TABLE OF CONTENTS FOOD INTOLERANCE ...............................................03 AESKULISA® Food Intolerance Line ...................04 ELISA TESTING Kit Components ..................................................07 OVERVIEW ...............................................................09 AESKULISA® Food Intolerance ONE G ..................09 ® AESKULISA Food Intolerance ONE G4 .................09 AESKULISA® Food Intolerance TWO G ..................09 ® AESKULISA Food Intolerance TWO G4 .................09 AESKULISA® Food Intolerance THREE G ...............09 ® AESKULISA Food Intolerance THREE G4 ..............09 AESKULISA® Food Intolerance FOUR G .................09 ® AESKULISA Food Intolerance FOUR G4 ................09 LISTS OF FOODS ......................................................10 PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS .............................................15 AESKUBLOTS® Food Intolerance Line ............. 16 BLOT TESTING Kit Components ..................................................19 OVERVIEW ...............................................................21 AESKUBLOTS® Food Intolerance ONE ..................22 AESKUBLOTS® Food Intolerance TWO ..................22 AESKUBLOTS® Food Intolerance THREE ...............23 AESKUBLOTS® Food Intolerance FOUR .................23 AESKUBLOTS® Food Intolerance FIVE ..................24 AESKUBLOTS® Food Intolerance SIX ....................24 AESKUBLOTS® Food Intolerance SEVEN ...............24 LISTS OF FOODS ......................................................25 PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS .............................................29 P A G AESKU.GROUP • FOOD INTOLERANCE • VERSION 017-2019-06-17 E 01 FOOD INTOLERANCE Food intolerance is defined as adverse reac- In case of immunogenic reactions, identify- tions to foods, beverages, food ingredients ing the critical foods can be very difficult. or food additives, which are not due to clas- The most accepted procedure is a mixture sical IgE-mediated food allergies. of elimination diet and stepwise provocation with individual food components. Symptoms of food intolerance reactions cover a wide spectrum and are not limited to Unfortunately it is quite tedious and lengthy, the digestive tract. While food allergy reac- usually performed in special clinics and can tions typically occur within minutes, food be inconclusive. So far, the mechanisms intolerance reactions are predominantly behind these adverse reactions are not well delayed type reactions. In addition, food understood. Nevertheless, the measure- intolerance reactions are rather unspecific, ment of IgG and IgG4 antibodies against food as intestinal cramps, flatulence, diarrhea or components can support and accelerate the constipation, urticaria, hives, headaches or identification of the foods that should be fatigue. omitted by the patients. This makes it often very difficult to identify Our tests are very precise tools to detect relevant food components provoking the IgG respectively IgG4 antibodies in patients symptoms as well as the underlying patho- with suspected immunogenic food intoler- genic mechanisms, as they can be of very ance. They allow to test against a wide spec- different nature. trum of foods and food components at once. As we offer tests for several food panels, In many cases, food intolerance is due to a focused as well as wide spectrum screen- deficit in enzymes required to digest certain ings can be performed. In addition the prac- food components like sugars or histamine. titioner may choose a panel that covers the patient’s dietary habits and preferences. There can be underlying medical conditions resulting in adverse reactions to food, e.g. AESKULISA® and AESKUBLOTS® tests can by delaying food digestion or limiting absorp- be performed manually or automated, do tion of nutrients. just require only common laboratory devices and procedures. The AESKUCARE® test, a In other cases a patient may react very spe- POCT device, allows to test the blood of an cific to components of a certain food, like individual patient during patient’s visit at the special proteins, by immunological mecha- practitioner’s office, requiring just a few nisms. drops of blood from a finger prick. In the first case, appropriate diagnostic pro- All our tests are CE-marked and are follow- cedures can be used to detect if a patient is ing the high diagnostic standards used in IgE lacking enzymes required to digest e.g. fruc- allergy testing, but are very specific for IgG tose or lactose, for example by a simple and IgG4 antibodies. breath test. P A G AESKU.GROUP • FOOD INTOLERANCE • VERSION 017-2019-06-17 E 03 P A G 04 E he food extracts we use in our ELISAs have been developed and optimized Tin-house, using state of the art tech- nologies. The allergens are prepared and purified