Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies International Competition of Studentent Scientific WorksWorks BLACK SEA SCIENCE 2020 ProceedingsProceedings Odessa, ONAFT 2020 UDC 001.8(063) Editorial board: Prof. B. Iegorov, D.Sc., Rector of the Odessa National Academyademy ooff FoodFood Technologies, Editor-in-chief Prof. M. Mardar, D.Sc., Vice-Rector for Scientific and PPedagogicaledagogical WorkWork andand International Relations, Editor-in-chief Dr. I. Solonytska, Ph.D., Assoc. Professor, Directoror of tthehe M.M.V.V. Lomonosov Technological Institute of Food Industry, Head of thee jury ooff ««FoodFood ScienceScience andand Technologies» Dr. Yu. Melnyk, D.Sc., Assoc. Professor, ActingActing DiDirectorrector of the GG.E..E. WeinsteiWeinsteinn Institute of Applied Economics and Management,ent, H Heead ofof thethe jjuryury ooff «E«Economicsconomics aand Administration» Dr. S. Kotlyk, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.,, DirectorDirector ofof the P.M.P.M. PlatonovPlatonov Educational-Educ Scientific Institute of Computer Systemsms and TechnTechnologiesologies ““IndustryIndustry 4.04.0””, HHead of the jury of «Information Technologies,, AutomationAutomation a andnd R Roboticsobotics» Prof. B. Kosoy, D.Sc.,, DirectorDirector ofof thethe V.S.V.S. MartynovskyMartynovs Institute of Refrigeration, Cryotechnologygy anandd EEcoenergetics,coenergetics, HeadHead of theth jury of «Power Engineering and Energy Efficiencyfficiency» Prof. G. Krusir, D.Sc.,D.Sc., HHeadead of the DDepartmentepartment of EEcologyc and Environmental Protection Technologies,gies, Head ooff tthehe jury of ««EcologyEcology aandnd Environmental Protection» Dr. V. Kozhevnikova,hevnikova, PPh.D.,h.D., SeniorSenior LecturerLecturer o of the Department of Hotel and Catering Business,ess, ONAFT,ONAFT, TechnicalTechnical EEditorditor BlacBlackk SSeaea ScienceScience 20202020: Proceedings of the International Competition of StudentStudent ScienScientifictific WWorksorks / Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies; B. Yegorov,Yegorov, M. MarMardardar ((editors-in-chief.)edit [et al.]. – Odessa: ONAFT, 2020. – 621 p. ProceedingsProceedings of International Competition of Student Scientific Works «Black Sea Science 202020200» contain ththee works of winners of the competition. TheThT e auauthorth of the work is responsible for the accuracy of the information. Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, 2020. 3 Organizing committee: Prof. Bogdan Iegorov, D.Sc., Rector of Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Head of the Committee Prof. Maryna Mardar, D.Sc., Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogicalgical WWork and International Relations of Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies,Technologies, Deputy Head of the Committee Prof. Stefan Dragoev, D.Sc., Vice-Rector for Scientific WorkWork andand BBusinessusiness Partnerships of University of Food Technologies (Bulgaria) Prof. Baurzhan Nurakhmetov, D.Sc., First VVice-Rectorice-Rector of AlmaAlmatyty Technological University (Kazakhstan) Prof. Mircea Bernic, Dr. habil., Vice-Rector forr SSccienientifictific WorkWork ofof TechnicalTechnical University of Moldova (Moldova) Prof. Jacek Wrobel, Dr. habil., Rector ooff WWestest PPomeranianomeranian UUniversityniversity ooff Technology (Poland) Prof. Michael Zinigrad, D.Sc., Rectoror o off AArielriel UUniversityniversity ((Israel)Israel) Dr. Mei Lehe, Ph.D., Vice-Presidentsident ooff NNingboingbo IInstitutenstitute ooff TeTechnology,ch Zhejiang University (China) Prof. Plamen Kangalov, Ph.D.,h.D., VVice-Rectorice-Rector fofor AAcademiccademic AAffairsffa of “Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse (Bulgaria)ulgaria) Dr. Alexander Sychev,v, Ph.D.,Ph.D., AAssoc.ssoc. PProfessorrofessor o f SukhoiSukh State Technical University of Gomel (Belarus)rus) Dr. Hanna Lilishentseva,hentseva, Ph.D.,Ph.D., AsAssoc.soc. Professor,Professor, HeadH of the Department of Merchandise of Foodstuffdstuff of BBelaruselarus State EEconomicconomic UniversityUni (Belarus) Prof. Heinzz Leuenberger,Leuenberger, Ph.D.,Ph.D., ProfessorProfessorr ofof thet Institute of Ecopreneurship of University off AAppliedpplied Sciences aandnd AArtsrts ( (Switzerland)Switzerl Prof. EEdwarddward PospiechPospiech, Dr. hhabil.,abil., PProfessor of the Institute of Meat Technologygy of PPoznanoznan UUniversityniversity of Life ScSciencesie (Poland) Prof.Prof. LLaliali EElanidze,lanidze, Ph.D.,Ph.D., ProfessorProfesso of the Faculty of Agrarian Sciences of Iakobob GoGogebashviligebashvili TelaviTelavi StateState UniversityUniversi (Georgia) DDr.r. VV.. Kozhevnikova,Kozhevnikova, PPh.D.,h.D., SeniorS Lecturer of the Department of Hotel and CCateringatering BBusinessusiness of OOdessadessa NaNationaltio Academy of Food Technologies, Secretary of thethe CommitteeCommittee 4 5. ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 522 ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON DECREASING THE LEVELS OF PESTICIDE POLLUTION IN ZHYTOMYR REGION OF UKRAINE Authors:Dmytro Kostromin1, Karina StrizhakStrizh 2 Supervisor: Olenana UvayevaUvayeva1 1Zhytomyr Polytechnic State Universityersity (Ukraine)(Ukraine) 2Baranovichi State Unniversityiversity (Belarus)(Belarus) Abstract. Environmental monitoring was conducted of ffacilitiesacilities fforor storage aandnd disposal of banned and unsuitable pesticides. Pesticide contentcontent in ssoil,oil, water andand products of agriculture in Zhytomyr region of UkraineUkraine waswas examined,examined, anandd accumulation of organochlorine pesticides by freshwatereshwater bivabivalvelve mmollusksollusks wwasas assessed. Storage facilities of Zhytomyr region containntain nnearlyearly 392.18 t ofof pesticidespesticides iinn 137 warehouses, of which 11 meet the requirements,ments, 3366 aarere ttolerable,olerable, aandnd 90 araree iin poor condition. 39.07 t of pesticides are kept iinn containecontainersrs ooff ggoodood qquality,uality, 222.432.43 t are kept in tolerable containers, and storagee ccontainersontainers of ootherther ppesticidesesticides areare of poor quality. In 2018−2019, pesticide contentntent (dichl(dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethaneorodiphenyltrichloroethan (DDT), heptachlor, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethyleneodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD),(DDD), hexachlorocyclohexanehexachlorocyclohexane ((HCH))HCH was studied in soil and sediments in Zhytomyromyr rregion.egion. TThehe ccontentontent rarangednged ffromr 0.0007 to 0.07 mg/kg, which is lower than MPCMPC (0.1(0.1 m mg/kg/kg).g). TheThe contentcontent of HHCH,C DDT, DDE, DDD and heptachlor was at 0.00070007−0.010.01 mg/dmmg/dm3 levelslevels iinn wwaterater bbodieso of Zhytomyr region in 2018-2019, also lowerower thathann MMPC.PC. In a numbernumber ofof sampless of soil, water and vegetables, the recordedcorded levelevelsls ooff DDT aandnd organorganophosphateop pesticides Dragon, Dorpan, and Dursbanursban exceededexceeded MPCMPC iinn 11.5.5–3.03.0 ttimes. Traces of organochlorine pesticide Aldrindrin wwereere ffoundound in soft titissuesssues ooff bibivalveval mollusks and in the sediments of water bodiesdies theythey inhabit.inhabit. RecommendationsRecommendations are proposed to lower the pesticide content inin the environment.environment. KKeyey wwords:ords: pesticides,pesticides, ZhytZhytomomyryr region, warehouses, soil, water, products off agricultureagriculture, m mollusks.ollusks. І. Introduction RelevanceRelevance of the topic.topic. UkraineUk has ratified the Stockholm Convention (23 May 2001)2001) with the LLawaw of Ukrainein N 949-V (949-16) of April 18, 2007. According to the Convention,Convention, perspersistentistent organicorg pollutants (POP) are recognized as toxic, resistant to decomposition,decomposition, bioacbioaccumulative,cum and are subject to transboundary movements by air, waterwater andand withwith migratingmigra species. POP are also deposited at a great distance from the sourcesource of theirtheir eemission,mi accumulating in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems [13]. By tthishis conventionconvention DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, chlordane, mirex, toxaphene, heptachlor arere iincludedncluded to the list of most dangerous substances. Long-termLon application of pesticides has led to large-scale environmental pollution over huge territories. The migration of toxic compounds in ecosystems causes the accumulation of residual amounts of pesticides in natural objects. 581 ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Today it is important to monitor both the storage conditions of pesticides, a lot of which are still kept in Zhytomyr Region of Ukraine [7], and the pesticide content in soil, water bodies, products of agriculture, and in aquatic organisms. Aim and tasks of the study. Study aim: to conduct ecological monitoring of pesticides in Zhytomyr region and to prepare recommendations on decreasingeasing the pesticide levels in environment. The following tasks were chosen to fulfill the study aim: 1. Analysis of storage and utilization of the banned and unsuitablensuitable ppesticidesesticides in warehouses of Zhytomyr region. 2. Determination of pesticide content in soil, wwaterater aandnd products ooff agriculture in Zhytomyr region. 3. Assessment of bioaccumulation of organochlorineganochlorine ppesticidesesticides bbyy freshwater bivalve mollusks. 4. Development of recommendations foror ddecreasingecreasing the pestpesticideicide levels iinn environment. Scientific novelty of obtained results.s. For the fifirstrst ttimeime iinn ZZhytomyrhytomyr rregion,eg monitoring studies were conducted on thee pproblemroblem ooff pespesticideticide

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