San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1967 Special Libraries, 1960s 1-1-1967 Special Libraries, January 1967 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1967 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, January 1967" (1967). Special Libraries, 1967. 1. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1967/1 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1960s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1967 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. bpecial libraries The first source for the lutest, uuthorittrtiue information on everything- front trtonls to ar f -- SPECIAL LIBRARIES is published by Special Libraries Association monthly September to April bimonthly May to August, at 73 Main Street. Brattleboro, Vermont 05301: Editorial Offices: 31 East 10td Smet. New York, New York 10003. Second class postage pald at Brattleboro. Vermont. POSTXAsTER: Send Form 3919 to Special Libraries Association, 31 East 10 St., New York, B. Y. 10003 @ The Faraday Press announces 30 major soviet-scientific Journals now available for the first time AUTHORITATIVE COVER-TO-COVER ENGLISH TRANSLATION Cybernetics Mechanics of Solids Klbernetika Mekhan~kaTverdogo Tela Btnionthly $1 15 year E~monthly,$160/year Problems of Information Transmission Soviet Materials Science Problemy Peredachi informafs! Frziko-Khmlcheskaya Mekhanlka Mafer~alou Quarterly $100/year B~monthly.$1 l5/year Soviet Electrical Engineering Fluid Dynamics Elektrorekhr ka irv AN SSSR Mekhan~kaZhrd I Gasov Monthly $160 yea8 B~monthly.$160:year Magnetohydrodynamics Soviet Aeronautics Magnifnaya Gldrodgnam ha lzvestiya VUZ Av~alsionnayaTekhnrka Quarterly $90 year Quarterly. $125'~ear Applied Solar Energy Geimfekhn,ka Journal of Applied Spectroscopy Btmonthly $1 10 year Zhurnal Prikiadno, Spektroskopir Monthly. $1501year Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry Teoreticheskaya I Eksperlmentai naya Khmya Mendeleev Chemistry Journal Blmonfhly $120 year Zhurnal Vses Khm Ob-va Irn Mendeleeva B~monthly.$lGO/year Polymer Mechanics Mekhanlka Poiimerov Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves Bmonthly $120 year Fmka Gorentya I Vzryva Soviet Applied Mechanics Quarterly. $100/year Pr~kladnayaMekhanika Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds Monthly $160 year Khtm~yaGelerolsrklrcheskrkh Soed~nentf Soviet Physics Journal B~monthly.$1201'year lzvest~yaVUZ Fmka B~mon:hly $125 year Chemistry of Natural Compounds Kh~rnryaPrfrodnykh Soedmenrr Astrophysics Bmonthly $1 lOiyedr Asfrof~ztka Quarterly $90 year Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology Prikladnaya B!okhmiya I M,kroblologrya Journal of Applied Mechanics B~monthly.$120:year and Technical Physics Zhurnai Pr~kiadno!Mekhanik! I Tekhnicheskor F,z,k, Moscow University Physics Bulletin B~monthly$150 year Vestn~kMoskovskogo Un~versttetaFmka Automatic Documentation and Elmonthly $1 lO1year Mathematical Linguistics Journal of Engineering Physics Selected malor articles from Inzhenerno-Ffz!chesktt Zhurnal Nauchno Tekhnrcheskaya lnforrnats~ya Monthly. $150/year Quarterly $1451 year Soviet Progress in Chemistry Soviet Radiophysics Irvesl,ya VUZ Rad,ofmka Ukrainski, Khim cheskli Zhurnai Bmonthly. $lZS/year Monthly $15Ofyear Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin Soviet Radio Engineering Vestn~kMoskovskogo Un~vers~telaKhrmrya lzvest~yaVUZ Radrotekhntka Bmonthly $110 00'year E,rnonthly. $115/year Differential Equations Soviet Genetics Oifferents~ainye Uravnen!ya Genetlka Monthly $150 year Monthly, $l50/year Please add $5.00 for subscr~pttonsoutsjde U S and Canada Order your subscriptions to these essential Soviet journals from: THE FARADAY PRESS, INC. 84 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK N.Y 10011 A NEW JOURNAL British Journal of Medical Education The Jounzal of the Association for the Study of Medical Education The aim of the British Jourtral of Mediccrl Education will be to act as a medium for in- terchange of information on medical education-Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and Continuing-in the United Kingdom and Overseas. It hopes to encourage the objective study of medical education both in the United Kingdom and throughout the world. The journal will give preference to the reporting of fact rather than opinion. The first issue will be published in December, 1966, and quarterly thereafter. Arlnual Subscription, Inland £3 3s.; Abroad £3 10s. (U.S.A. $10.00) The first issue of this journal zuas published in Zlecember 1966 ORDER YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW All subscriptions to the United States can he ordered from the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 80 Brighton Avenue, Boston, Mass. 02134. Subscriptions for all other countries should be ordered from the