Twinned with the Parish of Embalenhle in South Africa My dear friends in Christ, th NEWSLETTER Last Thursday (11 October), the Catholic Church Sunday 14th October 2012 throughout the world began the Year of Faith which Twenty-Eighth Sunday was called for by Pope Benedict XVI. Our Diocese of the Year marked the beginning of this special year with a Sunday 21st October 2012 Mass in Brentwood Cathedral on Thursday evening. Twenty-Ninth Sunday The Holy Father tells us that his overall objective is of the Year that through this Year of Faith we may “rediscover the joy of believing and the enthusiasm for communicating the faith” (Porta Fidei para 1). Serving the Churches of: In particular, he hopes that we will come to a deeper understanding of the truths of our faith and a renewed relationship with Jesus, Our Lord. This St Basil the Great Year of Faith marks the 50th anniversary of the Luncies Road SS14 1SD opening of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of The Most Holy Trinity the Catholic Church. This great body of teaching Wickhay SS15 5AD guides and shapes our Year of Faith just as it shapes the life of the Church. St Therese of Lisieux The scripture this weekend outlines some important Florence Way SS16 6AJ truths about faith. The First Reading helps us to understand that faith is a kind of wisdom; a wisdom that is rooted in the heart and mind of God and Parish Office which must be treasured above all things. The Second Reading points out that it is the word of God 71 Wickhay, SS15 5AD that communicates wisdom to us; a word that may Mon – Thurs, 9.30 – 5.30 well challenge our attitudes, behaviour and personal preferences. The Gospel however, encourages us Tel 01268 281732 not to be deterred or compromised by such Fax 01268 526691 challenges, but to reinvest ourselves in new ways in following Jesus because the rewards are great. www.basildoncatholics.org Have a faith filled week! Fr Brett PAGE 2 OUR LADY & ALL SAINTS Parish Pastoral Team Postal address Fr Dominic Howarth 01268 281732 Parish House [email protected] Holy Trinity Fr Brett Adams 01268 281732 71 Wickhay [email protected] Basildon SS15 5AD Sr Clare Kane 01268 553425 [email protected] Parish website Parish Office Administrator www.basildoncatholics.org Katrina Gadsden [email protected] The Parish Office phone is the Parish Youth Co-ordinator contact number for Katrina and Adam Adam O’Brien [email protected] 01268 281732 Parish Council Chair Mary-Catherine Bottjer Parish Pastoral Assistants [email protected] Area 1 – Southfields & Laindon West Patrick Gomes 01268 459328 [email protected] Area 2 – Great Berry and Langdon Hills Eileen Prizeman 07718530421 [email protected] Area 3 – Lee Chapel North and Laindon East Mari Heywood 07719009760 [email protected] & Teresa Walker 01268 452786 [email protected] Area 4 – Lee Chapel South and Kingswood Phyl McLaren 07970096319 [email protected] Area 5 – Fryerns and Ghyllgrove Isobel Parks 01268 289678 [email protected] Area 6 – Pitsea, Vange and Barstable Teresa Reed 01268 457337 [email protected] Area 7 – Burnt Mills and Felmore Sandra Bourke 01268 729865 [email protected] Area 8 – Chalvedon and Eversley John Bourke 01268 729865 [email protected] To arrange visits to the sick and housebound contact your local P.A. or Sister Clare New to the Parish? Please fill in a Parish welcome form & your local P.A. will contact you. To arrange visits to those in hospital, and for all administration enquiries, including newsletter items , please contact Katrina at the Parish Office. OUR LADY & ALL SAINTS PAGE 3 Total Offertory Giving Sunday 30th September 2012: £1,675.05 th Sunday 7 October 2012: £1,902.35 Second Collection: CAFOD Harvest Fast Day £1,290.60 Thank you for your generosity. Brentwood Diocesan Trust Registered Charity No. 234092 School Form Signing - THIS THURSDAY. Applications for Secondary st Schools are now open, with most schools having the deadline of 31 October. Check the paperwork carefully and be sure to apply in good time! We are very blessed to have a fine Catholic secondary school, De La Salle, right in the centre of the parish. Families looking for an all boys school or all girls school also have good choices nearby with St Thomas More in Southend and the Ursuline School in Brentwood. We strongly and warmly encourage Catholic families to use Catholic schools: there is an ethos and set of values that underpin these schools rooted in the Catholic faith, and it is a priceless gift to your child, sustaining all that happens in the parish and in the home. Each school has detailed admissions criteria, and will require a form to be signed to show your child is a Baptised Catholic and attending Mass. Please bring the forms