Full index 1 Index of surviving Lorraine witchcraft trials The reference numbers are those used in The Witches of Lorraine to identify specific cases. The abstracts that can be consulted on this site use the same numbers preceded by w; Claudon Bregeat is w 003, for example. A rough classification by wealth has been attempted, in the four categories wealthy, comfortable, poor, and destitute; in many cases this is little more than informed guesswork, and should not be regarded as more than that. [R] indicates that the accused was released on a kind of parole ( renvoyé jusqu’à rappel ). The odd case where the accused fled, died in prison, or committed suicide is also noted. The trials are listed in the order of their archive numbers, which are chronological within each office , these being listed alphabetically. AMANCE 001 B 2148; Jean Bulme et Didiere sa femme, Mazerulles (1591). Poor. 002 B 2192 no 1; Mengin Mathiotte, Mazerulles (1612). Poor. 003 B 2192 no 2; Claudon femme Jean Bregeat, Sallonne (1612). Poor. 004 B 2197; Catherine Dieudonnée, Sallonne (1615). Poor. 005 B 2199 no 1; Jacquotte femme Nicolas Tixerand, le Bourget d'Amance (1616). Poor 006 B 2199 no 2; Françoise femme Bastien Bourguignon, dite la Vilaume, le Bourget d'Amance (1616). Poor. 007 B 2199 no 3; Collatte veuve Cesar Lorette, Laitre-sous-Amance (1615). Destitute. 008 B 2199 no 4; Mariette veuve Claude Malfourby, Amance (1616). Poor. 009 B 2203 no 1; Catherine femme Claudon Malgrais, Champegnoult (1618). Comfortable. 010 B 2203 no 2; Jean Parmentier, Champegnoult (1618). Comfortable. 011 B 2211 no 1; Margueritte femme Jean Estienne, Amance (1625). Poor. ARCHES 012 B 2512; Jacotte femme Demenge Romary Petit Colin, Seuche (1594). Poor. 013 B 2521 no 1; Jacotte femme Nicolas François Raon, Xennenay (1598). Comfortable. 014 B 2574; witch 014, Claude Hocquart, Mengeotte Hocquart, Catherine femme Romain Hocquart, Bussang (1617). Comfortable. Full index 2 015 B 2583 no 1; Chretienne fille Jean Parmentier, l'Estraye (1624). Poor. 016 B 2583 no 2; Remiere veuve Bastien Clement Beustal, le Thillot (1624). Poor. 017 B 2583 no 3; George Parmentier, l'Estraye (1624). Poor. 018 B 2583 no 4; Mengeotte femme Nicolas Colombain, l'Estraye (1624). Poor. 019 B 2583 no 5; Jean Brice George, Xouarupt (1624). Comfortable. 020 B 2583 no 6; Jean fils Nicolas Colombain, l'Estraye (1624). Poor. 021 B 2583 no 7; Royne veuve Dilan Parmentier, dite des Tartres, de Ramonchamp (1624) . Poor. 022 B 2584; Anthoine Grevillon, le val de Ramonchamp (1625). Poor. BITCHE 022A B 3136; Lutschen Maiette femme Lutschen Hans, Le Roseau (1619). Poor. 022B B 3136 no 2; Anne femme Girard George de Hellingen (1619-20). Comfortable. 022C B3136 no 3; Ottile femme d’Emerich, du Roseau de Bitche (1619-20). Comfortable. BLAMONT 023 B 3317 no 1; Didie veuve Demenge Pourlatte, Blamont (1599). Poor. 024 B 3317 no 2; Jennon veuve Didier Ramaixe, Blamont (1599). Comfortable. 025 B 3323 no 1; Jeannotte femme Claudon Toussaint, Leintrey (1601). Comfortable. 026 B 3323 no 2; Sebille femme Jean Pierson, Leintrey (1602). Poor. 027 B 3323 no 3; la Grande Marye, veuve Didier Sotterel, Leintrey (1602). Poor. 028 B 3323 no 4; Marguerite Jobarde, veuve Demenge Vaultrin, Leintrey (1602). Wealthy. 029 B 3323 no 5; Mathieu Margeron, Leintrey (1602). Comfortable. 