Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 2-1-1905 Volume 23, Number 02 (February 1905) Winton J. Baltzell Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Baltzell, Winton J.. "Volume 23, Number 02 (February 1905)." , (1905). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/500 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. T H H ETl) OH THE ETUDE 47 SCRIBNER’S LATEST BOOR'S f PIANISTS' A DRAMATIC CANTATA OF MODERATE DIFFICULTY A Whole Library THE MUSIC STORY SERlES-(New Volume) JUST PUBLISHED Send 87 cents for the PIANISTS’ Of Technical Exercises THR VIOLIN, bv Paul Stoevlng. Professor of the Violin at th£ Guildhall School^ofMushrin London, F PARLOR ALBUM, a thoroughly Two Magnificent Collections THE COMING OF RUTH high-grade Album, printed from en¬ Condensed Into Less Than One Hundred Pages graved plates upon the finest finished of Vocal Music BV WILLIAM T. NOSS paper, and undoubtedly the finest Price $1.00 each $9.00 per dozen making Album of its kind ever published. A work suitable for choral i entions, singing societ] "n. —r ™«d.» « Bound in a flexible cover,-neat, sub. church choirs, containing so] ... stantial, and attractive. No music MODEL SONGS tone and bass, 'together witha mixed chorus, and in six scenes. --1 list ol new and old Musical Books lorwarded on request. This cantata is founded on the firFt chapter of the Book of IN TWO VOLUMES Ruth, being a work of exceptional merit, a fascinating a-’ structive presentation and portrayal of Biblical story, dr “NEW TECHNIC’ incident and human sympathy, conveying much that CHARLES SCRIBNER’S SONS Lovers of good vocal compositions will be A System of the Most Necessary No*. 153-157y FiftH1T;f#R AvenueA vAnun • • " " pleased with the excellent collections here throughout, expressive Daily Exercises to Produce a IPARLOR presented, embracing a wide variety of songs This work we consider far superior to most similar cantatas which have proven successful in the past. It is very easily cos¬ in quality, sentiment and compass. Some tumed and staged; can be prepared in from 12 to 15 rehearsals. PERFECT DEVELOPMENT >uld be without it. contents standard favorites are included, but the major The production of such cantatas tends to awaken Interest in Album Leaf. Am Camin, Angel's Serenade. Antiope, At the fountain, Austrian Song, Berceuse de ••Joc¬ portion are songs not to be found in any other a congregation, Sunday school or young people’s society. of tlie elyn," Bridal Chorus. Celebrated Serenade. Convent Aside from the social and educational benefit derived, it is a Belle, Cooing Doves. Plover Song, Fontaine. Loin du collections. The wide scope of the selections pleasant and profitable method of financially aiding any church Important Publications Bal. Melodic. Melody, Menuct, Paloma. Pizzicato enterprise. FINGERS. WRISTS, ARMS, *• Sylviai," Poet and Peasant^ make the volumes available for all voices. THEO. PRESSER, 1712 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Second Valve, Serenata, Simple Aveu. Slumbertong’, The cost is less than the price of any two of AND BODY Spring Morning Serenade, Sweet Memories. Twilight FOR PIANO SOLO Whispers. Violetta. Whispering Flowers, Whyt the songs. Examination of the appended lists CARL FISCHER AW NEW YORK ■will show that sacred and secular; grave and In the Shortest Possible Time SCHARWENKA, XAVER. Op. 77. Contributions to Finger Cultivation gay; the blithesome pastoral-, the swinging lullaby, are happily blended. Book I. Hand and Fingers in the ordinary position. SPECIAL 10 ETUDE HERS Exercises with a supporting Finger (for ele¬ By HVGO MANSFELDT mentary and middle classes). Breitkopf (ALBUM Volume 1 The Hour of Prayer (New), Reverie Edition 1958, CONTENTS Dance of the Snowflakes Book II. Exercises on Finger Stretches (for advanced Discount .... Ferreira pupils). Breitkopf Edition 1959, 50 per cent. City of Heart Content.. Reverie, Dear Old Hymns. .Maskell A Silent Prayer, and It fs as useful to the novice as to the ad¬ Book III. Exercises in simple and combined sideward stroke. How Oft’ When Watching Stars Grow North American March vanced student Breitkopf Edition i960, - Pale. .Armstrong It is a concentration of common-sense tui¬ Op. 78. Studies in Octave Playing. Breitkopf Edition New Sorvgs In the Woods. ... Seeboeck All by Marie Louka, Composer of .Life’s (A) Lesson.. .Armstrong tion and guarantees a perfection in finger-dexterity. 