Subscription Manager, BRITISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL EDUCATION, B.M.A. House, Tavistock Square, London, W.C.I., England, or through any leading suhscriptior~agent or bookseller. A NEW JOURNAL Cardiovascular Research Cardiovascular Research is mainly for the publication of basic research. The range of subjects covered by the journal includes physiological, pathological, pharmacologi- cal, biochemical, biophysical, haemodynan~ic,surgical, and similar advances in the study of the heart and circulation. The first issue will be published in January, 1967, and quarterly thereafter. Arlnual Subscription, Inland £3 3s.;Abroad £3 10s. (U.S.A. $10.00) The first issue of this jot~rnalwill be published this month ORDER YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW All subscriptions to the United States can be ordered from the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 80 Brighton Avenue, Boston, Mass. 02134. Subscriptions for all other countries should be ordered from the Subscription Manager, Cnrriiovascular Research. B.M.A. House, Tavistock Square. London. W.C.I.. England, or. fhrorrgh nrry Ienttirrg \~rb.rcriptiorrtrtrrrt or. bookseller.. Cmecia1 libraries JANUARY 1967 VOI.IIME58, NUMBER1 Dear John : Come and Expect Redundancy! Erik Brotnberg Quick Look at Courses on Special Libraries Erik Bromberg SLA Chapters and Continuing Education Margaret N. Sloane Continuing Education: Formal and Informal Richard A. Davis Administration Training in Graduate Library Schools Russell Shank What We Should Teach Special Librarians Alan M. Rees Special Libraries Instruction: The Separate Course Martha Jane K. Zachert Documentation and Information Science in the Core Library School Curritulim Raynard C. Swank The Interfaces Between Librarianship and Information Science and Engineering Robert S. Taylor Special Libraries Association To the Beginners Belong the NLW Spoils 49 Sylvia Allhritton Convention Call 50 James Humphry 111 SLA Staff Appointments 52 Rio Grande's H. W. Wilson Company Chapter Award Entry 1966 52 Features LTP Reports to SLA 48 Gladys T. Piez This Works for Us: Photocopying for Routing Slips 54 Ruth S. Smith Have You Heard 55 Letter to the Editor 56 Off the Press 57 Editor: GUYR. BELL Assistant Editor: EDYTHEC. PORPA Special Libraries Committee Chairman: HOWARDB. BENTLEY, Time Inc. IRVING M. KLEMPNER,United Nuclear Corporation ELLISMOUNT, Columbia University Papers published in SPECIAL LIBRARIES express the views of the authors and do not represent the opinion or the @olicy of the editorial sta8 or the publisher. Mantucripts submrtted for ublication must be typed double space on only one szde of paper and marled to the edrtor. 0 Retmnts may Be ordered rmmedtately before or aft^ publication. 0 Subscriptions: U. S. $12.50; foreign, $14; single copies, $2. 0 Annual author-title-subject index published with December issue. @ 1967 by Special Libraries Association. INDEXED in Business Periodicals Index, Documentation Abstracts, Historical Abstracts, Hospital Literature In- dex, Library Literature, Library Scienrp Abstracts, Management Index and Public Afairs Information Service. SPECIAL LIBRARIES Assocl~rlo~ President DR. F. E. MCKENNA Information Center, Central Research Laboratories Air Reduction Company, Inc., Murray Hill, New Jersey 0797 1 President-Elect MRS.ELIZABETH R. USHER Art Reference Library, Metropolitan Museum of Art Fifth Avenue and 82nd Street, New York 10028 Advisory Council Chairman MRS. HELENF. REDMAN LOS AIamos Scientific Laboratory P. 0. Box 1663, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544 Advisory Council Chairman-Elect CHARLESH. STEVENS Project Intrex, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02139 Treasurer JEANE. FLEGAL Business Library, Union Carbide Corporation 270 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10017 Past-President ALLEENTHOMPSON Atomic Power Equipment Department General Electric Company 175 Curtner Avenue, San Jose, California 95125 Directors MRS.THEODORA A. ANDREWS Pharmacy Library, Purdue University Secretary Lafayette, Indiana 47907 WILLIAMK. BEATTY Northwestern University Medical Library 303 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois GO61 1 CHARLOTTEGEORGI Graduate School of Business Administration Library University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. 90024 PHOEBEF. HAYES Bibliographical Center for Research Denver Public Library, Denver, Colorado 80203 RUTH NIELANDER Kemper Insurance 4750 North Sheridan Road, Chicago, Illinois 60640 GORDONE. RANDALL Thomas J. Watson Research Center Library, IBM Yorktown Heights, New York 10598 Executive Director BILLM. WOODS Special Libraries Association 31 East 10th Street, New York, New York 10003 Membership Dues: Sustaining:
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