Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 16 NOVEMBER 1965 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 1576 Stamp Acts Amendment Bill [ASSEMBLY] Questions TUESDAY, 16 NOVEMBER, 1965 Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, Murrumba) read prayers and took the chair at 11 a.m. QUESTIONS GOVERNMENT EXAMINATION OF TowNsviLLE ToWN PLAN l\1r. Aikens, pursuant to notice, asked The Premier,- ( 1) Did the Government set up a com­ mittee to examine and report on the impact of the Brisbane Town Plan and its ordinances on the rights of the citizens and ratepayers? (2) Has his attention been drawn to an article in The Courier-Mail of November 11, wherein he was reported as saying, inter alia "The Government had tried to be fair, not narrowly to the Council, but to the citizen and ratepayer as well"? ( 3 ) If so, will a similar committee be appointed and similar assurances given with regard to the Townsville Town Plan, and, if not, why not? Answers:­ (!) "Yes." (2) "Yes." (3) "As the occasion demands, so the decision will be made." PAYMENTS BY S.G.I.O. TO DocTORS FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION CASES Mr. Aikens, pursuant to notice, asked The Treasurer,- For the last twelve months for which figures are readily available, (a) what was the total amount paid by the State Govern­ ment Insurance Office to doctors in respect of workers' compensation, (b) how many doctors received payment, (c) what was the average amount paid to each doctor, and (d) what was the highest amount paid to any doctor? Answer:- "The information requested under headings (a) to (c) is not readily avail­ able and would require a deal of research and dissection which I do not feel is justified. However, for the year ended June 30, 1965, the total amount paid to doctors and physiotherapists and chemists either directly or by way of refunds to claimants for amounts paid directly by them, was £344,105 16s. 2d. The highest amount paid to any doctor was £7,866 17s. Might I add that I am deeply touched by the Honourable Gentleman's tender solicitude concerning my health, which I can happily assure him is quite needless. Indeed, I am advised that my only risk of ever contracting Questions [16 NOVEMBER] Questions 1577 an ulcer lies in my occasional fears vacation of premises, on the Form of that he himself might suffer an aphasia, Vacation Notice furnished to the something that on balance I would Department." infinitely regret." (3) "There are twelve (12) companies included in the twenty-seven (27) bake­ houses mentioned in the Answer to BREAD MANUFACTURE IN BRISBANE Question No. (1). It is not the policy Mr. Sherrington, pursuant to notice, asked of the Department to make public detailed The Mini<tf'r for labour and Inrlvstry,- information reg8rding occupiers registered under the F actones and Shops Acts. ( 1) How many bread manufacturing companies are presently supplying bread to Information is not available regarding the the metropolitan area? number of bakeries taken over by any company." (2) In the past eight years, how many bakeries have been taken over and closed CANDIDATES FOR SCHOLARSHIP, JUNIOR for bread making? AND SENIOR EXAMINATIONS Mr. Coburn, pursuant to notice, asked The (3) What are the names of the com­ Minister for Education,- panies and how many bakeries have been taken over by each? ( 1) How many candidates nominated for and how many passed (a) the Scholar­ Answers:- ship Examination in each of the years from 1956 to 1962, inclusive, (b) the (1) "There are twenty-seven (27) bake­ Junior Public Examination and (c) the houses presently supplying bread to the Senior Public Examination in each of the metropolitan area." years from 1956 to 1964, inclusive? (2) "This information is not available (2) What was the number of under­ from the records of this Department, as graduates who enrolled at the Queensland the Factories and Shops Acts do not University for the first time in each of the require the reason to be shown for the years from 1957 to 1964, inclusive? Answers:- ( 1) "The requested information relating to the Scholarship, Junior and Senior Examinations is- Scholarship Junior Senior Year Number Number Number Number Number Number Sat Passed Sat Passed* Sat Passed* 1956 .. .. .. .. 15,123 11,081 7,938 7,726 2,212 2,038 1957 .. .. .. .. 17,703 12,375 9,597 9,332 2,984 2,710 1958 .. .. .. .. 20,831 16,439 9,869 9,632 3,244 2,950 1959 .. .. .. .. 25,753 20,393 11,809 1!,477 3,876 3,:578 1960 .. .. .. .. 29,311 23,430 14,184 •• 3,618 3.336 1961 .. .. .. 26,511 22,211 19,003 •• 4,203 3,849 1962 .. .. .. .. 27,338 24,019 22,363 18,350 5,ll2 4,688 1963 .. .. .. .. .. .. 21,861 20,472 6,586 6,057 1964 .. .. .. .. .. .. 