3 92 &#39;">9 _."&#39; >¢-_~-Q-Q~ali@ M 5.... ~92 _r~.; 1.. ; -§~&#39;~l.. lI P9. While the Party does express sympathyfor theN01 on the grounds 5... that thecapitalist systemin thiscountry responsible is the for conditions in Q r whichprotest a movementsuch theas N01can arise,the Partyinsists, course of that onlyunder communism will theNegro full havefreedom. As a result, the M. ,5 &#39;- Partycircumspect is has and rejected a policyof active cooperation the with N01. i; . 4,, to In contrastto the CPUSA positionis thatexpressed one by militant It1 Marxist group,the Progressive Labor Movement PLM!,&#39;which a follows i mag pro- Chinesecommunist line in this country.A leading figure this in movement, up, &#39;0.-1.1 ,1; who wasformerly in the CPUSA, statedafter the Harlemriots of July,1964, that the PLM waswilling workto withany groupin Harlem--Black Nationalist .A92 ».- or Muslim included. Several articleswith pro-Chinesea communistslant appeared in ..1, "Muhammad Speaks"in 1964.These articleswere undoubtedlypublished 1$ r becauseN01 the considersthe Chinese people be to "brothers, " inasmuch -92 ,, asthey also are non-Caucasian.Onethe of articles,prepared Robert by 4~a . Williams,Negro a extremistwho edto Cuba to avoid prosecution kid- for a ._ ,i nappingwho, andin his speeches and writings,advocates in violencecivil i rights effortsinthe United States, describedhis visitto RedChina, He stated thethat "American of African descent, whetherhe understands enough 5 92 t i t i. >&#39; U 3 . 92 , I-_*-;_Qn£-in-1::=_A;_.;,_-_.¢e_. ... 1 _ - ,_-0 K e - §1i_wqf.Zw-x5§.q¢V . i , .&#39;_¬ I-n- &#39;~ &#39; ?."",&#39;l"?"."§&#39; ""&#39;-""&#39;§" ii-H.&#39;~ a > x .&#39; 7 ~-.-1 L~ » D. iimericangliegroesl Reaction,to NO} A well-knownNegro authorhas written: "It isan interesting historical there is so olten .-~ I . phenomenonwhen athatpeople reach the precipiced despair, 01 waitingthe in bushes a savior--a messiah who promisessmtch to themheck it-1 -.4 trom theedge oi the abyss and turntheir grief into greatness." ea 0.1- To somedissatisiied Negroes,Elijah Muhammad, the sel!-proclaimed .., "IessengerAllah, oi appears " bethis messiah.to Describing a speech in in 2,} >92 1 llos Angeleslast summerthe calamities which have beiallen in peoplethe -3 "United States,Elijah asked, "Who hecan saved?" His answer was "thelluslim ,. 4:. 4-, V believerswho faithfully followed obeyed and Messenger. His . ..The wisestand 84 ,1 .} " surestto successway is tounite behindme.I assure youthat, with the helpof : .o 4-K;1 Allah, willyou accomplish your goals: money, homes, and friendshipsin e< _l_~r. good 3 L I. allwalksotliie." b_ . I i 5n .$ 4 Negroes livingin slum conditions, hopelessand frustrated, teel .&#39;~ 4. may an answer_to theirmany problems.Thesethe are Negroes, the J. less-educatedleast-privileged, and whom to Elijah directs appeals. his I_&#39;or I?z. I ; these Negroes,the Muslimmovement a providesmeamby which they bothcan K __d_V-_- : : , _ _ M{;&#39;.._..,_.;:_.,_,7. _- . _ . I r i _!I - -;<~= =. 3:. £5-Q... .&#39;-¢1_.<_ distant whiteworld, they as standsurrounded other by friendly black ._,> S:&#39;<<AndNO! the movement&#39;sinsistencethat Negroes arethe original people 5 iwho E ¢ .. §&.