New York socialist campaign launched - See page 16 The Nigeria- Biafra war p. 4 THE Smuggle d re port from Mexico iail p. 5 Gl describes Army censorship p. 6 Women's liberation ne ws p. 7 MILITANT Student Mobe conference p. 11 Published in the Interests of the Working People Vol, J-1 No, 3 Priduy, ,Jqnuury 30, 1970 Pricw I Sc The Czech 'Trotskyite plot' p. 13 Double squeeze coming up; less iobs, higher prices - aee page 10 ,..,-­ / / l11•:sn:rr PltOFITEER ' 'l'hl'l!. ~ trlklng CE W<H'kerH Hl'e nghtlng lt greedy '()I'I)CII'fll e glnut w ltic'h hs d ·muncltng n Hhort, 11klmpy contruct be ·uu 11 • H il! bonking on ln­ Ct'NIH<'cl uurmployment pa·ovldlng It with u t'lub to drlv • down wugc11. G~'H gr d dot!H awl now from wnnt. li'or u Hp •ciHlly retiCHt·c·hecl report on WHO llU L l~~ G f!;'f IIC I pp. 8-S). Page 2 THE MILITANT Friday, Jan. 30, 1970 THE High school. radicals rei eel RYM MILITANT Editor: HARRY RING Managing Editor: MARY-ALICE WATERS Business Manager: FLAX HERMES Published weekly by The Militant Publishing Ass'n., 873 Broadway, New York, N. Y.10003. For linking student and An appeal Phone 533-6414. Second-class postage paid at New York, N.Y. Subscription: domestic, $4 a year; foreign, $5.50. By fint class mail: non-student struggles domestic and Canada $13.50, all other coun­ L.enars .from New York, N.Y. tries, $20.00. Air printed matter: domestic and Los Angeles, Calif. In the Chicago "conspiracy" trial we Canada, $20.00; Latin America and Eu­ see the features of the political trial rope, $40.00; Africa, Australia, Asia (including The following are excerpts from an which is directed at the climate of our USSR), $50.00. Writ~ for sealed air postage article by Jack Weinberg which ap­ our readers rates. Signed articles by contributors do not peared in the Jan. 9 Los Angeles Free country rather than the defendants. necessarily represent TheMilitant'sviews. These are expressed in editorials. Press: This column is an open forum In 1951, at the time of the Rosenberg­ fpr all viewpoints on .. $ubjects of "About 75 radical high school stu­ Sobell conspiracy trial, the issues of the Volume 34 Number 3 dents from more than a dozen L. A. g$leral· i:(lterest to our readt!l'S· day were the Cold War with the Soviet schools got together for a conference Please keep your letters brief. \\here union, the atom bomb, the Korean War, Friday, Jan. 30, 1970 over the weekend of Dec. 26 through necessary· they ·will be abridged. and the need to intimidate and press 28. It began as a conference of high Writers' initials will be used, names into conformity those who sought peace school SDS, RYM II. By the end, how­ and brotherhood. The scapegoats were Closing news date-Jan. 23 withheld ever, the group had severed its connec­ being. unless authorization minority group dissenters. tions with SDS, and the RYM II fac­ is givert for 'IJSe. tion, which once dominated the orga­ Today the issue:s are domestic ones nization, emerged from the meeting as which can be resolved only with our cigarette tax just went up 5c this past a minority, but a large one . The withdrawal from Vietnam. The 8 defen­ weekend, and at least one supermarket name, Radical Student Union (RSU), dants (Bobby Seale was separated sole­ chain I know of (and probably all of ly as a tactical move) represent move­ them) was busy stamping cigarettes on now replaces SDS as the organizational tion to the resolution: 'The Radical Stu­ ments directed toward peace and justice. Friday with Friday's date so that they banner under which the group will oper­ dent Union's eventual goal is the aboli­ It is for this reason they have been would not have to pay the new tax ate. tion of all exploitation, racism and im­ handpicked as the focal point for all which went into effect Monday. Of "Besides the RYM II caucus, which perialism ... Under capitalism there of the hate and prejudice, rampant and course, customers have to pay the new included the incumbent leadership of can be no equality, only division. Its latent, which is still being nurtured in tax, and the store profits to the tune of the organization, there was a Valley basic foundation is exploitation, its ex­ our country. 5c a pack. Independent Student Coalition caucus tension is imperialism. The fight against It certainly pays not to smoke. I and a Revolutionary Socialist Caucus student oppression must be fought si­ Each of these men of conscience has would suggest that any Pennsylvania multaneously with the fight against the committed the crime of refusing to ac­ smokers who buy cigarettes in the near "Members of the Valley group asserted oppression of all peoples ... We must cept war and injustice. David Dellinger, future look for the date stamped on the that RYM II had refused to at all con­ fight this system, attacking it from every Tom Hayden, Lee Weiner, Bobby Seale, pack, and if it is before January 12, <.