•t. MONDAY, TEBRUART 19. IM lI Average Dally Cirenlation Manchester Evening Herald Uto MMth o f Jammry, 1945 9,063 nel of that company at Oamp Agoattnelll, of 98 Olenwood street, Member of tbe Audit Sunset Rebekah Ix>dge will begin The offlclsl board of the Cove­ Blending, Fla., to attend the Offi­ nant-Congregational church will daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Secundo Its ineeting tonight Lieut. Gworek cer's Candidate School at Fort Ban­ Borem at CIrcalstlone meet this evening at 8 o’clock at Agoatinelll, la endeavoring to se­ ning, Ga. He received his commis­ Our First Shipment In Manchester— A City o f VUlage Charm About Town Odd Fellows hall: A Military Whist cure confirmation of . the enemy wUl follow at 8:16 under the dlrec- the home of Carl Johnson, M sion as a Second Lieutenant of In­ PRICE THREE CENTSA , Spruce street. War Prisouer short wave broadcaat through the fantry and has been overseas 18 (TEN PAGES) Uon of PaM Noble Grand Grace American Red Croea. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1945 , Otcvb O o( C«nt*r oburcti worn* monttis. (C losed Advertielag m Page 8) Hatch and her committee. Over A Year! rvoL. L xrv., n o . i i 9 ML £ S . W snk Blckmore, iMuler, Daughters «< Liberty No. 138, Lieutenant Gworek left Man- MMt In th« Robbins room to- Gibbons Assembly. Catholic La­ I Ladies Intsmatlonsl Orange Asso­ Ohio Short Wave Listen- cheater In March, 1941, aa a mem­ Borrair srsnln* nt 7:45, for Its dles of Columbus, will bold a cov­ ciation, will meet tomorrow eve­ ber of Company K, 169th Infantry Fine Quality “ Rose Filet” Pattern . V 'monthlx business session. A so- ered dish supper tomorrow eve­ ning at 7:30 in Orange hall. A Reports He Heard and was selected from the person- MRS." JOSEPHINE Red Marshals Confer eisl Urns wUI follow and the hos- George Washington speclsl will ning at 6:30 at the Y. M. C. A. follow the business session. In German Broadcast. P. HILLS I W O Jima Air Field tnrmiT win be Mrs. Walter Wad­ Guests on this occasion wUl be charge of Worthy Mistress Miss dell, Mrs. Ernest Bengston, Mrs. the 61 new members who have .eds Punch Several Anns Dickson and her associate Graduate Hartford Art Mrs. RJchmrd Gworek, of 03 Paul Agsird and Mrs. Blckmore. J ^ e d the assembly during the officers. Final arrangements will School • Late Scarfs past lodge year. If any of the Olenwood street, was overjoyed Qil Burners also be made for the anniversary Saturday when she received a mes­ and Warsaw Academy The family of Harry F. Sweet latter have not been contacted, celebration of the lodge next and nf Putnam street has been called they are a.sked to call any of the sage from a short-wave radio lis­ Announces Her Art Course Seized by Marines; 1 month. to Danielson, because of the death following committee before noon tener hi Ohio who Informed her that he had listened in to a Ger­ Furnaces Beginning Feb. 23 at 8 p. m. and Doilies Holes in Nazi Lines; % tomorrow: Mrs. W. L. Conlon and o f Mr*. Sweet’s father, George Anderson-Shea Poet 2048, Vet­ • MASONIC TEMPLE Bwney, which occurred Saturday Mrs Edward Underhill, co-chair­ man propaganda broadcast recent­ A Few Still Available. All Sizes for Bedroom^ Living Room and Dining Room. erans of Foreign Ware will hold ly and had heard a meaaage that .Adnlta and Children Taught ' at Uie Roosevelt Hospital, New men; Mrs. WlUiam O’Hara. Mrs. their meeting tomorrow night at Cain Mahoney, Mrs. Charles her husband, Lieut. Richard J. RACKLIFFE OIL CO. Drawing and Painting with Tork. 8:16 at the Home, Manchester Gworek was a German prisoner of Varlniin Mediums. Tel. 6359, Repulse Jap Attack Nute, Mrs. John Hayford. Mrs. R . O U t t d #*#••. e eeeee#to*eeeaaaea j Green. war and located In a German prla- 1^1. Hartford 7-6191 To Regtater or f6r Further Tbere will be a special meeting William Taylor. Mrs. Benjamin 898 Maple Avenue — Hartford Konev Drives Ahead Information. Munson and Mrs. John'Dormer. on camp. R o u n d •e.eeaaeeeeaeaeeeeaeaa Wednesday night at 7:S0 of the Manchester Grange members At the eeme time Information lady members of both th club and are reminded of the setback par­ Fight Toughest Battle in ’There will be contract bridge was also passed along to another ^lound 30c auxiliary of Anderson-Shea Post ty tomorrow evening at eight soldier, presumably of the same 3046 V. F. W. at’ the now home, for all Mason.s and their families o’clock at the home of Mrs. regiment; s reeldent of a town in History of Corps to at the Masonic Temple tonight at 18” Round . .............................. ; .............79c [Germans . Indicate Re­ Howitzers Smash llanehMter Green. The purpose of Charles Yurkahot, 69 Haynes Pennsylvania, which was unidenti­ eight o’clock. Liberal prize.s In­ ’ Capture Airdrome this meteing is to organize a bowl­ I street. The Home Economics fied. was also s prisoner in that sumption o f Offensives Canadians Forces cluding door prizes and refresh­ 24” R o u n d ................ S1.29 ing league. It is urgent that as committee, which Is In charge, camp. Toward Berlin and From ‘Fanatically’ De­ many women members attend as ments are offered. urges tbs members to 110 tables. Reported MIesliig Jaa. 8 Lieutenant Gworek was original­ We Have Just Received 12” Square......... 39c Intramuros Area fending Japanese Alt­ names will be drawn to form the A special meeting of Dllworth- Dresden; Breaks Near various teams and to get the Mrs. Barie Clifford, of Strant ly reported missing In action to Clear Goch Ruins; Oomell Post, No. 102, The Ameri­ 6x12 Oval and O blon g.............. .25c er Breaking Up Night schedule under way. street, and Miss Barbara Hubbard, France on Jan. 2, 1945. Guben, Sorau and at can Legion, will be held In the of 179 Main street, spent the week­ Hta wife, the former Mies Mollie l|(>xl4 Oval and O blon g.................. 39c (Counter-Attack;. Nav­ Legion Home at eight o’clock to­ end in Boston. Lauban; Fighting ‘of Thick Outer Walls night. Important buslneas is to be A Full Line Of Open 12x18 Oval and O b lon g ........................> 50c Yank Front Wider al Gunfire Big Aid. transacted and all members are Mrs. Edward 8. Dlk and daugh­ Bitterest Type’ Raging .requested to be present,. ter Adeline of Henry street left BARBER SHOPS Military Whist 16x24 Oval and^Oblong................ $1.00 Between Bober, Neisse. --------- ^ '--------------- Clearing Way for Tanks United States Pacific Fleet today for Boeton, and win spend WILL BE OPEN ALL Key Workers ODD FELLOWS HALL the week with reUttves In that l^ix3^i Scarfs $1.2^^ Repel Five Counter-At­ Headquarters, Guam, Feb. city and In Gloucester, Mass. DAY WEDNESDAY The caption that accompaniecJ this ra(3lophoto fitim Moscow de­ And Infantrymen De­ Monday,* Feb. 19, 8:15 , London, 2o.-</p)- Red Advancc tacks W hich Check scribes it as showing Marshal Ivan S. Konev (Right), commander of 20.— —^(Via Navy Radio) Prises! Refreshments! TRUSSES BELTS Stock Patterns In 16x45 Scarfs ..........................’. -------- $1.49 jRussian troops have punched termined to Wipe Out — American Marines fighting , Bt James’s Brownie Troop will CLOSED Soviet troops on the First Uktainian front, and Marshal Pavel A. Will Be Held Adinlsalon 50 Cents. several deep breaches in Ger­ Gains on North Wing; Rotmlstrov, leader ol Russian tank forces, at an observation post. the tougliest battle of their ; EXPERT FITTERS omit its meeting tomorrow after­ ALL DAY TTHURSDAY 16x54 Scarfs........................................... $1.69 Frees Yanks Japanese min Manila. noon. The next meeting will be on man lines on a 65-mile front Yanks Take 5 Towns. history seized the southern I ’Tueedsy afternoon. Feb.. 27. Washington’s Birthday stretching within 50 to 60 From Draft Arthur Drug Store* Chair S ets........................ $1.29 Manila, Feb. 20.— air field on Iwo Jima today miles of Berlin and Dresden, from “fanatically” defending 848 Blahi St. Robinow Bldg. Held Captive Paris, Feb. 20.— The •American heavy howitzers There win be a special eommunt- MANCHESTER lithe German high command catlon of Manchester Lodge of Canadian First Army ^ virtu­ tore holes in the thick walls i 1,250,000 Under 30 in Japanese after breaking up a LECLERC Masons In the Msaonic ’Temple to­ BARBERS declared today. It indicated ally cleared the ruins ,of RisCassi Rejects night counter-attack by 900 UHtAY of Manila’s Itramuros (walled j Industries Stand charging enemy troops. Admiral .Marshal Ivan Konev had re- f u n e r a l h o m e morrow night. Lodge win o|>an at ASSOaATION 24x40” Washable Officers and Men Liber­ Goch, fortified Siegfried line 17:30 and the Entered Apprentice ^zumad hit push toward these two city) today to clear the way I Cheater W. Nlmitz announced. 28 Main Street degree wUl be conferred. I cities after withstanding German ated from Nazi Pris­ road center, today and re­ for tanks and infantrymen To Be Deferred, Selec- Push Path .Across Island counter-atUcks which Berlin only pelled at least five vicious Appeal to Agree Phone 6269 BROWN'S on Camps Despite At­ determined to wipe out the Uve Service Admits. Stronfily supported by Naval Chenille Scatter Rugs last night aaW had swept back in­ counter-attacks which check­ last major Japanese strong- and aerial units which drovs oft to four towns. the first reported attempts by For Bedrooms and Bathrooms. tempts at Evacuation. ed gains on the northern point in the capital and free Washington, Feb.
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