Establishing the Vision, and the Reality in 1945 A Brief History of the Institute of Child Health 1852: The Hospital for 1866 1910: Postgraduate Medical Background Sick Children (HSC). courses at HSC expanded • Lectures for undergraduates and 1853 Pupils at the hospital for bedside tuition. postgraduates in the hospital. Smallpox vaccination 1878 made1854 compulsory • The Charles West School of Nursing established at The Hospital for Charles West publishes his book Sick Children. Florence“How Nightingaleto nurse sick in children” the Crimea; 1857-61 1884-87 Pasteur describes origin of bacteria; • Lecture theatre and course prospectus at The Hospital for Sick Children. birth 1880-83of germ theory of infection 1895 Pasteur develops vaccines against • The Hospital for Sick Children Medical Koch discovers tubercule bacillus chicken pox, cholera and anthrax. School established; approved by and cholera bacillus the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons First Dean; Dr F.G. Penrose. Founder — Charles West 1900 First Dean — Dr F.G. Penrose By the turn of the century progress infection, its channels and preventative 1941: Board of Management of HSC began to discuss “new concept” of preventative medicine applied to children. included identification of causes of and Koch), Anaesthesia (Lister), methodsRadiography of containment (Reuntgen) (Pasteur 1942 (March): HSC Subcommittee meets and makes recommendations 1905 1. Preventative and curative work c) Practice of preventative with a Dean, a Professor, • Applied Psychology Bordet and Gengou isolate should be concerted by closer whooping cough bacillus cooperation between public health hospital is a convenient centre Puberty and Delinquency. services and children’s hospitals. methods for which a children’s part-time teachers and Home discipline, School life, e) Preventative paediatrics to be infant welfare, special clinics accommodation. 1911-12 2. Preventative paediatrics furthered taught in three divisions: by setting up: forie. treatment growth disorders, of prematurity, endocrine • Applied Immunology • Applied Physiology Infant Welfare Centre and National Insurance Act; disease and nutrition. An Immunology Clinic, an Vitamins become known; Diet, Growth, Endocrines, other clinics should be set up those who will be engaged in the d) A “School of Preventative in liaison with an obstetric a) preventionA teaching departmentof disease in to children instruct Paediatrics” should be hospital for the teaching of Tuberculosis notification compulsory established in London ante- and neonatal hygiene. 1924 ie. nurses, health visitors, parents Clothing, Exercise, Play, Climate, etc. with BCG vaccine nursery staff and nursery schools) Members of the subcommittee CalmettHSC and Research Guérin inject Appeal children plus(for hygieneGeneral andPractitioners. mothercraft), Manchester Guardian (28.1.1924) for research into b) Active encouragement 1926 Discovery of penicillin by preventative medicine. 1942 (May) Sir Alexander1928 Fleming • First satisfactory iron lung (Drinker respirator) for London, London County Council and BritishInformal Postgraduate approaches Medicalto University School. of Sir Lancelot Mr Thomas Dr R.S. Lightwood Dr W.W. Payne Dr W.G. Wyllie • It was strongly felt that “it was Barrington-Ward Twistington Higgins treatment1930-40 of poliomyelitis General trend toward indroduction partessential of a larger to keep Medical it as a GreatSchool”! Ormond 1945 (13 February) of local authority health centres and scholl health and dental services • UniversityStreet scheme states and that not theto be school a minor • Mr H. Claughton, Principal of the University of London wrote to Lord 1932 cannot be formed until after the war. Senate and Court of the University HSC are given a Drinker Respirator 1942 (November) Southwood to confirm that the of an Institute of Child Health “as a • centralhad approved activity the of theestablishment university”. 1935 to “The London School of Paediatrics” Administration of and appointments discussed with the above authorities Introduction of sulphonamides used plus Holborn Borough Council. 1945 (June) especially to combat tuberculosis • 1938 Southwood Building opened introducing single-patient 1943-44 Advertisement placed for a which was taken up by Dr (later Sir) cubicles to HSC • Nuffield Professor of Child Health Health”. Funding discussed with the Director of the Institute. Definite title now “Institute of Child Alan Moncrieff who also became 1940 Mass production of penicillin and, later, other antibiotics University and the Nuffield Trust. 