-ern itself with the problems students possible aspect. ... John Froines, Abbie Hoffman, Rennie demand to pay the lower price. face and as a result was unable to ap­ "The Radical Student Union has set Davis, and Jerry Rubin are vital, think­ Amy Lowenstein peal to students. up temporary headquarters in Van ing human beings. We must not remain "RYM members argued against orga­ Nuys at 7105 Hayvenhurst Ave., silent while they are pushed around as nizing high school students around their 91401. The phone is 787-6925 ...." pawns in political attacks upon the peo­ A responsible socialist oppression as students because students, In sending this article, I'd like to ple. as such, were a privileged group. It is make a correction. The convention be­ Let it not be too little and too late. The following letter was recently re­ necessary to get them to repudiate their gan as High School SDS, not High Speak out now, organize now. Give un­ ceived by the Young Socialist Alliance privileges in order to effectively forge School SDS, RYM II. High School SDS stintingly, of your store of skills and national office. a unity of the oppressed. began originally as High School Stu­ money. Please send your check now to Everett, Wash. "The RSC attacked the Maoism of dent Union. But at its founding con­ the Chicago Defense Fund, 28 E. Jack­ I read the December Young Socialist RYM and expressed the view that so­ vention in Sept. 1969, Mike Klonsky son Blvd., Chicago, Ill. 60604. and found its ideas very sound and cialism could not be separated from of RYM II attended and persuaded the We urge that you make this action convincing. I therefore feel that it is workers democracy-something, they people there to change the name to High your New Year's wish, as we have my responsibility as a socialist to ask asserted, which was not present in the School SDS. The people in the orga­ made it ours. to join the YSA. countries RYM idolized.... nization merely took on the name of Morton and Helen Sobell I would like information on how I "The decisive vote at the convention SDS while only partly agreeing with can start a YSA movement in my came on a resolution submitted by the its politics. Curious school, Cascade High School. Valley group and supported by the Gary Vogan M.F. RSC. Quoting from the introduc- Revolutionary Socialist Caucus New York, N.Y. I am curious (red). According to the Benefit film showings "Boy, You Had Me Worried for a Moment There- article in The Militant Jan. 16 there was 1 Thought You Said Three to Five Years!" a Chicano Moratorium Day demonstra­ New York, N.Y. tion in Los Angeles. But the accompa­ Co-defendants Jane Alpert and Dave nying photo referred to it as a "Chicago" Hughey charged with bombing capi­ demonstration. Which was it? talist office buildings and federal prop­ J.B. erty, will be at two film screenings at [We goofed. The "Chicago" in the cap­ the Elgin Theater, 19th Street and 8th tion should have been "Chicano."­ Avenue, Manhattan, on Sunday, Jan. Editor] 25 at midnight, and Tuesday, Jan. 27 at midnight. Yippie! and Emile de An­ Meaningful answers tonio's In the Year of the P.ig will be shown Jan. 25, The Battle of Algiers and Yippie!will be shown Jan. 27. Lake Elmo, Minn. A $1.50 per person contribution will Thanks for providing a newspaper go to the Alpert-Hughey-Melville De­ that inspires free spirit, gives meaning­ fense Fund. Sam Melville, the third de­ ful answers to today's tragedy in polit­ fendant, is still in jail in lieu of $100,- ical problems, and, most of all, en­ 000 bail. Call American Documentary courages many to work for a better Films, co-sponsor of the midnight mo­ way of life rather than give up and ride the polluted sea of American social, po­ vies, at 212-790-7440 for further infor­ litical, economic, and racist sewage. mation. If you cannot come, send B.P. checks made out to Alpert-Hughey-Mel­ ville Defense Fund to: American Docu­ mentary Films, 336 W. 84 St., New Grateful York, N.Y. 10024. Henry L. Hoffman Endicott, N.Y. American Documentary Films Without a doubt The Militant is the most important and most useful printed material we've found in our efforts to stop American aggression throughout Now a Pamphlet! IF YOU SUPPORT THE ANTIWAR MOVEMENT, THE BLACK LIBERA­ the world as well as here at home.
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