金門印記 ISSUE 1 2020 Engineered defences against Covid-19 工程精英合力對抗新冠疫情 P18 P23 Double winner – Gammon wins Gold in the 2019 Thermal Tanks – Gammon-designed and -installed Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence chilled-water thermal-energy storage system and a Certificate of Merit for its E&M works breaks records in weight and time installed 兩獎項得主 – 金門在「香港環境卓越大獎」奪建造業金獎、 儲能缸 – 由金門設計及安裝的冷水儲能系統創全港 機電工程奪優異獎 最重量級及最快安裝紀錄 Chief Executive’s Message 總裁的話 Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, Gammon has emphasised adaptability, implemented flexible work arrangements and other crisis-management measures with the aim of putting the safety of our workforce and business partners first. As a contractor, we have contributed our expertise 4 to help curb the spread of the pandemic within the wider community. In February, Gammon was engaged to provide expert modular integrated construction (MiC) project management and MEP services in the fast- track construction of temporary quarantine facilities in Hong Kong. Consisting of 110 units in a two-storey configuration, it took just 64 days to complete all MiC fabrication, installation, tests and inspections. We also worked with the Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management (Hong Kong Branch) to construct Hong Kong’s first rapidly built high-standard negative-pressure isolation ward, also using an MiC approach. The demonstration unit showcases that it is possible to build these specialist isolation facilities in a fast- 20 track and cost-effective manner. The past few months have not been easy for any of us. I would like to personally thank our business partners’ support and thank all Gammon staff for their adaptability and resilience in these challenging times and urge Issue 1/2020 everybody to be ready to start afresh for a new chapter of Gammon’s history. CONTENTS 目錄 在新型冠狀病毒疫情下金門一直強調,要因時制宜,推行靈活的工 作安排和危機管理措施,因為我們首重員工和業務夥伴的安全。 作為香港的承建商,我們在過去數月以建 News 快訊 築專業協助遏制病毒在社區蔓延。我們在 4 2月獲委以重任,要為香港的臨時檢疫隔離 12 Focus Story 設施提供專業的「組裝合成」項目管理,以 焦點特寫 及機械、電氣和管道工程服務。這隔離設 Gammon’s expertise in the field of modular integrated 施為兩層結構,共110個單位,迅速在64天 construction made it possible to build a quarantine 內完成所有構件的製造、安裝、測試和檢 facility with 110 units in Penny’s Bay in just over two 查程序。 months, assisting Hong Kong in the fight against 此外,我們又與英國醫療 Covid-19. 工程學會香港分會緊密合作, 金門以「組裝合成」專業建築技術,在兩個多月內完成備有110 以「組裝合成」方案快速建造 個單位的竹篙灣隔離設施,協助香港對抗新型冠狀病毒疫情。 香港首個高規格的負壓隔離 病房模型。這模型展示了以 18 Awards 獎項 快速和具成本效益的方法建 造特別隔離設施的可行性。 20 Profile 焦點人物 我們全體同仁在過去數月 一起面對困難,我謹此感謝 業務夥伴的鼎力支持,以及 金門所有員工,在這極具挑戰 的時刻充分展現互助、適應和 應變的能力。我懇請大家做好 裝備,繼續為金門編寫新的篇章 而努力。 Approved Thomas Ho 何安誠 training provider 4306 2 | The Record • Issue 1/2020 From the Editor’s Desk 編輯的話 Having recently joined Gammon from another Jardine company, it is a great honour for me to publish my first column here in The Record. As a relatively new arrival to the company, I am delighted to see how Gammon is able to provide such a diverse and wide range of services for our business partners. It is also gratifying to know that the Company is strengthening its competitive advantage through its multi-skill, one-team approach. 