1st Night Virtual Seder Saturday, March 27, 2021 7:00 PM 15 Nisan 5781 Welcome to our Virtual Seder! We’ve prepared this Haggadah for you just for your Seder at home. It has Hebrew, transliteration, and English so that you can participate and follow along. It also has music for you to sing with your family and to join in virtually with the community who will be online. This Haggadah also has a list of what you will need for your Seder at home as well as some directions how to set up your Seder table. We’ve also included a special Teshuvah Sheet for you and your family to do some “inner work” prior to the holiday. Your responses might also provide for some thoughtful conversation around the table with your family. We wish you a wonderful and spirit-filled Passover. This year, may we truly be free! Chag same’ach from Congregation Beit T’shuvah! Teshuvah Worksheet for Passover How I Have Missed the Mark For personal reflection, healing, goal-setting, and liberation This worksheet should be completed in preparation for Passover What is the Pharoah in my life that continues to keep me enslaved? How has this Pharoah continued to keep me enslaved? What is it in me that allows me to stay enslaved and does not allow me to escape from my Pharoah? How have I enslaved others this past year? How have I been “puffed up” like chametz this past year, that is, how have I not allowed my ego to be “right- sized”? How have I betrayed my G-d/Higher Power this past year? How have I not lived up to my fullest potential this past year? How do I do teshuvah for these past actions and improve myself, my relationship with others and my relationship with G-d? Based on and Adapted from “Pesach—The Liberation of the Soul Kit” by Rabbi Mark Borovitz Teshuvah Worksheet for Passover How I Have Hit the Mark For personal reflection, healing, goal-setting, and liberation This worksheet should be completed in preparation for Passover Like the Wise Child, how did I strive to find solutions this past year? Like the Wicked Child, how did I transform my negative attitude into a positive attitude? Like the Simple Child, how did I learn to just do the “next right thing”? Like the Child who does not know how to ask, how and when did I learn to ask for help? How have I been like matzah this past year, that is, how have I been humble and “right-sized”? How have I been loyal to my true self? How have I acknowledged my capacity for sacrifice and given up my former enslaved lifestyle? How have I turned to community for support rather than isolating with my enslaved self? Based on and Adapted from “Pesach—The Liberation of the Soul Kit” by Rabbi Mark Borovitz What You Need for This BTS Virtual Passover Seder 1. Technology — laptop, iPad/Tablet, and/or cell phones (Make sure your items are charged or you have access to power. You may also want to connect external speakers or use individual headsets) 2. Table, chairs, pillows/cushions with enough space for everyone (You might even want to arrange to sit on the floor or outside) 3. Haggadot — Print one for each person or download .pdf file and provide one for each person’s personal device. 4. Seder plate — Use one as a centerpiece or use one for each person 5. Matzah plate or holder with cover 6. Kiddush cup for leader, cup for Elijah (Some may have a cup for Miriam) 7. Pitcher or two-handled cup, bowl, towel for washing 8. Kosher for Passover grape juice 9. Salt water and bowl 10. Matzah that is Kosher for Passover or matzah shmurah 11. Parsley, celery, or other greens (karpas) 12. Horseradish (maror) 13. Shankbone (zeroa) 14. Lettuce (chazeret) 15. Charoset — Ashkenazic, Sefardic, Israeli, or Turkish style 16. Roasted Egg (beitzah) 17. Candles and matches for candlelighting 18. Holder for the afikomen This year, the festive meal will not be a part of our BTS Virtual Passover Seder. It is suggested that the meal follow our Seder though some of you may choose to eat it prior to our online Virtual Seder. Seder Arrangement Bitter Herbs 71T2 Yrit -a-d-boiled Roasted ged over the past Egg Shankbone Al Houses Passover he wodd, providing Fitron -al version, it . As with many pages. The English norm who have given Charoses or- 7y of Coffees are nim Chazeres Seder Plate is placed on the table in front of the leader. A special Seder Plate a regular large platter may be used. Shown above is the traditional assembly 26 / 27 =o-the Seder Plate which includes the following: 28 / 29 Roasted Shankbone of Lamb 2. Hard Boiled Egg 3. Bitter Herbs cut into small 28 / 29 eces, or use fresh grated horseradish; 4. Charoses: A mixture of finely chopped 28 / 29 apples, nuts and cinnamon mixed with a little wine 5. Karpas: Either parsley, celery or potatoes may be used 6. Chazeres: romaine lettuce or fresh horseradish. 