ABA form Bierma, Wigger, 103 Cheltenham family, 46, 46 communication, 70–74, 115 Bill, Max, 20, 92 Chimero, Frank, 147 typographic grids, 106–107 Bitstream, 24 Chisel, 32, 32 Academy of Art University, 205 Blackburn, Bruce, 23 Chiu, Chiu-Ping, 213 Accented characters, 35, 35 “Block style,” 18 Chromolithography, 15 Acropolis (Athens, Greece), 3 Bodoni, 34, 76 Chukwu, Chinedue, 221 Adobe, 25 Bodoni, Giambattista, 11, 12, 307 Chwast, Seymour, 22, 23 Adobe Garamond, 26, 35, 35 Bodoni Italic, 46, 46 Cincinnati, University of, 194, 198 Adobe Systems, Inc., 133, 135 Bongartz, Veronica, 156 Clarendon type, 14 Akkurat, 181 Bonnell, Bill, 24 Clarkson, Larry, 211 Aldine Press, 7 Boom, Irma, 27 Coates, Stephen, 122 Alestra, Anthony, 197 Boston University, 190 Cody, Mike, 138 Alphabets. See also Letter Bowl, 32, 33 Colines, Simon de, 9, 252, 253 Bayer’s universal, 19 Boyle, Robert, 50 Colley, David, 74, 110, 110, 118, 120, 200 defined, 31 Bradley, Will, 17 Collins, Gail, 50 legibility, 76, 76 Brainstorming, 220 Color, legibility, 82– 84 Phoenician, 3 Brancusi, Constantin, 19 Column Index Angle, typefaces, 46, 46 Brandt, Erik, 216 typographic grid, 100 Anthony, Carol, 115 Brodovitch, Alexey, 20 typographic syntax, 56, 58–60 Page numbers in italic refer Antialiasing, legibility, 82 Brody, Neville, 26 Column interval, grids, 100 to illustrations Apeloig, Philippe, 27 Brueggenjohann, Jean, 61, 202 Communication. See also Typographic Apex, 32, 33 Bruner, Paul, 204 syntax Apple Computer, 135 Brush writing, 3, 32 ABA form, 70–73 Arch of Constantine (Rome), 4 Buenos Aires Underground (Subte) typographic message, 112–124 Arm, 32, 33 176–179 visual hierarchy, 68 Armstrong, Frank, 50, 51, 52, 55, 55, Bukhshaisha, Fatima, 205 Computer. See Technology 58, 69 Burch, Harold, 117 Concurrent grids, 102 Arp, Hans, 51 Burdick, Bruce, 104 Condensed style, 34, 35 Art Deco, 20 Burdick, Susan, 104 Conradi, Jan, 200, 207 Art Nouveau style, 17 Burton, Christine, 211 Constantine (emperor of Rome), 4 Ascenders, 32, 33, 41, 41 Bzdok, Shane, 147 Constructivism, 19, 93, 112 Avant Garde Demi, 173 Contrast, legibility, 82 Avant Garde family, 45, 45 Capitalis monumentalis, 4 Cook and Shanosky, 23 Capitalis rustica, 3 Cottrell, Thomas, 11 Background, legibility, 82 Capitals, 32, 32, 35, 35 Counter, 32, 33 Baker, Jan, 204 legibility, 78, 79 Counterpoint relationships, 66 Baldwin, Polly, 108 Capline, 32, 33 Cox, Steve, 203 Ballmer, Walter, 53, 119 Carlu, Jean, 20 Coyle, Ian, 147 Ball State University, 200, 207 Caroline minuscules, 4, 5, 7, 38, 253 Cranbrook Academy of Art, 195 Barker, Tim, 190 Carrier, Michelle, 198 Crosby, Bart, 56, 56, 57 Barnbrook, Jonathan, 25 Carson, David, 25 Crossbar, 32, 33 Barnes, Jeff, 59, 119 Carter, Matthew, 26, 30, 133, 133, 141, Culpepper, William, 204 Baseline, 32, 33 298 Cuneiform, 2 Baseline grid, 100 Carter, Rob, 87, 99, 124, 189, 204, 211, Cutsforth, Cece, 194 Baskerville, 45, 45, 76, 80 212, 218 Baskerville, John, 11, 36, 36, 290, 291 Cartesian coordinate system, 100 Dadaism, 18, 93, 112 Baskerville Italic, 46, 46 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 149 Daigle, Keith, 26 Bass, Jason,COPYRIGHTED 204 Case studies, MATERIAL 161–186 Dallendörfer, Claudia, 205 Bass, Saul, 21 