©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 20 (3/4) Wien, 30. Jänner 2008 SHORT NOTE 189 SCHNEIDER J. G. (1783): Allgemeine Naturgeschichte 1978; HÄKANSSON 1981; GRUSCHWITZ et al. der Schildkröten, nebst einem systematischen Verzeich- 1991; PAUWELS & MEIRTE 1996; BARNETT et nisse der einzelnen Arten und zwey Kupfern. Leipzig (J. G Müllersche Buchhandlung), 364 pp., 2 pts. VON al. 2001), Senegal (GRANDISON 1956; CON- SCHREBER, J. Ch. D. (1774-1792): Die Säugthiere in DAMIN & VlLLIERS 1962; ClSSE & KARNS Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen, fort- 1978; BÖHME 1978; JOGER & LAMBERT gesetzt (H. 65-69, 1817-1824) von GOLDFUSS, A. und (MANACAS (1834 ff.) WAGNER, J. A., Erlangen (W. Walther). WAG- 2002) and Guinea Bissau 1955). LER, J. (1821): Die Amphibien. (Lieferung 1). Nürnberg Of the four known specimens, three are pre- (J. B.Geyer), 12 pp., 6 pts. served in the British Museum (BMNH KEY WORDS: Reptilia, Testudines, Emydidae, 1927.2.2.64-66). One of these is from Cape Chrysemys picta picta, Hydrochelys picta, junior syn- St. Mary (13°29'N, 16°40'W) on the At- onym; nomenclature, priority, nomen oblitum, nomen lantic coast near the capital city of Banjul, protectum, taxonomy while the two other specimens are simply SUBMITTED: August 29, 2007 labelled "Gambia" (HÄKANSSON 1981). The AUTHORS: Richard GEMEL, Heinz GRILLITSCH, fourth known specimen of C. armitagei First Zoological Department, Herpetological Collection, Natural History Museum Vienna, Burgring 7, A-1010 (stored at Makasutu Wildlife Trust, Serre- Wien < [email protected] > kunda, Gambia; collection number: MWTR 003) is also from the coast of The Gambia, north of Kartung village (13°06'N, 16°45' W) (GREENBAUM 2005). First record of the skink Chalcides Here we report the occurrence of armitagei BOULENGER, 1922 Chalcides armitagei at the village of Boukot Ouolof (12°25'N, 16°45'W), on the in coastal areas of Guinea Bissau coast of Casamance in Senegal, where we and Senegal obtained thirteen specimens from villagers, and at the mouth of the river Essoukoudiak Twenty-four species are currently re- bolon (12°21'N, 16°40'W), 3 km W of cognised in the genus Chalcides (Squamata: Sucujaque in Guinea Bissau, where we col- Scincidae), but only six species are known lected two specimens of this species on July from Sub-Saharan Africa: Chalcides ocella- 12, 2006. The specimens are preserved at tus (FORSKAL, 1775)/ C. ragazzii PASTEUR, the Institut de Recherche pour le Deve- 1981, C. bottegi BOULENGER 1898, C. thier- loppement (IRD), Dakar. The main meas- ryi TORNIER, 1901, C. pulchellus Moc- urements and meristic data of Senegalese QUARD, 1906 and C. armitagei BOULENGER, and Bissau-Guinean specimens are indicat- 1922 (PASTEUR 1981; CAPUTO et al. 1995, ed in Table 1. They present the following GREENBAUM 2005; GREENBAUM et al. 2006). characters that distinguish C. armitagei Chalcides pulchellus and C. thierryi are dis- from all other Sub-Saharan species of tributed in the Sudan and Guinean savannas Chalcides (GREENBAUM et al. 2006): limbs of West Africa, from Guinea to Mali and tridactyl, postnasal usually absent (except from Ghana to Nigeria, respectively. for one specimen on both sides of the head Chalcides ocellatus is widely distributed in and for another specimen on one side only), Northern and Eastern Africa with the occur- three supraciliaries, five supralabials (six on rence of isolated populations in the Sahelian one side of the head for one specimen), four Niger River flood plain. The range areas of infralabials, 91-97 scales from mental to Chalcides ragazzii and C. bottegi are limit- anus. Among species of Chalcides from ed to the horn of Africa. other parts of the world, five species are tri- The Armitage's Skink Chalcides armi- dactyl, all belonging to the C chalcides tagei BOULENGER, 1922, is considered as the group and distributed in Mediterranean rarest of the six species of Sub-Saharan countries (PASTEUR 1981; CAPUTO 1993; Africa (HÄKANSSON 1981; GREENBAUM CAPUTO et al. 1995): C. chalcides (LINNAE- 2005). Only four specimens, all from The US, 1758), C. mertensi KLAUSEWITZ, 1954, Gambia, have been reported since the C. pseudostriatus CAPUTO, 1993, C. minu- description of the species, despite reason- tus CAPUTO, 1993 and C. striatus (CUVIER, ably comprehensive collecting in The 1829). They differ from C. armitagei by a Gambia (ANDERSSON 1937; MILES et al. series of characters, including the presence ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 190 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 20 (3/4) Wien, 30. Jänner 2008 SHORT NOTE Io *•• es V o ¥ ^^••>- II S3 S2 3 g s zv3 a ON C oo o •— -a 00 o i Fig. 1: Chalcides armitagei BOULENGER, 1922 * ^t «ri Tt — TJ- i from the vicinity of Sucujaque, Guinea Bissau. 