21,107 20,444 7,643 7,281 *Numbers passing in one or more subjects. ** Figures not available." (2) "The requested information relat­ AVAILABILITY OF THEATRE IN BRISBANE ing to University undergraduate enrol­ FOR ELIZABETHAN THEATRE TRUST ments is- Mr. Murray, pursuant tu notice, asked The Premier,- Year Enrolment In view of the current controversy and public concern caused by the announce­ 1957 1,578* ment that Her Majesty's Theatre will 1958 2,017* shortly commence to show films and that 1959 2,066 1960 2,553 the Elizabethan Theatre Trust will now 1961 2,694 exclude Brisbane from its short term plan­ 1962 2,821 ning, will he consider initiating consulta­ 1963 2,978 1964 3,320 tions with the Lord Mayor or perhaps representatives of the Trust in order that Brisbane and Queensland can, at an early *These are total new students enrolled date, regain the opportunity to enjoy and include some who were not under­ cultural equality with other States in the graduates. More detailed information is fields sponsored and encouraged by the not available." Trust? 1578 Questions [ASSEMBLY] Questions Answer:- the ratio of Australian/Overseas investment "Yes. In fact, discussions on this par­ equities as being the general pattern ticular matter are already under way with applying to financial arrangements operat­ ing in this State. I view the overall scene the Elizabethan Theatre Trust." by taking due cognisance of the oppor­ tunity offering, and of which full advantage is being taken, to the Australian investor in the field of the ancillary AUSTRALIAN EQUITY IN QUEENSLAND development that flows from the major DEVELOPMENTAL PROJECTS project. These avenues, while involving a Mr. Murray, pursuant to notice, asked The lesser capital appetite, are providing an Premier,- attractive return and I would venture to ( 1) Has his attention been drawn to an say that a critical examination of the article in The Australian of November 11, source of funds employed might provide which stated that the American Company, the indication of an imbalance in favour Utah, could not find an Australian com­ of the Australian sector. I can give every pany to share in investment in the Black­ assurance that my Government will wel­ water coal development project? come to this State all overseas capital invested with the design of assisting in (2) Will he advise whether he is aware Queensland development and participating of any other instance of failure by overseas in the rewards from the progress which interests to attract Australian equity in will result. I am satisfied these benefits developmental projects in this State? will justify my confidence in this State now and for the future." ( 3) In view of this State's vital need for and shortage of developmental capital, will he make a statement on this matter in PURITY OF MT. GARNET WATER SUPPLY order that overseas companies who fail in Mr. Wallis-Smith, pursuant to notice, asked an endeavour to attract local equity will The Minister for Health,- not be discouraged from investing in Queensland development by the type of As Mt. Garnet residents have been statement emanating from the Opposition? advised to boil all water as a precaution against stomach upsets, as reported in The Courier-Mail of November 12, will he Answer:- have an investigation of Mt. Garnet water made in order to ascertain what steps are "It is my understanding that the basis necessary to ensure that the health of the offered by the Utah Development Com­ people is safeguarded? pany for Australian financial participation in the activities of the company in this country was not an attractive enticement, Answer:- having full regard to the demands and "The statement which appeared in The opportunities presently existing in the Courier-Mail of November 12 advising investment field both in this State and the Mt. Garnet residents to boil all water as a other States of the Commonwealth. How­ .precaution against stomach upsets was ever, it is also my understanding that the investigated by the Department's district company has obtained the full measure of health inspector in Cairns. There had been a finance it sought with the result that it is few cases of mild diarrhoea in the Mt. fully capable of undertaking the business Garnet area and the Medical Officer of operation it seeks. The question of Health suggested all water used by babies Australian equity in development has for should be boiled. This is a routine pre­ some time been the subject of a variety caution when giving water to babies. The of comment and observation and irrespec­ Mt. Garnet ambulance superintendent when tive of the merits and demerits of par­ addressing a meeting of women advised ticular cases that might be quoted, I feel them of the doctor's suggestion but he was that due regard must be had to the overall misunderstood.
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