übe lftalestine (5a3ette ßublisbeb Hutboritç-' No. 1163 THURSDAY, 1 5TH JANUARY, 1942 47 CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES -Registration under the National Service (Armed Forces) Act, 1939, and the Registra• tion of Employment Order, 1941 - - - - 49 Trans-Jordan Frontier Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal—Award of - 50 Appointment of Official Member of the Executive Council - - - 50 Appointment of Member of the War Supply Board - - - 50 Obituary - - - - - - 50 ־ - ׳ - - - Acting Appointments - 50 Cancellation of a Dental Practitioner's Licence - - - - 50 ־ - - Mails for Abroad - - 51 New Postage Stamps - - - 52 Municipal Properties in Gaza to be let by Auction - - - 52 Return of Fertilizers Certificates of Registration as on 1st January, 1942 - 52 ־ - Sale of Mahlul Land - - - - 53 ־ - - - Claims for Destroyed Currency Notes 54 Tender and Adjudication of Contracts - - - - 54 Citation Orders - - - - - - 54 ־ . Court Notice - - - - - 57 ־ - ־ - - Court Summons - 57 Notice of the Execution Office, Tel Aviv - - - - 57 RETUEN . Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - - - - 58 REGISTRATION OF COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES AND PARTNERSHIP, ETC. - - - 58 69־ - - - - - ־ CORRIGENDA SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement Wo. 2 which forms part of this Gazette : — Directions under the Defence Regulations, 1939, directing that no Person shall take into any of the Premises declared Protected Places any Matches, Automatic Lighters or any Appliance designed for producing Ignition - - 85 {Continued) PRICE : 50 MILS. CONTENTS (Continued) Page Order under the Defence Regulations, 1939, ordering that the Director of Public Works may at his discretion waive or relax the Provisions of, or the Powers under, the ־ - Petroleum Regulations, 1934 85 Notice under the Immigration Ordinance, 1941, appointing an Immigration Officer ־ - for the Purpose of the said Ordinance - - 86 Hebron Municipal Commission Order in Council, 1942, under the Municipal Corpora­ 86־ - - - - tions Ordinance, 1934 Local Councils (Rishon-le-Zion) Order, 1942, under the Local Councils Ordinance, 1941 87 Order No. 8 of 1942, under the Collective Punishments Ordinance, adding certain 118־ - ־ - Villages to the Schedule to the Ordinance Administrative Divisions (Amendment) Proclamation, 1942, under the Palestine Order ־ - - - in Council, 1922 - 119 Securities (Exemption) Order, 1942, under the Defence (Finance) Regulations, 1941 - 132 Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) (Amendment) Order, 1942, under the ־־־.־ Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939 -139 Notice under the Rabies Ordinance, 1934, declaring certain Localities to be infected ־ ־ ־ - ־ with Rabies - - 153 Notice of Posting of Schedules of Rights to Land in certain Localities, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - - - - 153 Notification of Intended Settlement in respect of certain Localities, under the Land ־ - - - Settlement of Title) Ordinance 154) Notice under the Defence Regulations, 1939, regarding Licences granted under the Defence (Control of Tyres and Tubes) Order, 1941 - - - 155 Food and Essential Commodities (Rationing) Rules, 1942, under the Food and Essential , Commodities (Control) Ordinance, 1939 - - - - 156 Food and Essential Commodities (Registration) Rules, 1942, under the Food and Essential Commodities (Control) Ordinance, 1939 - 159 Defence (Protected Area) (Amendment) Order, 1942, under the Defence Regulations, 1939 161 Order under the Food and Essential Commodities (Control) Ordinance, 1939, pre­ scribing Maximum Wholesale and Maximum Retail Prices of certain Controlled Articles !62 15th January, 1942 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1163 49 EEGISTEATION UNDEE THE NATIONAL SEEVICE (AEMED FOECES) ACT, 1939, AND THE EEGISTEATION OF EMPLOYMENT OBDEE, 1941. FOR USE BY MEN AND WOMEN NOT IN GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT. NOTE. Under the National Service (Armed Forces) Act, 1939, all men who are in Great Britain when their age groups are proclaimed, or who subsequently enter Great Britain, are liable to be called up unless specifically exempted by its provisions and are required to register at the local Employment Exchange. Under the Registration for Employment Order, 1941, men and women who are in Great Britain and belong to any class or description of persons who have been re• quired to register under the Order, or who subsequently entered Great Britain, are also required to register at the local Employment Exchange. Arrangements have, however, been made for the registration of men and women ordinarily emploj'ed in one of the Colonies to be made by notification by the Colonial Office to the Minister of Labour and National Service. Persons entering the United Kingdom are informed on arrival of the classes required to register under the Act or the Order and if, in accordance with this advice, they are liable to