aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology Trypauchenichthys larsonae, a new species of amblyopine goby from Australia (Gobiidae: Amblyopinae) with a key to the species in the genus Edward O. Murdy National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson BlVd., Arlington, VA 22230, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected] Received: 13 November 2007 – Accepted: 28 January 2008 Abstract tYpe, l’ouest de Bornéo, et aVec des occurrences en Thaï - The Indo-West Pacific gobiid genus Trypauchenichthys is lande, auX Philippines, à SaraWak et dans l’archipel Riau, defined and reVised. Trypauchenichthys is unique Within the Indonésie. Une clé des espèces est fournie. Des figures et AmblYopinae in haVing the pelVic fins separate (not joined des descriptions sont aussi présentes. Des relations possi - bY a connecting membrane). Trypauchenichthys comprises bles du genre sont discutées. three species: T. larsonae n. sp., knoWn onlY from the Northern TerritorY, Australia; T. sumatrensis found in the Sommario Strait of Malacca With a reported occurrence in India, and In questo articolo il genere di gobidi dell’Indo-Pacifico T. typus With specimens knoWn onlY from the tYpe localitY occidentale Trypauchenichthys è definito e reVisionato. Try - in Western Borneo and reports from Thailand, the Philip - pauchenichthys è il solo tra gli AmblYopinae nell’aVere le pin- pines, SaraWak, and the Riau Archipelago, Indonesia. A ne pelViche separate (non congiunte da una membrana con - keY to species is proVided. Figures and descriptions of each nettiVale). Trypauchenichthys comprende tre specie: T. lar- species are also giVen. PutatiVe relationships of the genus sonae n. sp., nota esclusiVamente dai Territori del Nord, Au- are discussed. stralia; T. sumatrensis diffuso nello stretto di Malacca ma con presenZe segnalate in India e T. typus noto dalla località tipo Zusammenfassung nel Borneo occidentale e segnalato anche in Tailandia, Filip - Die indo-WestpaZifische Gobiiden-Gattung Trypauche- pine, SaraWak e Arcipelago Riau, Indonesia. Viene fornita nichthys Wird definiert und reVidiert. Trypauchenichthys hat una chiaVe per l’identificaZione delle specie, unitamente ad innerhalb der AmblYopinae insofern eine Sonderstellung, illustraZioni e descriZioni di ognuna di esse. Sono infine di- als bei dieser Gattung die Bauchflossen getrennt sind scusse possibili relaZioni filogenetiche del genere. (nicht durch eine Membran Verbunden). Drei Arten gehören nach heutigem Kenntnisstand daZu: T. larsonae n. INTRODUCTION sp., bisher nur Vom Nord-Territorium, Australien, be- Trypauchenichthys typus Was described bY Bleeker kannt; T. sumatrensis, mit Belegfunden Von der Malacca- (1860) as a neW genus and species based on tWo Straße und Berichten aus Indien, soWie T. typus, Zu der es BelegeXemplare nur Von der TYpuslokalität bei Westborneo specimens from Sungi-duri (Western Borneo), gibt und außerdem Berichte aus Thailand, Von den Philip - Indonesia. In contrast to other amblYopines, Which pinen, SaraWak und dem Riau-Archipel, Indonesien. Der haVe either fullY or partiallY united pelVic fins, Try - Überblick Wird mit einem Bestimmungsschlüssel soWie pauchenichthys has completelY separate pelVic fins. Zeichnungen und Beschreibungen Zu jeder Art abgeschlos- There are feW reports of T. typus in the literature. sen. Die mutmaßlichen VerWandtschaftsbeZiehungen der Hora (1924) proVided information on tWo speci - Gattung Werden diskutiert. mens (162 and 168 mm SL) of T. typus from Singgora (= Songkhla), Thailand. Herre (1927) Résumé described details of a 69 mm (presumablY TL) Le genre de gobies de l’Indo-Pacifique ouest, Trypauche- nichthys est défini et reVu. Ce genre est unique parmi les specimen from the CagaYan Islands in the Sulu AmblYophinae du fait que les pelViennes sont séparées Sea. Koumans (1931) eXamined and proVided data (non reliées par une membrane). Trypauchenichthys com - on the tYpes of T. typus; he stated that the pelVic- prend trois espèces: T. larsonae n. sp., repéré uniquement fin membranes Were torn and thus Was unsure if a dans le Territoire du Nord, Australie; T. sumatrensis, décou - membrane connecting the pelVic fins might haVe Vert dans le Détroit de Malacca et signalé en Inde, et T. eXisted. Koumans (1940) listed a single 180 mm typus, aVec des spécimens releVés seulement dans la localité specimen of T. typus from the RiouW (= Riau) 59 aqua Vol. 14 no. 2 - 14 April 2008 Trypauchenichthys larsonae, a neW species of amblYopine gobY from Australia (Gobiidae: AmblYopinae) With a keY to the species in the genus Archipelago, Indonesia that he stated agreed fullY sal and anal fins are soft and fleXible. AdditionallY, With Bleeker’s description. Later, Koumans (1953) the spinous (first) and soft (second) dorsal fins are indicated that T. typus Was also knoWn from connected bY membrane; the anteriormost raY Matang, SaraWak as Well as Indonesia and the associated With tWo pterYgiophores Was deter - Philippines. Bleeker (1983) proVided the onlY mined as the first element of the “second dorsal knoWn color illustration of T. typus; this illustration fin” as in other gobioids, folloWing Akihito et