from native sources as fresh pro- duce. There are different kit configurations avail- able, addressing your specific diagnostic needs, allowing verifiability, flexibility and save costs: screening, profile and single ® assays. AESKULISA The screening kits contain such foods that quite often evoke food intolerance SIMPLIFIES YOUR ELISA ROUTINE reactions. Other kits allow to test against a wider spectrum of foods, covering also foods that are less common. The AESKULISA® test line represents a variety of different immunoblots for efficient profile testing of food intolerances. In profile kits each well of a row is coated with different food extracts and allow you to choose between quantitative or qualita- tive analysis. There is also the possibility to measure only one parameter with our single kits, which are suitable for quantitative deter- mination or for confirmation of qualitative results, due to its high specificity. P A G AESKU.GROUP • FOOD INTOLERANCE • VERSION 017-2019-06-17 E 05 ELISA TESTING Kit Components Test principle ® • AESKULISA for food specific IgG/IgG4 (slgG/sIgG4) is a conventional ELISA system (Enzyme Linked Immu- nosorbent Assay). • On the surface of each cavity of the microtiter plate extracts of foods or food mixes are immobilized. • For the test, a serum or plasma sample is diluted and transferred to the microtiter well. • slgG/sIgG4 antibodies will bind to the corresponding antigens of the food extract. • Bound human sIgG/sIgG4 is detected by a specific horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated anti-human IgG/IgG4 antibody. After addition of the substrate TMB (3,3‘,5,5‘-Tetramethylbenzidine) bound sIgG/ sIgG4 antibodies are visualized by a blue coloration of the solution. • Addition of stop solution interrupts the reaction and the blue color turns into yellow. • The color intensity correlates with the amount of bound antibody and is quantified via photometric measurement. P A G AESKU.GROUP • FOOD INTOLERANCE • VERSION 017-2019-06-17 E 07 P A G 08 E FOOD INTOLERANCE LINE OVERVIEW Ref Product Format Food Iso- Calibration/ No. Name Extracts types Standard Range ® AESKULISA Food Intolerance Line AESKULISA® FOOD INTOLERANCE Food intolerance reactions usually are less dangerous to AESKULISA® patients than the classic IgE-driven food allergies, but 330101 Food Intolerance 40 food f10, f120, f121, f14, f182, f187, f199, f20, f204, f206, f236, f24, IgG quantitative can also significantly reduce their quality of life. Usually ONE G extracts f25, f26, f27, f29, f309, f33, f35, f4, f40, f41, f44, f45, f46, f47, class 0–6 food intolerance reactions are delayed type reactions f48, f49, f50, f681, f7, f74, f78, f79, f83, f9, f955, f97, s15, s8 0.35–100 kU /L and can occur up to 3 days after food ingestion. This A makes it very difficult to identify the relevant food com- 330201 Food Intolerance 40 food f121, f13, f14, f158, f17, f199, f20, f24, f25, f26, f27, f29, f3, IgG4 quantitative ONE G4 extracts f300, f31, f33, f35, f36, f4, f40, f41, f44, f45, f47, f49, f5, f52, class 0–6 ponents and ingredients. To rule out enzyme deficien- f53, f65, f7, f74, f79, f83, f84, f85, f88, f89, f9, f955, s7 0.35–100 cies, breath tests can be used, and supervised elimina- kUA/L tion diets can verify the intolerance to a specific food. 330102 Food Intolerance 88 food f52, s1, f49, f168, f45, f29, s11, f30, f62, f182, f11, f94, f204, IgG quantitative TWO G extracts s14, f158, f12, f44, f13, f930, f200, f92, f950, f120, f7, f17, f21, class 0–6 IgG/IgG4 assays can be used as tools to support the practitioner in the identification process. f209, f164, f83, f3, f96, f31, f35, f78, f73, f84, f47, f163, f36, 0.35–100 f194, f24, f199, s3, f41, f88, f66, f65, s4, f121, f171, f20, f91, kUA/L s5, f33, f46, f86, f126, f53, f122, f141, f188, f9, f27, f5, f311, Food intolerance reactions have been described in chil- f325, s7, f26, f85, f89, f14, f132, f38, f40, s27, f25, f50, f143, s9, f74, f16, f15, f4, f300, s8, f32, f197, f48 dren and in adults of any age, and were reported for up 330202 Food Intolerance 88 food f52, s1, f49, f168, f45, f29, s11, f30, f62, f182, f11, f94, f204, IgG quantitative to a fifth of the population. 4 TWO G4 extracts s14, f158, f12, f44, f13, f930, f200, f92, f950, f120, f7, f17, f21, class 0–6 f209, f164, f83, f3, f96, f31, f35, f78, f73, f84, f47, f163, f36, 0.35–100 f194, f24, f199, s3, f41, f88, f66, f65, s4, f121, f171, f20, f91, kUA/L s5, f33, f46, f86, f126, f53, f122, f141, f188, f9, f27, f5, f311, f325, s7, f26, f85, f89, f14, f132, f38, f40, s27, f25, f50, f143, s9, f74, f16, f15, f4, f300, s8, f32, f197, f48 330103 Food Intolerance 96 food f10, f101, f103, f144, f145, f146, f149, f151, f152, f156, f162, IgG quantitative THREE G extracts f166, f167, f170, f173, f18, f181, f183, f185, f186, f187,
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