28 / 29 34 / 35 Other Items On Your Seder Table 36 / 37 Matzohs - Place them separately in Matzoh covers or fold them separately Wine44 / 45 one or two napkins. Wine - Place a wine goblet or glass in front of each setting, Service 46 / 47 a- o a filled decanter near the center of the table. Salt Water - All celebrants will Sat water and a dish of it should be easily accessible to all at the table. Use 50 / 53 :-an one dish if desired. Cup of Elijah - Use a large goblet to be filled with 50 /53 placed near the center of the table. Pillow - Put a pillow or cushion on the 56 / 57 leader's chair or on another chair close to it. E zei 2 Kraft Foods, Inc. 2 1 CANDLELIGHTING You are blessed, Barukh attah Adonai !hh" vT!t# QUrC! Adonai our G-d, Eloheinu melekh ha’olam, Ruler of the universe Q$kn%$ ubhv«k%& t ' who has sanctified us asher kid'dshanu o!kIgv! with Your mitzvot and b'mitzvotav, v'tzivanu commanded us UbJ%! S"e( rJ $ t) to kindle l’hadlik ner shel yom tov. uh,I! m" n(C" the Yom Tov Light. r&b ehk( s"v#k" Ub%!Um(u" :cIy oIh ka $ « You are blessed, Shehecheyanu !hh" vT!t# QUrC! Adonai our G-d, Ruler Barukh attah Adonai Q$kn$ Ubhv«k & t ' of the universe who has given us life, Eloheinu melekh ha’olam Ub!hj'v$J$ o!kIgv ! sustained us, and shehecheyanu Ubgh! D(v(u" Ubn !H" e( u" enabled us to reach v'kiyy’manu v'higi’anu this season. lazman hazzeh. :vZ$v# in #Z"#k RESIDENT What do these candles mean? 2 The Order of the Service 1. Kadesh 2. Urchatz 3. Karpas 4. Yachatz 5. Maggid 6. Rach’tzah 7. Motzi 8 Matzah 9. Maror 10. Korech 11. Shulchna Orekh 12. Tzafun 13. Barekh 14. Hallel 15. Nirtzah 3 SANCTIFICATION Kadesh a«s &e# THE FIRST CUP We pour the First Cup -- the Cup of Sanctification( JUSe ( xIF) You are blessed, Adonai, Barukh attah Adonai !hh" vT!t# QUrC! our G-d, Ruler of the Eloheinu melekh ha’olam universe, Creator of the borei p’ri hagafen. o!kIgv! Q$kn$ Ubhv«k & t ' fruit of the vine. :ip$d!v# hr (P" trIC & Barukh attah Adonai, Blessed are You, Adonai Eloheinu melekh our G-d, Ruler of the ha’olam, asher bachar Ubhv«k & t ' '!hh" vT!t# QUrC! universe, who has chosen banu mikol am, rj#C! rJ $ t) 'o!kIgv ! Q$kn$ us from all peoples and v'rom'manu mikol lashon, has raised us above all v'kid'shanu b'mitzvotav, Ubn !nIr" u " 'og-k! F!n( UbC! tongues and has sanctified vatitenlanu Adonai UbJ ! S"e(u" 'iIJ!k-kF!n( us with His Eloheinu b'ahavah !hh" Ub!k-iT$T(u# 'uh,I! m" n(C" commandments. And You moadim l'simchah, have given us, Adonai, our chagim uzmanim l'sason vc!v)t#C" Ubhv«k & t ' G-d, appointed times for et yom Chag haMatzot ohD(j# 'vj!n"G(k" ohs ()gIn happiness, holidays and hazeh. Z'man cheiruteinu, special times for joy, this mikra kodesh, zeicher oIh-,t $ iIGG ! k" ohB( n#zU" Festival of Matzot, our litzi’at Mitzrayim. in#z" /vZ$v# ,ImN #v# dj # season of freedom a holy Ki vanu vacharta v'otanu 'Js«e$ tr !e"n( 'Ub,Ur%& j & convocation in memory of kidashta mikol ha’amim. the Exodus from Egypt. umo’adei kod’shecha /oh( r!m"n( ,th # mh ( k( rf$z& For You have chosen us b'simchah uv'sason Ub,It! u" T! r"j#c! Ubc! hF ( and sanctified us above all hinchaltanu. peoples. In Your gracious /ohn ( g#v-k! F!n( T! J"S#e( love, You granted us Your Barukh attah Adonai, vj!n"G(C" WJ%$ s"e! hs &)gInU special times for happiness m'kadesh Yisra-el /UbT! k" j#b" v( iIGG ! cU" and joy. v'hazmanim. Blessed are You, Adonai, JS&e#n" '!hh" vT!t# QUrC! who sanctifies Israel, and the appointed times. ohB( n#z"v#u" kt &r!G"h( Everyone drinks from the First cup. 4 HAND WASHING URCHATZ .j#rU" Wash your hands but do not say the blessing oh( s#!h ,#khy ( b" kg# "on the washing of the hands." The leader--some say everyone--washes hands prior to handling bread--to signify the inner cleansing we desire.
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