BİR ZAMANLAR GALATA (1996-2006) 16.1 KİŞİLER I İstanbul Beyoğlu ilçesinde bulunan Galata gerçekten dinlerin, dillerin, diğer bir deyişle kültürlerin bir arada bulunduğu bir mozaiktir. Galata en parlak dönemini 1303-1453 yılında bağımsız bir Ceneviz kenti olarak yaşamıştır. Bu yönden araştırmalarımda özellikle bu sınırın dışına çıkılmamıştır. İstanbul’a yerleştiğim son 10 yıldaki (1996-2006) Galata’da incelemelerim, suyolları hakkında çalışmalarım burada toplanmıştır. Galata’yı daha yakından tanımam için Galata Derneğine üye oldum, yönetim kurulunda görev aldım. Ancak umduğum kültürel aktiviteleri burada bulamadığımdan bu dernekten ayrıldım. Bu çalışmalar sadece bu dönemdeki çalışmalarımla ilgili bir derlemedir. Toplanan yazılar Türkçe ve İngilizce ve çeşitli dillerindedir. Bunların Türkçeye çevrilmesine gerek görülmemiştir. Dört Bölümden oluşan Galata dosyası 16.1 Galata Kişiler 16.2 Sivil ve Dini Yapılar Cemaatler 16.3 Mehmet Bildirici’nin Galata’da Katıldığı Etkinlikler 16.4 Mehmet Bildirici Galata Su yapıları DERLEME MEHMET BİLDİRİCİ İSTANBUL, 2006 YENİDEN DÜZENLEME İstanbul Şişli 20.02.2017 Park Ap. İstanbul Şişli Mail: [email protected] 1 İÇİNDEKİLER -Bir Zamanlar Galata 1 -İçindekiler 2-3 -Galata Planı (1303-1453) 4 -History of Galata (İngilizce) 5-7 -Strabon (1. yüzyıl) Coğrafyanın babası 8 -İbn-i Batuta Arap Gezgin (1304-1369) 9 -Hezarfen Ahmet (1609- 1640) 10 -Evliya Çelebi Türk Gezgin 1611-1681) 11 -Isaac Rousseau 1672-1747) İsviçreli saatçi 12-13 -Ermeni Patriği Golod (1715-1741) 14-15 -Andre Chenier 1762-1794) Fransız Devlet Adamı 14-16 -Gerard de Nerval (1808-1855) Fransız gezgin 17 -Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) Fransız yazar, gezgin 17-18 -Kamondo’lar Galata Yahudi Banker Aile 19-22 -Avram Kamondo Hasköy Anıt Mezar 23 -Kamondo Galata Kamondo Evleri (Otel) 24 -Yorgo Zarifi (1806-1910) Galata Rum Banker 25 -Percy Ellen (1825-1869) İngiliz Büyükelçi 26 -Gaspare Fossati (1809-1843) İtalyan Mimar 27 -Henri Gawand Fransız Mühendis 28 -Ahmet Mithat 1844-1912 Türk yazarı 29 -Raimondo D’Aranco 1853-1932) İtalyan Mimar 30-31 -Alexandre Vallaury 1850-1921 Fransız Mimar 32-33 -Guilio Mongori 1873-1953 Levanten Mimar 34-35 -Ernest Mamboury 1873-1953 İsviçreli Tarihçi 36-37 -Marius Canard 1888-1982 Fransız Tarihçi 38 -Bağdasar Manuelyan 1894-1955 Ermeni Eğitimci 39 -Maria Schneider 1896-1953 Alman Arkeolog 40 -Burla Biraderler İş adamları 41-42 -Hovhannes Çolakyan 1919-2016 Katolik Ermeni Din adamı 43 -İlhan Berk 1918-2008 44-45 -Semavi Eyice 1922 Tarihçi 46 -Bedros Zobyan 1923-2005 Ermeni Mimar 47 2 -Andrew Mango 1926 Yazar 48 -Cyril Mango 1928 Yazar 48 -John Freely 1926 Yazar 49 -Matild Manukyan 1917-2001 İş kadını 49 -Habip Gerez 1926 Musevi Şair Yazar 50-52 -Haydar Kazgan İTÜ Hoca 53-54 -Giovanni Scognamillo 1929-2016 Levanten Yazar 55 -Jaime Marchand Güney Amerika 56 -Gerald Nitsche Şair Dilbilimci 57 -Yaşar Paker Galatalı Musevi 58 -Eddie Castelli Levanten 59 -Pars Tuğlacı 1933-2016 Ermeni dilci ve tarihçi 60-61 -Mario Frayman Aşkenaz Musevi 62 -Erendiz Özbayoğlu Tarihçi 63 -Michel Balard 1936 Fransız Tarihçi 64 -Naim Güleryüz 1939 Musevi Araştırmacı 65 -Nora Şeni 1951 Yazar 66 -Mete Göktuğ 1944 Mimar 67 -Ethem Eldem 1960 Tarihçi 68 -Behiç Ak 1956 / Elmon