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Your Position i iii ii ii i ii iii i ^miiiiiiiiiii iii limn i ii ii i ii iii iiiii in iiiii iii ill mi ii iii imiimi mi 4L You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers, perimenter 233 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK Publisht by Experimenter Publishing Company, Inc. ( H. Gernshack, President; S. Gernsback, Treasurer;) 233 Fulton Street, New York, Vol. VII. Whole No. 73 MAY, 1919 No. 1 THE THOUGHT RECORDER Front Cover RECLAIMING METAL DUST FROM FLUE GASES 26 From a painting by Howard Brown TRY THESE ON YOUR AUTO 27 FUTURE RAPID TRANSIT 7 THE TRUE WIRELESS—By Nikola Tesla.—Special Feature Article 28 WILL MAN FREEZE THE EARTH TO DEATH S AMPLIFIER BOOSTS SIGNALS 1,000,000 TIMES 31 By E. T. Brondsdon MULTIPLEX RADIO SYSTEM ADOPTED BY U. S 32 HOW THE FRENCH LOCATED SUBMARINES 9 NEW FRENCH AND AMERICAN AUDIONS 32 VEHICULAR TUNNEL UNDER THE HUDSON RIVER 10 NEW REGENERATIVE VACUUM TUBE CIRCUITS 33 By H. Winfield Secor By Samuel D. Cohen THE THOUGHT RECORDER—NO. 2 FUTURE INVENTIONS.. 12 PRACTICAL CHEMICAL EXPERIMENTS—TESTING OF WOOL, Bv H. Gernsback COTTON AND LINEN By Albert W. Wilsdon 34 PARIS LETTER, by Jacques Boyer, Paris Correspondent of the EXPERIMENTS IN RADIOACTIVITY. PART III 35 Electrical Experimenter 13 By Ivan Crawford LOCATING ENEMY GUNS BY FLASH AND SOUND 14 THE CONSTRUCTOR—THE "NOISELESS" PHONOGRAPH.... 36 NOVEL ELECTRICAL TALKING SIGN IS By Thomas Reed RELIEVING THE SUBWAY CAR CRUSH. By Sidney Gernsback 15 AUTOMATIC BELL RINGING ATTACHMENT FOR EIGHT DAY MY INVENTIONS, PART IV, by Nikola Tesla 16 CLOCK By T. A. Neelin 37 THE NEW YORK AERO SHOW 18 HOW-TO-MAKE-IT DEPARTMENT—PRIZE CONTEST 40 MONSTER ESCALATOR FOR NEW YORK SUBWAY 20 WRINKLES, RECIPES AND FORMULAS. Edited by S. Gernsback 42 BRITISH SUBMARINE LOCATER 21 LATEST PATENTS 43 PUTTING IT OVER ON FRITZ By K. K. Sammerin 22 WITH THE AMATEURS—LABORATORY ' PHOTO 'CONTEST .... 44 COLD LIGHT—WHAT IT IS By Rogers D. Rusk, M.A. 23 SCIENCE IN SLANG—THE SPECKS IN SPACE 45 POPULAR ASTRONOMY—ASTRONOMICAL DISTANCES 24 By Emerson Esterling By Isabel M. Lewis "THE ORACLE" 46 EDITORIAL Practlacal Science {HE wonderful age in which we are living perspiration soaks his clothing. Finally he sinks down has never been paralleled in history. We into the snow, exhausted, and if it is cold enough he is have more comforts, more conveniences, soon frozen stiff. Now Eskimos, who have learned a more of everything than human beings bit of science by hard experience, prefer to live pleas- ever had, since the creation of the world.
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