15 5> =2 = •_-O —«OOO II ^ i/^ f*^ r^^ T^ rv^ f^*i J i t t2gSidb *i ü Ifi 2% c t/3 330O0OOOO2°20GO ll .s[.siö oododooodooo ggoppooppoopopp C/5C/1ÖCOOOOCOOCOOO CO CO CO CO CQ d^ CO CO CO CO CO CD CO I Fig. 2: Habitat of Chalcides armitagei BOULENGER, 1922 near Sucujaque, Guinea Bissau, at the beginning of the rainy season in July 2006. ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 20 (3/4) Wien, 30. Jänner 2008 SHORT NOTE 191 of a postnasal, four supraciliaries, a more the Chalcides chalcides complex (Reptilia, Scincidae), elongated body and a higher number of with description of two new species.- Bollettino del Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino; 11: 47- scales from mental to anus (PASTEUR 1981; 120. CAPUTO V. & LANZA B. & PALMIERI, R. (1995): CAPUTO 1993; CAPUTO et al. 1995; Body elongation and limb reduction in the genus SCHLEICH et al. 1996). Chalcides LAURENTI 1768 (Squamata Scincidae): a comparative study. Tropical Zoology, Firenze; 8: 95- The thirteen specimens from Senegal 152. CISSE, M. & KARNS, D. R. (1978): Les sauriens du were collected either on the surface or under Senegal.- Bulletin de l'Institut Fundamental d'Afrique Noire (I.F.A.N.), Dakar; (serie A, sci. nat.) 10: 144-211. the leaf litter in palm tree plantations nearby CONDAMIN, M. & VILLIERS, A. (1962): Contribution ä the houses of the village. The two speci- l'etude de la faune de la basse Casamance. II Reptiles.- mens from Guinea Bissau were collected on Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire the edge of rice fields (Figs. 1 and 2). In (I.F.A.N.), Dakar; (serie A, sei. nat.) 24: 897-908. GRANDISON, A. G. C. (1956): On a collection of lizards each station the soil was sandy. No speci- from West Africa.- Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental men was observed on the beaches, but all d'Afrique Noire (I.F.A.N.), Dakar; (serie A, sei. nat.) were collected less than two kilometers 18: 223-245. GREENBAUM, E. (2005): Systematics of from the coastline. We interviewed vil- the West African skinks in the Chalcides thierry group: composition, distribution, and redescription of types.- lagers about this species. Chalcides armi- African Journal of Herpetology, Bloemfontein; 54: 17- tagei is well known from the villagers and 29. GREENBAUM, E. & CAMPBELL, A. C. & RAXWORTHY, there is no doubt that it is very abundant in C. J. (2006): A revision of sub-saharan Chalcides the area. By contrast, we were unable to (Squamata: Scincidae), with redescriptions of two East African species.- Herpetologica, Lawrence; 62: 71-89. find any specimen 20-30 km inland in the GRUSCHWITZ, M. & LENZ, S. & BÖHME, W. (1991): Zur Oussouye area. Kenntnis der Herpetofauna von Gambia (Westafrika). Teil 1: Einführung, Froschlurche (Amphibia, Anura), Our observations in Senegal and Schildkröten (Reptilia, Chelonia), Krokodile Guinea Bissau, the place of origin of the (Crocodylia) und Echsen (Sauria).- Herpetofauna, Gambian specimens, and the failure of pre- Weinstadt; 13: 13-22. HÄKANSSON, T. (1981): An annotated checklist of reptiles known to occur in the vious studies to find this species in Senegal Gambia.- Journal of Herpetology, Athens, Ohio; 15: and Guinea Bissau, suggest that C. 155-161. JOGER, U. & LAMBERT, M. R. K. (2002): armitagei is a psammophile species whose Inventory of reptiles and amphibians in SE Senegal distribution is limited to the coast of this including the Niokolo-Koba National Park, with obser- vations on factors influencing diversity.- Tropical region of West Africa. A strictly coastal dis- Zoology, Firenze; 15: 165-185. MANACAS, S. (1955): tribution is unique in the genus Chalcides Säurios e ofidios da Guine Portuguesa.- Anais da Junta for Sub-Saharan species, but is known for de Investigates do Ultramar, Lisboa; 10: 1-29. MILES, two Mediterranean species: Chalcides par- M. A. & THOMSON, A. G. & WALTERS, G. W. (1978): Amphibians and reptiles from the vicinity of Boughari, allelus (DOUMERGUE, 1901) and C mauri- Casamance (Senegal), and the Gambia.- Bulletin de tanicus (DUMERIL & BIBRON, 1839), two l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire (I.F.A.N.), endemics of NW Algeria and NE Morocco, Dakar; (serie A, sei. nat.) 40: 437-456. PASTEUR, G. from Oran to Melilla, which are distributed (1981): A survey of the species groups of the Old World scincid genus Chalcides.- Journal of in coastal sands and plantations along the Herpetology, Athens, Ohio; 15: 1-16. PAUWELS, O. & Mediterranean Sea (BONS & GENIEZ 1996; MEIRTE, D. (1996): Contribution to the knowledge of SCHLEICH etal. 1996). the Gambian herpetofauna.- British Herpetolological Society Bulletin, London; 56: 27-34. SCHLEICH, H. H. REFERENCES: ANDERSSON, L. G. (1937): & KÄSTLE, W. & KABISCH, K. (1996): Amphibians and Reptiles and batrachians collected in the Gambia by reptiles of North Africa: biology, systematics, field Gustav Svensson and Birger Rudebeck (Swedish expe- guide. Koenigstein (Koeltz Scientific Publishers), pp.
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