Hançer 69 - Sezim Sezer / İlan Karmi 69 -Yeşua Aroyo Koro Şefi 70-71 -Attila Tuna Galata Şenliği 72 -Mehmet Bildirici Araştırmacı 73 Galata’da tanıdıklarım Nazar Hançer / Agop Mıhçı / Yıldırım Altav 74 Asuman Dülek / Hasan Ataş / Nermin Aksın 75 3 4 HISTORY OF GALATA 1. Century Strabon alludes to a port at the bottom of fig tree, called Sykae 193 Roman Emperor Pertinax (short time in 193) built a temple at Sykae 324-337 Emperor Constantin built a fortified enceinte at Sykae 408-450 Under Emperor Thedosius II, Sykae was attached to Constantinople as the 13th region The township was enlarged, and had its churches, a forum, baths, a port, 431 houses -475-477 Eastern Roman Emperor Anastas I Dicorus (492-518) built Tower of Galata (Tower of Christ) The Tower of Anastasius was razed by Emperor Michael I (811-813) 527-565 Under Jüstinian reign, the walls of Sykae (Galata) and the theatre were renewed. Under Justinian named as Justinae, Sykae is still persisted. The Church of St. İrene built by Pertinaux and restored by Emperor Justinien in 532. (The remains are in the minaret of Arap Cami.) The name of Galata was applied, from the house that belonged to a Galatian. 578-582 Under Tiberius II, “Castle of Galata” built, İt was probably from this Castle that the chain was attached (On the site of Yeraltı Camii) 616 Under Heraclius I the city is besieged in vain by Chosroes II (Hüsrev) of Persia 675 The Arabs besiege the city from the sea, their fleet is destroyed by Greek fire and their army defeated. 1120 The Emperor had settled Genoese at Koparion, near Yeni Cami at Eminönü 1156 Under Manuel Commenos II, had settled Genoese at the bank of Golden Horn near the Castle the Holy Cross (Near Yeraltı Camii today), the first enceinte vanished Latin occupation found them there. LATIN OCCUPATION (1204-1259) 1204 In the Latin occupation, Galata was not spared 1227-1230 Under Roberts, Church of St. Francis at built, (the site of Yeni Camii, Now Hurdacılar Çarşısı). Latin Saint Sophia. 1228-1237 Dominican Church of St. Paul or San Domenico (Arap Camii) The Genoese had more or less taken root at Galata during the Latin period BYZANTİNE EMPRE (1259-1303) 1261 A Treaty was signed between Emperor Michael Paleologos and Genoese to supply a fleet in the recapturing of Constantinople. This gives big commercial advantages. At first Genoese stayed their original places at Koparion. They did not stay there for a long, as the result of political disorders. In order to prevent Genoese and Venetians the new convention forbade the former to settle on Constantinople side, but allowed them to settle within the boundaries of XIII th Region of which Galata formed part. The Emperor expelled Venetian from Constantinople to the little town of Heraclia in Thrace. They stayed until 1267 there. 1261-1282 Emperor Michael Paleologos, had first razed the local fortifications, including the great Tower of Anastasius I. This district was still semi-rural and there were gardens. The only houses were on the sea front called Peyre from Greek Peran, still beyond the Castle of the chain of the XIII th region was called Galata. 