Index ´ (accent) character, cardinal number rules, 6 inequality comparisons, 238 ! and ! (exclamation point), emphasis, interrogatives, 185–186 191–192 irregular comparatives, 242 ! (inverted exclamation point) character, multiple modifi ers, 232 command emphasis, 136 non-adjective formations, 232–236 . (period) character, numeral punctuation, 5 phrases, 232 positioning rules, 237 abbreviations, ordinal number rules, 8 versus adjectives, 236–237 -able, infi nitive derivations, 164 affi rmative commands, 213 absolute superlatives, expressions, 240 animals, 35, 342–343 accent (´) character, cardinal number rules, 6 apparel, 25, 357–360 accents, 85, 118–119, 152 appliances, vocabulary, 341 active voice versus passive voice, 243 -ar verbs activities (leisure time), vocabulary, 353–357 past participles, 118 activities (schools), vocabulary, 351 regular verb conditional mood, 86 adjectives regular verb conjugations, 51–52 absolute superlatives, 240 regular verb future tense, 82 demonstrative, 28–29 regular verb imperfect tense, 76 equality comparisons, 238 regular verb present subjunctive gender issues, 219–225 mood, 89 indefi nite, 198–199 regular verb preterit tense, 67–68 inequality comparisons, 238 regular verbs, 258 infi nitive derivations, 164 stem-changing verbs, 57–58 infi nitive uses, 160 -ar with e→ie stem-changing verbs, 57, interrogatives, 185 287–288 invariable, 224–225 -ar with o→ue stem-changing verbs, 58, irregular comparatives, 241 289–290 letter change requirements, 219–222 -ar with e→ie stem-changing verbs, 57 meaning changes, 229 -ar with o→ue stem-changing verbs, 58 nationality, 222 arithmetic functions, cardinal number no letter change requirements, 223–224 rules, 7 plurals, 225–226, 228 articles, defi nite, 21–26 positioning rules, 227–228 articles, indefi nite, 27–28 possessive, 38–40 present subjunctive mood uses, 100–101 beverages, vocabulary, 346 relative, 206 COPYRIGHTEDbody parts, MATERIAL 25, 348 shortened forms, 229–230 breads, vocabulary, 346 superlative irregularities, 240 versus adverbs, 236–237 calendar, 11 adverbial expressions, 176 car parts, vocabulary, 362 adverbial phrases, formations, 232 -car spelling-change verbs adverbs imperatives, 137 absolute superlatives, 240 list, 261–262 demonstrative adjective rules, 29 present subjunctive mood, 90 equality comparisons, 238 preterit tense, 68–69 formations, 231–232 -car with o→ue stem-changing verbs, 291 indefi nite, 199–200 366 / Spanish Grammar Handbook cardinal numbers, 3, 5–10, 22 consonant + -cer spelling-change verbs, -cer verbs 274–275 infi nitive derivations, 162 consonant + -cer/-cir spelling-change verbs, spelling-change verbs, 54–55, 90–91 55, 90–91 -cir spelling-change verbs, 54–55, 90–91 consonant + -cir, spelling-change verbs, 280 classrooms (schools), vocabulary, 350–351 continents, vocabulary, 363 clothing, vocabulary, 357–360 contractions, 26, 169 colors, vocabulary, 360 contrary-to-fact conditions, conditional command forms, gerunds, 115 sentences, 133 commands, 136, 139–150 conventions, used in book, 1–2 comparatives, negative uses, 195 coordinating conjunctions, 178–179 comparisons, 238–239 countries, vocabulary, 362–363 compass points, masculine noun rules, 31 ¿cuál(es)? versus ¿qué?, 188 compound moods conditional perfect, 127–128 dairy products, vocabulary, 345 conditional sentences, 132–134 dates, 9, 11–14, 22 passive voice, 245 days of the week, 11, 22, 31 pluperfect subjunctive, 130–131 defi nite articles, 21–26 present perfect subjunctive, 128–129 demonstrative adjectives, expressions, 28–29 refl exive pronoun positioning, 213 demonstrative pronouns, expressions, 29–30 subjunctive tense sequence, 131–132 desserts, vocabulary, 346 compound nouns, 32, 37 diphthongs, accent placement rules, 152 compound tenses direct object pronouns, 45–46 future perfect, 124–126 double object pronouns, 50 passive voice, 245 past participles, 118–120 -eer spelling-change verbs, 286 pluperfect participle, 123–124 eggs, vocabulary, 346 preterit perfect, 121–123 electronics, vocabulary, 341 versus simple tenses, 117 equality comparisons, expressions, 238 compounds, present subjunctive mood, equipment (sports), vocabulary, 356 102–103 -er verbs computer terms, vocabulary, 354 past participles, 118 condiments, vocabulary, 345 regular verb conditional mood, 86 conditional mood, 86–88 regular verb conjugations, 51–52 conditional perfect, expressions, 127–128 regular verb future tense, 82 conditional progressive tense, 114–115 regular verb imperfect tense, 76 conditional sentences, 132–133 regular verb present subjunctive conjugations mood, 89 irregular verbs, 63–64 regular verb preterit tense, 67–68 refl exive verbs, 52–53 regular verbs, 259 regular verbs, 51–52 spelling-change verb imperatives, 136 spelling/stem-changing verbs in present stem-changing verbs, 58–59 tense, 62 -er