23 One of my concerns as a new staff member relates to the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the company. As the physical and mental health of our employees is so important to us, we have been implementing a variety of precautionary measures and providing flexible work arrangements for our staff. We have also set up an Employee Assistance Programme and Care Hotline, which focuses on staff mental health, and the Beyond Wellness Sharepoint website for sharing health information and organising webinars and workshops. We have also launched our first music video “This Battle”, collectively produced with colleagues in Hong Kong, Singapore and mainland China, to cheer us on the journey to fight against Covid-19. Stay tuned for more. Despite this unprecedented situation with Covid-19, our business continues to grow. Thanks to the efforts and dedication of all staff, Gammon has recently secured a number of new 25 projects. We also scored two big wins in the 2019 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence. One was a Gold Award – our seventh – for our environmental work on the Medical Complex Extension at No 21 Sassoon Road for The University of Hong Kong (HKU). The other was an Environmental Excellence Certificate of Merit for our E&M works at the Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link – Northern Connection Tunnel Buildings. 23 Projects 工程項目 This is an exciting time to be at Gammon, and I look forward Gammon designed and installed a chilled-water to being a part of this talented team that is making so many thermal-energy storage system with the heaviest contributions to the future of Hong Kong. DfMA thermal tanks in Hong Kong at the Global Switch Data Centre, while the Highways Department 從怡和集團旗下另一公司轉到金門以來,這是第一次透過編訂《金門印記》 also contracted Gammon to construct buildings and 與大家見面,我實在深感榮幸。 electrical and mechanical (E&M) works for the Central 作為金門的一個新人,能夠親自接觸到公司如何為眾多合作夥伴提供 Kowloon Route, Gammon’s second Central Kowloon 廣泛的建築服務,令我獲益良多,我更欣然看到公司正透過多元的技能培 Route project. 訓和團隊合作精神,不斷強化競爭優勢。 金門為香港Global Switch數據中心設計及安裝全港最重量級、 剛加入金門遇上了新型冠狀病毒,疫情對公司的影響正是我首要關注 採用「供製造和裝配的設計」的冷水儲能缸系統;並承建路政署 的項目之一。由於員工的身心健康對公司非常重要,我們為員工推行了 九龍幹線大樓及機電工程,此為金門獲批的第二項中九龍幹線 多項預防措施,並採取了靈活的工作安排,又推出員工互助計劃和關懷 工程。 熱線,特別關注工友的精神健康。此外,我們設置了一個員工福祉小組網 站,用以分享健康資訊、組織網上研討會和工作坊等。最近,我們首度推 25 Corporate Social Responsibility 出一段由香港、新加坡和中國內地的同事攜手攝製的音樂短片《這一仗》, 企業社會責任 在抗疫的旅途中與同儕一起互相勉勵,加油打氣。稍後會推出更多不同類 型的活動,敬請垂注。 26 Major Current Contracts List 面對史無前例的疫情,金門的業務仍能穩步增長。我們最近贏得了數 工程合約一覽表 項新工程合約,實有賴同事的堅持和努力。我們又奪得兩項「2019香港環境 卓越大獎」,香港大學沙宣道21號醫學院大樓擴建工程以傑出的環保工作奪 得建造業金獎,這已是金門第七次奪金獎殊榮;屯門至赤角連接路 – 北 面連接路隧道大樓及機電工程則獲優異獎。 Executive Editor Jenny Pong This publication is proudly managed and 很高興能夠在這重要時刻加入金門,我期望與金門傑出的團隊並肩, Editor, English Chris Taylor produced by Editor, Chinese Chloe Tam 製作及統籌機構 繼續為香港的未來作出貢獻。 Design Manager Johnny Chan Bamboo Business Communications 執行總編 龐燕妮 英文主編 Chris Taylor Tel +852 2838 4553 中文主編 譚婉儀 設計總監 陳錦源 Fax +852 2873 3329 Jenny Pong 龐燕妮 Director – HR 董事 – 人力資源 Your contributions are welcome. Please contact Candy Chan, Corporate Communications Manager 歡迎各位提供寶貴意見,請隨時聯絡企業傳訊經理陳敏碧 Tel +852 2516 8733 Fax +852 2516 6260 E-mail [email protected] www.gammonconstruction.com The Record • Issue 1/2020 | 3 News 快訊 welfare for staff, and feedback from colleagues at The Quayside has so far been positive. Everything is WELL at Says Mandy Tso, Learning & Development Officer: “I like my desk so much because it’s very user-friendly. Everyone can tailor the height of the desk depending on Gammon new office their own needs and in various situations. What’s more, the office is next to Kwun Tong Promenade – I enjoy working with the beautiful sea and city views so much.” 