2013 ALBERT CAMPBELL COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE MODEL UNITED NATIONS PRESENTS… GAME OF THRONES Committee Lead Chair: Ravena Rasalingam Chairs: Bharvjit Parmar and Adeel Malik Introduction Welcome delegates to the 2013 ACCI Model United Nations conference! Your head chairs for this committee will be Ravena Rasalingam and Bharvjit Parmar. This committee will be based on the book series, “A Song of Ice and Fire” and the HBO show, “Game of Thrones”. Disclaimer: Albert Campbell nor the chairs of this committee claim the proceeding as our original content; everything was invented by George R. R. Martin in his fantasy series, A Song of Ice and Fire. In this committee, the topics discussed will include the use of magic, sorcery, and the aid of supernatural creatures during wartime, the crisis involving the White Walkers, and the current economic state of Westeros. But be advised, this is a crisis committee. Please try to act in character and feel free to act in your own best interest. Plotting, scheming and clever use of personal relationships are encouraged! This council’s goals are to maintain peace and stability in Westeros, and to ensure the interests of the King. Good luck delegates, and remember- when you play the game of thrones, you either win or die. History: The Dawn Age (Prehistory- 1000) Westeros was initially inhabited by the Children of the Forest (a mysterious race of human-like creatures), giants and other mystical beings. The First men invaded Westeros in 1200 bringing weapons and bronze. The First men had larger numbers, were stronger, bigger, and more technologically advanced than the Children of the Forest and eventually established hundreds of small kingdoms throughout Westeros. In 1000, the pact of The Isle of Faces was signed declaring the warfare between the two groups to end. The pact gave the First Men control of the open lands and gave the Children of the Forest dominion of the forested areas. The Age of Heroes (1000- 8000) The White Walkers invaded Westeros from the North in 8000. These creatures killed and raised the dead, almost extinguishing the entire population of Westeros. In the Battle of the Dawn, the First Men and the Children of the Forest united to defeat the Others with weapons made of dragonglass (obsidian) and pushed them back to the Far North. Bran the Builder (the founder of House Stark) led the building of the Wall, made of ice and ancient magic to stop the evil from beyond the Wall from re-entering. The Sworn Brotherhood of the Night’s Watch is made to man and protect the Wall. After taking their vows, the men of the Watch cannot own any land, marry, or father children and remain faithful to their duty. The Andal Invasion (6000- 4000) The new religion the Faith of Seven originated in 6000 in Essos in the Hills of Andalos. The Andal Invasion also occurred in this time when the Andals crossed the Narrow Sea to the eastern shore of Westeros in today’s Vale of Arryn. They fought both the First Men and the Children of the Forest. For centuries, the war waged on, and eventually the six southern kingdoms fell and adopted the Faith of the Seven although the Kingdom of the North remained under the rule of the First Men. The Children of the Forest gradually moved further into the forest and beyond the Wall. The Iron Islands fell to the Andals and are assimilated to the native beliefs of the Old Way and the Drowned God. Age of Valyria (5000- 100) In the eastern continent circa 5000, dragons are found and are tamed with the use of magic by Valyrians, resulting in them establishing the Valyrian Freehold. Its capital of Valyria prospers with the use of magic and other trades. The Valyrian Freehold won many wars with the help of dragons, which resulted in their expansion to Slaver’s Bay. Because of the Freehold’s expansion westward, the Prince Garin the Great of Rhoynarrose an army of 250 000 to oppose the Valyrians, but fails against the dragons. Circa 700, Nymeria, a Rhoynish warrior-queen, sent refugees to Dorne in southern Westeros. There, House Martell is formed when Nymeria marries Lord Mors Martell and it becomes the ruling house of Dorne. This results in new conflicts within the kingdoms. Circa 500, a religious sect called the Moonsingers find the Secret City of Braavos, bringing refugees as well. Circa 200, the Valyrian Freehold gained a small island in Blackwater Bay, off the east coast of Westeros. The Targaryens, a Valyrian noble family, take control of this island. Many of the dragons of Valyria are wiped out around 100 when heavy volcanic activity supposedly destroys Valyria. Its many city states declared independence and are known today as the Free Cities and the cities of Slaver’s Bay. The warrior-nomads of the eastern plains become more emboldened after the fall of Valyria, and their