TOSEE SILOHA DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION OF HEAVY INDUSTRIAL PROJECTS Design & Construction of Concrete and Steel Silos Construction of Elevated Chimneys Construction of Cement Factories Execution of Power Plant Projects & Cooling Towers for P/P Execution of Oil & Gas Projects www.Tosee-Siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ S/N TITLE 1 INTRODUCTION 2 ORGANIZATION CHART 3 CERTIFICATES 4 MEMBERS OF BOARD 5 MANPOWER STATUS 6 EQUIPMENTS & MACHINERY 7 COMPLETED PROJECTS : 8 SILO PROJECTS 9 POWER PLANT PROJECTS 10 CHIMNEY PROJECTS 11 CEMENT FACTORY PROJECTS 12 OTHER PROJECTS 13 IN HAND PROJECTS 14 AWARDS & APPRECIATIONS www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ INTRODUCTION www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ Introduction : Tosee Siloha Co. ( T.S.C ) is one of the International leading companies for construction of heavy industrial projects, such as concrete and steel silos (with the range of 30.000 up to 200.000 tones capacity), chimney & cooling tower for power plants, cement factories, flour mills, petroleum and petrochemical plants, etc. T.S.C Obtained Several ISO & OHSAS Certificates as a professional company for execution of heavy industrial projects briefly mentioned above. The company is fully capable to offer and do all types of industrial projects on EPC (Turn – key) basis (including design, supply, construction, erection & commissioning). www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ ORGANIZATION CHART www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ CERTIFICATES www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ PRESIDENTIAL DEPUTY (P.B.O.) “Certification of Contractor’s Qualification” www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿ ﻮ PRESIDENTIAL DEPUTY (P.B.O.) “Certification of Contractor’s Gradation” www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ ASSOCIATION OF HOUSING COMPLEX CONSTRUCTORS “Certification of Constructor’s Qualification & Gradation” www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ Members of Board www.tosee-siloha.com Bord of Directors ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ Design and Execution of Heavy Industry Projects on EPC Basis Resume of Board Members : Name & Family Name : Saeid Safaei Education : B.S. in Electronic Engineering kkkkkkﻧﻧﻧن Position : Chairman of Board Work Resume S/N Organization Name Working Place Position Duration Since 2013 1 Tosee Siloha Co Tehran Chairman Of Board till now 2 Khadamat Zirbanaei Co Tehran Chairman Of Board 1992~ 1995 Chairman Of Board & 3 Tosee Siloha Co Tehran 1987~ 2012 Managing Director www.tosee-siloha.com Bord of Directors ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ Design and Execution of Heavy Industry Projects on EPC Basis Resume of Board Members : Name & Family Name : Saeid Gholami Education : B.S. in Civil Engineering kkkkkkﻧﻧﻧن Position : Managing Director & Member of Board Work Resume S/N Organization Name Working Place Position Duration Member Of Board & Since 2013 1 Tosee Siloha Co Tehran Managing Director till now Technical & Executive Engineer ,site Manager Project, 2 Tosee Siloha Co Tehran , Manager , Technical