030 B 3323 no 6; Pierson fils Petit Pierson, Leintrey (1602). Poor. 031 B 3323 no 7; Didier femme Nicolas le Vefue le Viel, Leintrey (1602). Comfortable. 032 B 3323 no 8; witch 032, Noel Purel (dit le Petit Noel), Blemerey (1602). Wealthy. Full index 3 033 B 3323 no 9; Jennon fille feu le Petit Poirson, Leintrey (1602). Poor. 034 B 3325 no 1; Claudon de Benamenil, Gondrexon (1602). Comfortable. 035 B 3325 no 2; Clemence veuve Claudon Marchal, Domjevin (1603). Comfortable. 036 B 3325 no 3; Jennon femme Gerardin Friot, Domjevin (1603). Comfortable. 037 B 3327 no 1; Chrestienne femme Nicolas Barret, Domjevin (1603-4). Wealthy. 038 B 3327 no 2; Barbelline femme Jean Goudot, Domjevin (1603-4). Comfortable. 039 B 3327 no 3; Margueritte Francois, veuve Dieudonné du Banc, Reillon (1604). Comfortable. 040 B 3327 no 4; Nicolas Raimbault, Reillon (1604). Poor. 041 B 3329; Claudatte femme Nicolas Chollat, Repas (1605). Poor. 042 B 3333; Chretienne Simon, femme Demenge Fennay, Domjevin (1607). Comfortable. 043 B 3335 no 1; Jennon veuve Jean Zabey, Leintrey (1608). Comfortable. 044 B 3335 no 2; Hellenix femme Barthelemin le Reytre, Blamont (1606-8). Poor. 045 B 3335 no 3; Babillon Cherier, Blamont (1608). Poor. 046 B 3343; Margueritte femme Claude Martin, Leintrey (1612). Comfortable. 047 B 3345; Jeanne femme Demenge Mercier, Autrepierre (1613). Comfortable. 048 B 3347 no 1; Claude Henri, Autrepierre (1614). Wealthy. 049 B 3347 no 2; Jean Godot, Domjevin (1614). Comfortable. 050 B 3358; Jehenne femme Joseph de la Moictresse, Nutting (1621). Poor. 051 B 3358 no 2; Jeannon, femme Gerardin Marchal, Autrepierre (1621). Poor. 052 B 3363; Rose femme Louis Vincent, Autrepierre (1623). Poor. 053 B 3365 no 3; Jean Febuay, Reillon (1624). Comfortable. 054 B 3365 no 4; Noel Raimbault, Reillon (1624). Poor. BRUYÈRES Full index 4 055 B 3728; Jeanne veuve Valentin Claude Thihard, le Void de Belmont (1591). Comfortable. 055A B 3743; Claudon Jean Gerardin dit le Plomb, de Girecourt (1597). Poor. 056 B 3753; Claudette Clauchepied d'Epinal, Bruyères (1601). Destitute. 057 B 3755; Rollat Pivert, with 8 other members of the family (his wife Jannon, their sons Demenge, George and Jean Pivert , Marion wife of Demenge and Margo wife of George, Georgel son of George Pivert, Mongeotte daughter of Demenge Pivert), Brouramont (1602). All poor. 058 B 3789 no 1; Fleuratte femme Jean Maurice, Docelles (1615). Comfortable. 059 B 3789 no 2; Georgeatte femme Colas Herteman, Brouvelieures (1615). Comfortable. 060 B 3789 No 3; Petroniere femme Jean Varnier dit Bessat, Bruyères (1615). Comfortable. 061 B 3789 no 4; Ysabeau veuve Nicolas Demenge Richard, Aydoilles (1615) Poor. 062 B 3792 no 1; Nicolas Herteman, Brouvelieures (1615). Comfortable. 063 B 3792 no 2; Jean Gerardin, Dompierre (1615). Comfortable. 064 B 3792 no 3; Claudate femme Jacquat George, Dompierre (1615). Poor. 065 B 3792 no 4; Thomasse femme Jean Poirot, Dompierre (1615). Comfortable. 065A B3801 no 1; Nicole femme Georges Pierson Mercier, Chenimenil (1615). Comfortable. 065B B3801 no 2; Bastienne veuve Jean Brihey, Aydoilles (1615). Comfortable. 065C B 3801 no 3; Georgette fille Jean Brihey, Aydoilles (1619). Comfortable. 065D B 3801 no 4; Marie femme Demenge Didier Plaid, Aydoilles (1619-20). Comfortable. 