dominant tribe, the Dothraki, begin to raid surrounding lands. The Targaryens may be in possession of the last three dragons in existence. The Seven Kingdoms (3000- 350) House KarStark is a cadet branch of House Stark was created by Karlon Stark in 700 after she defeated the eastern sea-raiders. In the West, the Ironborn of the Iron Islands rise to power and control the western coast at their peak. House Bolton rebelled against House Stark in the North, but was always defeated by the Starks. The Storm Kings expand their territory north of the Westerlands to include the Riverlands up to the Neck around 350 but the Iron conquered the Riverlands from the Stormlands soon after. The Ironborn King, Harren Hoare builds Harrenhal. Targaryen Dynasty (1AL- 270AL) (AL= after landing) In 1AL, Aegon the Conqueror invades Westeros and unites six of the seven kingdoms under his banner of Targaryen. He constructs the new capital of Westeros, King’s Landing. He was not able to conquer Dorne, so it remains independent. Orys Baratheon (Aegon’s half-brother) is given control of Storm’s End, Highgarden was given to Harlen Tyrell, Riverrun was given to Edmyn Tully and is named the Lord of the Riverlands and Pyke is given to Vickon Greyjoy and he becomes the Lord of the Iron Islands. Targaryens breed through incest, so around 37AL when Aegon’s son Aenys I took the throne, the Faith of the Seven rejected his placement. This caused riots throughout the kingdom which the Aenys’ Hand, Maegor, dealt with through massacres and war, earning him the name, Maegor the Cruel. This conflict ended with King Jaehaerys I who declared a truce and agreed to end the violence in return for the submission to Targaryens in 48AL. The first civil war in Westeros’ history occurred in 129AL between Aegon II and his half-sister Rhaenyra Targaryen over their father’s throne. This war saw the end of the Targaryen dragons and ended with Aegon II being crowned in 137AL. In 157AL, King Daeron I invaded Dorne successfully, but left Tyrell of Highgarden in control which resulted an uprising because the Tyrells and Martells warred often. In 161AL, Daeron I is killed when he returned with a new army. In 161AL, King Baelor the Blessed (a septon King) made a peace treaty with Dorne. In 195AL, the second major civil war occurred when Daemon Blackfyre (bastard son of King Aegon IV) claimed the Iron Throne based on Daeron II’s illegitimacy, but is eventually defeated and killed. In 197AL, Dorne finally joins the Seven Kingdoms through the marriage of Daeron II’s younger sister Daenerys to Prince Maron Martell. In 212AL, the Second Blackfyre Rebellion took place. Blackfyre supporters attempted to launch the rebellion, but Bloodraven (the King’s Hand) exposes the plans. Blackfyre’s sons and other supporters were executed. Bloodraven is exiled to the Wall later, becoming the Lord Commander. In 262AL, Aerys II became King and appointed Tywin Lannister as the Hand. King Aerys marries his son, Prince Rhaegar to Princess Elia Martell instead of Tywin Lannister’s daughter, Cersei Lannister. Robert’s Rebellion (282- 283AL) In 282AL, Rhaegar Targaryen abducts Lyanna Stark. Lyanna’s eldest brother and father are killed for insisting King Aerys control the situation. Aerys also demands the heads of Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark from Jon Arryn, but instead, houses Arryn, Baratheon, and Stark raise rebellion. Robert claims the thrones, and so Robert’s Rebellion (or the War of the Usurper) begins. The Tullys join the rebellion while the Tyrells remain loyal to the King. The rebel army defeats the royalists in the Battle of the Trident and Prince Rhaegar is killed. The Lannisters turn against King Aerys and is killed by Jaime Lannister. Princess Elia Martell, her children, Aegon and Rhaenys Targaryen are murdered as well by Lannister bannermen. Lyanna Stark is found dying by Eddard. Robert becomes the King and marries Cersei Lannister. Loyal Targaryens send Aerys’ youngest children, Prince Viserys and Princess Daenerys, to refuge in the Free Cities. Current Events: Magister Illyrio Mopatis of Pentos invites Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen to stay in his city with him and offers help to reclaim the throne. The Hand of King Robert, Jon Arryn, mysteriously dies, leaving Eddard Stark as the new Hand (after heavy persuasion from the King). New sightings and evidence of White Walkers alarm the Night’s Watch. Robert’s extravagant spending has left Westeros 6 million golden dragons in debt. Setting: The High Septon of Westeros, the High Sparrow, (the head of the Faith of the Seven) saw signs of danger in the realm. He recommends the Lords of the Kingdom and their counselors convene in King’s Landing to resolve any immediate conflicts.
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