|State Archives of Odessa Region

|State Archives of Odessa Region

r r | STATE ARCHIVES OF ODESSA REGION Guardian Committee for Foreign Settlers in South Russia FOND 6, INVENTORY 4 1856-1863 Prepared by Lilia Belousova File Title of the file in Russian Title of the file in English and description of documents Inclusive dates Quant Lang. # of ECONOMIC Dept. DESK 1 1 17683* O6 ycTpoiicTBe Ha MepaaKe 3flaHHfl About arrangement of a room at the attic-storey of the Khortiza Central College. 03.11.1856-27.111856 5 XopTMlJKOft UeHTpanbHOM UlKOiibl KOMH3TbK MISSING 2 17694* O6 OTO6paHMM nOK33aHMfl OT About taking evidences from the heirs of Barteis and about overseas inheritances of 12.11.1856-04.08.1862 15 HacneAHMKOB EapTenbca m o the mennonites Klassen and Warkontin. 3arpaHMMKOM HacneACTBe MeHHo- hmtob KnacceH m BapKetmiH. MISSING 3 17706* O6 OTflaneHMM kojiohhh About separation of the colony of Kronenthal from the Neusatz District. 07.12.1856-17.09.1857 6 KpoHem-ajib ot Hefoauicoro oKpyra. MISSING 4 17707* no npeflnMcaHMio 1-ro flenapTa- On direction of the 1st Department of State Domains to transfer 78 rubles & 99 kopecks 08.12.1856-11.11.1857 6 MeHTa FocyAapcTBeHHbix MMymecTB of inherited money to the mennonite of the colony of Neuburg in Ekaterynoslav c npenpoBO)KfieHMeM 78 py6.99 Kon. Guberniya Peter Enns after death of his father. flOBOAfllMMXCfl B HaCJieflCTBO MeHHOHMTy EKaTepMHocnascKOM MISSING ry6opHMM, kojiohmm Hetf6ypr, FleTpy 3ncy nocne yMepuero ero OTua. 5 17710* O6 ynpa3AHeHMM Kommccmh cenb- About abolition of the Agricultural Commission in Berdyansk District. 12.12.1856-20.11.1862 21 CKOro XO3flMCTBa B BepflflHCKOM OKpyre. MISSING ECONOMIC Dept. DESK 2. 6 17775* 0 BocnpemeHMH Ko/ioHMCTaM m About prohibition to colonists and mennonites of the Molochna District to deal in 26.06.1856-22.03.1861 3 MeHHOHHTaM MonoHaHCKoro oKpyra wheat, wool and other goods without registration in a guild. npOM3BOflMTb TOprOBJIK) XJie6oM, uiepCTbio m np. 6e3 3anncn b MISSING rnjibAMH>. 7 17820 O6 oTMexceBaHMM 3gmjim KO/ioHMcry About delimitation of land to the colonist Ivan Schneider that purchased it from the 10.09.1856 4 R HBany UJHeHAepy, KyruieHHoft mm y mennonite Reimer. MeHHOHMTa PetiMepa. Notification from the Ekaterynoslav Guberniya Administration to the Guardian Committee regard report of the land-surveyer Ovcharenko about non-coincidanse between square of Reimer's lot in documents and in fact, and impossibility to transfer land to Schroeder. 8 17862 O6 yAoaneTBOpeHiw KpoHCTanbCKHX About payment to the colonists of Kronsthal for using two their trojkas of horses for 23.10.1856-02.09.1858 10 R KOJIOHMCTOB 3a 6-MeCflHHVK) post services during six months. BbicTaBKy hmm abvx TpoeK Ann noMTOBOM roHb6bi. Complaint of the supervisor of Crimea colonies to the Guardian Committee against the Commandant of Dragoon Division General-Lieutenant Wrangel that ordered in 1854 to use colonists' horses for post needs and didn't payed 900 silver rubles for that 6-month service. Correspondence between the Guardian Committee, Chief of the 2nd Army, Head of the Committee for Assistance to People Suffered from the War and Governor-General for Novorossia and Bessarabia on that case. 9 17864* O ?Kano6ax npHxowaH kojiohmm About complaints from the Eichwald congregation against the Pater of their parish 25.10.1856-07.04.1858 9 3«XBanbA Ha naTepa mx npuxoAa