新辦公室以員工福祉為本 The office also provides a range of working spaces As you may know, Gammon moved to a new office on the 22nd Floor, The Quayside, in December 2019. The new office follows the WELL Building standard for interiors, a performance-based system for built environments that integrates health and wellbeing considerations in the design and fit-out. We have considered everything from air and water quality to light and comfort to mental wellbeing. Drinking water is filtered to a very high quality, meeting rooms have been designed to minimise noise intrusion, we have green walls and adjustable desks and there are indoor air quality monitors, to name just a few features. Of course, the office also includes LED lighting, energy efficient lighting controls and all-sustainable FSC certified wood furniture to reduce environmental impacts. We are committed to providing a better indoor environment and improved 4 | The Record • Issue 1/2020 快訊 News and rooms as well as a communal hub for lunchtimes, informal meetings and casual gatherings. Says Frances Tang, Legal Administrator, “It allows for more effective communication and better socialising with teammates.” Jacky Chan, Estimator, agrees, saying, “With more space and facilities, I feel comfortable working in the new office.” David Gibbs, Digital Engineering & Compliance Manager, says: “The new space and technology really help us to collaborate and focus. We have dedicated 木製家具以減少對環境的影響。我們致力為員工提供更佳的室 areas for co-creation, silent study booths, interactive 內工作環境,改善員工福祉,遷入海濱匯以來已得到同事多方 screens and a floor-to-ceiling presentation board for 面的讚賞。 group briefings. We even have a dedicated BIM lab!” 學習及發展主任曹曼瑩說:「我非常喜歡我的辦公桌,它使 Alexandra Grierson, Innovation Catalyst, agrees, 用方便,而且每位同事可以按照個人需要和不同情況調校辦公 saying, “I really like the variety of spaces around the 桌的高度。此外,辦公室臨近觀塘海濱長廊,我可以在工作之 office – they’re flexible to your needs. The open areas 餘,欣賞美麗的海港和城市景色。」 are also great in terms of increased interactions and 法律行政統籌鄧燕雯說:「這辦公室備有一系列工作間、會 collaboration.” 議室,以至供午餐、小組討論和休閒聚會用的共用空間,能有 效促進同事之間的溝通和交流。」 你或許已經知道,金門在2019年12月進駐海濱匯22樓全新辦公室。 估價師陳俊鴻亦表示贊同:「新辦公室有更多空間和設施, 新辦公室的內裝按WELL健康建築標準設計。WELL是一個 我在這裡工作感到很舒展。」 針對建築環境實際表現、把健康和福祉元素納入室內設計和裝 Digital Engineering and Compliance Manager David Gibbs 修之內的系統。辦公室內由空氣、水質、光線,以至員工的舒 說:「新的空間和技術設置確實有助同事協作和專注。我們有專 適度和心理健康,全部納入我們考慮之列。 門的協作共創區、專注靜思區、互動屏幕、方便進行小組討論的 新辦公室設備先進,飲用水經過濾後達到極高質量,設計 大型演示板,以至一個專門的建築信息模擬工作室!」 會議室時已充分考慮隔音問題,又有綠化牆壁、可調校辦公 創新激發專員Alexandra Grierson亦認同:「我真的很喜歡 桌,以至室內空氣質量監測器等。LED照明和節能照明控制系 新辦公室內有不同的間區,它們可以靈活地滿足同事不同的需 統當然不可或缺,還選用森林管理委員會(FSC)認證的可持續 要。共用開放區亦能促進同事之間的互動和協作。」1 The Record • Issue 1/2020 | 5 News 快訊 Responding to a crisis 危機應變 Gammon has been actively responding to the Covid-19 pandemic with a wide range of measures, such as implementing flexible work locations arrangement and other crisis-management measures
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