The International Monetary Fund, 1980-1981 A Selected Bibliography ANNE C. M. SALDA* IHE SELECTED REFERENCES presented in this bibliography Tcover books, pamphlets, reports, and periodical articles that describe the functions, organization, and activities of the Interna- tional Monetary Fund (IMF). Publications on the various aspects of international economics are included only when they contain material relating specifically to the Fund. Previous bibliographies in this series that were compiled by Martin L. Loftus were published in Staff Papers, Vol. 1, No. 3 (April 1951), Vol. 3, No. 1 (April 1953), Vol. 4, No. 3 (August 1955), Vol. 6, No. 3 (November 1958), Vol. 9, No. 3 (November 1962), Vol. 12, No. 3 (November 1965), Vol. 15, No. 1 (March 1968), Vol. 19, No. 1 (March 1972), and Vol. 21, No. 2 (July 1974). Mrs. Salda prepared the bibliographies that were published in Vol. 25, No. 1 (March 1978), Vol. 26, No. 2 (June 1979), and Vol. 27, No. 2 (June 1980). Although most of the Fund's official publications are included, this is not intended to be a complete bibliography of such publica- tions. A Abalo, Carlos. "The IMF and the World Bank in the face of a new recession," Comerdo Exterior de Mexico, English edition (Mexico, D.F.), 27 (February 1981), pp. 60-66. *Mrs. Salda, Bibliographer in the Joint Bank-Fund Library, is a graduate of Oxford University. She was formerly on the staff of the Victoria & Albert Museum Library in London. 281 ©International Monetary Fund. Not for Redistribution 282 ANNE C.M. SALDA Abdalla, Ismail-Sabri. "The Inadequacy and loss of legitimacy of the Interna- tional Monetary Fund," Development Dialogue (Uppsala), No. 2 (1980), pp. 25-53. A slightly shorter version with same title in International Devel- opment Review (Rome), 22, No. 4 (1980), pp. 46-65. Abraham, Jean-Paul, and Theo Peeters. "La Scene monetaire internationale en 1981," in Sy steme monetaire europeen et re forme monetaire mondiale; con- ference organisee sous le patronage de la Fondation Camille Gutt, Bruges, Bruxelles, 4-6 juin, 1981, Jean-Paul Abraham and Michel Vanden Abeele, eds. (Brussels, Editions de 1'Universite de Bruxelles, 1981), pp. 23-68. Spanish translation with title, "La Escena monetaria internacional a medi- ados del ano 1981," in Informacion Comercial Espanola (Madrid), No. 577 (September 1981), pp. 59-82. Acevedo Gar at, Miguel. "El Sistema monetario internacional: implicaciones para los paises en desarrollo," Comercio Exterior, Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior (Mexico, D.F.), 31 (July 1981), pp. 736-46. Ahluwalia, Montek S., and Frank J. Lysy. "Employment income distribution and programs to remedy balance-of-payments difficulties," in Economic stabilization in developing countries, William R. Cline and Sidney Wein- traub, eds. (Washington, Brookings Institution, 1981), pp. 149-89. Paper presented at a conference organized by the Brookings Institution, held in Washington, October 25-26, 1979. With discussion. "Aid is not a long-term solution," An-Nahar Arab Report & Memo (Beirut), 4 (July 21, 1980), pp. 1-2. Discusses the problems of the developing nations and the extent to which IMF loans can help them. Alessandrini, Alessandro. "L'Intermediazione bancaria internazionale: evo- luzione del passato e prospetti attuali," Bancaria (Rome), 37 (February 1981), pp. 132-39. Ali, Ali Abdalla. "Is the 'Arusha initiative' the answer?" IFDA Dossier, International Foundation for Development Alternatives (Nyon, Switzer- land), No. 25 (September/October 1981), pp. 81-85. Al-Najafi, Hassan. "Saradnja arapskih zemalja i medunarodni monetarni sis- tern," Finansije (Belgrade), 36 (January/February 1981), pp. 3-15. Altmann, Jorn. "Liquidity problems of developing countries and the Interna- tional Monetary Fund's system of facilities," Economics (Tubingen), 23 (1981), pp. 30-51. Andreatta, Benjamin. "Problemi dello sviluppo nel mondo e del suo finanzia- mento," Bancaria (Rome), 37 (February 1981), pp. 129-31. With English summary, p. 117. Andriamirado, Sennen. "Quand la 'verite des prix' declenche 1'emeute," Jeune Afrique (Paris), No. 1069 (July 1,1981), pp. 10-11. Describes some popular demonstrations in Africa against the IMF. Angell, Alan, and Rosemary Thorp. "Inflation, stabilization and attempted redemocratization in Peru, 1975-1979," World Development (Oxford), 8 (November *1980), pp. 865-86. Angelopoulos, Angelos. "Ein Interims-Vorschlag: das Recycling der Petro- dollars und die Erhohung des Goldwertes" and "Die Wahrungsreform," in ©International Monetary Fund. Not for Redistribution IMF: A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 283 his Zu einer nach-keynesianischen Weltwirtschaftspolitik (Wiesbaden, Gab- ler, 1978), pp. 129-55. "Arabs call for reforms at the World Bank and IMF meeting," An-Nahar Arab Report & Memo (Beirut), 4 (October 