9458 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 37 / Friday, February 24, 2006 / Rules and Regulations paragraph (b) of this section. Other parameter monitoring plan for the It also revised Medicare Part B acceptable monitoring approaches affected unit, as specified in § 60.334(g). payment and related policies regarding: include periodic testing approved by * * * * * Physician work, practice expense and EPA or the State or local permitting [FR Doc. 06–1743 Filed 2–23–06; 8:45 am] malpractice relative value units (RVUs); authority or continuous parameter BILLING CODE 6560–50–P Medicare telehealth services; multiple monitoring as described in paragraph (f) diagnostic imaging procedures; covered of this section. outpatient drugs and biologicals; supplemental payments to Federally (f) The owner or operator of a new DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs); renal turbine that commences construction HUMAN SERVICES after July 8, 2004, which does not use dialysis services; coverage for glaucoma screening services; National Coverage water or steam injection to control NOX Centers for Medicare & Medicaid emissions may, but is not required to, Services Decision (NCD) timeframes; and perform continuous parameter physician referrals for nuclear medicine monitoring as follows: 42 CFR Parts 405, 410, 411, 413, 414, services and supplies to health care 424 and 426 entities with which physicians have * * * * * financial relationships. (2) For any lean premix stationary [CMS–1502–F2 and CMS–1325–F] In addition, the rule finalized the combustion turbine, the owner or RIN 0938–AN84 and 098–AN58 interim RVUs for CY 2005 and issued operator shall continuously monitor the interim RVUs for new and revised appropriate parameters to determine Medicare Program; Revisions to procedure codes for CY 2006. This rule whether the unit is operating in low- Payment Policies Under the Physician also updated the codes subject to the NOX mode. Fee Schedule for Calendar Year 2006 physician self-referral prohibition and * * * * * and Certain Provisions Related to the discussed payment policies relating to Competitive Acquisition Program of teaching anesthesia services, therapy (j) For each affected unit that elects to Outpatient Drugs and Biologicals caps, private contracts and opt-out, and continuously monitor parameters or Under Part B; Correcting Amendment chiropractic and oncology emissions, or to periodically determine demonstrations. the fuel sulfur content or fuel nitrogen AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & We have identified a number of content under this subpart, the owner or Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS. technical errors in that final rule with operator shall submit reports of excess ACTION: Correcting amendment to final comment period. emissions and monitor downtime, in rule with comment. accordance with § 60.7(c). Excess II. Summary of Errors emissions shall be reported for all SUMMARY: In the November 21, 2005 We are identifying and correcting periods of unit operation, including Federal Register (70 FR 70116), we errors made to certain parts of the startup, shutdown and malfunction. For published a final rule with comment preamble, regulations text and addenda the purpose of reports required under period entitled ‘‘Medicare Program; of the November 21, 2005 final rule with § 60.7(c), periods of excess emissions Revisions to Payment Policies Under the comment (70 FR 70116). In addition, and monitor downtime that shall be Physician Fee Schedule for Calendar addendum B, C, D, E and F are revised reported are defined as follows: Year 2006 and Certain Provisions under this correcting amendment, (1) * * * Related to the Competitive Acquisition although these addenda will not appear Program of Outpatient Drugs and in the Code of Federal Regulations. (iv) For owners or operators that elect, Biologicals Under Part B.’’ This under paragraph (f) of this section, to correcting amendment corrects A. Summary of Preamble Errors monitor combustion parameters or technical errors in the November 21, In the preamble text, there were a parameters that document proper 2005 publication. number of errors and omissions operation of the NO emission controls: X EFFECTIVE DATE: This correcting beginning on pages 70150 through * * * * * amendment is effective January 1, 2006. 70335. (5) All reports required under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: 1. On page 70150, in the first column, § 60.7(c) shall be postmarked by the Diane Milstead, (410) 786–3355. in the last paragraph under Section m. 30th day following the end of each 6- SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: (Additional PE Issues Raised by month period. Commenters), in the second sentence, I. Background I the number of the CPT code referenced 3. Section 60.335 is amended by is incorrect. revising paragraph (b)(8) to read as FR Doc. 05–22160, entitled ‘‘Medicare 2. On page 70155, in the center follows: Program; Revisions to Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule for column, the last sentence of the second § 60.335 Test methods and procedures. Calendar Year 2006 and Certain paragraph