from the school with you and complete the whole form with the exception of the questions which need to be answered by the priest. If they have not provided a supplementary form about your faith then Fr Dominic will provide one for you. You will also need a copy of your child’s Baptism certificate – if you do not have this then the form cannot be signed. If your child was Baptised in Basildon (at any of our three churches) then call Katrina, 01268 281732, and request a new copy. There will be around sixty forms for Fr Dominic to sign. For this reason please do not ask for them to be signed individually after Masses, but instead please come at the following times: th Thursday 18 October, 4.00 – 5.30pm, St Basil’s Presbytery. Thursday 18th October, 7.00 – 9.00pm, Small Hall, Holy Trinity. Parish Finance. Should any parishioner require a copy of the Parish financial statements for the financial year ended 5th April 2012, these are available on request from the parish office. By early 2013 the parish Finance Committee will have prepared a summary analysis with key information which will be presented to parishioners to help everybody have a better understanding of the parish financial position. PAGE 4 OUR LADY & ALL SAINTS Sacred Space – in need of some peace? Moments of quiet in a busy week? Time to think and time to pray? Holy Trinity offers plenty of space, beautiful th lighting, and a calm atmosphere. The next session takes place on Wednesday 17 October from 7.30 – 8.30pm, with the Blessed Sacrament on the Altar and quiet classical music playing. Pop in for a few minutes or stay for an hour; in the stillness give space for God’s heart to speak to your heart. The November Dead List Envelopes are available in each of the churches. The custom is that people put a list of the names of all their departed loved ones inside the envelope (with a donation) and the list is then placed in a special basket in front of the altars and all our loves ones are remembered in the Masses during November. All the donations received here are given to charity. Preparation for First Communion – Reminder. The Parents’ meeting, led by Fr th Dominic, is on Tuesday 16 October from 7.30 – 9.00pm in the main hall at Holy Trinity. The Children’s session is on Saturday 20th October from 9.20 – 11.00am. The Diocesan Deaf Service will be celebrating a Signed Mass in Holy Trinity on Sunday 21st October at 10.30am. Fr Dominic will be the main celebrant and people who are deaf will sign the readings. All are welcome, hearing, hard of hearing and deaf. For more information contact Sister Margaret Duffy, Brentwood Diocesan Pastoral Deaf Service, 803 Chigwell Road, Woodford Bridge, Essex IG8 8AU Telephone 020 8504 0406 / 07989129091 Email [email protected] GGoollff DDaayy ffoorr AAllll!!! TTEEXXAASS SSCCRRAAMMBBLLEE Thursday 25th October St Cleres Hall Golf Club, Stanford le Hope SS17 OLX Teams of 4 Total Cost £60 per team (£15 per person) This promises to be a great day for everyone and all profit made will support Parish funds. If you would like to attend please complete the sheet at the back of each of the churches. OUR LADY & ALL SAINTS PAGE 5 Class Teacher – KS1 – St Teresa’s Primary School. Required Immediately. Main Scale/Upper Pay Scale with TLR2. St Teresa’s are looking for an inspiring teacher to join their friendly team and to lead teaching/learning in the Infant Department. You will be someone who appreciates, values and actively supports the Catholic ethos of the school. This is an excellent career opportunity for someone with enhanced skills. Details from the school: Tel: 01268 553502, Email: [email protected]. Closing date 23rd October. ……………………………………………. Gift Aid. Should any parishioner have a gift aid query, either specific or general, a gift aid representative will be available to answer your queries, at Holy Trinity Church, on the second Sunday of each month before Mass and also during the coffee morning. Church Cleaning. More volunteers are needed to help clean St Basil’s Church. At present the commitment would be about once a month. Also cleaners are desperately needed in St Therese, where there is only one person on the rota! If you are able to help please telephone Ann Stockwell on 07974228306 in respect of St Basil’s or speak to Kathy Hallissey for St Therese. Thank you. The October Mass Count. Can the parishioners who take care of the counting please ensure that the figures are given to one of the Priests at the end of Mass. Diocesan Census – If you haven’t already completed a census form, would you please do so and hand to either Fr Dominic or Fr Brett or return to the parish office within the next week.
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