13, 1980), pp. 4-1. Argy, Victor. "The IMF system," "The Postwar experience, 1946 to 1967," "Reform proposals, Mark I: the early 1960s," "Special drawing rights (SDRs)," "Continuing crises and the breakdown of Bretton Woods," "Deficiencies of the IMF system and reasons for its collapse," and "Re- forms and reform discussions, Mark II, 1968 to 1978," in his The Postwar international money crisis; an analysis (London and Boston, Allen & Un- win, 1981), pp. 21-67, 98-115. Arnold, Guy. "Development problems and multilateral aid ... The Interna- tional Monetary Fund," "Zambia," and "Zaire," in his Aid in Africa (Lon- don, Kogan Page; New York, Nichols, 1979), pp. 141-43, 177-81, 192-98. Artus, Jacques R., and Andrew D. Crockett. "National sovereignty and interna- tional cooperation over exchange rates," Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law (Cleveland, Ohio), 12 (Spring 1980), pp. 327-39. "The Arusha initiative; a call for a United Nations conference on international money and finance," Development Dialogue (Uppsala), No. 2 (1980), pp. 11-23. Presents the general consensus of the South-North Conference on the International Monetary System and the New International Order, held at Arusha, Tanzania, June 30-July 3, 1980. Askari, Hossein, and Ahmad Mustafa. "The Distributional aspects of special drawing rights: an LDC compromise," Economia Internazionale (Genoa), 34 (May/November 1981), pp. 242-60. Atkinson, Caroline. "Top bankers call for substitution account to stabilize cur- rencies," Times (London), February 22, 1980, p. 18. Atlantic Council of the United States, Working Group on the International Monetary System. The International monetary system in transition (Wash- ington, 1980), 45 pp. Frank A. Southard, rapporteur and cochairman; Wil- liam McChesney Martin, cochairman. A briefer version with same title reprinted in Atlantic Community Quarterly (Washington), 18 (Fall 1980), pp. 370-80. "Auf dem Weg zum Substitutionskonto? Vor der Hamburger Tagung des IMF- Interimsausschusses," Neue Ziircher Zeitung (Zurich), Fernausgabe No. 95 (April 25, 1980), p. 11. "Auftakt zur Konference von Libreville; reduzierte Wunschlist der Entwick- lungslander," Neue Ziircher Zeitung (Zurich), Fernausgabe No. 116 (May 22, 1981), pp. 13-14. Australia, Department of the Treasury. International monetary agreements act: annual reports (Canberra, 1977-80). Four reports: Financial year 1976-77; Financial year 1977-78; Financial year 1978-79; Financial year 1979-80. Ayre, P.C.I., and Subrata Ghatak. "International liquidity, less developed coun- tries and special drawing rights," in Monetary economics in develop- ing countries, by Subrata Ghatak (New York, St. Martins Press, 1981), pp. 115-33. ©International Monetary Fund. Not for Redistribution 284 ANNE C.M. SALDA B BJ. "Conditionality and the role of the IMF," Economic and Political Weekly (Bombay), 15 (November 22, 1980), pp. 1983-88. Bach, George Leland. "Current balance-of-payments problems," in his Eco- nomics; an introduction to analysis and policy (Englewood Cliffs, New Jer- sey, Prentice-Hall, 10th edition, 1980), pp. 598-609. Bacha, Edmar Lisboa, and Carlos F. Diaz Alejandro. "The Pax americana" and "Systemic issues for the 1980s," in their Financial markets: a view from the periphery, Discussion Paper, No. 367, Economic Growth Center, Yale Uni- versity (New Haven, Connecticut, 1981), pp. 5-9, 40-55. (Mimeographed) Baird, Jane. "Michael Manley against the world," Institutional Investor, Interna- tional Edition (New York), October 1980, pp. 47-52. Discusses Jamaica's economic problems, and suggests that the time has come for the IMF to consider a softer line on Jamaica. Bakker, A.F.P. "De Beleidscondities van het Internationale Monetaire Fonds," Economisch-Statistische Berichten (Rotterdam), 66 (February 18, 1981), pp. 152-59. "Balango do Fundo Monetaria Internacional; profundas alteragoes na economia mundial nas tres ultimas decadas," Revista Bancdria Brasileira (Rio de Janeiro), 49 (November 30, 1980), pp. 17-19. Balogh, Thomas. "Oil recycling: the need for a new lending facility?" Lloyds Bank Review (London), No. 137 (July 1980), pp. 16-29. "Banks now favour the SDR option," South; the Third World Magazine (Lon- don), No. 5 (February/March 1981), pp. 77-79. Baqai, Moinuddin. "A New framework for international financial cooperation for development," Trade and Development; an UNCTAD Review (Geneva), No. 1 (Spring 1979), pp. 39-51. Barata, Jose Martins. "A Economia portuguesa a caminho da miseria: para onde vai Portugal, pelas maos do FMI e seus mandataries, desde 1976," Eco- nomia EC (Lisbon), August/September 1979, pp. 60-70. Bareau, Paul. The Disorder in world money; from Bretton Woods to SDRs, Institute of Economic Affairs, Occasional Paper, No. 61; Wincott Memorial
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