book design, 169–172 Dancer analogy, legibility, 78 Bauhaus, 92 environmental design, 176–179 Dane and Blackburn, 69 Bauhaus-Archive / Museum of Design film titles, 173–175 D’Astolfo, Frank, 196 Berlin, 156 information design, 180–183 Davidson, Nicholas, 157 Bayer, Herbert, 19 poster design, 162–165 Day, Ben, 58, 58, 190 Bayot, Alan, 214, 220 typographic program, 184–186 Dean, Paul, 190 Beard line, 32, 33 Unigrid System, 166–168 De Bretteville, Sheila, 119 Beckwith, Christian, 103 Caslon, William, 10 De Bry, Johann Theodor, 9 Behrens, Peter, 18 Caslon, William IV, 12, 39, 39 De Bruce, Kerry 215 Belser, Berkey, 122 Caslon type, 10, 11 Deck, Barry, 25 Bembo, Pietro, 7 Caxton, William, 7 Dee, Meaghan, 250, 250 Benton, Morris F., 46 Chai, Yoon-Young, 219 de Jesus, Sergio, 52, 62 Benedit, Juan, 108 Chang, Amos, 51, 61 de Kooning, Willem, 21 Bermejo, Joanne, 205 “Chap Book” style, 17 Deman, Edmond, 17 Bernhardi, Ernest, 230–235, 230–237 Character width, legibility, 81 Denison, Trina, 207 Besley, Robert, 14 Chase, 126 Descenders, 33, 33, 41, 41 Bil’ak, Peter, 222 Chaucer type, 16 Design education, 187–214 352 008_9780470648216-bindex.indd8_9780470648216-bindex.indd 352352 99/1/11/1/11 111:291:29 AMAM De Stijl, 93, 96, 112, 114, 121 character types, 35, 35 Hammett, Levi, 199, 205 Keplesky, Bryan, 210 Detrie, Thomas, 189, 225, 225–228 defined, 35 Hand composition, 126 –127 Kerver, Jacque, 9 Dewey, Susan, 203 optical relationships, 36, 36 Hansen, Bret, 238–240, 242–243, Kessels, Sander, 222 Didot, François Ambroise, 11, 307 unity within, 36, 37 238–243 Keyboard phototypesetting, 131 Dieso, Rob, 215 Form/counterform relationship, Hausmann, Raoul, 18 Kimball, Ingalls, 46 Digital typography, 24, 25, 26, 251 legibility, 78 Hawn, C.J., 211 King, Duane, 147 development of, 132–133 Fournier le Jeune, Pierre Simon, 11, 42 He, Jianping, 28 Kirwin, Colene, 189 Digman, Nancy, 210 Fractions, 35, 35 Heartfield, John, 18 Kisman, Max, 28, 212, 222, 206 Digraphs, 35, 35 Fractur type, 98 Helvetica, 46, 47, 167, 168 Klimas, Matt, 220 Dingbats, 35, 35 Franco, Matthew, 195 Hesign Design Team, 147, 158, 159 Klinkon, Heinz, 197 Diseño Shakespear, 176–179 Frank, Otto, 98 Hesign International, 158 Knobler, Nathan, 62 Display phototypesetting, 130 Franklin, Benjamin, 11 Hieroglyphic writing, 2 – 3, 93 Knudsen, Penny, 189 Divendal, Leo, 98 Friedl, Jasmine, 193 Higgins, Douglas, 198 Koenig, Friedrich, 12 Doczi, Gyorgy, 68 Frutiger, 179 Hill, Leland, 205 Kohli, Andreas, 152 Domingo, Romelle, 211 Frutiger, Adrian, 47, 53 Hinting Kok, Anthony, 114 Dorfsman, Lou, 116 Fuller, R. Buckminster, 23 digital typesetting, 132 Kootstra, Assi, 222 Drew, Ned, 214 Function, expression and, typographic Hoefler, Jonathan, 25 Kringen, Maureen, 146 Dronenburg, Linda, 115 message, 121–124 Hoffman, Josef, 17 Kunz, Willi, 24, 51 Duchynski, Todd, 208 Funk, Donna, 116 Hofmann, Armin, 162 Kuyper, Jerry L., 119 Dürer, Albrecht, 8 Furniture, 126 Holing, Allison, 206 Kuznetsov, Georgiy, 143 Dutch Old Style type, 10 Futura Italic, 46, 46 Holt, John, 11 Kwon, Jung, 211 Futura Light, 116, 116 Holton, Gerald, 22 Eames, Charles, 206 Futurism, 18, 93, 112 Holtzman, Kara, 207 Landor Associates, 26 Eames, Ray, 206 Hurwitz, Holly, 204 Lanston, Tolbert, 