with e→ie stem-changing verbs, 58–59, conjunctions 302–303 coordinating, 178–179 -er with e→ue stem-changing verbs, 304–305 negative, 200–201 estar (“to be”), 66, 100–101, 112–115 present subjunctive mood uses, 101–102 exclamation point (! and ¡), emphasis, subordinating, 179–182 191–192 Index / 367 exclamations, 25, 191–192 regular verbs, 109–110 expressions, present subjunctive mood uses, stem-changing verbs, 110–112 95–98 -gir spelling-change verbs list, 55, 281–282 family, vocabulary, 339 present subjunctive mood, 91 feminine nouns -gir with e→i stem-changing verbs, distinct forms, 33 312–313 expressions, 32–33 -guar spelling-change verbs, 265 gender markers, 33 -guir spelling-change verbs masculine noun equivalents, 33 list, 285 meaning changed by gender, 33 present subjunctive mood, 91 possessive adjective modifi ers, 39–40 -guir with i→ie stem-changing verbs, possessive pronoun modifi ers, 40–41 314–315 fi sh, vocabulary, 343–344 foods, vocabulary, 343–347 hobbies, vocabulary, 353–354 formal commands, 135–139 house, vocabulary, 340–342 fractions, rules, 9–10 household chores, vocabulary, fruits, vocabulary, 344–345 341–342 furnishings, vocabulary, 340–341 how expressions, defi nite articles, 26 future perfect participle, expressions, 124–126 -iar verbs future progressive tense, expressions, 114 present subjunctive mood, 93 future tense, 81–83 spelling-change verbs, 268–269 stem-changing verbs, 60–61 -gar spelling-change verbs idiomatic expressions, refl exive verbs, imperatives, 137 217–218 list, 263–264 imperative present subjunctive mood, 90 formal commands, 135–139 preterit tense, 68, 70 indirect commands, 150–152 -gar with i→ie stem-changing verbs, 292–293 informal commands, 139–150 -gar with o→ue stem-changing verbs, stem-changing verbs, 137–138 294–295 imperfect subjunctive mood, 105–107 -gar with u→ue stem-changing verbs, 296 imperfect tense, 75–81 gender impersonal expressions, present adjectives, 219–225 subjunctive mood uses, 95–98 animal kingdom references, 35 indefi nite adjectives, expressions, common noun markers, 33 198–199 indefi nite article rules, 28 indefi nite adverbs, expressions, masculine/feminine nouns, 30–35 199–200 possessive adjectives, 38–40 indefi nite articles, 27–28 geographical locations, defi nite article rules, indefi nite pronouns, negatives, 23–24 197–198 -ger spelling-change verbs indefi nites, present subjunctive mood, list, 55, 276–277 102–103 present subjunctive mood, 91 indirect commands, object pronouns, gerunds 150–152 command forms, 115 indirect object pronouns, 46 irregular verbs, 110–112 inequality comparisons, expressions, progressive tenses, 112–116 238 pronoun rules, 115–116 refl exive pronoun positioning, 213 368 / Spanish Grammar Handbook infi nitives gerunds, 110–112 adjective uses, 160 imperfect tense, 76 defi nite article rules, 25 negative tú commands, 144 derivations, 160–164 negative vosotros commands, 149 imperfect subjunctive mood uses, past participles, 119–120 105–106 present subjunctive mood, 93–94 negating, 153 present tense, 63–64 noun uses, 153–159 preterit tense, 73–74 object of a preposition, 155–159 i→y spelling-change verbs, preterit, 71 object of a verb, 154–155 perfect, 134, 165 jewelry, vocabulary, 360 predicate nouns, 155 jewels, vocabulary, 361 refl exive pronoun positioning, 213 subject of a sentence, 153 lakes, masculine noun rules, 31 subjunctive rules, 159 language names, defi nite article rules, 23 verb accents, 85 last names, defi nite article rules, 25 informal commands, 139–150 leisure time, vocabulary, 353–357 information questions, 184–190 lo, neuter pronoun insects, vocabulary, 342–343 abstract subject creation, 230 interrogatives, 183–190 demonstrative pronoun rules, 30 invariable adjectives, expressions, 224–225 neuter indefi nite article, 26 inversions, yes/no questions, 184 when to use, 49 inverted exclamation point (¡) character, 136 -ir verbs markers irregular gerunds, 112 animal kingdom, 35 irregular verb imperfect tense, 76 defi nite articles, 21–26 past participles, 118 demonstrative adjectives, 28–29 regular verb conditional mood, 86 demonstrative pronouns, 29–30 regular verb conjugations, 51–52 indefi nite articles, 27–28 regular verb future tense, 82 masculine/feminine nouns, 33 regular verb imperfect tense, 76 masculine nouns, 30–33, 39–41 regular verb present subjunctive materials (clothing), vocabulary, 358–359 mood, 89 meals, vocabulary, 347 regular verb preterit tense, 67–68 measures, defi nite article rules, 23 regular verbs, 260 meats, vocabulary, 343 spelling-change verb imperatives, 136 mixed plurals, rules, 37 stem-changing verb preterit tense, 72 months, 11, 31 stem-changing verbs, 59–60 moods -ir with e→i stem-changing verbs, 60, passive voice, 244–245 310–311 refl exive pronoun positioning,
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