1944 (July) Dr Alan Moncrieff 1942 • Beveridge Report on Health And so the Institute was born. and Social Services in Great Britain HSC offer accommodation including Accommodation for students at HSC an office, lecture room and common rooms for men and women students. Content researched and written by Raymond J Lunnon MPhil HonFRPS HonFIMI RMIP, Archivist, Institute of Child Health The First Steps 1945 – 1964 A Brief History of the Institute of Child Health 1945 1949 1959 Medical Background • University approves ICH as part Building Appeal of British Postgraduate Medical goes public under 1945 Year was taken up making Federation and its incorporation chairmanship of Sir Hugh Beaver. administrative, financial and academic arrangementsst for the • Child Study Centre. First course on 1 under the Companies Act, 1948. Institute to start work officially First vaccine for influenza January 1946. • Reorganisation starts. Pilot scheme for research into of Professorial 1948 1946 Dr GH Newns Growth and Development started. Medical Unit. succeeds National Health Service is established • • Dr Wyllie Child Health with a grant of £100,000. Building Appeal reachs £100,000. as Dean. Nuffield Foundation endows Chair in Building Committee appointed and Dr W G Wyllie • Marks Kennedy Trust donate £40,000 (Dean of for a lecture theatre in the building. 1952 the Hospital • Medical School) TeachingDevelopment HSC Policy& QEH, planned Clinical forGenetics, appointed first Paulirregular Zoll develops heartbeat the first 1962/67 – departments include: cardiac pacemaker to control Dean of ICH. 1955 Preventitative Paediatrics, Growth • Pathology and Museum, Enzymology, • Medical Illustration, Mental 1953 Academic Board formed with Dr history of ICH, the Province of Natal & Development, Child Psychology, Clerkships introduced. Considered to be a milestone in the WG Wyllie as Chairman and Clinical Centre was opened on 26th May by • Retardation, Professorial Departments. Teaching facilitites (HSC Outpatient for South Africa. James Watson and Francis Crick at Strong criticism over poor Outpatient MR GP Jooste, High Commissoner Cambridge University publish the • 1961 unable to rebuild until 1954). Watson,structure Crick, of andthe DNAMaurice molecule Wilkins Department demolished in 1938 and for ICH staff to lecture. • UNICEF Grant for Course for Teachers Expansion in international demands in Paediatrics ($50,000). • ICH Teaching staff now 1 Professor, or Medicine in 1962 1950 1 Reader, 4 Lecturers and over • share the Nobel Prize for Physiology 80 Honorary Lecturers in 38 Child Study Centre to Institute. • Site purchased for Model Welfare Growth Research transferred from • • 1954 Conduit and Guilford Streets) – specialisms at HSC. • Dr RS Illingworth and Dr R E Centre (bomb site on corner of Lambs Nuffield Trust fund Neonatal Research houses have 8 years to run on leases. researchDr JM Tanner started joins in staff1949. of Child Unit for five years (£55,000). Dr AP Norman Assistants to the Professor. Study Centre to continue long-term Dr. Joseph E. Murray performs Bonham Carter (above) appointed appointed Deputy 1963 between identical twins • Lecturers in Child Welfare and the first kidney transplant Director of ICH. Public Health and Recognised 1956 • Building Appeal wound up with teachers appointed. • Students ability £500,000 total achieved. • • 1955 • Weekly Child Health Conference. in English now • to communicate Nuffield Foundation mark Lord grant to endow a Chair in Paediatric Dr AP Norman conducts research Nuffield’s 80th birthday with a • polio vaccine Surgery (£80,000). into asthma. RobertsDepartment FRS. of Genetics inaugurated considered a prime facilities considered for The Hospital for Jonas Salk develops the first • Clinical Genetics Research Unit funded under the Direction of Dr JA Fraser requirement. Pickering Committee Report; combined • Sick Children, Institue of Child Health, 1951 The National Hospital for Nervous • and Dr Cedric Carter, Deputy Director. 1962 Research Committee established. by MRC; Dr JA Fraser Roberts, Director Diseases and Institute of Neurology. • Director, Dr Alan Moncrieff consolidates • New Cardiac Research Unit set up; • • Professor Alan Research projects at discussion stage. links with Africa with second visit. directed by Dr BGB Lucas and First oral polio vaccine (as an Moncrieff resigns. Doctors returning from war services Dr Cedric Carter ensuingand from year. the Commonwealth enrol • Hospital Lecture Theatre opened alternative to the injected vaccine) 1952 Mr DJ Waterston. (right) takes over as in numbers as postgraduates for the (88 seats). Already the need for Director of Clinical • a 200-seat theatre envisaged. 1964 Genetics Unit. • First BPMF Course for 1947 First full-time physiologist appointed. General Practitioners. • Twice-weekly ward rounds organised for postgraduate students at HSC and • First vaccine for measles Lord, appointed. First full-time librarian, Miss WH 1964 • Queen Elizabeth
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