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Citrate NAD(P) Acyl-ACP ~ FumarateI \ [:] !socitrate NAD 'P)Hr-noyl-ACP l reductase CO + ACP beta-ketoacy!-AC 2 \ J synthase 1/U Succinate o.-ketoglutara!e Enoy!-ACP 3-Ketoacyl-ACP "'Succiny!-CoA / droxyacyl-ACP 7( NADPH and/or H20 dralase 3-oxoacyl-ACP NADH reductase -- 3 D Hyd y! ACP NADP+ and/or - - roxyac - NAD• Fatty acid elongation cycle U.S. Patent Jul. 3, 2018 Sheet 2 of 17 US 10,011,854 B2 FIGURE 1B 0 0 II 11 -o-C-CH2-C-S-CoA 0 II R-C-S-ACP FabD l 0 0 U II FabB -o-C-CH2-C-S-ACP H++ NADH FabF 0 FabH II CHrC-S-CoA 0 0 0 II II II R-CH=CH-C-S-ACP R-C-CH2-C-S-ACP 0 0 11 II FabA CHs-C-CHrC-S-ACP FabZ OH 0 I II R-CH-CHrC-S-ACP NADP+ U.S. Patent Jul. 3, 2018 Sheet 3 of 17 US 10,011,854 B2 FGUREIC Descriptio Step Enzyme Reaction n Activates acetyl CoA Acetyl ~) 0 for reaction (a) CoA:ACP with transacylase G.}·i;'JL.•. ::-1-0:iA (:cH,/L.. ,S-ACP malonyl­ ACP Activates malonyl Malonyl CoA for (b) CoA:ACP reaction transacylase with acetyl­ ACP Reacts priming 3-ketoacyl­ ,i acetyl-ACP ...... _......... : (c) ACP .. with chain­ synthetase {C} extending malonyl­ ACP. NADPH+H;J) Reduces the carbon 3-ketoacyl­ \ ,-,,="' 3 ketone (d) ACP . \-~..,:::'.":.:: ........ toa reductase hydroxyl group 3- H i'' Hydroxyacyl Removes (e) ACP Cl·(;'°L::,1)CS~ACP water dehydrase H NADPH + H © H 0 Enoyl-ACP (f} reductase 01{1.:y)t.. S·"ACP H U.S. Patent Jul. 3, 2018 Sheet 4 of 17 US 10,011,854 B2 trr;. prom11t~r Ras RBS FlGURE2 Abbreviations: RBS, ribosomal binding site; rcTE, acyl-ACP thioesterase from R. communis; MtGl, a NAD"'-dependent 3-oxoacyl-ACP reductase from lvf. tuberculosis; lacl, regulator gene of trc promoter system; AmpR, ampicillin resistant gene; T 1 tem1inator and T2 tenninator, transcriptional terminator of rrnB; pBR322 origin, origin of replication. U.S. Patent Jul. 3, 2018 Sheet 5 of 17 US 10,011,854 B2 /tt:. µr~mt~ttir RSS pXZ18G2 RES Amp,R 12 terminatar FIGURE 3A Abbreviations: RBS, ribosomal binding site; rcTE, acyl-ACP thioesterase from R. communis; MtG2, a NAD+-dependent 3-oxoacyl-ACP reductase from M. tuberculosis with an omission of the first 16 amino acids; lacl, regulator gene of trc promoter system; AmpR, ampicillin resistant gene; Tl terminator and T2 tem1inator, transcriptional terminator of rrnB; pBR322 origin, origin of replication. U.S. Patent Jul. 3, 2018 Sheet 6 of 17 US 10,011,854 B2 trc promoter l / RBS / /" } / t ···-··········"""-.. ,._ 'l '· t'fr' ~tl>a l ( :s. 5 3.3) pXZ18DG2 kt==- MttabG2 Amp~:~~ "~' t2 terminatnr_ .~~:com {3c17:5) _:j'J .··.·_ir:~:,.,.,.,.... .····:·:·:·:»?''*'''':~;Z@fW" . T1 te:rminator- · / . .,\. / \ Hin d1H {4-5 64}° mtfab-G2 FIGURE 3B U.S. Patent Jul. 3, 2018 Sheet 7 of 17 US 10,011,854 B2 FIGURE 4 SEQ ID NO: 1 (Ricinus communis palrnitoyl-acyl carrier protein thioestcrasc (rcTE) from XM - 0025l5518fXP- 002515564 MVATAAAATSSFFPVPSQSADANFDKAPASLGGIKLKSTSCSRG LQVKANAQAPPKINGSSVGFTTSVETVKNDGDMPLPPPPRTFINQLPDWSMLLAAITT IFLAAEKQWMMLDWKPRRPDMLIDPFGIGRIVQDGLIFRQNFSIRSYEIGADRTASIE TLMNHLQETALNHVKTAGLLGDGFGSTPEMSKRNLIWVVTRMQVLVDRYPTWGDVVQV DTWVSKSGKNGMRRDWCVRDSRTGETLTRASSVWVMMNKLTRRLSKIPEEVRGEIEPY FLNSDPIVDEDSRKLPKLDDSNADYVRKGLTPRWSDLDINQHVNNVKYIGWILESAPL PILESHELSAITLEYRRECGRDSVLQSLTAVSGNGIGNLGNAGDIECQHLLRLEDGAE IVRGRTEWRPKYSSNFGIMGQIPVESA FIGURE 5 SEQ ID NO: 2 3-oxoacyl-ACP rcductasc FabG [EC:] from Mycobactcrium tuberculosis MAPKRSSDLFSQVVNSGPGSFLARQLGVPQPETLRRYRAGEPPLTGSLLIGGAGRVVEPL RAALEKDYDLVGNNLGGRWADSFGGLVFDATGITEPAGLKGLHEFFTPVLRNLGRCGRVV VVGGTPEAAASTNERIAQRALEGFTRSLGKELRRGATTALVYLSPDAKPAATGLESTMRF
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