1994, - - - - - ' ' The Rajah March My Love. Smith The exercises require the closest application, •SWEET THOUGHTS OF HOME" .Mann (3 Keys) .... Parted. but when once mastered will enable the pupil to MERRY CHRISTMAS! HAPPY NEW YEAR! (THE NEW HOME SWEET HOME) Prayer for Strength. Strahm The above compositions are this writer’s best efforts. accomplish greater results in far less time than Queen of My Heart. .MacWalters We will mall these four pieces on receipt ol Two choice collections of medium difficult piano compositions by modern composers,—each collection Sung by Mme. Schumann- by any other system now in use. Heink in the Successful Comic Sailor’s Song. .Fesca 60c., or 18c. per copy, postpaid. containing compositions by Fi blitz, MacDowell, Heller, Hofmann, Scharwenka, and others. Opera. ” Love’s Lottery," by Stanife and Edwards. Sleep, Sleep, My Little Baby, Sleep... .Geibel The greatest results are achieved from the Price each, $1.25 net, paper ) Discount Slumber Song. .Read knowledge imparted through the illustrations and Price each, 2.00 net, cloth J 25 per cent. •THERE'S NOTHING NEW TO SAY" Song of Hope. WEYMANN & SON notations employed by the author in this volume. (2 Keys) .... Sweetheart Mine. .Kraft PUBLISHERS All technical problems are given a ready solu¬ By Alfred G. Robyn, composer Thou Art the Noblest. Olver tion in this the greatest system of technic. of “Answer.” Told iu the Twilight.. ....Kroeger 923 Market Street Philadelphia, Pa. .Stone Franz Liszt, to whom the author submitted BREITKOPF & HARTEL •WHERE THOU ART" 12 Keys To You, Dear Heart. By Angelo Mascheronl. com¬ Trinity (The). .. Rose his work while in Weimar, complimented him poser of "For All Eternity." Wae Is My Heart. .... Gilchrist highly upon the many original conceptions con¬ 11 E. Sixteenth Street NEW YORK Winter. .... Rickaby tained therein, and eulogized the book in most emphatic terms, expressing a surprise that such a SPECIALS, EXTRA practical work had not previously been thought of. HALOI...««|0c WALTZES ” LOLITA,** Coloralure Spanish Waltz Volume 2 Teachers simply glorify it, because of its intel¬ Song .... CONTENTS TIHKLINUYlllBiLsSSisiS ligent and valuable conciseness. No other book A TEXT-BOOK IN PIANO PLAYING By Hsvrrison Aldrich 2 Mands.,Gui.& Pia.,30c, Small Orch.25c, Large i Adown in the Valley.Sanderson I8c has met with such a sincere welcome from the STEP BY STEP A HAND-BOOK FOR TEACHERS Write for Discount and Catalot Aubade.Bach THE AMERICAN ACADEMY 13“ guild. Bells of Seville. Jude SSIBc Mansfeldt’s “ New Technic ” has created more 3 Y A. K. VIRGIL M. WITMARK & SONS Darling, Do You Love Me?.Fincke COMPANY DWILTZEKI SI8C accomplished and masterful pianists since its pub¬ 144-146 West 37th Street NEW YORK Dear Homeland.Slaughter lication than all the old-time so-called “ methods Flight of Ages..Bevan LOVE’S REMEMBHiNCE^ -119c and studies ” combined. And it has accomplished Heavenly Song. Graf this in such a brief space of time that even con¬ Issued in two 12010 volumes of 400 pages each. Price, $2.00 per vol.; to Teachers, $1.60. Ianthe. Pizzi TRINITY CHIMES Ifin noisseurs of the art are marveling. If I Knew What Poets Know .Armstrong 2 Man , Gul. & Pia.,30c, Small Orch ,25c, Large Orch.,36c, Band,25c. |Qv Vol. I out Nov. i, 1904; Vol. II will be out April 15, 1905. In My Hammock. Hartog One noted tutor of music has admirably en¬ Engelmann’s Latest Successes Lord (The) Victorious ...Ferreira CHAS. E. ROAT MUSIC COMPUHY, Battle Creel, Midi. dorsed the great merit of this work in the trite Address A. K. VIRGIL, 11 West Twenty-Second St., New York Love’s Golden Land.Harvey but significant statement that “ if he could not Man of Sorrows.Adams For sale also by THEO. PRESSER and book and music dealers generally LOVE'S JOY AND SORROW-Reverie JUST OUTI secure another copy he would not sell his for Melodious in character and easy to play Sleep, Baby, Sleep.Strahm Every TEACHER and PUPIL should have a copy of $500." Slumber Song.Cohen OUR. MASCOT Spring Meadows.Johnson SWALLOWS' RETURN Thousands of Mansfeldt’s “ New Technic ” A Pipe Organ Collection of Standard A characteristic patrol that sets the feet in motion Vision Beautiful.Armstrong ByLEANDER FISHER are now in use by scores of the most noted con¬ and* Original Compositions of Medium When the Green Turns Gold.Long He who wrote •• Robins’ Return ” servatories of the world, and within another Difficulty for Church and Recital Vse. Will mail a complete copy to Etude readers > pon receipt of decade it will be the only system of technical The Orgscn Player 30 cts. (stamps or coin) postpaid. exercises recognized among musicians. Compiled by PRESTONDDFCTnM WAnrWARE OR.EMw-a ra rx.. M. M. LEIDT,569 Main St., Buffalo,N.Y. d The Etude reader Price, $2.50.
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