Page 1 Metadata - Current Taxonomy of South Australian Vascular Plants for BDBSA (accompanies the VascularPlants_BDBSA_Taxonomy.xls spreadsheet) This document describes the excel spreadsheet VascularPlants_BDBSA_Taxonomy.xls available as a download from the Biodiversity Information Management page of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Internet Website: http://www.environment.sa.gov.au/science/bio-information/how-do-i-provide.html The spreadsheet is a list of the vascular plant names that are currently deemed acceptable for entry into the Biological Databases of South Australia (BDBSA). As well as plant names accepted by the State Herbarium as current taxonomy for the Census of South Australian Vascular Plants the list also contains other allowable records for the BDBSA, for example where the full identification of a species (sp.) is not possible and only genus level can be accurately recorded (e.g. Atriplex sp.). Also, where a species has more than one subspecies (ssp.) there are records available that allow for the entry of the genus and species without having to identify to the ssp. level (e.g. Atriplex vesicaria ssp.). This list does not contain synonyms (superseded or misapplied names). To obtain a list of current plant names with their synonyms visit the Census of South Australian Plants, Algae and Fungi website [http://www.flora.sa.gov.au/census.shtml] . From the Census website you are able to print preformatted lists or produce comma separated data to load into spreadsheets etc. Data has been extracted from the FLORA database (a taxonomic reference system for Department of Environment and Natural Resources Biological Databases of SA). Due to the ongoing revision of both taxonomic description and conservation status there may be errors or omissions in the data provided and this list will change over time. The list will be updated periodically with the latest taxonomy so it is advised that users regularly download updated copies of the data to ensure they have the most recent taxonomic list. The date of last update will be indicated on the website and within the spreadsheets. For further information regarding this Flora Taxonomic list please contact: DENR, Science Resource Centre Environmental Information Standards Group Flora Officer Ph: (08) 8222 9447 [email protected] Dataset Attributes (Excel Spreadsheet Column Names) TAXONOMIC SORT ORDER This is a numeric field that enables the list to be sorted into an order that follows the flow of the taxonomic classification system adopted by the State Herbarium. This field will be generated each time the file is updated and should not be used to store information against as the number will change. MAJORGROUP High level taxonomic classification. FAMILYNAME Taxonomic classification to Family level. NSXCODE Alpha numeric code for each taxonomic entity (species) in the BDBSA database. The code is important to retain as it is used to allow taxonomy to be updated as changes occur. This code is unique only within the Flora list and may be repeated in the Vertebrate list. SCIENTIFIC NAME Taxonomic species name (Genus and species epithet combined). Page 2 COMMON NAME The non-scientific name by which the plant is known. NPWSA ACT STATUS State conservation status as listed in the National Parks and Wildlife Schedules (E= Endangered, V= Vulnerable, R= Rare). See Schedules 7, 8 and 9 at the end of the National Parks and Wildlife Act webpage [http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/sa/consol_act/npawa1972247/] for further information. Note: An asterisk in this field is used to flag cases where it is known that the application of the status requires qualification in some way. See Appendix 1. South Australian Conservation Status information at the end of this document for further detail on the species involved. EPBC ACT STATUS National conservation status of the species according to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999. (EX = Extinct, CR = Critically Endangered, EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable). See following website for further information. [http://www.environment.gov.au/cgi-bin/sprat/public/publicthreatenedlist.pl?wanted=flora] Note: An asterisk in this field is used to flag cases where it is known that the application of the status requires qualification in some way. See Appendix 1. Australian Conservation Status information at the end of this document for further detail on the species involved. INTRODUCED Introduced (exotic or non-indigenous native) species are flagged in this field with an asterisk *. A blank entry signifies the species is indigenous to South Australia. TERMS and CONDITIONS The data is provided by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) on the following basis: (a) All copyright and other intellectual property rights remain vested in the Crown in right of South Australia. (b) The user is only entitled to use and reproduce the data in unpublished or published reports provided due acknowledgment of the source is given. (c) Use of the Information is at the user's own risk and all liability or responsibility