1 Revista Dilemas Contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores. http://www.dilemascontemporaneoseducacionpoliticayvalores.com/ Año: VII Número: Edición Especial Artículo no.:88 Período: Diciembre, 2019. TÍTULO: Nombres geográficos en las obras de Nizami Ganjavi. AUTOR: 1. Ph.D. Bayram Apoev. RESUMEN: El artículo analiza los nombres geográficos que se reflejan en Hamsa por Nizami Ganjavi. Como resultado del estudio de los nombres geográficos, se compiló una tabla. Esta tabla cubre 157 nombres geográficos. Se reveló que la mayoría de estos nombres (125) se dieron en Iskendernam. Un análisis de estos nombres geográficos es evidencia de que el brillante pensador Nizami estudió profundamente la literatura griega y árabe antigua y las obras de geógrafos antiguos y conocía de cerca la apariencia geográfica del globo. PALABRAS CLAVES: Nizami Ganjavi, poeta azerbaiyano, nombres geográficos. TITLE: Geographical names in the works of Nizami Ganjavi. AUTHOR. 1. Ph.D. Bayram Apoev. ABSTRACT: The article analyzes the geographical names that are reflected in Hamsa by Nizami Ganjavi. As a result of the study of geographical names, a table was compiled. This table covers 157 geographical names. It was revealed that most of these names (125) were given in Iskendernam. An analysis of these geographical names is evidence that the brilliant thinker Nizami 2 deeply studied the ancient Greek and Arabic literature and the works of ancient geographers and was closely acquainted with the geographical appearance of the globe. KEY WORDS: Nizami Ganjavi, Azerbaijani poet, geographical names. INTRODUCTION. Nizami, who was “a genius in the true sense of the word” (Y. Bertels, 1962), “the highest mountain of human ideas”, “goddess of the artistic word”, “owner of encyclopedic intelligence” and the phenomenon of human perception at all times and artistic thinking stands at the highest point of view. Geographical names are important in his poetry. It is no coincidence that some authors remind the famous writer Jules Verne because of the geographical coverage of the Earth (from the western coast of Europe to the Pacific Ocean; from the Nile River in Africa to the North Pole). However, no specific studies have been conducted so far to delve deeper into the geographical names of the works of J. Vern in the 12th century, and so far no scientific works have been published. True, the authors who wrote "Comments" on the poetry of the poet (R. Aliyev, A. Jafar, M. Sultanov, H. Yusifli, H.R. Lutyurk, N. Arasli and others). On some geographical names in the "Hamsa" provided some valuable information and brief comments (Nizami, 1981). However, for some reason, the information provided by these authors did not go beyond the scope of “some geographical names” and “short comments” (Sh. Safarov, B. Hasanov, 2002, pp. 165 - 194). Thus, the authors collect many geographical objects mentioned in “Alexandria” (Zangibar, Afrana, Alexandria, Khorasan, Greek, Chur, Shaviran - Shabran, Babil, Geyruvan, Sanjab, Hari, Chach, Gannuk and others) provided information and tried to explain the meaning and origin of some geographical names. As follows from the title of the article, the authors chose only one poem of the poet (“Alexandria”) as an object of research and investigated not only geographical names, but also a number of geographical and ethnographic problems (Nizami Ganjavi, 2002). 3 DEVELOPMENT. Our famous philosopher scientists made certain mistakes and inaccuracies in the interpretation of geographical names; for example, N. Arasli described Afran as “a city in Egypt” in his book “Historical, Religious - Legendary and Geographical Names” at the end of his book “Hamsa” (Nizami Ganjavi 2002). However, Safarov and others do not justify this geographical name with the name of France (Nizami Ganjavi 1983b). Please note that the name “Afranan” is mentioned six times in “Alexandria”. The fact that this poem is referred to as separate countries along with Egypt and Afranka proves that the second (Afranka) is the city in the first (Egypt). This is the name of Jerusalem, the city of Bethlehem. Maghrib means West. Andalusus is the name of a province in southwestern Spain, which is now called Cordoba. It is called "Arab Spain". It is known that Spain and France (Afranan) are neighboring countries. All of the above examples confirm that Afrana is not a "city" in Egypt, but the name of modern France in medieval Eastern literature, including the "Hamsa" of Nizami. Professor Roger Aliyev, in his commentary on the Seven Wonders, identifies Mount Kudi in the famous "Flood of Noah" from Mount Ararat: "According to legend, Noah's ark came out of the flood in Kudi (now Ararat)." p. 334). While the mountains of Judy and Agri (Ararat) are separate geographical features, the first (Kudi) is located near the border between Turkey and Iraq, and the second is on the border with Armenia. As for the legend, according to some sources, Noah's ark belongs to Judy, and for others - to the dam on Mount Agri. Unfortunately, the outstanding regulator prof. Khalil Yusifli compares Mount Judy to Mount Pain in his commentary on the new edition of his poem Khosrov and Shirin. This confusion in the spelling of geographical names is due to the fact that, in our opinion, various verses included in hamsa are translated by different authors. 