Ptt. S^.IX62 — m — V dnm e I WSKS Friday No 1 - i | 20th June, 1952 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES HOUSE OF THE PEOPLE OFFICIAL REPORT (Part II—Proceedings other than Questions and Answers) (Part I - QuestionsCONTENTS and Answers) Members Sworn [CoIb. 2— 18]. , parliament secbetabiat NEW DELHI Price Six Annas (Inland) Price Two Shillings (Foreign) t h e Ac& No— PARLIAMENTARY DEBATSftted____ y.SAi, I mI (Part I— Questions and Answers) OFFICIAL REPORT 1061 1062 HOUSE OF THE PEOPLE Shri C. D. Deshmnkh: It is not a question of amalgamation, but one of Friday, the 20th June, 1952 substitution. The functions will be merged perhaps with some modifica­ tions, in those of the new Board, but the membership will not necessarily be The House met at a Quarter Past Eight the same. of the Clock. T rade with Italt [Mr. Speaker in the Chair] •1039. Shri Vehiyndhan: Will the J>RAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Minister of Commeree and Indnstry be pleased to state: Hirakud Development Board (a) whether any trade letters have *1036. Dr. Ram Subhaff Sinffh: WiU been exchanged between India and the Minister of PLumins and River Italy; and Valley Schemes be pleased to state: (b) if so, what are the terms of the (a) whether Government propose to letters? establish a Hirakud Development Board; and The Deputy Minister of Commerce and Indnstry <^ri Karmarfcar): (a) (b) if so, what would be the function Yes, Sir. of that Board? (b) Copies of thp letters exchanged have already been placed in the Libra­ The Minister of Finance (Shri C. D. ry of the House. Deshmiikh): (a) and (b). A copy of the Government of India, Ministry of Shri Velayndhan: May I know the Natural Resources and Scientific Re­ amounts covered by the respective search Resolution No. DW. 11-12 (27), countries in this trade treaty? dated 27th March, 1952 setting up the Hirakud Control and Development Shri Karmarkar: The amounts have Boards and giving their constitution not been indicated here, but mention and functions is laid on "he Table of has been made of the different com­ the House. [;?ee Appendix V, annexure modities, either for export or for im­ No. 40]. port, as far as it relates to trade bet­ ween these two countries. Dr. Ram Subhag Singh: May I know Shri Velas^dhan: According to this whether it is also intended to consti­ treaty, may I know whether salt is tute a control Board for the Hirakud imported into India for Kashmir? project, and if so where the head­ quarters of that Board will be located? Shri Karmarkar: Firstly, Sir, there Shri 0. D. Deshmnkh: The matter is no treaty as such. Regarding salt, mentioned by the hon. Member is I shall refer the hon. Member to the under consideration, and it is possible copy of the Agreement placed in the that a single Board might replace these Library. two boards referred to in the question. Mr. Speaker: The hon. Minister has Dr. Ram Subhag Singh: May I know stated that there is no treaty as such. when this Board is constituted, the It is -only a question of agreement. So existing Board would cease to function, far as salt is concerned, the hon. Minis­ and the members of that Board would ter does not know about it at tfa» be taken over on the Committee? moment. 113 PSD. ' 1063 Oral Answers 20 JUNE 1952 Oral Answers 1064 Shri Karmarkar: So far as I gee at formation available with me ' goes» the moment, salt is not one of the chicory powder has not bf^n consi­ commodities. dered to be injurious to health, by the medical profession. The mixing of Shri Yelayadhaii: May I know chicory with coffee wiU also help to rer- whether salt is i m p c ^ Jtaly duce prices ete. into India, for the use of Kashmir? Shri Karmarkar: I like to GALVAiqis^ Steel Sheets have notice. rfoll. Shri s. C. Samanta: Will the Shri Achnthan: Are not these things Minister of Commerce and Industry be mentioned in the agreement? pleased to state: Shri Karmarkar: The hon. Member (a) whether the standard for galva­ , may refer to the copy of the agiee- nised steel sheets formulated by the meht placed in the Library. Indian Standards Institution are main­ tained by the manufacturing industry; Mixing of C ic^R Y with Coftee (b) whiether the ^ndard wiU apply both for the plain as well as corrugated *1040. Shri T ^ yn a h a i: WiU fhe sheets; Minister of O^naterce and be pleased to state: (c) the main items of the standard prescribed; and (a) whetiier Government are aware that coffee powder is being mixed with (d) whether the price of sheets has chicory and Uiis forms a large increased or decreased in recent years? Industay in South India; and th e Deputy Minister of Com] (b) whether any