CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS AND HOUSEHOLD POVERTY REDUCTION IN BIREMBO SUB COUNTY, KAKUMIRO DISTRICT~ UGANDA BY TUMWEBAZE MOSES 1153-06044-03352 A RESEARCH REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF A BACHELOR’S DEGREE IN DEVELOPMENT STUDIES OF KAMPALA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY NOVEMBER, 2018 DECLARATION I Tumwebaze Moses hereby declare that this research report is my original work and it has never before been presented elsewhere for any academic award. The pieces of work from other sources have been dully recognized. Name~-~ v’A~ 5~- S Signed:~~ Date:~tA~?.L ~ APPROVAL This is to confirm that this research Report on “Civil society organizations and Household poverty reduction in Birembo Sub county -Kakumiro District, Uganda is under my supervision and is now ready for submission to the College of Humanities and Social Sciences of Kampala International University. Signature Date: ~ Pastor Rwabu ihi Emmanuel Festus Supervisor DEDICATION I dedicate this piece of w.~rk to my dear parents Ategeka Margret who have given me a good qualitative education and for raising me up to this level without forgetting my dear brothers and sisters Robert kyamanywa,Nalukoza alice for their contributions too. I also dedicate this work to my friends especially Senkema Richard Muwonge Mellon, Muganwa Doreen, Kieth, Kigula John and wife for advise and courage they availed to me during my research. I can’t forget my supervisor for a great work done Pastor Rwabuhihi Festus May the Almighty GOD bless you all. III ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all I would like to thank God the almighty for giving me wisdom and keeping healthy. I would like to express m~ incere thanks to the various people who have assisted me in any way to reach the completion of this research report especially DR. Kafero and DR. Nuwamanya B. Richard. My most sincere appreciation goes to PASTOR RWHABUHIHI EMMANUEL FESTUS for his effective supervision and for his commitment, guidance and constructive advice whenever I needed him. I thank him very much for availing me time and energy to reach the end of the research proposal. I would like to acknowledge and thank my family members, relatives for all the great support financially, socially and spiritually. I do also appreciate the effort of friends and the entire discussion group for invaluable contribution extended to me in times of need and success towards my study. Finally I thank all those persons whom I have not mentioned specifically in the acknowledgement. I will always remember you for your kindness, constant support and encouragement. MAY GOD BLESS YOU! iv ABBREVIATIONS, CSOs Civil society organizations NGOs Non-governmental organizations. ADB Asian Development Bank. URDT Uganda Rural Development Training. KCSON Kibaale Civil Society Organization Network. HHPR House Hold Poverty Reduction. WVU World Voices Uganda. CBOs Community Based Organizations. UN United Nations. WB World Bank. KDLG Kakumiro District Local Government. S/C Sub County. KRC Kabarole Research Center. UNDP United Nations Development Plan. DCDO District Community Developmenty Officer. PRSP Poverty Reduction Tragic paper. LDCs Least Developed Countries. UBOS Uganda Bureau of Statistics UNDP United Nations Development program UNHDI United Nations Human Development Index UNHS Uganda National Household Survey V ABSTRACT An overwhelming body of literature claims that CSOs are an important engine of development. Analysts argue that CSOs not only improve local people’s participation in development process but also use appropriate al. proaches to development. The motivation for this study was therefore to examine the roles / contribution made by CSOs in house hold poverty reduction in Uganda, Kakumiro district Birembo sub country. The study objectives were; to examine the causes of poverty especially among households in Birembo sub country, Kakumiro district, to assess the contributions made by CSO’s in household poverty reduction, to analyze and assess the challenges faced by CSO’s towards household poverty reduction in Birembo subcounty Kakumiro district. The study applied a case study research design in examining the civil society organizations and household poverty reduction in Birembo subcounty Kakumiro district. This is because the research questions that were generated necessitated observing, explanatory, descriptive and analytical aspects of the research. This study was carried out basing on 3 selected CSOs in Kakumiro dist ~t, Uganda, namely, Kibaale civil society organization network (KCSON), world voices Uganda (WVU) and Uganda rural development and training program (URDT). The study population was 58participants, 20 selected CSO’s members, 15 CSO’s beneficiaries, 10 Kakumiro district local government