Director 1992~ 2012 Deputy of M.D. in Technical affairs www.tosee-siloha.com Bord of Directors ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ Design and Execution of Heavy Industry Projects on EPC Basis Resume of Board Members : Name & Family Name : Mahmood Davoodi Education : M.S. in Civil Engineering kkkkkkﻧﻧﻧن Deputy of Chairman of Board & Position : Deputy of M.D. in Technical affairs and abroad projects Work Resume S/N Organization Name Working Place Position Duration Member of the Board & Deputy & of M.D. in Technical Affairs Since 1989 1 Tosee Siloha Co Tehran Exportation of Technical and till now Enginering Services & Member of Technical Board. 2 Bou Ali Sina University Hamedan 1985~ 1989 Supervisor of Technical Dept Shiraz & Imam Water 3 Ahwaz-Shiraz Consultant Engineer 1981 Securement Projects www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ MANPOWER STATUS www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ MANPOWER STATUS: Engineers , Technicians & Craftsmen Years of Experiences Total Grand Titles 0ver 15 10 5 Tentative Permanent total Engineer 60 7 1 2 66 68 Technician 45 4 1 5 45 50 Craftsman 120 80 17 150 67 217 Total 157 178 335 Administration , Finance & Commercial Years of Experiences Total Grand Titles 0ver 15 10 5 Tentative Permanent total Experts 22 0 0 0 22 22 Officers 5 1 1 0 7 7 Staff 43 19 10 20 52 72 Total 20 81 101 www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ EQUIPMENT & MACHINERY www.tosee-siloha.com MACHINARY ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ QT'Y (unit) S/N PRESCRIPTION Iran Syria 1 Tower Crane 14 9 2 Batch Plant 12 9 3 Mixer Truck 8 4 Wheel Loader 5 4 5 Mobile Crane 10 4 6 Stationed Concrete Pump 1 7 Dump Truck 5 8 Truck for Trailer 2 9 Concrete Pump Truck 4 10 Mini Loader ( Bobcat) 2 11 Excavator 3 12 Bull Dozer 1 13 Diesel Generator 11 3 14 Vibro Roller 3 15 Crashing Plant 1 16 Air Compressor 6 10 17 Farming Tractor 3 18 Mini Bus 2 19 Sedan & Vehicle 13 20 Fire Fighting Truck 1 21 Ambulance 1 22 Building Hoist 4 2 Total 112 41 Grand Total of Machinary 153 www.tosee-siloha.com EQUIPMENT ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ QT'Y S/N Prescriptions Iran Syria 1 Various types of Saw 9 unit 2 Electric Welding Machine 30 unit 3 Surveying Equipment 25 unit 4 Manual Vibro- Roller 6 unit 5 Plate Compactor 12 unit 6 Statoined Concrete Mixer 4 unit 7 Floating & Chassis Mounted Waterpump 2"~ 4" 23 unit 8 Poly Ethylene Welding 1/2"~ 6" 7 unit 9 Electric Steel Bar Scissors 37 unit 10 Electric Bar Bending M/C 31 unit 11 Cement Silo 22 unit 12 Chain & Rachet Block 75 set 13 Electric,Gasoline & Diesel Operate Vibrator 48 set 14 Formwork 250 m2 15 Slipform's Accessories 1,500 ton 300 ton 16 Climbing Formwork 1 Whole set 17 Slipform 500 m2 18 Yuk for Slipform 250 set 250 set 19 Slipform's Hydro-Jack :3ton 170 ea 170 ea 20 Slipform's Hydro-Jack :6ton 300 ea 300 ea www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ completed projects www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ ﭘﺮوژه ﻫﺎي اﺟــﺮا ﺷﺪه ﻧﯿـﺮوﮔﺎه، ﮐﺎرﺧـﺎﻧﻪ ﺳﯿﻤــﺎن، ﺳﯿــﻠﻮ، ﺑـﺮج ﺧﻨــﮏ ﮐﻦ در اﻗﺼﯽ ﻧﻘـﺎط اﯾــﺮان www.tosee-siloha.com 7 ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ ﺳﺎﺧﺖ 10 ﺳﯿﻠﻮ و 