City of Quinte West Council Agenda March 20, 2017 City Hall Council Chambers Call to Order 6:00 PM 1. Closed Session of Council a) The review of the Minutes of the Closed Session Council Meeting held on March 6, 2017. (Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (d) and (e) of the Municipal Act) b) Confidential Staff Report 17-01EDT from Brian Jardine, Director of Planning & Development Services and Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic Development & Tourism Services regarding a proposed or pending disposition of land by the municipality (Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act). 6:30 p.m. Public Session of Council 2. Opening 2.1 National Anthem – “O Canada” 2.2 Opening 2.3 Opening Remarks 3. Return to Open Session 4. Approval of Agenda 5. Approval of Minutes a) Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on March 6, 2017 and Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held on March 13, 2017. Resolution: That the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on March 6, 2017 be approved; And further that the Minutes of the Closed Session Council Meeting held on March 6, 2017 be approved; And further that the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held on March 13, 2017 be approved. 6. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature thereof 7. Delegations and Petitions 7.1 Presentations a) None 7.2 Delegations a) Ann Marie Vaughan, President & CEO and Dianne Spencer, Executive Director, College Advancement & External Relations for Loyalist College will address Mayor Harrison and Council regarding the College's 50th Anniversary. 8. Public Meeting a) To receive public input regarding the proposed statutory holiday exemption for retail businesses. 9. Public Input 10. Committee Reports, Staff Reports and Approval of Accounts 10.1 C.A.O. a) None 10.2 Corporate & Financial Services a) Staff Report 17-034CFS from Kevin Heath, City Clerk regarding Statutory Holiday Exemption Proposal. Resolution: That Staff Report 17-034CFS be received as information. b) Staff Report 17-036CFS from David Clazie, Director of Corporate & Financial Services regarding approval of 2017 Municipal Enterprise Operating Budget. Resolution: That Council approves the 2017 Gross Water Operating Expenditures in the amount of $7,581,800; And further that Council approves the 2017 Gross Sewer Operating Expenditures in the amount of $7,399,000; And further that Council approves the 2017 Gross Vehicle Expenditures in the amount of $425,150. c) Staff Report 17-037CFS from David Clazie, Director of Corporate & Financial Services regarding approval of 2017 City Operating Budget. Resolution: That Council approves the 2017 gross general levy operating expenditures for the City in the amount of $67,761,000; And further that Council approves the collection of the 2017 general levied taxes in the amount of $42,920,000; And further that the City approves the 2017 area rated gross operating expenditures for the City in the amount of $2,470,900; And further that Council approves the collection of the 2017 area rated taxes in the amount of $2,470,900; And further that Council approves the collection of education taxes in the approximate amount of $12,500,000; And further that staff be directed to prepare all of the required by-laws to approve such rates. d) Staff Report 17-038CFS from David Clazie, Director of Corporate & Financial Services regarding Record of Employees' 2016 Salaries and Benefits. Resolution: That Staff Report 17-038CFS regarding staff salaries and benefits under the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act 1996 be received. e) Staff Report 17-039CFS from David Clazie, Director of Corporate & Financial Services regarding 2016 Analysis of Payments to Municipal Elected Officials and Appointed Members. Resolution: That Staff Report 17-039CFS regarding Council remuneration be approved. f) Staff Report 17-040CFS from David Clazie, Director of Corporate & Financial Services regarding Funding of Projects. Resolution: That Council approves the lighting of the new Hardball Field in the amount of $240,000; And further that Council approves the renovations to the Old Town Hall in the amount of $350,000; And further that Council allocates the remaining funds, $810,000 to the Waterfront Trail Expansion Project located by the Marina; And further that Council approves all of these projects to be funded from the City's Capital Reserve. 10.3 Planning & Development Services: a) Minutes of the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee meeting held on February 23, 2017. Resolution: That the Minutes of the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee meeting held on February 23, 2017 be approved. 10.4 Protective Services: a) Minutes of the Protective Services Committee meeting held on March 7, 2017. Resolution: That the Minutes of the Protective Services Committee meeting held on March 7, 2017 be approved. 