al. Was reproduced in Kottelat et al. (1993). (1984). The Vertebral count is separated into pre - One other species of Trypauchenichthys is knoWn – caudal and caudal counts, the latter including the T. sumatrensis described bY Hardenberg (1931) urostYlar compleX. Counts of aXial skeletal features from Sumatra. This species has separate pelVic fins, (i.e., Vertebrae, ribs, pterYgiophores, and epurals) and a serrated (comb-like) frontal crest With a Were taken from radiographs and/or cleared and prominent anterior projection. Koumans (1940) stained specimens. The methods of Birdsong et al. mentioned eXamining a 41 mm (presumablY TL) (1988) Were used in describing the relationship specimen of T. sumatranus (sic) at Hardenberg’s betWeen the spinous dorsal-fin pterYgiophores and laboratorY in BataVia (= Jakarta) that he stated the underlYing Vertebrae. might be the tYpe. Soon thereafter, Koumans Institutional abbreViations are as listed in LeViton (1941) distinguished T. sumatrensis from T. typus et al. (1985). The total number of specimens eXam - and proVided details of a 63 mm (presumablY TL) ined and siZe range folloW each catalog number. specimen of T. sumatrensis from the mouth of the Data referring to tYpe specimens, including those HooghlY RiVer in India. Koumans (1953) used the pertaining to sYnonYms, are listed bY specific name same description of T. sumatrensis as in his 1941 and tYpe categorY. paper, proVided a figure of T. sumatrensis , and included a statement that he eXamined the tYpe of T. sumatrensis in BataVia. Kottelat et al. (1993) pro - Trypauchenichthys Bleeker, 1860 Vided the onlY knoWn color photograph of a pre - serVed specimen of T. sumatrensis from MalaYsia Trypauchenichthys Bleeker, 1860: 63 (tYpe species: (specimen remoVed from USNM 211295, in litt.) Trypauchenichthys typus Bleeker, 1860, bY original as Well as brief descriptions of T. sumatrensis and T. designation and monotYpY). typus taken from Koumans (1953). Included Species: Trypauchenichthys comprises three I could find no other reports of specimens of species: T. larsonae n. sp ., T. sumatrensis, and T. typus . either T. typus or T. sumatrensis in the literature. With the eXception of the tYpe specimens of T. Description: Total dorsal-fin elements 45-48 or typus and the figured specimen of T. sumatrensis 58-62; dorsal fin With siX fleXible spines folloWed used bY Kottelat et al. (1993), all of the other spec - bY 39-42 or 52-56 raYs, first raY maY be segmented imens cited aboVe Were lost, missing, or otherWise or segmented and branched, all other raYs seg - unaVailable for this studY. mented and branched; dorsal-fin base long and During the course of this inVestigation of Try - broadlY joined With caudal fin; total anal-fin ele - pauchenichthys, I eXamined a number of specimens ments 37-39 or 46-52, no spines, first element seg - from the Northern TerritorY, Australia, that differed mented, all other raYs segmented and branched; from the tWo described species of Trypauchenichthys . median fin raYs short and of approXimate equal I herein describe these specimens from Northern length; anal-fin base long and broadlY joined With TerritorY, Australia, as a neW species of Trypau- caudal fin; pectoral-fin raYs 16-19, pectoral fin fal - chenichthys and compare them With congeners. cate With dorsal raYs longer than Ventral raYs; all pectoral-fin raYs segmented; pelVic-fin raYs I,2-4, METHODS tWo lateralmost pelVic-fin raYs much longer than All measurements are straight-line distances made medialmost pelVic-fin raY(s); pelVic fins separate, With dial calipers and recorded to the nearest 0.1 Which is atYpical for gobies; caudal fin tapering mm. Standard length (SL) is used throughout With 17 segmented raYs in a 9+8 arrangement. eXcept Where noted as total length (TL). Methods Head slightlY compressed, bodY compressed; scales of measurements and counts folloW MurdY (1989), cYcloid, anteriormost small, embedded, non- and MurdY & ShibukaWa (2001). imbricated; posteriormost larger and slightlY oVer - In amblYopines, the spinous elements of the dor - lapping; scales eXtending from just dorsal to pec - aqua Vol. 14 no. 2 - 14 April 2008 60 EdWard O. MurdY toral-fin base onto caudal fin; scales present or and With or Without a bonY anterior projection; absent on abdomen; longitudinal scale roWs 33-65. Well-deVeloped pleural ribs on third to ninth pre - MediallY in upper and loWer jaWs, 2 or 3 roWs of caudal Vertebrae; pleural ribs on tenth Vertebra teeth With 2 roWs laterallY; outer-roW teeth larger much reduced, if present. and more rounded than those of inner roW(s); Etymology: From the amblYopine genus Try - outer roW teeth of loWer jaW approXimatelY equal pauchen and the Greek suffiX, “ichthYs”, fish or to or slightlY larger than those of upper jaW; 5-24 fishY. The gender is masculine. teeth in outer roW of upper jaW; 12-28 teeth in Comparison with other ‘Trypauchen’ Group outer roW of loWer jaW; no palatine or Vomerine members: In Trypauchenichthys , the pelVic fins are teeth present. separate and not joined bY a connecting mem - Mouth large and oblique, jaWs terminating poste - brane.
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