents; Carl- Shoppers, by Patronage In Banking Quarters I parking of automobiles near school tion, ' Bernard explained. He also departmental budgets with the ton Fuller, treasurer; J. B. Whit- ] entrances had been nent to each Meeting Take Steps for announced members of the Advi- above noted exception is $441,829 ley, secretary, The executive com- Help to Brighten City And on Second Floor sehool together with comments by sory Board will arrange regular against appropriations in 1940 of mittee Includes the officers with y periods of consultation, notification Red Cross Drive the education committee. As a re- More Regular Activity $442,516. the exception of the secretary and Colorful holiday street decora- '\ The Citizens Trust Company has of which will accompany all <jues- No inference as to the tax rate In addition Mrs. Ruford D. Frank- sult of this letter it wus said u tlonnaires hereafter. „, . .tions are now sparkling nightly in been making extensive Interior im- distinct effort had been made dur- At the annual meeting of the should be drawn from these ten- Over The Top lin, Philip Harding and Walter L. UUHIH of Clarifying RALD will lin. Philip Harding and Walter L. the shopping district of Summit provements in its banking quarters, j ing the past month to arrange the Summit Republican Club, Inc., held tative figures according to Max- Schnaring. j through the efforts of the Chamber Due to the rapid increase in busi-j parking around schools so that ac- ori) Wednesday evening in the City Classification of an increaMing well Lester, Jr., chairman of Fi- In a statement Issued after thej commerce. Business men par-ness during the past two years, the I cldents may not occur. In general, number of selective service regis- nance Committee, as no estimate of Summit Chapter Reports of liljkll', a complete new set of trus- trants who have filled out their meetliiR Mr. Moody pointed out the!tlcjpatlng in the Christmas cneer need for additional departmental i it was related, the .sides of thetees of the club was elected by the the financial side of the budget is immediate setting up of-a nominal;trade pr0motion program have un- working space has been felt.
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