BIBLIOGRAPHY This section is not intended to be a Vol, 1. Student Literatur, 1973 Lund, comprehensive listing of publications on S we den I S B N 91-44- 05711- 3 crawfish in general and the red crawfish in Edited by Sure Abrahamsson particular. However, we feel that it will provide the inquisitive reader with additional references . We have emphasized the senior Vol. 2. Division of Continuing Educa- author's publications, not to slight the work tion, 1975 Louisiana State of others but because we felt that they University, B aton Rouge, summarized the literature in a number of Louisiana 70803 USA Edited areas. The bibliography of Sphorer, Williams, by James W. Avault, Jr, and Avault see general biology section! lists over 300 references, most dealing with the red crawfish, Copies may be obtained from Vol. 3. University of Kuopio, 1977 the Publications Clerk, Fisheries, 249 Ag Kuopio, Finland ISBN 951-780- Center, Louisiana State University, Baton 055-X Edited by Ossi V. Rouge, Louisiana 70803, A number of Lindq vis t references in the following bibliography are to reports from the International Symposia on Freshwater Crayfish, These are published Vol, 4, International Association of by the In ternational Association of Astac- Astacology, 1979 c/o I.N. R. A. ology. Copies of the various symposia may Thonon, France Edited by be obtained from the following sources: Pierre J. Laurent GE NE R AI. B I OLO G Y ence, Hakkaido University, Series VI, Zoology 19: 295-308. discusses P. Aiken, D. E. 1980. Molting and growth. clarkii! . Pp, 91-150. In J. S. Cobb and B, F. Bauer, R. T. 1981. Grooming behavior and Phillips eds. !, The Biology and morphology in the decapod crustacea. Management of Lobs ter s, Volume 1, Journal of Crustacean Biology 1: 153- Physiology and Behavior. Academic 173. Press, Inc. New York, London, Bittner, G. D., and R. Kopanda. 1973. Toronto, Sydney, San Francisco. Factors influencing molting in the Ameyaw-Akumfi, C., and B. Hazlett. 1975. crayfish Procambarus clarkii. The Sex recognition in the crayfish Pro- Journal of Experimental Zoology cambarus clarkii, Science 190: 1225- 86: 7-16, 1226, Black, J. B., and J. V. Huner. 1980. Ameya-Akumfi, C. 1981. Courtship behav- Genetics of the red swamp crawfish, ior in the crayfish Procambarus clarkii Procambarus clarkii Girard!: state- Girard! Decapoda Astacidae!, Crus- of- the-art. Proceedings of the World taceans 57-64. Mariculture Society Volume 11. Andrews, E. A. Breeding habits of crayfish. Crocker, D. W., and D. W. Barr. 1968. The American Naturalist 38: 165-206. Handbook of the crayfishes of Ontario. Andrews, E. A. 1907. The attached young University of Toronto Press, Toronto, of the crayfish Cambarus clarkii and Canada. Cambarus ~dto ence. The American Hayes, W. A., II. 1977. Predator response Naturalist 41:253-276. postures of crayfish, I. The genus Auto, T,, Y, Kamiguchi, and S. Hisano. Procambarus Decapoda, Cambaridae!, 1974. His tolo gical and ult ra structural The Southwest Naturalist 21: 443-449. studies on the Y organ and the mandib- Hayes, W. A,, II, 1975. Behavioral compo- ular organ of the freshwater prawn, nents of social interactions in the Palaemon itsuctdens, with special refer- crayfish Procambarus dracillis Bendy! ence to their relation with molting Decapoda, Cambaridae! . Proceedings cycle. Journal of the Faculty of Sci- of Oklahoma Academy of Science 55. 1-5. I l7 Hatt, H,, and U. Bauer. 1980. Single unit Girard! . Papers from the International analysis of mechano- and chemo-sensi- Symposium on Freshwater Crayfish tive neurones in the crayfish claw. 3:371-380, Neuroscience Letters 17: 203-207. Meredith, W. G., and F. J. Schwartz. Huner, J. V., and J. W. Avault, Jr. 1976. 1960. Maryland crayfishes, Maryland The molt cycle of subadult red craw- Department of Research and Education, fish, Procambarus clarkii Girard! . Solomons, Education Series No. 46. Proceedings of the World Mariculture Mittenthal, J. E, 1931. Intercalary regen- Society 7:267-273. eration in legs of crayfish: distal Huner, J. V., and J. W. Avault, Jr. 1977. segements. Development Biology Investigations of methods to shorten the 88:1-14. intermolt period in a crawfish. Pro- Nakagawa, H., M. Kayama, and S. Asakawa. ceedings of the World Mariculture 1971. Studies on carotenoprotein in Society 8:883-893. aquatic animals. I . Distribution of Huner, J, V., and J, B. Black. 1977. carotenoprotein in exoskeleton of cray- Aberrant secondary sex characters in fish Cambarus clarkii!. Journal of the the crawfish Procambarus clar kii Faculty of Fisheries and Animal Hus- Girard! Decapoda: Cambaridae! . bandry, Hiroshima University 10: 61-71- The Southwest Naturalist 22: 271-275. Nakagawa, H., M, Kayama, H, Yama da, and Huner J. V., J. G. Kowalczuk, and J. W. S. Asakawa. 