INFORMATION DOCUMENT 23 June 2020 Department Commencing page Office of the Chief Executive Officer CEO – meetings/functions attended Minutes received from external organisations & groups Community engagement 2 Tourism development Arts & culture Community development Coorong Tatiara Local Action Plan Community & Corporate Development & Environmental Services report – May 2020 Organisational development report 22 Monthly credit card report IT services update Infrastructure & Assets ‘In the Field’ works report 30 Drought Communities Programme Extension – projects update Cleanaway activity report – May 2020 Information Document – June 2020 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Information items 1. CEO - MEETINGS/FUNCTIONS ATTENDED Date Details May 2020 20 Introductory meeting with Ngarrindjeri Aboriginal Corporation representatives. Tailem Bend 21 Meeting with STARclub Murraylands Field Officer, M Maddaford re: plans for district’s sports & recreation as a result of COVID-19, Tailem Bend 22 Meeting with resident S Douglas re: various matters, Tailem Bend 22 Meeting with residents M & B Piggott re: promotion and development Tailem Bend township, Tailem Bend 22 Visit to Tailem Bend District Hospital with Director of Nursing S Nagel and Cr. Qualmann, Tailem Bend 25 Meeting at Meningie Town Oval re: proposed Meningie Skate Park project with J Williams and F Turner (Meningie Combined Sports Ground), Lakes Ward Councillors, Mayor and Director Infrastructure & Assets, Meningie 26 Meeting with Tailem Bend Netball Club representatives re: leasing arrangements for Netball courts and proposed increase to lease area, Tailem Bend 27 National Reconciliation Week Virtual Breakfast 2020, hosted by Reconciliation SA (via Zoom), Tailem Bend 27 Special Council meeting, Tailem Bend 28 Meeting with Audit & Risk Committee presiding member in preparation for Committee meeting on 2 June (via Zoom), Tailem Bend 28 Murray River, Lakes & Coorong Tourism Alliance board meeting (via Zoom), Tailem Bend 28 Visit to Viterra Tailem Bend and introductory meeting with Operations Coordinator and Operations Supervisor, Tailem Bend 29 Meeting with TSM Consulting and Director Infrastructure & Assets re: proposed Meningie Multi Use Facility (Wadmore House master planning), Adelaide 29 Meeting with Rural City of Murray Bridge CEO re: riverbank collapse, Murray Bridge June 2020 1 Meeting with Cr. Hill, Meningie 2 Audit & Risk Committee meeting, Tailem Bend 2 Council Members workshop, Tailem Bend 3 Meeting with Meningie Cheese Factory Museum Executive re: future projects and potential funding opportunities, Meningie 4 Australian Services Union enterprise bargaining negotiation meeting (via Zoom), Tailem Bend 4 Work, Health & Safety Committee meeting, Tailem Bend 4 Teleconference with Department for Environment & Water representatives re: River Murray high flows management (via Zoom), Tailem Bend 2 Information Document – June 2020 June 2020 (cont.) 5 Visit to Tailem Bend District Hospital with Cr. Qualmann and Director Infrastructure & Assets, Tailem Bend 5 Introductory meeting with the Department for Trade & Investment tourism team (via Zoom), Tailem Bend 5 Site visit to Tailem Bend works depot to view completed works with Manager Construction & Maintenance, Tailem Bend 5 Site visit to Malinong to review road issues as raised by resident D Eckert, Malinong 9 Meeting with T Hughes re: Tailem Bend Oval lease, Tailem Bend 9 Presentation of Synergy software system to Council Members from IT Vision, Tailem Bend 12 Phone call with Wellington East resident re: non-potable water scheme supply 12 Meeting with Tatiara District Council CEO re: Coorong-Tatiara Local Action Plan, Keith 15 Murraylands & Riverland Local Government Association CEO Network meeting (via Zoom), Tailem Bend 15 Australian Services Union Enterprise Agreement Negotiation Committee meeting (via Zoom), Tailem Bend 16 Meeting with Cr. Bland and Development & Environmental Services Coordinator re: Regional Health Plan, Tailem Bend 16 Council Members workshop (Genetically Modified Crops Management Act), Tailem Bend 16 Meet with Mayor and Mr S Way (BDO) in preparation for Council Members workshop, Tailem Bend 16 Council Members workshop, Tailem Bend 16 Meeting with Mayor to discuss various matters, Tailem Bend 17 Follow up phone call with Wellington East resident re: non-potable water scheme supply 17 Phone call with Tintinara Lions Club outgoing President J Cunningham re: Tintinara War Memorial Hall sound system 18 Drought Communities Programme phase 2 projects tour, various locations across the district 19 Meeting with State Member for MacKillop, Mr Nick McBride MP, Tailem Bend 19 Meeting on-site with S Moritz and Director Infrastructure & Assets re: Tailem Bend train turntable, Tailem Bend 19 Interview with ABC News (television) re: Supercars’ exclusion of OTR The Bend 500 event from the 2020 calendar, Tailem Bend 22 Regional meeting with TAFE SA Chief Executive and regional council Mayors and CEOs re: development of TAFE SA Regional Strategy, via Zoom 23 Meeting with Mayor and Ngarrindjeri Aboriginal Corporation representative C Rigney, re: renewal of relationship, Tailem Bend 23 Council briefing sessions, Tailem Bend 23 Council meeting, Tailem Bend Bridget Mather CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 3 Information Document – June 2020 2. MINUTES RECEIVED FROM EXTERNAL ORGANISATIONS & GROUPS Council interacts with and provides representation to various external agencies and bodies, and community groups. In late 2018 Council appointed new Council Members as representatives to attend various meetings on behalf of Council. Minutes of relevant groups and bodies will appear on the following pages (for information only). 2.1 Murray Darling Association Region 6 A Murray Darling Association Region 6 meeting was held on 15 May 2020 via Zoom. Cr. Leng and the CEO were in attendance. 2.2 Murray River, Lakes & Coorong Tourism Alliance A Murray River, Lakes & Coorong Tourism Alliance meeting was held on 28 May 2020 via Zoom. The CEO is a board member, and was in attendance at this meeting. 4 [email protected] www.mda.asn.au Murray Darling Association Inc. T (03) 5480 3805 ABN: 64 636 490 493 463 High Street P.O. Box 1268 Echuca, Vic 3564 3rd Floor, 553 Kiewa Street Region 6 Ordinary Meeting P.O. Box 359 Albury, NSW 2640 MINUTES Location: Video conference Time/date: 10.30am – 2.30pm, Friday 15 May 2020; with break from 12.15 to 12.30pm Presenters: Deana Mildren (MDBA) & Jarrod Eaton (DEW) Meeting commenced at 10.30am Welcome & Acknowledgement of Country Acknowledgement of Country MDA Region 6 and its communities acknowledge the Ngarrindjeri people as the traditional custodians of the lands and waters of the Lower Murray, Lower Lakes and Coorong region. 1. ATTENDANCE 1.1 In Attendance Mayor Brenton Lewis, Heather Barclay, Stephen Packer (Rural City of Murray Bridge) CEO Bridget Mather, Councillor Vern Leng (Coorong District Council) Cr Melissa Rebbeck, CEO Glenn Rappensberg, Councillor Michael Scott (Alexandrina Council) Councillor Marilyn Henderson (City of Victor Harbor) Julie Barrie, Bruce Brooks (Individual Members) 1.2 Guests Emma Bradbury (MDA CEO) Deana Mildren (Regional Engagement Officer, Lower Murray; MDBA) Jarrod Eaton (Manager, River Murray Water Delivery; DEW) Monika Rhodes (Secretariat, Alexandrina Council) Tania Baldock (Minute taker, Alexandrina Council) 1.3 Apologies Cr Brenton Qualmann (Coorong District Council) Malcom Downie (Rural City of Murray Bridge) Keith Loeser, Frank Tuckwell (Individual Members) Cr Michael Scott (Alexandrina Council) – apology after lunch 2. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Nil 1 3. MINUTES Recommendation That the minutes of the MDA Region 6 committee meeting held on 14 February 2020 as circulated to members, be received as a true and correct record. Amendment: Position title for Heather Barclay changed to General Manager. Moved: Cr Vern Leng Seconded: Bruce Brooks CARRIED 4. GUEST PRESENTERS Topic: Federal and State Government drought preparedness 4.1 Deana Mildren (MDBA) Deana presented on: Development of the Basin, Existing Climate Adaptions, Evaluation Opportunities, Future mitigation challenges (Attachment 1). 4.2 Jarrod Eaton (DEW) Jarrod presented on the River Murray system inflows and storages; current water resource position and climate outlook; and what does this mean for South Australia and the Lower Lakes (Attachment 2). ACTIONS ARISING: Jarrod and Deana to provide links to fact sheets on water sharing with Victoria and NSW. Automation of Barrages – Advocacy investment infrastructure plan. Jarrod to provide content/briefing notes to MDA to assist with advocacy. 5. REPORTS 5.1 CEO’s Report – Emma Bradbury E Bradbury and D Thurley met with Federal Water Minister The Hon Keith Pitt. The meeting o Provided a detailed introduction of the MDA. o Commended the findings and recommendations of the Inquiry into the management of Murray–Darling Basin water resources by The Interim Inspector-General to the Minister, and Invited the Minister to work closely with the MDA and our councils and communities to look beyond the current Basin Plan and ensure robust preparations for the next iteration. Emma noted the action taken by Wagga City Council to terminate the appointment of their delegate after the delegate made inflammatory and inaccurate comments about the MDA and it was found that he had not attended an MDA meeting for almost 3 years. Council replaced the delegate stating that it was important that their council was effectively represented and was getting value for their membership. Emma noted
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