< "must amongstay themselves"givesfollowers its a sense oi security1 - 92- g!.- even tranquility. _ :1"- - n 1 However,the exception with oi a few educators businessmen and who -QA 1 joined the N01 purelyfor selfish,ecopomic reasons,the bulkoi theNegro ~-5:: &#39;! populationlittle shows interestin the religious oi aspects theN0l. .1 _ F2 Negro onleaders manyoccasions soundly have thedenounced withN01 If its &#39;_ id 5}»~92 &#39; versiondistortedIslam, of whichcontinually allattacks established age .1»-&#39; 1?3 the Negronormally to looks forleadership. a noted AsNegro pastorin . 92 T7;Yi l Harlem warned,the teaching of theBlack 1luslim8v"isgoing in 1 way emu-uy - to what we knowbest. is solvesIt problems, no only but begets greater i -1. i .1-I antagonism. " p T 4?!v . 3 WhilethemajorityoiNegroesintheUnited8tatesdonotrushbd 7%-,. 4-> :;-" .s U_ I. .4 1»..- :35 join N01,the manyseemto respect it. Among those who do notjoin, z ... 13$ $ s L >I participateany in criticism oi it. The lluslimadvocacy black of supremacy ._.. J 7 H11. .~ ,1 arousesthe sympathy oi many Negroes. silently They applaudthe holhess ps i T en *2 of Elijahand hisministers, openly condemnwho white people.This taps C I sentimsmsracial of pridewhich seldomfind avenues of expression. "&#39; J. .&#39;__&#39;. -"g ~»Jl:-?;.-- L;5 a . - . _ . - _. ._&#39;1-_. ->-s J .- V:- iiislinil&#39;,_&#39;repeatedtor cleanliving, sell-respect, appealsand self ;..r,.,.92.92. *~> if ~- . .-. , !&#39;-.¢ 9 ~&#39;-st I rl Jr l E; ; oi the white communityapparently gainedhave conside 92 .. &#39;. &#39; ~ . _ i"~"-""~&#39;:--I »&#39; .. 1-it-~ "-_ &#39; .-.-- , - _;,&#39;,,"_ -,. .,....,_.,- ; --_":,§rv-V-, -. , »*.&#39;1r-ye- >_ s. -; . - -.__..- ~_.-..._.¢. .... - -~ , .-- 1:_--- 4 7 >__ "~*~ _ :~:__T_-_ _ _ .;-t_z~-u,i|- _- A_- -_--.- s on &#39; s N?! .-. _ , >1 - . |; 1 4"!J respect amongAmerican Negroes. They approve oi the way the lluslims live. -g - ; "l.&#39; 4:: 4 > 92&#39; Lacking knowledge oi the complete teachings at the cult, some Negroes see the 3 economic advantages only. Attracted by constant publicity about the claimed u9 rehabilitation oi criminals, and seeing the many photographs oi well-dressed Q ministers and members of the elite guard, Fruit of Islam F01!,they are IL if impressedwith the apparent success the N01 has had in bettering conditions - ;;_, . cl these members.They feel that anything that could helpthe Negromust be I pod. am, Those Negroes who read the N01 newspaper, "Buhammad Speaks," see in every issue a list of ten demands--"What the Muslims Want. " The rst V three oi these demands--full and complete ireedom, equal justice under the law, . -3 equality of opportunity--are iundamental principles which make up the American creed and are desired by all segments of our society. But other stated demands s d the Muslims include land ior a nation oi their own, exemption from all &#39;5. Ftaxation, freedom from prisons ior all Negroes,and so forth. nose are impracticable, but many uneducated Negroes cannot help being receptive to a some oi these demands. &#39; &#39; &#39; , Also impressed by publicity on the N01 are Negro criminals serving I .14 in federaband State prisons. They are a very receptive group, who see 2 92 - .1 ._,_ llaslim ~ - &#39; within the prisons as an outlet for protest 1 ,~ against their _ ¢"> - 4 V. &#39;1 ,1.