16, 128 Ear, 33, 33 Garamond, 76 Huszar, Vilmos, 18 Lantz, Rebecca, 68 Easter, Joe, 190 Garamond, Claude, 8, 253 Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), Laser printer, 24, 135 Education, 187–214 Garamond Old Style, 34 legibility, 102 Laser systems, digital typesetting, Egypt (ancient), 2 Gehry, Frank, 26 132–133 Egyptian (slab-serif) typeface, 12, 14 Geissbuhler, Steff, 117, 120 Ichiyama, Dennis Y., 191 Lausen, Marcia, 201, 206 Egyptian type, 39, 39 Genoud, Alexandre, 164 Ilic’ Mirko, 30, 124 Laverty, Austin, 142 Elaboration, typefaces, 46, 47 Gerstner, Karl, 22, 61, 208 Illinois, University of Leard, Teresa, 198 Electronic page design Gill Sans Bold, 98 at Champaign-Urbana, 200 Le Bailly, Jacques, 222 development of, 134 –138 Glaser, Milton, 22, 23 at Chicago, 201, 206 Le Corbusier, 21 legibility, 87 Gleason, Victor, 167 Ilog, Roland, 221 Leg, 31, 31 software programs, 136, 137 Godlewski, Josef, 202 Imagesetters, 135 –136 Legibility, 75–90 Em, 43 – 44 Golden section, 94 Imsand, Jean-Pascal, 163, 164 capital and lowercase Emperor typeface, 24 Golden type, 16 Indentation, legibility, 83 letters, 78, 79 En, 43– 44 Goldsmith, Holly, 26 Indiana University, 202 character width, 81 Engraving, 14, 15 Gomringer, Eugen, 112 Industrial Revolution, 12–17 color, 82– 84 Eto, Miki, 211 Good, Dennis, 200 Inferior figures, 33, 33 digital typesetting, 132 Evans, Linda, 189 Goodhue, Bertram, 46 Interaction matrix structures, 220, 220 importance of, 75 Evans, Walker, 20 Goodman, Luci, 204 Insel-Verlag, 98 interletter and interword Exocet Heavy (Emigre), 25 Gorman, Pat, 24 Insular majuscules, 4 spacing, 79– 80 Expanded style, 34, 35 Gothic lettering, 5 – 6 Interline spacing, legibility, 80– 81, 84 italics, 81 Experimental Jetset, 29 Gothic Textura Quadrata, 5 Iowa State University, 193 justified and unjustified Expression, function, and typographic Goudy, Frederick, 17, 78 Ireland, 4 – 5 typography, 85, 86 message, 121–124 Goudy Handtooled, 46, 46 Italic type, 8, 38, 38 letter, 76–78 Expressionism, 122 Grandjean, Philippe, 10 legibility, 81 paragraphs and indentation, 85 Eye, 33, 33 Graphic Thought Facility, 108 ITC Bodoni, 26 type size, line length, and interline Graves, Michael, 24 Ito, Shinsuke, 211 spacing, 80– 81 Farrell, Stephen, 169, 169 –172 Greece (ancient), 3, 4, 32 typographic details, 88, 90 Fat Face type, 12, 13, 14 Greenberg, Richard, 24, 174, 174, Jacobs, Kyra, 206 weight, 81 Fella, Ed, 29 175, 175 Janiszewski, Jerzy, 114 words, 78–79 Fetish No. 338, 25 Grids. See Typographic grids Jankowski, John, 204 Lehrer, Warren, 24, 55, 55, 215 Fibonacci sequence, 94 Grid ratios, 94 Jenson, Nicholas, 7 Leister, Bryan, 68 Figgins, Vincent, 12, 13, 39, 39 Griffo, Francesco, 7, 8, 38, 38 Jolley, Bill, 197 Lemming, Pam, 200 Figurative typography, 22 Groenendijk, Henk, 211, 211–212 Jones, Keith, 107 Letter. See also Alphabets Fillet, 33, 33 Grootens, Joost, 29, 180, 180, 181, 182, Jones, Paris, 196 legibility, 76–78 Film titles, case study, 174 –175 182, 183 Jordan, Anne, 245–250, 245–250 typographic syntax, 51–52 Fine, Oronce, 252, 253 Guimard, Hector, 17 Justified typography, legibility, 85, 85 Letterforms, 32–34 Fishman,
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