/I:"'~'':'' ""ardl4ey ~~r(ih~n~UtW;lIM ~" TOTAL TROPICAL PREMIUM FLAKE FOOD Volmne 25, #7 October 1996 Wardley Total Tropical is the ulti­ mate freshwater flake food, created to provide an extraordinary diet that considers not only your fishes health of today, but their nutritional needs for tomorrow. Better meta­ bolic responses, faster attraction to the food, brilliant color and im­ proved overall heal,th and vitality are only a few of the benefits of feeding Total Tropical as your everyday staple food. Total Tropi­ cal begins where all other staple ,··1 foods leave off. I .QUALlTY PRODUCTS FOR THE AUSTRALIAN FISHKEEPER AUSTRALIA'S PREMIER BRAND Uc(olliart ~ioltltrt fJbOf",eo/j /finc. jPl REGISTERED BY AUSTRALIA POST -- PP3427RO/0024 CONTENTS Cichlid Scene 2 Editorial 3 Minutes of Previous Meeting 4 Table Show Calendar 7 Rowemin' 'Round 10 Parasitic Worms in Fish 12 Jawlocking 18 Crossword 21 Classifieds 22 Definition and Terms 23 Life Members: Graham Rowe, Heinz Staude, Kevin Archibald, Keith Patford, Danny Genovese. Honorary Members: Max Davenport, Dr. Angus Martin. Committee Members: President Jolm McCormick (059) 44 3502 Vice-President Aussie Magnussen 95462974 Secretary Graham Rowe 95607472 Editor Elias Iliopoulos (053) 42 2460 Pro-Clean Citrus Cleaning System is Treasurer Daryl Hutchins 9872 3225 the result of 12 months development Social Secretary Helen Rowe 95607472 and testing. It is simple to use, leaves Librarian Scott Haymes 97042046 no hannful residue, is biodegradable Show Secretary Ben Caroone 9545 5040 ancl does NOT have the harmful Trading Table Jolm Reeves 98034109 effects of other cleaners. Committee-at-large Ly:nda Hay'mes 97042046 Uncler normal" use WILL NOT Helen Jackson 9545 5040 HARM YOUR FISH! Darren J-Ioward 97424724 .~ ie: 1 part concentrate to to parts water Travis Hingston 98856818 -- •..- ~ .....-----....-.. ---- ­ :,,'·:h:%r?'~ facsimiles 95607028 .':.'~~ ~ll/f/7~{~7hf;·T(r-;., ..P.e.:? 9872 3225 Il,~ .... l;;:~i·~ * LIGHT CARPET & FABRIC STAINS ,.. ~--- . ,~-~.;1 " LIGHT DIRT STAINS ON PAINTED SURFACES ~ <" \i{ .'i Reprints © Copyright, Victorian cichlid Society Incorporated 1996. " BATH & SHOWER RECESSES Anyone wishing to reprint materinl from nny edition of 'llle Cichlid MonUlly' in their regular club ~~i:j magazine (not other publications which arc sold), may do so (unless the article itself carries a " TOILET BOWLS, STOVE TOPS 5:: .. '"~''' I _ •••~_;-;;; copyright notice) provided due credit is given to the author and 'TCM' find one copy of the relevant " REFRIGERATOI<S, PLASTIC & PVC FUf<NITURE I,~i.j.\" " ....,.;,.,,; -;E? publication is forwarded to the author, care of the Secretnry. Enquires re the use of material in any !~~ ..~~.£ " FISH TANKS, Pl:m-LAUNDRY STAIN REMOVER .~,,~ .. :;::;.-:,-!. other publication may also be directed (0: (DO NOT USE AT FULL STRENGTH) ~':"""~ .. ' " OTHER GENERAL APPLICATIONS THE SECRETARY Contact Scott or Lynda on (03) 9704 2046 VICTORIAN CICHLID SOCIETY INC c/- 23 Mangana Drive. Mulgrave, Victoria, Australia 3170. CICHLID SCENE Greetings all! Yeah, yeah, I know, late again. I can't THE NEXT MEETING will be held on the second Friday of the month Edito7-iat (11 October 1996) at 8:00 pm sharp (the trading table opens earlier) at offer anything more than just an apology to those concemed. After all, thcy do say the Courtyard Room, Nunawading Civic Centre, Whitehorse Road that good things come to those who wait. Besides that, many have said that Mitcham. Supper will be partaken of after thc mceting. patience is a virtue, so what bettcr way to promote this attribute than by waiting a Visitors are, of course, most welcome. while longer for TCM. MINI TALK: Cichlid Heads MAIN TALK: The Secret Life of Daphnia - Dr. Michael Barry Big month this month, Dr. Michael Barry will be coming in to talk to us on DOOR PRIZES: Wardleys the secret life of daphnia at the next meeting, The 1996 ANGFA National DRAW PRIZES: 1. $35.00 Credit Voucher for Annual Octobcr Auction Convention is at the Royal Parade Irico Hotel on the weekend of the 19th & 20th 2. Frozen Food - courtesy of Aquavell and...... 3. Plant the 1996 Annual October TCM Wet & Dry Goods Auction the following \-veekend TABLE SHOW: K.A. Show =American Pairs at the Nunawading Civic Ccntre. Enclosed with your magazine this month, you K.P. Show = Mrican Pairs should find an Auction fonn which should bc filled in correctly and brought on the day with you if you are bringing items along to be auctioned off. Aims: The VCS was formed by cichlidophiles in March 1972 ,md tllUS became the /irst specialist aguarist group in tlle state or Victoria. Its main aims are: TIlere still continues to be a steady influx of new members this month 1. To promote the keeping of cichlids; which not only is good to see but is exciting to know that more and morc of these 2. To gain and disseminate knowledge of cichlids, their habits und attributes tllrough the use of members are rural residents. See, now