066 B 3804 no 1; Nicolas Adam, Dompierre (1620). Poor. 067 B 3804 no 2; Demenge Demongeot, Dompierre (1620). Wealthy. 068 B 3804 no 3; Mengeon Lausson et sa femme Mengeotte, Fontenay (1620). Comfortable. 068A B 3813, Mengeon Clement Thiriat, Grandvillers (1625-6). Wealthy. CHARMES Full index 5 069 B 4077 no 1; Barbe femme Jean Mallebarbe, Charmes (1596). Destitute. 070 B 4077 no 2; Claudon la Romaine, veuve Bastien Thiery, Charmes (1596). Destitute. 071 B 4077 no 3; Chesnon la Triffatte, Charmes (1596). Destitute. 072 B 4093; Jean de Socourt, Charmes (1607). Poor. 073 B 4094 no 1; Catherine la Rondelatte, Essegney (1607-8). Comfortable. 074 B 4094 no 2; Lucye veuve Guyot Rozieres, Charmes (1608). Destitute. 075 B 4098; Esdeline veuve Thoussainct Tarrion, Charmes (1611). Poor. 076 B 4103; Didelon l'Huillier et sa femme Bietrix, Gripport (1615). Poor. 077 B 4103 no 3; Nicolas George dit Sermemont, Gripport (1615). Poor. 078 B 4126 no 1; François Perrin, Rugney (1624). Poor. 079 B 4126 no 2; Claudon du Puy, Brantigny (1624-5). Comfortable. 080 B 4126 no 3; Claudon veuve George Martin, Charmes (1625). Poor. CHATENOIS 081 B 4444; Margueritte femme Anthoine Vaultrin, Rebeuville (1553). Comfortable. 081A B 4488: Jean Coinsse de Rolbes (1581). Poor. 082 B 4495; Claudon la Blanche, veuve Claudon Aulbry, St Prancher (1584). Destitute. 083 B 4500 no 1; Jean et Claudin Aulbry, St Prancher (1586). Poor. 084 B 4500 no 2; Margueritte veuve Jean Gallier, Hanriotte veuve Jean des Boeufs, Claudin Clerget, et Ambroise femme Gillot Gillot, la Neuveville- sous-Châtenois (1586). Margueritte destitute. Henriotte and Claudin poor. Ambroise comfortable. 085 B 4500 no 3; Jacquotte femme Florentin Gardeux, et Marie femme François Canot, la Neuveville-sous-Châtenois (1586). Poor. 086 B 4535 no 1; Denyse veuve Anthoine Pottier, Rouvres-la-Chétive (1598). Destitute. 087 B 4535 no 2; Ysabel veuve Nicolas Seguin, et sa fille Gauthine, Neufchâteau (1596-8). Destitute. Full index 6 088 B 4569; Huguette veuve Jean Couroyer, Neufchâteau (1609). Destitute. 089 B 4576; Jeanne veuve Mansuy Magnien, Neufchateau (1611). Poor. CONDÉ 090 B 4998; Gillette veuve Bastien Jean Page, Condé (1626). Destitute. DIEUZE 091 B 5312 no 1; Catherine femme Adam Tarillon, Bassing (1594). Poor. 092 B 5312 no 2; Catherine veuve Jean Lhuillier de Maizieres, demeurant à Domnon (1594). Poor. 093 B 5312 no 3; Anon veuve Didier Vosgien, Bassing (1594). Comfortable. 094 B 5312 no 4; Senelle femme du jeune Enguers, Guinzeling (1584 and 1594). Comfortable. 095 B 5312 no 5; Senelle femme Waisen Petter, Bisping (1594). Comfortable. 096 B 5327 no 1; Colas Hardier, Mulcey (1599). Poor. 097 B 5327 no 2; Odile femme Martin Claude, Assenoncourt (1599). Comfortable. 098 B 5344 no 1; Synnel, femme Hans Stumpff, Amange (1608). Poor. 099 B 5344 no 2; Mayette femme Dietrich Gaste, Wirming (1608). Poor. 100 B 5344 no 3; Synnelle femme Schneyder Hanns, Amange (1608). Poor. 101 B 5344 no 4; Synnelle femme Schur Adam, Amange (1608). Comfortable. 102 B 5354 no 1; Jennon femme Lux Barquel, Blanche Eglise (1613). Comfortable. 103 B 5354 no 2; Jeanne le Schrempt, femme Guillaume Boucher, Assenoncourt (1613). Poor. DOMPIERRE 104 B 5492; Nicolas David dit Mulnier, Bainville (1596).
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