to the user or to any other person is expressly disclaimed by DENR. (d) DENR give no warranty that the data is accurate or fit for any particular purpose of the user or any person to whom the user discloses the information. (e) Use, adaptation or reproduction of the Information contrary to any of these conditions is prohibited and any use which constitutes any infringement of copyright renders the Licensee liable to prosecution under the provisions of the Copyright Act (1968)(Cth). Page 3 Appendix 1 Conservation Status Information AUSTRALIAN CONSERVATION STATUS (AUS) The status designations provided are based on the current (as at March 2007) listing of species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Please note that the FLORA and Census outputs only provide a guide to designations of status under this Act which should be consulted directly where certainty is required. EX Extinct CR Critically Endangered EN Endangered VU Vulnerable Note that there is no Rare category under the EPBC Act. * An asterisk is used to flag cases where it is known that the application of the status requires qualification in some way. The following are currently identified as needing qualification. SPECIES EPBC status Comment on EPBC listing Caladenia sp. Southeast (RBates 66283) EN* Split from Caladenia arenaria Correa calycina var. calycina VU* 16 Jul 00 listed as Correa calycina Correa calycina var. halmaturorum VU* 16 Jul 00 listed as Correa calycina Hypolepis dicksonioides 25 Nov 03 listed as established alien for SA in Census and thus status application is inappropriate. However there are some who regard the VU* species as indigenous in SA. Senecio helichrysoides EX* 16 Jul 00 as Senecio georgianus SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CONSERVATION STATUS (SA) The codes are based on Schedules of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 (SA) as amended in 21.2.2008. Please note that FLORA and Census outputs only provide a guide to status under this Act, and there are discrepancies and omissions that result from differences in taxonomy and nomenclature. Often new names in the FLORA database (from which this taxonomic list and Census are derived) may not have been applied yet to the schedules. Sometimes the reverse situation has applied. Where certainty is required, the schedules should be consulted directly to determine official designations under the NPWS Act. E Endangered (Schedule 7, Part 2) (Note that there is no category specifically for species that are presumed to be extinct. Instead these are included in the Endangered category.) V Vulnerable (Schedule 8, Part 2) R Rare (Schedule 9, Part 2) * An asterisk is used to flag cases where it is known that the application of the status requires Page 4 qualification in some way. The following are currently identified as needing qualification. NPW SPECIES status Comment on NPW listing Asperula sp. A (A.B.Cashmore E* extinct, Apr 2007 September 1933) Botrychium australe E* [PJL: extinct] Brachyscome decipiens E* not evaluated [PJL: extinct?] Caladenia audasii E* needs investigation Caladenia concolor E* extinct, updated null to E, Apr 2007 Caladenia hastata N* extinct, updated from null to E, Apr 2007; updated on schedules (in error) from E to null, Sep 2007, PJL updated in FLORA: E* to N* (actually extinct) Caladenia sp. Bordertown E* extinct (R.S.Rogers 788) Caladenia sp. Finniss (R.Bates 308) E* extinct Caladenia versicolor E* extinct, updated V to E Apr 2007 Caladenia xanthochila E* extinct Diuris punctata var. punctata E* extinct Eucalyptus conglobata ssp. R* equivalent (name mismatch: NPW Act name without ssp. conglobata) conglobata Euphrasia scabra E* extinct, updated X to E, Apr 2007 Galium leiocarpum E* [extinct] Gentianella clelandii E* extinct, updated V to E, Apr 2007 Grevillea angustiloba ssp. E* updated null to E*, Sep 2007 ( Error in correction of NPW schedule - E status should apply to ssp. wirragensis only). Grevillea angustiloba ssp. E* CR B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii), updated null to E, Apr 2007 (SCHEDULE ERROR! angustiloba Status should apply to ssp. wirregaensis instead). Removed CR working status. Lepidium hyssopifolium N* [extinct] Lepidium monoplocoides E* [extinct] Prasophyllum litorale E* extinct, updated null to E, Apr 2007 Prasophyllum rotundiflorum E* extinct, updated null to E, Apr 2007 Pterostylis maxima E* extinct, updated null to E, Apr 2007 Pterostylis sp. Eyre Peninsula V* updated V* to V, Sep 2007 (R.Bates 19474) Pterostylis sp. Hale (R.Bates V* VU A2a;C2a(i);D2, updated null to V, Apr 2007, (name mismatch: NPW 21725) Act name as Pt. sp.Veined leaf (R.J.Bates 59781) Pterostylis sp. Triloba (pl.191, E* extinct, updated null to E, Apr 2007, equivalent (name mismatch: NPW Act Bates & Weber 1990) name uses 'and' instead of '&') Senecio helichrysoides E* extinct Swainsona sericea E* [extinct] Thelymitra aristata E* extinct, updated null to E, Apr 2007 Thelymitra ixioides E* extinct, updated null to E Thelymitra lucida N* Needs assessment due to taxonomic split.
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