CFS 2014/41/Inf.4 October 2014 E COMMITTEE ON WORLD FOOD SECURITY COMITÉ DE LA SÉCURITÉ ALIMENTAIRE MONDIALE COMITÉ DE SEGURIDAD ALIMIENTARIA MUNDIAL Forty-first Session Quarante et Unième session 41.º periodo de sesiones Rome, Italy, 13-18 October 2014 Rome, Italie, 13-18 octobre 2014 Roma, Italia, 15-18 de octubre de 2014 LIST OF DELEGATES, PARTICIPANTS AND OBSERVERS LISTE DE DÉLÉGUÉS, PARTICIPANTS ET OBSERVATEURS LISTA DE DELEGADOS, PARTICIPANTES Y OBSERVADORES Chairperson Président Ms Gerda Verburg (Netherlands) Presidente Bureau Members Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Congo, France, Pakistan, Philippines, Sudan, Switzerland, Uganda, United States of America This document is printed in limited numbers to minimize the environmental impact of FAO's processes and contribute to climate neutrality. Delegates and observers are kindly requested to bring their copies to meetings and to avoid asking for additional copies. Most FAO meeting documents are available on the Internet at www.fao.org CFS 2014/41/Inf.4 1 MEMBERS OF THE COMMITEE MEMBRES DU COMITÉ MIEMBROS DEL COMITÉ ARGENTINA - ARGENTINE AFGHANISTAN - AFGANISTÁN Jefe de Delegación Alternate(s) Sr Claudio ROZENCWAIG Mr Abdul Razak AYAZI Embajador Agriculture Attache Representante Permanente Alternate Permanent Representative to ante la FAO FAO Roma Rome Suplente(s) ALGERIA - ALGÉRIE - ARGELIA Sr Gustavo INFANTE Representante Permanente Adjunto ante la Chef de délégation FAO M. Rachid MARIF Roma Ambassadeur Représentant Permanent auprès de la FAO Sra. Andrea Silvina REPETTI Rome Consejero Representante Permanente Alterna ante la Suppléant(s) FAO Mme Karima BOUBEKEUR Roma Représentant Permanent Suppléant auprès de la FAO Sr Nazareno C. MONTANI CAZABAT Rome Secretario Dirección de Asuntos Económicos ANGOLA Multilaterales y G20 Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Suppléant(s) Comercio Internacional y Culto M. Carlos Alberto AMARAL Buenos Aires Conseiller Représentant permanent suppléant auprès Sra. Verónica CARIDE de la FAO Directora Nacional Rome Relaciones Agroalimentarias Internacionales M. Manuel DOMINGOS Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Conseiller Pesca Représentant permanent suppléant auprès Buenos Aires de la FAO Rome Sr Lucas CANDIA Asistente Técnico Mme Sandra Cristina Alves Benge NETO Dirección de Negociaciones Multilaterales Bureau Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Ministère des relations extérieures Pesca Luanda Buenos Aires Mme Marcia Bartolomeu AGOSTINHO Sra. Liliana DE LUISE Bureau Universidad Nacional de Rosario Ministère des affaires étrangères Santa Fe Luanda 20/10/2014 2 CFS 2014/41/Inf.4 Sr Juan José BORRELL BELGIUM - BELGIQUE - BÉLGICA Universidad Nacional de Rosario Santa Fe Chef de délégation M. Vincent MERTENS DE WILMARS AUSTRALIA - AUSTRALIE Ambassadeur Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Alternate(s) Rome Mr Matthew WORRELL Minister-Counsellor (Agriculture) Suppléant(s) Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Mme Lieselot GERMONPREZ Rome Attachée Ambassade de Belgique Mr Samuel BEEVER Rome Development Counsellor Alternate Permanent Representative to Mme Luisa VANDERWEGEN FAO Stagiaire Rome Ambassade de Belgique Rome Ms Rosemary NAVARRETE Advisor (Agriculture) BENIN - BÉNIN Embassy of Australia Rome Suppléant(s) Mme Rosemonde YAKOUBOU AUSTRIA - AUTRICHE Ambassadeur Représentant permanente auprès de la FAO Head of Delegation Rome Ms Natalie FEISTRITZER Counsellor (Agricultural Affairs) Mme Soukeyna KALOKO Permanent Representative to FAO Ministre conseiller Rome Rprésentant permanent suppléant auprès de la FAO BANGLADESH Rome Head of Delegation Mme A. Emilienne AGOSSA Ms Mushfeka IKFAT Attachée Secretary Ambassade de la République du Bénin Ministry of Food Rome Dhaka M. Irenée ABOUDOU Alternate(s) Directeur general Securite alimentaire Mr Mafizur RAHMAN Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'élevage, Counsellor et de la pêche (Economic Affairs) Cotonou Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome CFS 2014/41/Inf.4 3 BOLIVIA (PLURINATIONAL STATE Ms Maira Fernanda NOGUEIRA OF) - BOLIVIE (ÉTAT PLURINATIONAL BITTENCOURT DE) - BOLIVIA (ESTADO Director PLURINACIONAL DE) Actions for Education National Fund for Education Development Jefe de Delegación Brasilia Sr Antolin AYAVIRI GOMEZ Embajador Mr Caio GALVAO DE FRANçA Representante Permanente ante la FAO Chief Roma International Adviser Ministry of Agrarian Development Suplente(s) Brasilia Sra. Roxana OLLER CATOIRA Segundo Secretario Ms Claudia Angelica VASQUES SILVA Representante Permanente Alterno ante la Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO FAO Roma Rome Sra. Maria Eugenia GAZAUI Ms Candice VIANNA Consultora Secretary Embajada del Estado Plurinacional de Alternate Permanent Representative to Bolivia FAO Roma Rome BRAZIL - BRÉSIL - BRASIL Mr Marcio Alonso BEZERRA DOS SANTOS Head of Delegation Secretary Mr Marcelo CARDONA ROCHA Alternate Permanent Representative to Executive Secretary FAO Ministry of Social Development and Fight Rome Against Hunger Brasilia Ms Roberta Maria LIMA FERREIRA Secretary Alternate(s) Alternate Permanent Representative to Mr Olyntho VIEIRA FAO Minister Rome Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome Ms Larissa Maria LIMA COSTA Third Secretary Ms Claudia DE BORBA MACIEL Alternate Permanent Representative to Chief FAO International Advisor Rome Ministry of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger Ms Eliene FERREIRA DE SOUSA Brasilia D.F. Deputy General Coordinator School Feeding Mr Luiz Maria PIO CORREA National Fund for Education Development Counsellor Brasilia D.F. Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Rome 4 CFS 2014/41/Inf.4 Mr Paulo LIMA Suppléant(s) Manager Mme Sonia Cristina MARTINS Africa, Asia and Portuguese Speaking Conseillère Countries Représentant permanent adjointe auprès de Minisry of External Relations la FAO Brazilian Cooperation Agency Rome Brasilia D.F. CAMEROON - CAMEROUN - Ms Nathalie BEGHIN CAMERÚN Political Adviser Institute of Econimics Studies Chef de délégation National Council for Food and Nutrition M. Dominique AWONO ESSAMA Security Ambassadeur Brasilia Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Rome Mr Thomas COOPER PATRIOTA International Assistant Suppléant(s) Ministry of Agrarian Development M. Moungui MEDI Brasilia D.F. Deuxième Conseiller Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de Ms Andrea GALANTE la FAO Ministry of Education Rome Brasilia M. Foudama FOUDAMA BULGARIA - BULGARIE Coordonnateur PNSA Yaoundé Head of Delegation Mr Ivanov LUBOMIR M. Jean Claude EKO'O AKOUAFANE Permanent Representation of the Republic Secrétaire général of Bulgaria to FAO MINADER Rome Yaoundé BURUNDI CANADA - CANADÁ Suppléant(s) Head of Delegation M. Jean Bosco NDINDURUVUGO Mr Peter MCGOVERN Premier Conseiller Ambassador Représentant permenant suppléant auprès Permanent Representative to FAO de la FAO Rome Rome Alternate(s) CABO VERDE Mr Michael GORT Counsellor Chef de délégation Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO M. Manuel AMANTE DA ROSA Rome Ambassadeur Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Ms Mi NGUYEN Rome Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Rome CFS 2014/41/Inf.4 5 Ms Cheryl URBAN Suplente(s) Director Sra. Alejandra GUERRA Food Security Division, Global Issues Consejero Development Branch Representante Permanente Adjunto ante la Québec FAO Roma Ms Nalan YUKSEL Acting Deputy Director CHINA - CHINE Food Security Policy Food Security Division Head of Delegation Global Issues and Development Branch Mr Changfu HAN Québec Minister for Agriculture Beijing Ms Courtney HOOD Advisor Alternate(s) Canadian Embassy Mr Junyong LIU Rome Division Derector Ministry of Agriculture CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC - Beijing RÉPUBLIQUE CENTRAFRICAINE - REPÚBLICA CENTROAFRICANA Mr Handi GUO Counsellor Suppléant(s) Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO M. Joesph DANGA Rome Agronome Directeur Mr Xiande LI Etudes et de la Planification Research associate Bangui CAAS, P.R. China CHAD - TCHAD Ms Jiang LIU Officer Suppléant(s) Ministry of Agriculture M. Oueye GAOUNA BOURE Beijing Ambassade de la République du Tchad Berlin Mr Chuang NIE First Secretary M. Oumar Chaib HASSANTY Alternate Permanent Representative to Ambassade de la République du Tchad FAO Berlin Rome CHILE - CHILI Ms Liping SHEN First Secretary Jefe de Delegación Alternate Permanent Representative to Sr Fernando AYALA FAO Embajador Rome Representante Permanente ante la FAO Roma Mr Jinbiao WANG Director Ministry of Agriculture Beijing 6 CFS 2014/41/Inf.4 Mr Ying WANG Suplente(s) Director General Sra. Estela BLANCO Ministry of Agriculture Ministra Consejera Beijing Representante Permanente Adjunta ante la FAO Mr Jingyuan XIA Roma Minister Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to FAO Sr Alfredo PIZARRO Rome Consejero Representante Permanente Alterno ante la Mr Lijun ZHAO FAO Deputy Director Roma Ministry of Agriculture Beijing Sra. Raffaella MODARELLI Asistente Mr Huilai ZONG Embajada de la República de Costa Rica First Secretary ante la Santa Sede Alternate Permanent Representation to Roma FAO ROme CÔTE D'IVOIRE COLOMBIA - COLOMBIE Suppléant(s) M. Seydou CISSÉ Suplente(s) Conseiller Sr Felipe STEINER FRASER Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de Primer Secretario la FAO Rome Representante Permanente Alterno ante la FAO Roma CUBA CONGO Suplente(s) Sra. Silvia Maria ALVAREZ ROSSELL Suppléant(s) Primera Secretaria M. Marc MANKOSSOU Representante Permanente Adjunto ante la Conseiller FAO Représentatnt permanent suppléant auprès Roma de la FAO Rome Sr Luis Alberto MARIN LLANES Tercer Secretario M. David MASSAMBA Representante Permanente Alterno ante la Premier Secrétaire FAO Ambassade de
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