I'm not the only one mad enough to come slides, Iilms, books, lectures, practical demonstrations, local and overseas magazines, articles by down to Melboume for meetings. Given the amount of ncw mcmbers I think it's members and discussion with fellow members or experts in the /ield.; about time I re-published my postal address j';l order to givc evcryone a chancc to 3. To assist, in any way possible, tlle establishment and/or maintenance of approved public aquaria; 4. To be involved in t1le education of the general public with regards to the benefits or fishkeeping contribute, so here it is: Elias Iliopoulos C/- Scarsdale Post Office, Vic. 3351. If (particularly cichlids), and the potentially hannl'ul elTects of animalmismunagcment; you really need to phone me you can now do it only on ph: 015 860255. Ifs 5. To promote fellowship between members; usually on most of the timcs so don't hesitate. G. To further tlle conservation of species and their natural habitats; 7. To fLUiher the identification, distribution, breeding, maintenance and enjoyment of the species in tlle Family Cichlidae. TIlere were a number ofarticles that came in to me last month via members which have yet to bc published. Don't get shitty guys, thcy will gct published Disclaimer: TIle opinions expressed herein are those of the aut1lors, and are not necessarily those before the end of the year. You see, the articles that are going into the mags are of the Editor ofTCM or the committee oftlle Victorian Cichlid Society Incorporated. pre-detennincd several months in advance and if I change the order that they go in, CommlUucation on subjects raised is encouraged. well chances are that those articles will never see the light of day again. Standing Sub-Committees Fund Raising: Helen Jackson Go away and read the mag now and I'll see you all next meeting. By the Accommodation: Daryl Hutchins Mailing: Elias TIiopoulos way, If anyone has got any constructive criticism about the mag, don't hesitate to Handbook: Daryl Hutchins Constitution: Daryl HutchulS let me know. After all, it is your mag just as much as anyone else's, and bcsides, BAA: Jolm Reeves Species Maintenance: John Reeves new ideas never go astray. _-7'---­ \ -.,-/.J See Ya! . j'lvJvv,J \ fJ'" \V\rJ , -' .­ ~.-t 11 \ Minutes of the Previous General Meeting Ernie Hicks then gave a very interesting and informative mini-talk on "Cichlasoma"(Thorichthys) meeki - The Firemouth. The meeting opened at 8.13 pm with the President in the chair. He John McCormick welcomed a visitor, Peter Robinson, President in 1975-6 welcomed all members and visitors on yet another night when it was and 1976-7. pOUrIng. After a short break, a spirited mini-auction was held. Thanks to Apologies were received from Lynda Haymes, Jann & James Reeves, Steve Ernie Hicks for donating the Firemouths and shells. Young, Irene Alger, Graham Doyle and Travis Hingston. New members Alan Yang and Jen Leung were welcomed to the Society and presented with their badges and handbooks. Minutes of the August meeting were taken as read on a motion moved by We were then entertained by the video Cichlidae Live - Diving in Darren Howard and seconded by Helen Jackson. There was no business Lake Malawi Part 1. Jeffrey was asked to pass on our thanks to his father arising from the minutes. for the use of this excellent video. SMC - We are stilI waiting for information from Perth. Hopefully we Correspondence: will have it in time for a meeting on the 23rd. John Emrns tank and cabinet for sale. Ben Carbone then announced the Wardleys Table Show results. Alexis Marchese request for information on VCS. Aquarium Industries cichlids available list. Draw Prize First Painted Fish Pot Hel en Jackson Steve and Jennie Hunter membership application. Second Aquavell Frozen Food Jason Taylor Jon and Michelle Shields renewal. Third Chocolates Ben Carbone Lynda Haymes resignation as Vice President. Barbara Bogdanski Aequidens "Gold Saum" for sale. Door Prizes, courtesy of Aqualife Produets, were won by Michael Cotterell, Peter Robinson, Nicole O'Rourke, Ernie Hicks, Alan Yang and Carl Bentin. This was received on a motion moved by Ben Carbone and seconded by The meeting adjourned for supper at 10.15 pm. Stuart Ford. John McCormick explained the Committee decision to swap Aussie Magnussen and Lynda Haymes as Vice President and Committee at Large. Aussie was congratulated on his new position. Treasurers Report: July Opening Balance 1361.00 Income 376.00 Expenditure 457.58 July Closing Balance/August Op Balance 1280.42 Income 120.00 Expenditure 202.85 August Closing Balance 1197.57 FOR YOUR FISH ONLY This report was received on a motion moved by Aussie Magnussen and seconded by Stuart Ford. THE "ULTIMATE" FISH FOODS AVAILABLE FROM ALL LEADING RETAILERS ~~ -q; As most of you now know, Lynda decided to resign as Vice President last month and took on a position as Committee at Large.
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