under the discussion titled, ‘‘3. Cardiac Catheritization and * * * * * Provisions Related to the Competitive Acquisition Program of Outpatient Angioplasty Exception,’’ there was an (b) * * * Drugs and Biologicals Under Part B’’ error in one of the code ranges (8) If the owner or operator elects and appearing in the Federal Register referenced. under § 60.334(f) to monitor combustion on November 21, 2005 (70 FR 70116), 3. On page 70263, in the third parameters or parameters indicative of addressed Medicare Part B payment column; in last paragraph, the reference proper operation of NOX emission policy, including the physician fee to Table 26 is incorrect. controls, the appropriate parameters schedule, that is applicable for calendar 4. On page 70263, Table 26 was shall be continuously monitored and year (CY) 2006; and finalized certain numbered incorrectly. recorded during each run of the initial provisions of the interim final rule to 5. On page 70274, in the first column; performance test, to establish acceptable implement the Competitive Acquisition in the second paragraph language operating ranges, for purposes of the Program (CAP) for Part B Drugs. concerning the specific deleted practice VerDate Aug<31>2005 18:05 Feb 23, 2006 Jkt 208001 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\24FER1.SGM 24FER1 wwhite on PROD1PC61 with RULES Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 37 / Friday, February 24, 2006 / Rules and Regulations 9459 expense items was inadvertently The corrections are reflected in 96417, 96450, 96521, 96522, 96523, omitted. section III.B. of this correcting 96542, 99300, 99324, 99325, 99326, 6. On page 70282, in the second amendment. 99327, 99328, 99334, 99335, 99336 column; from the top of the column, and 99337. lines 8 through 11, the sentence, ‘‘We C. Summary of Addendum B, C, D, E and F Errors b. We assigned incorrect status are assigning a status indicator of N for indicators to the following CPT codes these services because they are 1. In Addendum B, pages 70337 88385–26, 88386–26, 98960, 98961, nonvcovered under Medicare.’’ reflects through 70463, we are making the 98962 and 99340. an incorrect status indicator and will be following corrections: These corrections are reflected in revised. a. We assigned incorrect RVUs to the Section III.C.3 of this correcting 7. On page 70282, in the third following Physicians’ CPT or HCPCS amendment. column; we inadvertently omitted a codes: 3. In Addendum D, pages 70466 paragraph before section F. 50000: through 70467, we are correcting the (Establishment of Interim PE RVUs for i. 52648; locality name ‘‘Kansas*’’ to read New and Revised Physician’s Current 60000: ‘‘Kansas’’. Procedural Terminology (CPT) Codes ii. 61630, 61635; These corrections are reflected in and New Healthcare Common 80000: Section III.C.4 of this correcting Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) iii. 88385–26, 88385–TC, 88385, amendment. Codes for 2006). 88386–26, 88386–TC, and 88386; 4. In Addendum E, pages 70468 8. On page 70296, in the second 90000: through 70469, we are correcting the column; in the last paragraph, in line 6, iv. 90760, 90761, 90765, 90766, locality name ‘‘Kansas*’’ to read we incorrectly used the term ‘‘PFS’’, and 90767, 90768, 90772, 90773, 90774, ‘‘Kansas’’. that term will be replaced. 90775, 92626, 92627, 93514, 96401, These corrections are reflected in 9. On page 70302, in Table 35, the 96402, 96405, 96406, 96409, 96411, Section III.C.5 of this correcting figures for Annual Actual Expenditures 96413, 96415, 96416, 96417, 96420, amendment. and the Cumulative Actual 96440, 96450, 96521, 96522, 96542, 5. In Addendum F, pages 70469 Expenditures, for the period of 1/1/03– 97606, 99300, 99324, 99325, 99326, through 70471, we are correcting this 12/31/03, are incorrect and will be 99327, 99328, 99334, 99335, 99336, Addendum by replacing this Addendum revised. and 99337. in its entirety to address two errors. First, we inadvertently left a 10. On page 70316, the first column, b. We assigned an incorrect global discontinued HCPCS code, J1750, on the percentage adjustment referenced in period for CPT code 92627. the third complete sentence is incorrect c. We assigned incorrect status Addendum F. This code was replaced and will be revised. indicators to the following CPT or codes by J1751 and J1752 which are found on 11. On page 70320, the second 0141T, 0142T, 0143T, 88385–26, 88385– Addendum G ‘‘Revised New Drugs for footnote to Table 49 has incorrectly TC, 88385, 88386–26, 88386–TC, 88386, CAP Bidding for 2006’’. Second, we listed the numerical scaler. This 96523, 98960, 98961, 98962 and 99340. included a new HCPCS code, J7318, footnote will be corrected. d. The following HCPCS codes were which we understood would replace These corrections are reflected in inadvertently included: G9041, G9042, HCPCS codes J7317 and J7320. HCPCS Section III.A of this correcting G9043 and G9044. These numbers J7318 was not issued and HCPCS codes amendment. should not have been included because J7317 & J3120 were retained. We have B. Summary of Regulations Text Errors they were not in effect.
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