Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01241-7 - Authoritarian Rule of Law: Legislation, Discourse and Legitimacy in Singapore Jothie Rajah Index More information INDEX Administration of Muslim Law Act (1966), Bar Association. see Law Society of 34, 35n162 Singapore Adoption of Children Act (1985), 34 Barisan Sosialis (Socialist Front) Advocates and Solicitors’ Ordinance Aid Vietnam campaign and, 69–74, (1934), 199, 202–203 292–293 Aid Vietnam campaign (Barisan Sosialis), formation of, 48–49 69–74, 292–293 as Members of Parliament, 68–69, alliances and associations, as state threat, 145n104 292–293 Nantah and, 121–122 see also civil society; specific opposition to U.S. military presence in organizations Vietnam, 69–70 American Embassy, 71–72 PAP-state dismantling of, 68–74, 82–83, Amnesty International, 172, 274 89, 138 ancestry and politics, 30–32, 284–285, 290 Barr, Michael, 232 Ang Chin Sang v. Public Prosecutor (1970), Baxi, Upendra, 295–296 77n53, 86–89, 175 Bentham, Jeremy, 114–115 Anti-Social Behaviour Act of 2003 (UK), Beyond the Blue Gate (Teo), 294n83 113n179 Boas, Taylor C., 156 APEC meetings, 262, 288, 296–297 British East India Company, 24 Asian values discourse, as state Business Environment Risk Intelligence pedagogy, 65, 90–91, 104–110, (BERI) Report, 275 158n145, 270–271 Business Week, 275 see also Vandalism Act (1966) Asian Wall Street Journal (AWSJ), 148–149, campaign, state definition of, 264 151n129, 177 Canada, on Singaporean legal system, 23 Association of Southeast Asian Nations caning. see Vandalism Act (1966) (ASEAN), 112, 261 Catholic Church, 49, 219–220, 226–234, 241, Austin, Ian, 25n115 251, 288, 292–293 Australia, defence dependency on, 67 Catholic News, 232–233, 241 Australian National University, 5 cause, state definition of, 264 authoritarian rule of law, defined, Cha, Louis, 142 7–13 Chan, Sek Keong, 38, 45n222 autonomy, of law, 57–58, 211–212, 215 Chase Manhattan, 124 333 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01241-7 - Authoritarian Rule of Law: Legislation, Discourse and Legitimacy in Singapore Jothie Rajah Index More information 334 Index Chee, Soon Juan, 1n4, 260–261 Communalism Cheng, Vincent, 294n83 reframing of, 251 Children and Young Persons Ordinance security threat discourse and, 117–118, (1955), 77n53, 86–88 127, 221 China, rule by law model and, 5–6 see also specific legislation Chinese, as minority group Communists and communism language fault-lines, 120n14, 290 British-PAP alliance against, 52 PAP-state discrimination against, Catholic social activism described as, 120–123 220–221, 229–231, 234–239, 251 polygamy jurisprudence, colonial, 132 security threat discourse and, 127 see also Nanyang Siang Pau (newspaper) in Southeast Asia, 67–68 Chinese chauvinism, instrumental use of censorship in press against, 136 definition of, 251 see also specific legislation Chinese-educated, use of term, 120–121, Conley, Jon M., 58 290 Constitution (Singapore), 28–29, 36n166, 44, Chng decision (1988), 210–211 46, 52, 190, 211–212, 223, 231, 269 Chomsky, Noam, 129n66 contestation, state coercion and, 283–284 Christian evangelism, 251, 253–254, 256 see also rule by law; specific legislation citizenship, political liberalism and, 161–162 corporal punishment citizen subordination, 77–78, 91, 278–279, international viewpoints on, 90–91, 286 282–284 see also Vandalism Act (1966); specific see also national narrative, and illiberal cases dominance of public discourse Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other civil society Serious Crimes (Confiscation of authoritarianism, impact on, 46, 47 Benefits) Act (2002), 112 as constitutional right, 190 counter-narratives, 283–284 defined, 185 Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Bill, 166 PAP dismantling of, 49 Criminal Procedure Code, 87, 213 political liberalism and, 161–162 Critical Discourse Analysis. see discourse state surveillance of Internet use by, theory 158–160 customary law, 33–35 as state threat, 292 see also specific organizations damages, 17–18 Clark, David, 276 defamation, 17–20, 19n87, 270 class, nonrecognition of, 231–232 Dent, Chris, 64 Clinton, Bill, 90n103 detention practices Cold War era, 23, 52, 67–69 number of detainees, 294 colonial legacy as pre-electoral intimidation, 286–290 detention without trial, 74–75 teenagers and, 93–94, 102 legal system, 50–52 torture and, 74–75, 227n16, 288n75 licensing of press, 119 see also Internal Security Act (ISA, 1985); national narrative and, 24–32 Operation Coldstore racial pluralism, 26–27 detention without trial, 176 rule by law legitimacy, 282–284 Barisan opposition to, 69 Singaporean opium trade, 132 of Catholic social activists, 220, 226–232 social welfare neglect, 26 as colonial inheritance, 74–75 see also Great