1974. Studies on carot- Avault, Jr. 1978, Postmolt calcifica- enoproteins in aquatic animals. IV. tion in subadult red swamp crayfish, Carotenoid pigments in crayfish Pro- Procambarus clarkii Girard! Decapoda: cambarus clarkii!, Journal of the Cambaridae! . Curstaceana 34: 275-280. Faculty of Fisheries and Animal Hus- Huxley, T, H. 1973, The crayfish, an bandry, Hiroshima University 13: 1-13. introduction to the study of zoology Nakamura, K, 1980, Quantitative analysis reproduced from the original American on the feeding patterns of the crayfish edition published in 1880! . The MIT relating to the molting cycle, Memoirs Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and of the Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima London, England. University Japan! 29: 225-238, Itagaki, H,, and J. H. Thorp, 1981. Niiyama, H. 1962. On the unprecedently Laboratory experiments to determine if large number of chromosomes of the crayfish can communicate chemically in a crayfish, Astacns ~trowbrid " Stimpson. flow-through system. Journal of Chem- Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses. ical Ecology 7: 115-I26. 35!:229-233. Kamemoto, F . I,, and J, K. Ono. 1968. Norvles, R. R., L. I, Gillert, and F, A. Urine flow determinations by continuous Brown, Jr. 1973. Endocrine mecha- collection in the crayfish Procambarus nisms. Pp. 857-908 in C. L. Prosser clarkii. Journal of Comparative Bio- ed. !, Comparative Animal Physiology. chemistry and Physiology 27; 851-857, W, B. Saunders, Philadelphia. Kinnamon, J. C. 1979. Tactile input to the Payne, J. F., C. J. Biggers, and M, L. crayfish tegumentary neuropile. Com- Scott. 1977. Electrophoretic analysis parative Biochemistry and Physiology of the free hemolymph proteins of 63A: 41-50. Orconectes palmeri palmeri Faxon! and Kong, K., and T. H. Goldsmith. 1977. Procambarus clarkii Girard! . Papers Photosensitivity of retinular cells in f rom the International Symposium on white-eyed crayfish P roc amb grus Freshwater Crayfish 3: 281-293. clarkii! . Journal of Comparative A . Penn, G, H,, Jr. 1943, A study of the life 122.'273-288. history of the Louisiana red crawfish, Kossakowski, J, 1966. Crayfish. Panstwowe C amb grus clarkii Girar d . Ecolog y Wydawnictwo Polmicze i Lesne Poland! . 24:1-18. Translated in 1971 from Polish b y H . Peterson, D. R,, and R. F, Loizzi. 1974. M. Massey!. Foreign Fisheries Trans- Fluid reabsorption in the crayfish lations ! International Activities S taff, kidney labyrinth. The Journal of National Marine Fisheries Service, Experimental Zoology 189; 85-100. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- Romaire, R, P., J. S, Forester, and J. W. ministration, U. S. Departmen t of Corn- Avault, Jr. 1977. Length-weight merce, Washington, D. C. relationships of two commercially impor- Melancon, E,, Jr., and J. W. Avault, Jr . tant crayfishes of the genus Procam- 1977. Oxygen tolerance of juvenile red barus. Papers from the International swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii Symposium on Freshwater Crayfish 118 3:463-470. Lindqvist, O. V., and H. Mikkola, 1979 Spohxer, M. L., J. L, Williams, and J. W. On the etiology of the muscle wasting A vault, Jr, 1975. A selected biblio- disease in Procambarus clarkii in graphy of the red swamp crayfish, Kenya. Papers froxn the International Procambarus clarkii Girard! and the Symposium on Freshwater Crayfish white river crayfish, Procambarus 4:363-372. acutus acutus Girard! . Papers from Sogandares-Bernal, F, 1965. Parasites from the International Symposium on F resh- Louisiana crayfishes. Tulane Studies in water Crayfish 2:637-661, Zoology 12: 79-85. Stein, R. A., and J. J. Magnuson. 1976. Unestam, T. 1969. Resistance to the Behavioral response of crayfish to a crayfish plague in soxne American, fish predator, Ecology 57: 751-761. Japanese, and European crayfishes Stevenson, J. R. 1972. Changing activities Reports of the Institute for Freshwater of the crustacean epidermis during the Research, Drottingholm Sweden! 49.' molting cycle, American Zoologis t 202-209. 12:373-380, Unestam, T . 1973. Significance of disease Storer, T, I,, and R. L. Usingex . 1965. on freshwater crayfish. Papers from General Zoology, 4th edition, McGraw- the International Symposium on Fresh- Hill Book Co., New York, St. Louis, water Crayfish 1:135-150. San Francisco, Tox onto, London, Sydney. Suko, T. 1953. Studies on the development TAXONOMY/ZOOGEOGRAPHY of the crayfish, I. The development of secondary sex characters in append- Bouchard, R. W. 1978. Taxonoxny, distri- bution and general ecology of the ages, Science Reports of Saitama University Japan! 1B: 77-96. genera of North American crayfishes. Suko, T. 1956. Studies on the development Pp. 11-16 in Cx ayfishes in North of the crayfish. IV, Development of America. Fisheries 3!:2-19, winter eggs. Science Reports of Girard, C. 1852, A revision of the North Saitama University Japan! 2B: 213-219. American Astaci, with observations on Suko, T, 1958, Studies on the development their habits and geographical distribu- of the crayfish. VI. The reproductive tion. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia cycle. Science Reports of Saitama University Japan! 3B: 79-91. 20:87-91, Woodcock, A. E. R., and T. H. Goldsmith. Hobbs, H, H., Jx', 1962. Notes on the affinities of the members of the 1970.
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