Gintiilo. rHHTMJUIO. MISSING 10 17868* 0 BbiAane KonoHMcrraM HefeauKoro About delivery of 15 or 20 thousand rubles to the Neusatz colonists for purchase of land. 01.11.1856-09.11.1856 2 OKpyra 15 jiw6o 20 two pyojieii Ha noKynKy 3eMenb. MISSING 11 17886 O >Kano6e MeHHOHMTa MoraHHa About complaint of the mennonite Johann Riesen against the mennonite Anton Penner 27.11.1856-27.12.1857 30 R&G Pn3eHa Ha MeHHOHWTa AHTOHa because of his lie concerning sale of wheat to Riesen. HsHHepa Ha o6MaH ero no npoAaxce ewiy, PM3eHy, niueHMUbi. Riesen's (alias Fries en) complaints to the Guardian Committee against A. Penner (lived in Nikopol), Heese (lived in Ekaterynoslav) and ober-schulz of Einlage Siemens because of non- fulfilment of agreement regard payment for wheat that was bought by Riesen from the landowner Krupenskoy through Penner and resailed to Heinrich Heese. Materials of investigation (reports from the supervisor of Khortiza colonies Biller, evidences of the participants of conflict). Decision of the Committee to mean actions of the Khotiza District Office on arrest of Riesen legal and right. r 12 17900* O5 ynpe>KfleHMM nomc-Bow CTaHU.nn About establishment of Post Office in the colony of Tiegerweide in Crimea. 18.12.1856-09.08.1857 8 b kojiohmm TMrepBeiifle b KpbiMy. MISSING 13 17917* O6 o6pau4eHMM nofleoflHoii Hary- About transfer of obligation to provide transport from in kind form to in money one 31.12.1856-18.08.1860 90 pailbHOM nOBMHHOCTM B fleHeWHVfO in Molochna colonies. B MoHOMaKCKMX KOJIOHWHX. MISSING ECONOMIC Dept DESK 3. 14 17949 0 nepeflase xo&iMCTBa FleTpa About transfer of household from Peter Pennerto Johann Braun. 17.04.1856-27.02.1864 24 HeHHepa HoraHHy BpayHy. DAMAGED (non-readable) 1b 17952 O nepejqane xomftcTBa 5teo6a About transfer of household from Jacob Peters to Daniel Rempol. 17.07.1856-07.02.1854 5 flerepca flaHnento PeMnento. DAMAGED (non-readable) 16 17953 O nepeAane xo3flMCTea yMepiiiero About transfer of household from the deceased mennonite Philipp Warkentin to 17.07.1856-15.01.1864 24 wieHHOHMTa 4>MiiMnna BapKeHTMHa Isaak Bergen. Mcaatcy BepreHy. DAMAGED (non-readable) 1/ 17955 O nepeflaMe xo3HMcTBa (Oxiuyca About transfer of household from Julius Janzen to the colonist Cornelius Epp. 31.08.1856-13.06.1866 20 R&G flHueHa TaKOBOMy me KonoHMCTy KopHejinycy 3nny. Report of the Khortiza District Office to the Guardian Committee regard transfer of the household of the Einlage colonist J. Janzen to the Burwalde colonist C.Epp. Decisions of Einlage communities on including Epp. Census extracts on the Epp family for 1850 and 1858: 1850 - Epp Peter Peter, 69 years old, his daughter Maria (33), his son Cornelius (43), Cornelius1 wife Margaretha (Martin) (39), their children Peter (17), Martin (16), Cornelius (2), Margaretha (19), Maria (14), Christina (8), Aganetta (6). In census of 1858 Peter Peter Epp indicated as the deceased, Martin (Cornelius) as married to Maria (Johann) (22) and having a daughter Margaretha (1); there is also Cornelius* daughter Katherina (4); Margaretha (Cornelius) isnt included. 18 17956 O nepeAane xo3flMCTBa yMepwero About transfer of household from the deceased mennonite Cornelius Klassen to 31.08.1856-27.02.1864 21 R&G MGHHOHMTa KopHefiMyca KnacceHa Jacob Rempel who married to his widow and about transfer him with his brother 3a wemiBiiieMCfi Ha BflOBe ero Gerhard from the colony of Insel Khortiza to Kronsgarten. 