administrators and 13 local peasants. A sample of 50 respondents was determined through purposive and random sampling methods. The study findings revealed that 68%were males and 32%females hence males the majority. The study concluded that, CSO’s engage in the promotion and protection of human rights, promote political participation, and develop citizen’s skills to work with one another, among others. The study recommends that there is a need to tackle poverty dynamically, strategically and comprehensively since it is dimensional phenomena that needs multidimensional approach, provision and improvemeit in education for all, need for CSO’s to encourage meaningful participation of citizen, proper coordination between CSO’s and district, need to exposes or intensity accountability among others vi TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABBREVIATIONS ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER ONE 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 problem statement 3 1.3 Purpose of the Study 3 1.4 Objectives of the Study 4 1.4.1 General Objective 4 1.4.2 Specific Objectives 4 1.5 Research Questions 4 1.6 Scope of the Study 4 1.6.1 Geographical Scope 4 1.6.2 Content Scope s 1.6.3 Time Scope s 1.7 Significance of the Study s VII 1 .8 Conceptual Framework showing independent and dependent variables 6 CHAPTER TWO 8 LITERATURE REVIEW 8 2.0 Introduction 8 2.1 Review of literature on the major variables of the study 8 2.1.1 The concept of poverty 8 2.1. 2 civil society organizations (CSOs) 9 2,2. Review of literature 10 2.2.1 The major causes of poverty 10 2.2.2 Contributions! Roles played by civil society organizations towards household poverty 13 2.2.3 Challenges faced by ‘vil socie~.y organizations in Kakumiro district, Birembo S!C.Uganda. 19 CHAPTER THREE 23 METHODOLOGY 23 3.0 Introduction 23 3.1 Research Design 23 3.2 Study Population 23 3.3 sample size 24 3.3 Sample Procedure 24 3.3.1 Purposive Sampling 24 3.3.2 Random Sampling 25 3.4 Sources of Data 25 3.5 Data Collection Procedures and Instruments 26 3.5.1 Data collection Procedures 26 3.5.2 Data collection instruments 26 VIII 3.6 Data Processing .27 3.7 Data Analysis 27 3.8 Limitations of the study 27 3.9 Ethical Consideration 28 CHAPTER FOUR 29 PRESENTATIONS, INTEPRETATIONS AND ANALYSIS OF DATA 29 4.0 Introduction 29 4.1 Demographic characteristics of respondents 29 4.1.1 Gender of Respondents 29 4.1.2 Age of the respondents 30 4.1.3 Marital Status of the Respondents 31 4.1.4 Education Levels of ~e Respoizdents 31 4.2 Findings on the major causes of poverty 32 4.3 Findings on roles/contributions made by civil society organizations towards household poverty reduction in Birembo sub-county Kakumiro district 36 CHAPTER FIVE 46 SUMMARY OF DISCUSSIONS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 46 5.0 Introduction 46 5.1 Summary of the discussions 46 5.1.1 Demographic characteristics of respondents 46 5.1.2 Findings on the major causes of poverty 47 5.1.3 The contributions played by civil society organizations towards household poverty reduction 49 5.1.4 Challenges faced by civil society organizations in Birembo sub-county in Kakumiro District, Uganda 51 5.2 Conclusion 52 ix 5.2.1 The major causes of poverty in Birembo sub-county Kakurniro District 52 5 .2.2Roles played by civil society organizations towards household poverty reduction 52 5.3 Recommendations 55 5.4 Suggested areas for future study 57 REFERENCES 58 APPENDICES 61 APPENDIX I: QUESTIONNAIRE 61 APPENDIX “ 66 INTERVIEW GUIDE 66 APPENDIX III 67 TIME FRAME 67 x LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Showing Target Population 23 Table 2 : presenting the gender distribution of the respondents who participated in the study . .29 Table 3 showing age distribution of the respondents 30 Table 4 showing marital s~ ~us of the respondents 31 Table 5: Educational Level of the respondents 31 Table 6 High levels of corruption especially in third world countries 32 Table 7 High dependence ratio due to bigger household size 33 Table 8 High levels of Illiteracy with its associated problems also cause poverty 33 Table 9 Lackllimited access land for both cultivation and other economic activities 33 Table 10 Institutional factors i.e., inadequate social-economic infrastructures, among others 34 Table 11 Cultural practices, beliefs and traditions also cause poverty to escalate 34 Table 1 2Civil wars and conflicts across the globe cause poverty 35 Table 13 Natural disasters i.e. floods, heavy earthquakes, drought among others 35 Table 14 Civil society or7anizations can engage in the protection of human rights at various different stages or levels 36 Table 15 Civil society organizations promote political participation 37 Table 16 Civil society organizations (CSOs)
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