register, they should complete a form containing the undermentioned particulars as soon as pos• sible after arrival in Great Britain and forward it.to the Under Sercetary of State for the Colonies, Colonial Service Department, Colonial Office, 2, Park Street, W.l. This will, if they are liable under the Act or Order, constitute their registration. Copies of the form are available at District C.I.D. offices. The persons concerned must, however, if they have not already done so during a previous visit to the United Kingdom, also register under the National Registration Act, 1939, and a form for this purpose will be handed to them when they land in the United Kingdom by the Immigration Officer or Officer of the Board of Customs and Excise or other person duly authorised by the Eegistrar-General. They will then be given their National Eegistration number, which must be inserted in the ap• propriate place in the particulars below. FORM B. *(1) Registration under the National Service (Armed Forces) Act. 1939. *(2) Registration under the Registratioyi for Employment Order, 1941. PAETICULABS. Full name (BLOCK LETTEES) : Colony : Address (in Great Britain) : Date and place of birth : National Eegistration Number (i.e. number of IDENTITY CARD) : +Eegistration Number on Eegistration Certificate N.S.2. under the National Service.(Armed Forces) Act. *Address of local Office of Ministry of Labour and National Service given on Certificate N.S.2. Occupation : (Give precise details) Name and address of employer : Nature of business : Approximate date of departure from this country : (i.e. the United Kingdom) Date Signature.. * Delete (1) or (2) if not applicable. % To be given in the case of a man who has already registered under the National Service (Armed Forces) Act, when previously residing in this country. 50 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1163 15th January, .1942 TEANS-JOEDAN FBONTIEB FOBCE LONG SEBVICE AND GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL. His EXCELLENCY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER has been pleased to award the Trans- Jordan Frontier Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal to the following non-commissioned officers and men of the Force :— 0480 SERGEANT HAFIZ AHMAD ALI, M.M. 0475 SERGEANT ABDULLAH MUSTAFA HAJ MUHAMMAD 0009 SERGEANT MAHMOUD ZACHARIAH 0027 SERGEANT EASA SAMARA 0516 CORPORAL SALEH EASA MOUSA 0564 CORPORAL ALI GHOLA KABERTAI 0164 CORPORAL MUFLEH KASSEM 0573 LANCE CORPORAL MUHAYADDIN AYOUB KURDI 0579 LANCE CORPORAL TEWFIK OMAR 0500 LANCE CORPORAL MüSAFER DERSO CHISHAN 0157 TROOPER ALI MAHMOUD 0460 TROOPER SALIM HANNA OWEIS 0607 TROOPER ISA KHALIL AZER 0454 TROOPER JUBRAIL TEWFIK 0509 TROOPER YOUSEF SAID HADDAD 0026 TROOPER IBRAHIM SHABSO 0528 TROOPER SULEIMAN MUSTAFA SULEIMAN. By His Excellency's Command, J. S. MACPHERSON 7th January, 1942. " Chief Secretary. NOTICE. APPOINTMENT OF AN OFFICIAL MEMBER OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that, by instruction of His MAJESTY THE KING, the High Commissioner has appointed COLONEL G. W. HERON, C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O., Director of Medical Services, to be an Official Member of the Executive Council with eflect from the 1st January, 1942. By His Excellency's Command, J. S. MACPHERSON 10th January, 1942. Chief Secretary. NOTICE. IT IS NOTIFIED for general information that the High Commissioner has appointed MAJOR G. F. DORAN to be a member of the War Supply Board, notice of the appoint• ment of which was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1080 of 27th February, 1941. By His Excellency's Command, J. S. MACPHERSON 14th January, 1942. Chief Secretary. H. WILLAN, Running Superintendent, OBITUARY. Palestine Railways, to act as Chief Mechanical Engineer, from the 18th to the The High Commissioner announces with 19th December, 1941, both dates inclusive. regret the death on the 4th January, 1942, of MR. FAHED MANSOUR, Surveyor, Grade K, Department of Customs, Excise and NOTICE. Trade. AAA-AA--N--------B-----------H-il••• DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. ACTING APPOINTMENTS. Licence No. DP/16 dated the 12th December, The High Commissioner has appointed: — 1927, to practise as a dental practitioner grant• MR. R. FISHER, Assistant Auditor, Audit De• ed to JOSEPH B. EMMANUEL has been cancelled partment, to act as Senior Assistant on account of the death of the holder. Auditor, with effect from the 7th January, W. J. VICKERS 1942, until further order. for Director, MR. A. L. JONES, M.C., Assistant Chief Medical Services. Mechanical Engineer, Palestine Railways, 7th January, 1942. to act as Chief Mechanical Engineer, on (Gaz/23/40) the 5th and on 23rd December, 1941. loth January, 1942 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1163 51 NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS. Mails for Abroad. It is notified for information that the present position
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