51ko6om PeMneneM m o nepemicjie- hmm cero, nocjieflHero, c 6paTOM DAMAGED (non-readable) ero, feprapflOM, M3 kojiohmm MHceJib XopTMUbi b KpoHcrapTeH. 19 17958 0 nepeaaie xo3flftcTBa MeHHOHtrra About transfer of household from the mennonite Johann Warkentin to Johann Rempel. 22.09.1856-11.06.1866 7 R&G HoraHHa BapxeHTHHa MoraHHy PeMnejiio. Reports of the Molochna Mennonite District Office to the Guardian Committee regard transfer of household from the living in Muntau mennonite of Tiegenhagen Johann Warkentin to the Tiegenhagen mennonite Johann RempeL CONTROL Deot. DESK 1 - CONTROL - 20 17961 06 06peBM30BaHHM UJHypOBOM KHMTM About audit of budjet of the Molochna Agricultural Commission for 1855. 15.02.1856 8 G o cywiMe, oSpamaBtuewcfl b 1855 r. no MOJIOHaHCKOft MeHHOHMTCKOH David and Peter Cornies' report to the Guardian Committee report to the Guardian Committee KOMHCCMM CeJlbCKorO XO3flMCTBa. regard sending account-book for audit Account-book for 1855. 21 17962 OS o6peBH3OBaHMM UfHypOBOM KHMTM About revision of account book and documents regarding sums circulated in 1855 06.03.1856 25 R&G H AOKyMeHTOB o nepexoAflUWX at the office of the supervsor of Molochna colonies. cyMMax, o6pau4aBuiMXCfl b 1855 r. B KaHMeJlflpMM CMOTpMTeJlfl MOJlOMaH- Information about incomes and expenses of the Molochna District Office. Letter of gratitude CKMXKOJ1OHHM. from the Tavrida Civil Governor to the Molochna supervisor for donation of 550 silver rubles for people of Kertsch suffered from the War. 22 17963 Flo npeAnncaHMio KoMMTeTa, AaHHO- On direction from the Committee to the Mariupol Colonist and Neusatz offices to 22.05,1856 6 R&G My oKpyxcHbiM npMKa3aM MapMy- present their account books, documents and reports for 1855 for revision. noilbCKOMy KOHOHMCTCKOMy M Heii3aUKOMy o AocraBneHMM Ha Direction from the Guardian Committee to both offices to send materials for revision. peBM3MK> UlHypOBblX KHMP H OTHeTOB c AOKVMeHTaMM Ha 1855 r. BOOK-KEEPING Dept 23 17966 BeAOMocTb MonosaHCKoro mchho- List of colony debts for 1855 in the Motochna Mennonite District Office. 26.01.1856 2 G HMTCKoro OKpyiKHoro npMKa3a o fleHbrax, cocToamnx b flo/iry y ko- Info about debts of 240 rubles of the colony of Lindenau. jiohmctob, 3a 1855 r. 1857 ECONOMIC Deot. DESK 1. 24 16021 C BeflOMOCTHMH MeCTHblX HaMaJlbCTB Statements from local offices about state of local sheep-folds. 08.01.1857-08.01.1858 61 R&G O COCTOHHMM MeCTHblX OBHapeH. f Reports of district offices and statistic sheets about sheep-holds and common welfare, including Mariupol Mennonite District (p.40-41, 50-51), Khortiza District (42-43, 57-58); similar ones on Beresan, Liebenthal and Kutchurgan districts. 25 18032 O BbiAane b ccyay x/ie6a kojiohm- About delivery of wheat loans to colonists of Berdyansk and Mariupol colonies. 16.01.1857-17.07.1857 24 R&G CTaM BepflflHCKMX m MapnynojibCKMX KOJ1OHMH. Reports of the Berdyansk Colonist District Office to the Guardian Committee regard issueing barley and rye grain as a loan for the colonists of Neuhoffnung and Heuhoffnungsthal. Decisions of colonists' meetings and lists of colonists which needed a loan on Neuhoffnung (pp.2, 5,19), Neuhoffnungsthal (9), Rosenfeld, Neustuttgart (11). Positive decision of the Committee, also to allow issueing grain from the Neuhoffnung store to the colonists of Neuyamburg.

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