-,. - a ~-&#39; .<§i&#39;__n- "&#39;1? c ,r&#39; -.$_ - . _, .,~ £3. 4 4_.~ - _._ .,.,_ " .:&#39;.= =._ __- »Y _. &#39;_ . .92 ~ , . .. i » ~ . 4 ._ . n. ,, i &#39;5 u ~ "&#39; 7"---->. ~- &#39;"~ &#39;- _ I . .. " >- &#39;* _ &#39; &#39; - V ¢~&#39;§.I._ H. 2. ....3&#39;,. -a_.-~ . V 92 r . &#39; _L&#39;_&#39;", - . &#39; In-n--..4_~_ -_..4:.11 1. 1 . t . With theattitude what-have-I-to-lose,of hope they thatsome benets might cometo them by joiningthe N01. I 92_r.1L~1 For a multitude of reasons, there are American NegroesIb - &#39; sympathize with the Black Muslims or actually become loyal followers d i Elijah Muhammad and his N01 leadership For those who join, "the l£essenger&#39;s"word is law, and all who wish to remain in the cult must follow" llijah&#39;s mmdiscipline as imposed by his loyal ministers» an um discipline has not been able to prevent trouble in the cult. ._ v~ Ilijah&#39;s formerleading spokesman,Minister MalcolmX, Illjalfs &#39; sons Wallace and Akbar, and his grandson liassan Sharrietf broke from the cult. _I-romthese former leaders, we heard Elijah called "a religious taker" and "afraud" whopi omoted"concocted religiousteachings. Another " HG~ minister who left the cult in disgust described the N01 as "organized like an army"- -the members just "following along" trying to obey the strict discipline demanded bythe higher-upswho arecarrying on "one ofthe biggestrackets J " lntheland." = Who are these higher-ups of the N01? What type of man leads this , strange organization? . " gr . * z" vi &#39; "j",.v- _~ &#39;-"Jfa».-:&#39; . .4. »&#39;_-_ Q x£:&#39;LfE <~_&#39; e » 1. vi v . - ..- Is 1- ll - &#39; .. ».IT&#39;r=?:»-=§..,_;* * *1- ~<l§~e1 $1- _ - _~ g _&#39;_, -_~- . ,.,~_ &#39;v~_&#39;¢_ _.&#39;{-,_».>_;_:I}_,§~§.*__1L_:1_.v-&#39;~- &#39;_-__.U,1_>.-§_»r_A&#39;_.::_§;:qi _, ~-_-i&#39;. 5-I V &#39; _ _ &#39; &#39;> _ 3&#39;&#39;. "1 lg. .3. ,- t Q,-,&#39;:_»,o;.~92_1 .,&#39;..f"~&#39;.-, -,. , _. v i.--..-_-"-"&#39;___&#39;-~ , . &#39; _-1_* _ &#39; * ~&#39;>¢_1hssnI l, &#39; I - ~&#39; .7? &#39;&#39; ,&#39;, &#39;92. &#39; --&#39;92-&#39;42?-", Pw::&#39;;,E::I; /-ail - .»w Q s_&#39; . 4 ,-. ,_ ,- -... I 0 ~ &#39;9 £1f 4 l. C 4 IV. LEADERSHIPj___.-----" k. 5/ .;_A I. L National Officials 3 5* Absoluteruler over the N01is the "llessenger of Allah," tliish . .. r.>.&#39; Muhammad,the 67-year-old former ElijahPoole fromSandersville, Georgia.formulates He approves and N01 all policy and decisions, has <2 s considerable » &#39; .1 .92&#39;the entireiunds the oicult at his disposal, andpossesse .~,&#39;;Valuable propertiesthroughout country.the E: This small,frail, seeminglymeek humbleand man,who has if I and F,» onlyfourth-grade a iseducation, amaster creating at myth,mood, 5-§ mystery. Elijahpossesses that "something" mentionedin anessay on 5,! -,1 4 . leaders attributedto GeneralCharles Gaulle, de "Allah&#39;s for Messenger" .4 seemsunderstand to that "there can nobe prestigewithout mystery,N.
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