Yes, you can still receive the best healthcare in town from Desert Springs Hospital, Summerlin Hospital and Valley Hospital. If you work for one of these great companies and have health insurance benefits under their self-funded plan, The Valley Health System has a direct contract with your employer and you are still covered. A.C. Houston Lumber Jerry's Nugget Ace Cab Company Las Vegas Club Associated Pathologists Lab Las Vegas Firefighters #1285 Trust Fund Bechtel Tevad a Las Vegas Sands, Inc. Binion's Horse hoe Mirage Resorts Boulder City Hospital Mission Industries Casino Data Systems Ne,·ada Department of Prisons Citibank Nevada Title Company City of Bullhead City Operating Engineers #501 Security Fund City of Henderson Painters Trust Fund Clark County Education Primadonna Resorts, Inc. Association (CCEA ) Trust Riverside Resort & Casino Clark County Employees - Self Funded Plan Rh·iera Hotel & Casino Clark County Firefighters # 1908 Trust Fund Santa Fe Gaming Corporation Construction and Laborers #872 Trust Fund Showboat Hotel & Casin o Desert Radiologists Standard Wholesale Supply Education Support Employees Association (ESEA ) tate of Nevada Employees Fitzgerald 's Hotel & Casi no T.A.R. l. F. (Yellow/ Checker / Star Cab) Hilton Gaming Corporation Teamsters #63 1 Trust Fund Holiday Inn-Boardwalk Hotel & Casino Terrible Herbst Home Base lmprm·ement vVarehouses Tropicana Resort & Casino Jackl'ot Enterprises Union Pacific Railroad A DESERT SPRINGS HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER COMMENTARY It is never h t e LYLE E. BRENNAN wrong Associate Publisber • t1me ••• know how all-encompassing, to­ Hardly two minutes transpired tally absorbing business can be. before the young man bounced back I I live it. Even though one may in the room to ask if quiet time was think he has a light day ahead, over. Patiently, the father sent the something always seems to surface boy back out, explaining he still to make that day even more filled needed the additional 28 minutes and stressful than the day before. of quiet time. Three minutes later How often do we put off the re­ the plaintive query was repeated: ally important things in our life? "Daddy, is it time, yet?" Like spending time with our mates At this point, the father, becom­ and really listening to them - not ing a bit flustered, noticed a pic­ only listening to them, but allowing ture of the world in the newspaper, them to help us? How often do we and hit upon an idea for an activity tell our children that we'll spend to keep his son busy for the next time with them ... later; and really 30 minutes. He tore the page out of believe we will; but never seem to get the newspaper and carefully ripped around to it? the image into several pieces, creating That's where the philosophy, "It's never a puzzle of sorts. He said, "Son when the right time, so now is as good a time a you put the world back together cor­ any," comes into play. I have learned from rectly, my quiet time is done, and it will work junkies, myself included, that plan­ be time for us to play." ning leisure and family time is very diffi­ The tot happily accepted the project, cult. Somehow, we always manage to get at work, anived home from the office and off he went. With a sigh of relief, the our priorities confused. So, at this time of early one evening. Standing just inside the father resumed reading his newspaper. To year, take a moment to address your prior­ door, eagerly waiting to greet him, was his his surprise, after a short five minutes, the ities. This is the season we reflect on gift­ four-year-old son. youngster was back. However, thi s time, giving. Give the most important, and valu­ If you are familiar at all with this age the boy had captured his father's complete able, thing you can: give yourself. Shut off group. you·re aware of how they utterly attention. Dad mused how bright indeed the cellular and pager. and leave your burst with things to share with you the his child must be to reconstruct the portable computer and briefcase at the of­ minute you place a foot in the door. And makeshift puzzle so quickly. Swelling fice. I assure you, they will be there when they deliver their non-stop, excitable solil­ with pride, having lost all interest in the you get back. oquy without out regard for how well- or newspaper, the man studied hi s son· From my experience, if you take this poorly - your day unfolded at the office. work. Sure