11. Correspondence for Council Decision 11.1 Decision a) Staff Report 17-035CFS from Kevin Heath, City Clerk regarding Quinte Conservation Request - Levy Distribution Formula. Resolution: That Council acknowledges receipt of a letter dated March 3, 2017 from Quinte Conservation requesting support of the following resolution passed at their meeting held on February 16, 2017: "WHEREAS, our municipalities supporting Quinte Conservation have serious concerns about the Current Value Assessment formula being used for the levy distribution and have concerns about the accuracy of the data being provided by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation for this formula; THEREFORE, be it resolved that a letter be sent to the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry and to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario requesting that this process be reviewed and a new more equitable formula be developed; AND FURTHER THAT, the data being provided by Municipal Property Assessment Corporation for future levy distributions be reviewed to ensure that it is accurate." And further that Council of the City of Quinte West supports the stated resolution. 11.2 Proclamations a) Correspondence from Ann Marie Vaughan, President & CEO of Loyalist College requesting that April 3 to 9, 2017 be proclaimed as "Colleges Week" in the City of Quinte West. Resolution: That April 3 to 9, 2017 be proclaimed as "Colleges Week" in the City of Quinte West. b) Correspondence from the Canadian Cancer Society requesting that April be proclaimed as "Daffodil Month" in the City of Quinte West. Resolution: That April be proclaimed as "Daffodil Month" in the City of Quinte West. 12. Bylaws Corporate & Financial Services: 17-026 Being a By-law to establish highways within the municipality. (2017 Road Widening By-law #1) 17-027 Being a By-law to permit retail businesses to operate on certain statutory holidays for the maintenance of tourism in the City of Quinte West. (Retail Business Statutory Holidays Exemption) 17-028 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Tax Arrears Extension Agreement pursuant to Section 378 of the Municipal Act, 2001. 17-029 Being a By-law to authorize the signing of an Acknowledgement for a Fund Agreement Amendment between the Corporation of the City of Quinte West and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Economic Development and Growth (formerly known as Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Employment). 17-030 Being a By-law to authorize the Corporation of the City of Quinte West to execute Amendment No. 3 to a Grant Funding Agreement under the 2013- 14 Source Protection Municipal Implementation Fund (SPMIF_1314_093) with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change. Resolution: That said by-laws having now been read and passed, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the same. 13. Correspondence for Council Information 13.1 Printed a) Correspondence from David Clazie, Director of Corporate & Financial Services outlining Accounts Payable General February & March 2017 in the amount of $3,985,203.07; and Accounts Payable Exceeding $10,000 in the amount of $3,698,967.44. b) Minutes of the Quinte Conservation Executive Board meeting held on January 19, 2017. c) Minutes of the Hastings Prince Edward Board of Health meetings held on January 4, 2017 and February 1, 2017. d) Resolution from the City of Kingston requesting that Parliament adopt Bill C-323, An Act to Amend the Income Tax Act (Rehabilitation of Historic Property). e) Resolution from the Corporation of the Township of Killaloe-Hagarty- Richards regarding to proposed amendments to The Ontario Building Code - Change #08-09-03. f) Correspondence from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation regarding the 2017 Municipal Stakeholder Research g) Resolutions from the Municipality of Thames Centre and the Township of Zorra regarding installation of automated external defibrillators in all schools in Ontario. h) Correspondence from Trent Community Correctional Committee regarding transfer of service to Community Organized Support & Prevention in Belleville, effective April 1, 2017. i) 2017 Farmland Forum from Ontario Farmland Trust - "The Future of Farming & Farmland Protection in Ontario". j) Correspondence from the Minister of Senior Affairs inviting nominations for the 2017 Senior of the Year Award. k) Correspondence from the Ministry of Education regarding pupil accommodation reviews, community hubs and an upcoming engagement on new approaches to supporting education in rural and remote communities. 13.2 Non-Printed a) Application for Consent: • B14/17S - 1808 Harrington Road, Part Lot 4 Con 4, Sidney b) Applications for Minor Variance • A2/17S - 1205 Moira Street West, Comp Plan 1755 Lot 9, Sidney • A3/17S - West of Meagan Lane - Antonia Heights West - Lot 2, Con 6, 21R-21410 Blocks 90-93 Resolution: That the correspondence printed for Council information and the non-printed items for Council information be received and filed. 14. Councillor Requests for Information 15. Confirmation By-law a) Confirmation By-law Resolution: That Confirmation By-law 17-031 for the March 20, 2017 Council meeting now be read a first, second and third time and be signed and sealed 16.
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