Britain; Westminster- of correspondents of foreign model democracy; specific publications, 155n139 legislation under ISA Act, 15–20 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01241-7 - Authoritarian Rule of Law: Legislation, Discourse and Legitimacy in Singapore Jothie Rajah Index More information Index 335 of lawyers, 175–176, 206–212, 220–221, The Fajar Generation (book), 294n83, 296 292 Far Eastern Economic Review, 148, of Muslims, 252 151n129, 155n139, 177 of newspaper executives, 118, 122n30, Fateha.com, 255 123–124, 125, 138, 170–175, 220 Fatwa Committee, 35n162 post-2002, 252–254 Fay, Michael. see Michael Peter Fay v. Dicey, A.V., 20, 37–39, 44, 98, 297 Public Prosecutor (1994) see also rule of law Federation of Malaysia, 22n98, 33, 67 disclosure Feeley, Malcolm, 46, 209–210 public disclosure during 1974, 65, 91–98 Fitzpatrick, Peter, 61 recursive disclosure, 220–224 foreign investment, 26, 42, 273, 285, 293 discourse theory, 55–64 foreign publications, 118, 136–138, 147, Foucault’s theory as toolkit, 60–64 148–151, 177 Golder and Fitzpatrick on, 61 foreign workers, use of term, 232n38 Habermas on, 59–60 Foucault, Michel, 56, 60–64, 109, 114–115, legislative text and, 56–57 289, 290–291 methodology, 11–12 Foucault’s Law (Golder and Fitzpatrick), power relations and, 57–58 61 social determination of language, 56–57, Fricker, Oliver, 96n131 58 Fricker, Public Prosecutor v. (2010), 96n131 dissent, criminalisation of, 74–75, 78–79 see also specific legislation Gifted Education Programme, 233 drug trafficking, 112 Glenn, H. Patrick, 35–36 dual state legality, 23–24, 42–45, 77–78, Goh, Chok Tong, 2n6, 104, 107–110, 214–218, 277–278 228–232 Golder, Ben, 61 Eastern Sun, 123–126 governmentality, use of term, 62–64 economic liberalism, judiciary and, 23 governmentality power complex economic neo-liberalism, Foucault on, 109 defined, 63 Economist, 151n129 Dent on, 64 elections Foucault on, 109 detention practices prior to, 286–291 Graduate Mothers Priority Scheme, 233 opposition parties and, 287 Great Britain of 2011, 2n6 Clark on rule of law concept, 276 Elias, Harry, 198–199 colonialism in Singapore Emergency (Essential Powers) Act (1964), 167 Emergency Regulations, colonial era, 15 emergency, politics of Federation of Malaysia, role in, 22n98 Acts and Regulations, 15, 43, 51–52, 119, legal system, 50–52 128, 167, 279, 281 racial pluralism and, 26–27 Emergency Regulations, instrumental defence dependency on, 67–68 perpetuation of, 15, 43, 51–52, 119, Goh on social decline of, 108 128, 279, 281 vandalism laws in, 113n179 see also Internal Security Act (ISA, 1985) Employment Act (1968), 81, 82 Habermas, Jürgen, 59–60 English-educated, use of term, 120n15 Halliday, Terence, 46, 209–210 Essential Information (Control of Harun, Sharudin Bin Sufian Saufi, 89, Publications and Safeguarding of 100–102 Information) Regulations, 167 hegemony, use of term, 61–62 Evans, Harold, 172 Herman, Edward S., 129n66 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01241-7 - Authoritarian Rule of Law: Legislation, Discourse and Legitimacy in Singapore Jothie Rajah Index More information 336 Index Ho, Khai Leong, 145n104 colonial precedent and, 282–284 Hotel Singapura, 71 extension of exceptionalism via legis- Human Development Index (World Bank), lation, 280–281 275 legitimisation of exceptionalism via human trafficking, 112 national narrative, 281–282 Hunt, Alan, 62 PAP-state power and, 284–286 spokespersons for publics, 291–293 Ibahri Report, 216–218, 267–272 see also specific legislation illiberalism, and meanings of law, 1–53 IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook, authoritarian legitimacy, 7–13 2008, 274 legislative case studies, overview, 13–20 India, claims of religious clashes in, 23 national narrative and, 20–32, 281–282 infantalisation of citizenry, use of term, claims of national vulnerability, 21–24, 77–78, 91 63–64, 107, 289–290 intellectual property rights, 29n139 colonial constructs, perpetuation of, Internal Security Act (ISA, 1985), 15–19, 24, 24–32 85, 123–124, 175, 206, 211–212, 220, dual state legality, 23–24, 42–45 236, 238–239, 252, 254, 256, 280–281, governmentality and elections, 287–289 289–290 Internal Security Department (ISD) intertwining of race and prosperity, Religious Trends: A Security Perspective 26–27 report, 228–229, 230, 233–234, 235, socialisation of, 24n113 253–254, 281 political liberalism terms of Cheng’s release, 294n83 defined, 13–14 International Bar Association (IBA) moderate state and, 45–49 Human Rights Institute Report, state rule by law vs. rule of law, 4, 50–53 response to, 216–218, 267–275 rule of law, theorists on, 37–42 see also Lee, Kuan Yew Singapore as regional example, 4–7 International
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