enough, the picture of the challenge, you will find not onl y does At the dinner table that evening, the fa­ world was put together corTectly, meticu­ your family gain, you reap benefits, as ther quickly had his fill of his son's jab­ lously. The fa ther couldn't resist asking well. Your business is a big wi nn er, be­ bering. He told the child that after dinner, the tyke how he accomplished the task cause you come back to work fresh and he needed 30 minutes of quiet time to read swiftly. The son replied, "Look at the ready to tackle the world. the newspaper. After that, he would devote other side, Daddy. It is a picture of a man. Here s a quick story to illustrate (the the next hour exclusively to his son's in­ and he was easy to put together:· aid the genders are easily reversible): A father terests. His son agreed and disappeared babe. "See? When the man is together. who had experienced a very difficult day from the room. is the world." publisher@ nevada business. com 4 ~evada Business j ournal • Decembe r 1998 ~BUSINESS ~OUR~~1 ADVISORY BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mary S. Falls - Vice-President , Northern Nevada Business Banking, US Bancorp Somer Hollingsworth - President, Nevada DeYelopment Authority Larry E. Krause - Partner and Director, Anhur Andersen LLP MaryDean Marlin- President, MaryDean & Associates Clare O'Brien -Director of Marketing, Nevada Commission on Economic Development Stan Thomas - Director ofSpecia l Business Projects, Sierra Pacific Power Company Carole Vilardo -President, Nevada Ta.xpayers Association Scott Voeller - Director ofAd vertising & Public Relations, Silver Legacy Resort Casino Patricia M. Wade - President, Wade Development Co ., Inc. CEO PRESIDENT PUBLISHER Stephen Brock ASSOCLUE PUBLISHER Lyle E. Brennan EDITOR jennifer Robison Cllllll' I'INA-"iCL-\L OI'I'ICilR Carleen Onega ART DIRECTOR I PRODUCTION MANAGER Barbara !.. Moore VICE PRESIDE!IIT - ~l>\RKETING Claire Smith VICE PRESIDE!IIT - PROJECT DEVELOPME!IIT liz Young COl\'fRIBUTING EDITORS Kathleen Foley I George Fuller Cindie Geddes I john Graham Allen Grant I Tony Illia joe Mullich I R. Keith Schwer Michael Sullivan CORPORUE OFFICE 2127 Paradise Road • Las Vegas, NV 89104 (702) 735-7003 • FAX (702) 733 -5953 IVIVIv. nevadabusiness.com SOllliER'i '\llVADA MARKETING REPRESENTATIVES Michael L. Diersen , B.S., M.B.A. T EC H N OLOGY Claire Smith • liz Young Professional Money Management . "OKliiEI!: - :'\EYIDA ~HRKETING REPRESENTATIVE O u T SOU R C I 1 G for Discerning Investors"' The flizabelh Younger Agency I Tiffany Frisch ll' Yarsb A\l'. • Reno, NV 89509 -1 626 S oLUT I O N S • Managed No-Load Funds C02 329-UOO • E.\X ( 02) 329-4283 • Privately Managed Stock It's about understanding your business . ·eYada Business Journal is listed in Standard Rates & Data. & Bond Accounts #20A -Busine -Metro. State & Regional. needs. Our teams of consultants are trained Advenisers should contact Sa1es at (702) 735-7003 in Southern Nevada. or (800) 242-0164 in ~onhern Nevada. or write to: to find a solution that is right for you. Vitrex •IRA Rollovers Nevada Business Journal 212- Paradise Rd. Las Ve2as . NV 89104. Demographic information available upon request. ..... 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Las Vegas, NV 89109-0992 DISCLAIMER: Edjtorial views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher or its boards. 702-732-45 71 Member-NYSE Member SIPC December 1998 • Nevada Business journal 5 ---·· - - - ~.=-....____,_... 1"-~ -- -~ Decembet· 1998 I CONTENTS Volume 13-No. 12 18 A State of Promise BY Tol\rv rrnA. Features Nevada navigates its transportation needs into the next centUIJ' and beyond. 29 New Year ... New Opportunities? For the first time in years, Nevada's economic outlook is less than spectaculm: 33 Personal Communications Services BY CINDIE GEDDEs When selecting a company, service plan and phone, consumers enjoy a wealth ofchoices in the digital telecommunications market. On the cover: RTC/Citifare grows to meet Northern 63 TopRank Nevada STATEWIDE BooK oF usrs Nevada's public transpor­ tation needs. Page 18. CONVENTION ND MEETING FACILITIES • NEVADA'S MAJOR Photo: RTC/Citifare CONVEN!IONS • iEVADA'S TOP 100 BUSINESSES Building 39 ENERGY CONSERVATION AT WORK BY TOi'll' ILLIA Woven integrally into evetJiday life, our degree ofdependence on Nevada utility resources dictates careful management.
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