5 1277-1285 Fresh exemptions from taxation were granted as a reward for their tenacity. Trade soon passed their hands to the detriment of the Venetians. The trade was protected with the powerful fleets and rich cargoes of Genoa, came to fill up their warehouses and depots in Peyre with European goods. Peyre although subject to the laws of the emperor, in fact formed a little free town and its administration was modelled on that of GENOA the mother city. 1296 A Venetian fleet of the 75 vessels under the command of Ruggerio set fire to Peyre, abandoned in a hurry by its inhabitants who took refuge in Constantinople. For protection the inhabitants of Peyre demanded the authority to enclose their town with walls and tower. GENOESE PERİOD (1303-1453) 1303-1304 First Concession: On the1st May 1303 an imperial edict exactly defined the district granted and conceded within which Genoese had. They were forbidden to raise fortifications, but they did in digging a moat. In 1304 Emperor Andronicus in renewing the edict, agreed the existing of the moat, and let Genoese to build their houses. 1315-1316 Peyre was burnt into cinders. In 1316 the podesta Montano Marini had the town restored immediately with public buildings. 1335 The first inscription picked up on the gate of Voyvoda is dated 1335 1348 The Genoese of Galata attack the city and are repulsed by the Byzantine emperor 1349 Second enceinte by the Genoese of Galata, round the Christ’s Tower 1352 Third Genoese enceinte of Galata with Castle of the Cross 1387 Fourth Genoese enceinte of Galata 1423-1442 Fifth Genoese enceinte of Galata 1427 Church of St. Benoit is built 1446 Sixth Genoese enceinte of Galata OTTOMAN EMPRE (1453-1922) 29.05.1453 Capture of the city by Fatih Sultan Mehmet II Dominican Church of St. Paul and San Domenico converted into mosque (Arap Camii 1510 The restoration of the walls of Galata, after the damage due the earthquake. 1535 The Moors from Spain were occupied near Arap Camii, the mosque called Arap Camii 1535 Dominican Chapel of Saint Peter and Paul at Galata (On the site new Church exists) 1577 Under Sultan Murat III, the Mosque of Azapkapı was built. 1584 Church of St. George in Galata, of Jesuits (On the site Austrian St George exists) 1625 The Christian ambassadors too cramped in Galata 1660 Galata fire, all the town and Latin Churches except that of St. Benoit burnt down. 1680 Galata fire, St. Benoit burnt down. 1696 Ten thousand houses in Galata, that is two third of the city burnt. 1697 Latin Church of St. Francis transformed into Yeni Camii, sequestered and demolished 1731 Fountain of Bereketzade at Galata 1732 Fountain of Azapkapı (Saliha Sultan Çeşmesi) 6 1732 Fountain of Tophane 1841 The reconstruction of the Church St. Peter and St. Paul at Galata 1873 Galata-Beyoğlu Tunnel (Now exists) BEYOĞLU –PERA 1625 Church of St. Louis of the French at Pera (Now on the site French Palace) 1670 Church of Holy Land at Pera (?) 1678 First Church of St. Mary Draperis at Pera (Beyoğlu) 1700 The quarter of Dörtyol was destroyed, at Pera 1724 First Church of St. Antuan of Padua in Beyoğlu 1767 Premises of the residents of Russia, Naples, and Holland at Pera all burnt down. 1769 The reconstruction of the Church of St. Mary Draperis at Beyoğlu 1835 The reconstruction of the Church of St.
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