State has issuM a and Industry (Shri Karmarkar): (a) ban on the mixing of chicory with Yes, Sir. eoff^ powder? (b) Yes, Sir. ’ The Deputy Minister of Commeree and Industry (Shri Karmarkar): (a) (c) The main items of the standard Yw, Sir. are as follows;— (i) Dimensions and Weights, (b) The Madras Government issued a ban in January 1952; but they have (ii) Limit of Zinc Coating, since postponed giving effect to it till (iii) Testing Requirements, April 1953. (iv) Provisions for Retesting and Rejection, Shri Yelayudhan: May I kiiow whether chicory is very harmful, and (v) Inspection and Testing Faci­ if so why the ban on it has been sus­ lities, and pended by the Madras Government? (vi) Test Certificate. Shri Karmarkar: The original idea of the Madras Government appears to (d) Prices have increased. have been to prevent the adulteration of coffee with chicory powder. Repre­ Shri S. C. Samanta: May I know the sentations were made to us that number and also the names of the chicory powder mixed with collee has manufacturing factories for galvanized been usual with some people, and that sheets? there' is no harm from that. The Government of India, for the time Shri Karmarkar: I am afraid, this being, considered the matter and ad­ does not arise from the main question; vised the Madras Government to lift so I should like to have notice. the ban. And in response to this Shri S. C. Samanta: May I know in advice, the Madras Government have how many cases, these manufacturers been good enough to defer their final have been warned or punished? decision on the ban till the date men­ tioned earlier. Shri Karmarkar: I should like to have notice. Shri S. C. Samanta: May I know whether chicory powder has been Shri M. S. Gurupadaswamy: May I examined in the Research Institutes, know what are the considerations that and if so, what are the good and in­ go into the distribution of galvanized jurious qualities found in the same? steel sheets? Shri Karmarkar: With regard to the Shri Karmarkar: Sir. the main ques­ cionestion whether it has been scienti- tion relates to the standards for these ftcally examined or not. I should like sheets. As regards the hon. Member’s to have notice. But so far as the in­ question. I should like to have notice. 1065 Oral Answers 20‘ JUNE 1952 Oral Anstoers 10«« Dr. P. S. Deshmnkh: May I know *sairi Karmarkar: 1 should like to whether t&e prddtictlbn of thfese sheets have notice. has ihcreased ih recent years? ShriT. T. Cbacko: May I know whe­ Shri Karmarkar: 1 am afraid this ther it Is a fact that the Government question is not relevant to the main profited to the extent of abdtit <juestion. Ra. 497,000 in 1951-52 from this mono­ poly system? Shri S. C. Samanta: May I know whether there has been an increased Shri Kartiiarkar: The exact amount demand for these sheets in thfe cbuhtry? is Rs. 497,971. Shri Karmarkar: Very respectfully, SSirl P. T. Chadco: May I know whe­ I should like to ask for notice. ther any portion of this amount is expended for the welfare and benefl^t Coir produced in Amindivi Islamps of the Amindivi islanders? «1042. Shri P. T. Chacico: Will the * Shri Karauirlatf: Apart frcan the Minister of Commerce and InAistry be profit or loss of this transaction, the pleased to state: idea behind this transaction is that it has been continued for a long time, (a) whether it is a fact that coir and has on the whole worked to the produced in the Amindivi Islands is benefit of the particular islanders. We not ipermitted to be sold in the open have not led them into the bands of markets; the local exploiters. (b) whether the Port Officer, Shri P. T. Chacko: Have the Gov­ Mangak>re, is purchasing the entire coir ernment considered the desirability of produced in these islands at a low price stopping this very inequitous system of and selling them in the market making monopoly? huge profits to Government; and Shri Karmarkar: Firstly it is not in­ (c) if so, whethei* Government art equitous, and secondly, representations aware that the working of this coir have been made by interested parties monopoly system is causing great to change the system, but we have not hardship to the poor islanders? found ourselves agreeable to this. The Deputy Minister of Commerce Shri S. C. Samanta: May I know %nd Indostry (Shri K a m M a r): (a) . whether Government have received any Yes. Sir. 'request from the Indian Central Coco­ (b) The purchase and disposal of nut Committee to bring the coir coir in Amindivi Islands has been a industry of this island also under the Government monopoly for several control of the Committee? decades.
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