2 ﺑﺮج ﺧﻨﮏ ﮐﻦ در ﮐﺸﻮر ﺳﻮرﯾﻪ www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ ﺳﺎﺧﺖ 6 ﺳﯿﻠﻮ ﻓﻠﺰي در ﮐﺸﻮر ﺗﺮﮐﻤﻨﺴﺘﺎن www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ PROVISION S/N TITLE OF PROJECT LOCATION AL A.C. CLIENT DATE SILO PROJECTS 1 Daraa Silo Syria 2011 Syrian G.C.C.S. 2 Shenshar Silo Syria 2011 Syrian G.C.C.S. 3 Sarakeb Silo Syria 2010 Syrian G.C.C.S. 4 Sharakrak Silo Syria 2010 Syrian G.C.C.S. 5 Serrin Silo Syria 2010 Syrian G.C.C.S. Extension Projects of Serrin , Sharakrak Syrian General Co. 6 Syria 2010 &Alia Silos for Cereal Silos Extension Projects of Kabaka & Syrian General Co. 7 Syria 2010 Sabah Alkheir Silos for Cereal Silos 8 Honaida Silo Syria 2010 Syrian G.C.C.S. 9 Tal Hamis Silo Syria 2009 Syrian G.C.C.S. 10 Aia Silo Syria 2009 Syrian G.C.C.S. 11 Sabah Alkheir Silo Syria 2008 Syrian G.C.C.S. 12 Kabaka Silo Syria 2008 Syrian G.C.C.S. 13 Kok sazi zob ahan Silos Isfehan City 2006 Zob ahan Co. 14 Bijar Silo Bijar City 2004 Ministry of agriculture Turkmenistan Steel Silos Turkmenistan 15 Across Turkmenistan 2001 ( 6 Projects) Agriculture & Food Industries Ministry 16 Bojnourd Silo Bojnourd City 2001 Cereal Organization 17 Khorramabad Silo Khorramabad City 2001 Ministry of agriculture 18 Gonbad Mechanized Storage Gonbad City 2001 Ministry of agriculture Manufacturing & Erection of Machinery Abadeh , Kashan , Cereal 19 for Abadeh , Kashan , Neishabour & Neishabour & 2001 Organization Bojnourd Silos Bojnourd Cities 20 Abadeh Silo Abadeh City 1998 Cereal Organization 21 Zahedan Silo Zahedan City 1998 Ministry of agriculture 22 Kashan Silo Kashan City 1998 Cereal Organization 23 Kermanshah Silo Kermanshah City 1998 Ministry of agriculture 24 Neishabour Silo Neishabour City 1998 Cereal Organization Mechanized buildings of Zahedan , Zahedan , Kermanshah & Administrative of 25 1998 Kermanshah & Ahvaz Silos Ahvaz Cities Silo Projects 26 Imam Khokeini Silo B.I.K. City 1995 P&Shipping Org. 27 Hamedan Silo Hamedan City 1994 Ministry of agriculture 28 Gonbad Silo Gonbad City 1993 Ministry of agriculture 29 Kerman Silo & Flour Mill Kerman City 1992 Ministry of agriculture 30 Shiraz Silo Shiraz City 1992 Ministry of agriculture Power Plants Projects Damavand Combine Cycle Power Plant - 31 Pakdasht City 2012 Mapna Group 2nd. Phase-Cooling Towers 32 Jandar P.P.-Cooling Tower Syria 2010 Mpna Group 33 Teshreen P.P. Piling & Cooliong Tower Syria 2010 Mpna Group Damavand Combine Cycle Power Plant - 34 Pakdasht City 2010 Mapna Group 1st. Phase-Cooling Towers Torhan Industries & 35 Yazd P.P. - Cooling Towers Yazd City 2006 Behin Saman S. 36 Sahriati P.P. - Cooling Tower Mashhad City 2003 Mapna Group www.tosee-siloha.com ﺮ ﻮ ﻪ ﯿﻮ PROVISION S/N TITLE OF PROJECT LOCATION AL A.C. CLIENT DATE 37 Neishabour P.P. -Cooling Tower Neishabour City 2003 Mapna Group 38 Shahid Rajaei P.P.-Cooling Tower Qazvin City 2002 Mapna Group 39 Khoy P.P.- Cooling Tower Khoy City 2002 Mapna Group 40 Montazer Ghaem P.P.-Cooling Tower Fardis City 2000 Mapna Group 41 Zanjan Gas Turbine Power Plant Zanjan City 2011 Mapna Group 42 Kahnouj Power Plant Kahnouj City 2009 Mapna Group 43 Besat Power Plant-SPGD Asaluyeh 2012 Mapna Co.
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