4 In view of the foregoing, we decided to conduct a special study of the geographical names contained in hamsa. As a result of our research, we developed a map - “Geographical names in Nizami Hamsa”. This “card-to-card” is one of the first initiatives in this area. We believe that it is advisable to bring this “desktop card” to readers in general, given that future researchers will benefit from this table. Names on the map are based on chronological sequence. Geographical names in Nizami "Hamsa". Names of Poets Geographical Treasure of Khosrov and Shirin Leyli and Seven beuties Isgandarname № names secrets Majnun 1 Kebe 3, 5, 92, 107 50,51,297,372 71,96,96 310 199,200,200,200,200,584 2 Mekke 35, 36 351, 351 96, 97, 97, 307 24 97, 97, 98, 151, 234 3 Medine 35, 36 - 131 - - 4 Yemen 37, 59 - 189 57, 62, 62, 66, 66, 138, 200, 200, 323 77, 77, 81, 124 5 Tur daghı 39 - - - 414 6 Ermen 41 63, 63, 68, 87, 89, - - 117, 118, 200, 200, 200, 201, 201, (Ermenistan) 95, 97, 112, 114, 224 313, 324, 334 7 Rum eli, Rum 41, 45, 89 34, 38, 38, 42, 43, 151 59, 96, 122, 125, 23, 62, 63, 74, 75, 76, 76, 77, 86. 146, 146, 146, 224, 147, 164, 165, 87, 88, 94, 94, 97, 99, 100, 100, 226, 254, 258 177, 307, 307 103, 119, 123, 124, 124, 126, 132, 142,164, 178, 181, 183, 187, 189, 192, 193, 193, 195, 201, 201, 202, 208, 224, 228, 228, 231, 267, 268, 274, 282, 284, 289, 290, 298, 298, 298, 301, 302, 305, 310, 310, 310, 313, 324, 329, 340, 346, 349, 360, 5 370, 370, 384, 392, 392, 393, 393, 394, 394, 395, 396, 420, 427, 43, 439, 452, 456, 466, 471, 493, 503, 503, 512, 525, 526, 528, 552, 577, 579, 579, 579, 579, 597, 603 8 Abxaz 41 38, 63 - - 201, 201, 312, 312, 323 9 Qustenteniyye - 146 - - - 10 Qezne 45 - - - 117, 258, 260 11 Gence 52, 153 52 - 307 28, 32, 425, 427 12 Teberistan 62 - - - - 13 Babil, Babilistan 64, 65, 101 98, 268 - 239 174, 201, 298, 370, 419, 579 14 Hindistan 67, 71, 114 40, 42, 45, 102, 222, 125, 300 - 56, 250, 264, 266, 266, 267, 267, 268, 318 269, 270, 271, 271, 272, 286, 375, 432, 551, 552 15 Serendib 71 - - - 584 16 CHin 71 34, 38, 40, 42, 45, 115, 140, 62, 74, 74, 96, 54, 93, 117, 141, 145, 165, 178, 45, 72, 83, 83, 83, 151 114, 116, 138, 187, 198, 224, 260, 267, 267, 267, 108, 109, 109, 109, 156, 164, 166, 269, 270, 271, 271, 272, 272, 272, 150, 183, 183, 224, 167, 229, 234, 276, 278, 278, 279, 279, 279, 279, 226, 229, 258, 258, 235, 235, 275, 279, 279, 281, 281, 282, 283, 286, 285 297, 307, 307 286, 287, 288, 288, 288, 290, 292, 292, 294, 296, 297, 297, 298, 298, 298, 298, 300, 300, 300, 301, 301, 301, 302, 302, 302, 302, 303, 303, 303, 305, 305, 305, 309, 310, 310, 326, 329, 335, 3450, 348, 348, 348, 370, 375, 417, 418, 420, 432, 439, 491, 554, 559, 562, 567, 568, 568, 17 Ferat chayı 81 93, 372 55, 136 - 48 6 18 Xorasan 87 36, 151 - 114, 138 103, 193, 252, 254, 257, 258, 258, 298, 310, 313, 324, 374, 452 19 Teraz 88 254 - 156, 164, 165 182, 260 20 SHam 90 38 - 58 103, 103, 324, 448, 455, 526 21 Misir 102 - 258 58, 186, 233 74, 74, 74, 97, 99, 99, 114, 119, 178, 314, 324, 427, 527, 594 22 Merv 130 151 180 - 258, 441 23 İraq 153 38 52, 69, 294, 138, 164 44, 44, 44, 200, 298, 324 354 24 Xellux - 21 - 159, 166 273, 273, 370 25 Tamghach - 34 - - 86 26 Hebeshistan - 34, 38, 285, 341 - - 193, 224, 262, 417, 491, 609 (Hebesh) 27 CHach - 34 - - 86, 260, 274 28 Ceyhun chayı - 34 - 114, 275 310, 310, 316, 316 29 Cudi daghı - 37 - 124 594 30 Derbend - 38, 62, 348 - - 56, 233, 312 31 Xarezm - 38 - 74, 125 44, 117, 181, 316, 375 32 Semerqend - 38, 261, 367 - - 56, 310, 369 33 Araz chayı - 43 - - - 34 Xezer (ölke) - 43 - - - 35 Nil chayı - 44, 87, 148 143, 143 211, 272 48, 74, 85, 87, 88, 88, 98, 99, 101, 150, 234, 262, 266, 276, 314, 330, 331, 347, 427 36 Decle - 44, 218, 356 153 - 152 37 Lahur - 62 - - - 38 İsfahan - 63, 224, 224, 226, - 100, 100, 255 174, 177, 178, 181, 182, 374 226, 229, 230, 247, 254, 285 7 39 Arran - 63 - - - 40 Mughan - 63, 99, 99, 115, 133 261 89, 89 - 41 Berde - 63, 100, 100 - - 203, 203, 204, 313, 364 42 Xuzistan - 67, 104, 124, 184, - - 146 222, 224, 313, 315 43 Corrum daghları - 68 - - - 44 Bughra chölu - 68 - - - 45 İnhiraq daghı - 69 - - - 46 Remgile - 69 - - - 47 Elburz (Elbrus) - 70 - - 165, 166, 228, 233, 287, 324, 339 48 Qerxar qesri - 81 - - 305 49 Medain
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